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00:00 - 03:0003:00 - 23:00

De profundis.
I don't know. I've never seen a Dutch TV show, to my knowledge.
Or was it just the odd fake-specificity that dreams often throw at us?
@RegDwigнt You misspelled gay profundis.
@RegDwigнt Really? You're getting larger.
Actually, I think it was late 2010 when I came to this room.
@Cerberus Whoa, stop there!
Which is also when it came to life, or perhaps that happens a short while after.
They don't have TV in Dutchland, for you need antennas and they have no hills to mount them on.
@Robusto Well, he used to be seven.
@Robusto sorry, autocorrect.
It's all pc these days.
@RegDwigнt We're trying to build an antenna that can reach the moon, or halfway there, to peer over the dikes.
@Cerberus Now you're talking about dykes. Make up your mind, young doggy!
@RegDwigнt Yay no Apple.
@Robusto Sorry, autocorrect?
Sure. I'll allow it.
@Cerberus dikes? More like yikes.
Is this room another one of your Dutch game shows?
It might very well be.
@RegDwigнt They can be pretty.
As can be Trump family members. And yet...
Some things just aren't meant to be. I blame Zeus.
I have a friend related to that refugee island, and she is quite pretty.
Lauren Hill?
I just YouTubed "Dutch game show" and this is the top pick:
Her first name is Greek, though she is Dutch.
Geez, if these are Dutch women, @Cerb, no wonder you're gay.
My job here is done.
Now off to transcribe another 50 pieces, record them, and withhold the recording cuz I'm evil.
Take care dudes and dudettes. Abide.
@Robusto Dear God. The best of Dutch television.
@RegDwigнt Adieu!
@Robusto The funniest thing is that she doesn't know the word dozen (dozijn).
@Cerberus Is that really the best the Nederlanders can do?
So she thinks he's saying dozen, which means boxes.
@Robusto Yes.
@Cerberus Also, the SoundSlice creator comes from Hamsterlevee, so for that reason alone you should learn the violin. QED.
@RegDwigнt That's lovelee.
Or lolevee.
Out loud?
Why not?
Sorry, when you come here to ask your question you can only get more of the same. — Robusto 51 secs ago
> Зи инкомпрехенсибл Трумп
The correct spelling is Трамп
Haha, @Cerb, the auto-chat-dictator just asked me if I wanted to move our comments to chat. How to tell it that we already started there?
@CowperKettle Hah.
@CowperKettle So Trump is a Tramp?
@Robusto Hmm I don't know how. Have you tried a comment?
I suppose I could do that, but then some busybody mod will come and delete everything.
OK, I've done enough damage for one night. Laterz, everyone.
@Robusto Addio!
No. Nononono. Shia La Beef no. I shall not be corrected on my Russian. Fuck no.
@CowperKettle That is the joke. Thank you for not understanding.
Trump + room.
Get a language degree, mate.
@RegDwigнt I think that was his joke, as in Trump is a tramp?
That would be трэмп, as you well know.
Know as in no. Nonononono.
Зе леди из э трэмп, бат зис гай шур эз ол хелл из нот.
Hello @Gigili. Bye, @Gigili.
1 hour later…
> 8. After the incubation, wash the plate 5 times with the washing solution as described in step 5.
Will this be okay? There's a list of steps in the procedure.
Sure, why not?
Thank you!
It seemed very odd to me
The Russian original used the word punkt, a borrowing from German probably
Which means "a numbered part of a list (of steps)"
> Wash the plate as described in punkt 5 (0:
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Nah, I came here to learn stuff; then it became a mission to help people (a tiny bit at least) before they got deported to the help center; then it became Lack of Reading Comprehension Awareness Day, every day (free RIF wristlets still available in the bookmobile...all of them); then it was...Boo-hoo, I don't want to play anymore; put on your big girl pants (BTW, thanks, guys.); nonstop googling and--Ta-da!--I mighta been born just...but English wuz-ah my name! Still is-ah, the "E"...
@terdon Are you around?
Telegram keeps crashing ...
Q: Another word for 'slithering'

AmyI need different word to use instead of slithering in a story I am writing. The sentence that it is in is "He had a large tattoo of a snake slithering around he's leg.

> Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious Russian phrases to translate,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping an ELISA plate.
"'T is some analyst, "I muttered, "tapping an ELISA plate –
I'll go crazy at this rate".
1 hour later…
@Cerberus No, you weren't there.
I don't say this often, but it's possible this room has need for a mod. it's a bit chaotic.
@FaheemMitha I have no idea what you're talking about...
Their once was a gal named Stormy
Who dreamed of a little pony,
So she dropped to one knee
And yelled, “Im-puni-tee!”
And swallowed a little worm-y.
I rest my case.
What people should be worried about...the hostile AF way they treat someone with one point who just wants a synonym...at least throw a word or two at them first...what's the point of voting down someone with only one point? The problem with self-monitoring--there's no such thing. I searched for a synonym for "slithering" for 30-45 minutes in Roget's and came up squat practically. Could someone help her, please, and then maybe lambaste her later? Ugh!
*came up with squat
2 hours later…
Q: How to describe this body gesture?

JaneHow to describe the body gesture in this image? (Sculpture by Anthony Gormley, photo from Teri Gidlof via Pinterest) Is it natural to say this guy is curling up himself, with his arms holding his knees? Are there any other terms which can be used to describe him?

