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@Cerberus I didn't call Reg outlandish!
No, Matt.
Haha misunderstoodings galore.
I didn't call Matt outlandish either!
Reg is only a tiny bit outlandish; I could be at his door in two hours ish.
She never even used that word. It's an illusion, programmed into our brains by the Hoff.
Of course. Why didn't I think of that.
@Cerb, Kit described "taking the piss" as meaning "being outlandish"
Don't mention the Hoß!
@Cerberus The Hoff. The Hoff made you not think of that.
hides in grey sack
@MattЭллен Yeah I know...but I chose to interpret her as saying that the expression was outlandish, which implies Britain.
@KitFox ain't it grAy sack in the U to the S of A?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Yes. But it's the sack that you put Matt in, so it's grey.
Ah. Raffiniert, raffiniert.
@Cerberus you just like making trouble!
Raffiniert like a renard!
@MattЭллен Guilty.
Speaking of which, why isn't my gravatar updating?
bangs on side of monitor
I see two different pictures.
The spider and the fox-thingie.
I see only the spider
O_o. Refresh. Why didn't I think of that? she says sarcastically whilst giving Cerb a look
Just to be sure.
People have been know to deviate from the expected level of stupidity.
By all means including myself.
Wow I never expected you to say something that stupid.
"Are you taking the piss?" means "are you joking?" (now that I've listened to the song)
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Your line contradicts this one.
@MattЭллен you must be taking the piss!
@Cerberus no u
@MattЭллен OK then you and Jez are consistent.
Now it's Cerberus who must be taking the piss.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 always. it's sterile
Hah. A popular misunderstanding.
It's not sterile.
Nearly sterile.
It's the most sterile thing you can get in a jungle, say. But it does contain all sorts of microorganisms.
But not many?
You do know what microorganisms like to do in a jungle? Multiply, that's what.
You should drink it immediately?
Urine (from Latin Urina, ae, f.) is a typically sterile liquid by-product of the body secreted by the kidneys through a process called urination and excreted through the urethra. Cellular metabolism generates numerous by-products, many rich in nitrogen, that require elimination from the bloodstream. These by-products are eventually expelled from the body in a process known as micturition, the primary method for excreting water-soluble chemicals from the body. These chemicals can be detected and analyzed by urinalysis. Certain disease conditions can result in pathogen-contaminated urine. ...
Urine is so sterile.
If it has microorganisms in it, you have a problem.
There are bound to be one or two in it...
poop has microorganisms in it, from your gut and such
@KitFox how many people drinking urine do you know who don't have a problem?
That's not the issue at hand.
> Urine is sterile until it reaches the urethra, where epithelial cells lining the urethra are colonized by facultatively anaerobic Gram negative rods and cocci.[4] Subsequent to elimination from the body, urine can acquire strong odors due to bacterial action,[citation needed] and in particular the release of ammonia from the breakdown of urea.
Urine doesn't contain microorganisms unless the micturator has an infection or other pathology of some sort.
crosses arms firmly
If you somehow manage to drink urine directly from your kidneys, be my guest.
Drinking urine is one of the most harmless things that weirdos and freaks can do.
Sure. I never objected to that.
And your urethra really ought not to have bacteria in it.
Have you been to a jungle?
Besides, technically every sincle cell in your body has bacteria in it. You run on bacteria.
In cell biology, a mitochondrion (plural mitochondria) is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. These organelles range from 0.5 to 1.0 micrometer (μm) in diameter. Mitochondria are sometimes described as "cellular power plants" because they generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), used as a source of chemical energy. In addition to supplying cellular energy, mitochondria are involved in a range of other processes, such as signaling, cellular differentiation, cell death, as well as the control of the cell cycle and cell growth. Mit...
> Although most of a cell's DNA is contained in the cell nucleus, the mitochondrion has its own independent genome. Further, its DNA shows substantial similarity to bacterial genomes.
Mitochondria DO NOT COUNT! Cheater!
Don't let them hear that.
Mitochondria are completely dependent on their host cells.
Of course.
But it hasn't always been that way. Unless you study biology from the Bible.
They aren't bacteria anymore.
Hence the fine print, "technically".
At any rate you were supposed to be watching 101 uses for a wee now.
And they weren't bacteria by the time humans were a glimmer on the evolutionary development of primates.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I already watched it.
Then watch it again.
frowny face
I didn't say you should stop.
When are mod elections again?
But I'll tell you that it's eight, so you miss them. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
ur so klefr.
Besides, how is electing Carlo as mod supposed to change that I'm always right?
no No NOOO!!!
Those are two orthogonal things. Like in a square. Or a rectangle.
Those aren't orthogons. They are 90 degree angles.
Look, I'm effing orthodox. I know all about ortho.