I apologize. Of course, I meant "there" once was a gal (not "their"). Oh, and the other thing, too--all those ellipses--it's like being trapped in a dot matrix. It's not funny...or fun anymore, just disturbing. If people weren't so readily turned away...they'd really come to love this chat room. Gn or Gm, whichever.
@Jolenealaska Nope, I was fast asleep. Am now though, what's up?
1 hour later…
hey guys. could someone please check this sentence?
Quality-wise is there any difference if your system is analog or digital?
Q: Is there a single word for "just because someone has it worse, it doesn't mean you can't be sad?"

Christina LiBasically, I'm just trying to find a single word/phrase that echoes the sentiment of "someone has it worse," etc.

1 hour later…
Q: What is a latinate word for the experience of eternal time?

DJohnsonTemporality is a deceptively complex topic. For instance, Heraclitus wrote, "Time is a child playing draughts (checkers)." Aristotle's conceptions of time occupy much of book IV of the Physics. He eventually defined time as, “The number of change in respect of before and after.” St Augustine writ...

I would like to express to the community of latex that I need the cells be able to show the very long text as horizontal line to looks like that
@Mitch i have another question could I say : "this is very useful thank you for having spirt of sharing "
@Educ "This is very useful info. Thanks for sharing!"
Thank you
@Educ this isn't TeX/LaTeX chat. It's this one: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/41/tex-latex-and-friends
but i asked here to correct my english
1 hour later…
@terdon Hi there! I just want to talk to you about a few things that we discussed elsewhere. Do you use Discord?
1 hour later…
@KannE lead by example. Give her the word yourself. Which is exactly what you've done, so all is well. If you can't think of more after searching for 45 minutes, it's probably unreasonable to expect others to do better. As far as I'm concerned, I can think of a dozen things off the top of my head, but they are not synonyms for slithering. They are replacements for the metaphor as a whole. At which point this is writing advice, and as such should be taken to Writers.SE.
In any case, I see no lambasting going on in the comments. If anything they are exceptionally civil for our standards.
1 hour later…
@CowperKettle Well, you could say "point 5" in a list in English?
@Jolenealaska Hey Jojo!
Buenas dias!
@FaheemMitha Hmm why do you say this? What situation were you thinking of, and how should it be changed?
This room is usually dead...
@Cerberus Hey Cerby :)
The starred comment here would cause Cascabel fits.
What can I say.
I unpinned it, was all I could do.
... and iPhones are gay
I see you've been catching up on your reading.
That one's old :)
@Færd It was a power outage in a data centre here.
But they fixed it before I woke up, luckily, so I never noticed.
The Telegram outage, I mean: the power was only out in a remote area.
@Jolenealaska True, true.
So how are things in husky land?
I should reopen my favourite room!
I opened a new Firefox session so my tabs didn't come along.
We've had several short power outages this weekend. My poor old 'puter.
Oh, dear.
The last outage I experienced was maybe a year ago.
@Cerberus Well, in new news, I'm living with an Eskimo.
That's cool.
Is he good with computers?
@Cerberus Yep. Not romantic, but it did kind of start that way. He knows nothing of computers, he knows walrus ivory and baleen.
He makes his living as an artist
That is way cooler!
How long ago was the romantic phase?
You'll be the computer nerd in the house.
Wow, that looks complicated to make.
I like the seals!
@Cerberus I'm a computer nerd to this whole state.
What does the text on the wooded piece say?
Winter is Coming. The whole thing is a Game of Thrones thing.
Ahh nice.
I mistook the i for a t.
The romantic phase really wasn't. It was a one-night-stand that lasted 2 days.
Ah, OK.
Do you think such a singular experience could be repeated at some point with this guy?
Like when you're drunk?
We met when he answered an ad from me on Craigslist looking for a ride to the local gay bar for the Superball party.
I wasn't drunk, but I was in a mood.
Tall would be entertained. He (Travis) is 38 going on 15.
@Jolenealaska Sure, but drink may trigger a mood at some indeterminate moment in the future. I imagine sharing the same house with someone you're...compatible with could result in such moments from time to time.
@Jolenealaska Ohh you have an Eskimo boy toy.
Well done.
How is the gay bar, by the way?
@Mitch Oh, dear, an event. I see/presume you're been busy...
The gay bar is fun. We only have two (that I know of) in town. Unfortunately, even when I've been on the make, I've had no luck.
The boy toy thing is not completely off, but we have moved on from it.
@Jolenealaska Hah, you were 'on the make' for a girl?
@Jolenealaska I understand.
Either way, actually. Like I said, I was in a mood.
@Educ Correct the English of what text? The text in that picture is OK 'Very long text'.
@Cerberus That I'm not totally straight is not exactly new news :)
@Jolenealaska Even so!
@Cerberus Right now, probably 'cause of recent interesting events in my head, I'm more "on the make" in general than I have been. Girls are, quite frankly, safer.
Why are they safer?
Lower propensity for violence, less possibility (for 2 women) to transmit disease.
Ah, OK.
That's what my shrink said.
@Cerberus Did the event happen? Did everybody enjoy it?
@Jolenealaska Hah!
Nothing wrong with rational.
@Mitch I should ask you!
I'm here, waiting for It to happen.
thank you mitch but i was talking about my sentence thank any way
@Cerberus (I knew you'd like that) :)
it's recorded only with sounds taken from tools found in kitchen
@Educ Which sentence?
@Mitch "thank you mitch but i was talking about my sentence thank any way"
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ is my last sentence contains lots of mistakes :)
@Educ I guess you're doing quite okay if the goal is communication. If it's posting on SE or some professional revenue, that's a different story
I would like to improve my english to ask question on SE (Mathematics, Latex and English ), also for communication
so to do that I try to write even I know that I made mistakes
I would recommend chatting
yes thank you
00:00 - 03:0003:00 - 23:00

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