Ortho the Wrabful.
90 degrees and orthogonal are two different things.
No. Not two. Seven.
They aren't normal.
haha that was so funny let me giggle too
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Wait, what? Carlo is running for mod?
See. This is how gossip is made. Take one orthodox. Step 3: gossip.
I don't care what you've heard, Carlo is certainly not the most annoying user we've ever had.
Oh I never intended to say anything to that extent.
Sadly our most annoying users can't run for mod for another year or two.
@vgv8: well, replying in the same cheerful tongue-in-cheek spirit you showed in the wording of your question: feel free to move to New Zealand and run for mod from there. You still have three days left. Alternatively, you can always vote to close or delete your posts yourself, from any time zone. Hope that helps! (^_^) — RegDwight ΒВBẞ8 Feb 18 '11 at 8:28
Wait, what?
Do we have elections?
Oh, so that's what happened to vgv.
Oh you were kididng phew.
> They put all of this together and estimated that it would normally take a person about 244 hours per year to read every new privacy policy they encountered... and even 154 hours just to skim them.
> ... Imagine if you read terms of service and end user license agreements too... Of course, sometimes those include little hidden gems. Like the time a company put a clause in its EULA that the first person to read that clause and contact them would get $1,000. It only took four months for someone to actually spot it.
@KitFox Why was he suspended?
I think you are thinking of trg.
@Cerberus I actually do skim the EULA because I'm paranoid about the opposite: someone putting in there that I have to pay them 1000 dollars every time they contact me.
Ohh wait.
@KitFox You're right.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Heh. Owls are wise.
> Apparently in an attempt to prove that no one reads end user license agreements (EULAs), anti-spyware firm PC Pitstop buried a note in its own EULA, saying they would give $1,000 to the first person who emailed them at a certain address. It only took four months and over 3,000 downloads before someone noticed it and sent an email (and got the $1,000).
Okay, repeat all of your removed messages. I missed them altogether.
@Gigili They are not important.
I'm allergic to them, I have to know what they were/are.
I said things about one user while in fact I meant another user.
hands @Gigi penicillin
@Mahnax get to 10k then click here. And that was one of his better posts.
Which is libel.
Since it might take a good amount of time for me to get to 10k, can I have the gist?
Oh, it.
@Mahnax Not really sure how that happened.
I'm not making this ^ up.
It's actually funny as shit.
And makes some amount of sense.
That's pretty good, yeah…
Both things were not necessarily true of the rest.
I like tortuosity too.
Look at his Twitter account:
@WebMAOhist, Novosibirsk, Russia
Unavoidable (or intrusive) advertising is ILLEGAL http://t.co/hXZuS9AG
2.7k tweets, 2k followers, following 2k users
How do you get suspended from Twitter?
His new Twitter.
@KitFox he probably tried to append stuff to his and others' tweets?
Oh. I don't know anything about Twitter.
Joke. You can't append stuff to a tweet once it's out.
Oh, OK. Hahahaha.
@KitFox Good.
But it was his favorite hobby here, constantly editing his posts.
That answer Cerberus posted is only that short because it got deleted. He'd keep adding to it still today.
What the hell is that anyway?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Haha true!
That's not a real traffic pattern, is it?
@KitFox Magic roundabout in Swindon.
It is real.
@KitFox It is. It's quite famous, too.
I can't imagine how it would work.
It's actually quite simple.
But apparently it has an excellent safety record.
And works amazingly well.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 ...
Ignore the paint and drive where you want to go?
Very simple. Yes. Of course.
They cut the number of accidents by 90% or some such.
@KitFox I'm sure there are tons of youtube videos.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I don't think that's true.
It is reasonably safe, but the main reason is that it allows a very efficient traffic flow, or so they say.
@Cerberus that roundabout is in a tiny village. Only locals drive there.
I wonder if that's the intersection Neil Gaiman was talking about in Good Omens.
Not only. But what do you mean?
That once you know how it works, you know how it works.
Sure, but...
The basic principle is really simple. They explained it in twelve seconds on TV, and I got it. And I don't even own a car.
But of course it looks spectacular.
Hmm. I see. You just follow along until you get to the road you want.
@KitFox yeah. I failed my driving test 3 times on that roundabout
Really? You must be pulling my leg.
Brits don't actually learn how to drive.
har har har
Thank you @Mahnax, but you could write the removed messages on a piece of paper instead.
Q: Should I use whose or which's?

Ilya MelamedIn the sentence "..., there will be no commands whose performance would be hurt." Should I use "whose" of "which's" as in: "..., there will be no commands which's performance would be hurt." or is there another more appropriated word?

@Gigili Sorry, but I can only remember my removed message.
How would you pronounce that word, which's?
You wouldn't.
@MattЭллен like totes yah
@Gigili like witches
What impression does Sophie's accent make on you?

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