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@Cameron I agree - erudite seems to me like a really good word to use.
In a letter of recommendation, there's no reason to suppose that it might be meant ironically.
5 hours later…
Hello, anyone.
@Mahnax Hello anyone
@MeysamѬſ道 Hi!
Nice banner.
3 hours later…
@JasperLoy, David Wallace, Mitch, Will Hunting and other people who had had nice word for me during my suspension period. Thank you everyone. However, considering what has happened, I decided to not return in this chat. Thank you again.
Carlo, I'm sorry that you feel that way, but I quite understand. Please feel free to keep asking questions on the main site though; and try to ignore the people who tease you because of your questions. Best wishes.
@Carlo_R OK, don't worry too much about what others say. Just try to improve the quality of your posts on the main site and also be polite. Good luck!
@Mahnax I have a feeling this is not the first time I have seen the banner extend over the right boundary.
@Carlo_R By the way, I am Will Hunting. QED.
Q: What are the pre-requisites for studying cognitive science at postgraduate level for a Computer Science student?

MaxoodWhat are the pre-requisites one needs to fulfill to study Cognitive Science at the post-graduate level? According to Wikipedia: "Cognitive science consists of multiple research disciplines, including psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, neuroscience, linguistics, anthropology, socio...

it has a link to the wiki article about cognitive science
because people answering the question won't know what it is apparently
@Mahnax Goebbels himself could have done that poster. What a marvel of Big Lie propaganda.
despite being members of a cognitive science Q&A site
I'm in a t-shirt right now. The UK has no laws against bare arms
@Mahnax They should have done it in binary.
Q: Are "One" and "Many" opposites?

dewordeI've got a children's book of "opposites" which contains such heartbreakingly wrong opposites as "furry" and "scaly". One that I'm not sure about is the pages that show "one" and "many". Are these opposites or not?

I can now see JSB's name. I was wondering what font I installed. Then I realized I could see it because I had done a full TeX Live installation which provided additional fonts.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Brilliant comment there. Exactly what I am thinking.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Of course they are. So are furry and scaly. There is no such thing as "wrong" opposites. What's opposite of what depends entirely on context. Man can be the opposite of woman, or the opposite of boy, or the opposite of animal — even though men are animals and not plants, bacteria, or funghi. Likewise, the opposite of one can be zero, or minus one, or two, or many — even though two is an opposite of many as well. – RegDwight Ѭſ道♦ 7 mins ago
@RegDwightѬſ道 But I would spell it as "fungi".
Haha oh yeah.
It is interesting that "fungi" has multiple pronunciations, like "garage".
Observation: If I see "protect", it means the question has not been protected. If I see "unprotect", it means the question has been protected by me. If I see neither, it means the question has been protected by someone else. So there is a one-one correspondence here. Fascinating!
Someone else or only a mod?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Oh, maybe the above applies only for mods. I don't really see posts protected by people other than you and me.
Daniel protects rather regularly.
He protected something just the other day. Can't remember what.
I will try to look out the next time.
He is supposedly retired too.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Daniel says he is retired for now. You can read it from his profile.
Yeah I'm there right now.
I guess that means "I will be answering 10 questions instead of 100".
Robusto seems to have made a comeback from his retirement.
The Robusto approach.
@Robusto is just afraid of Barrie England. What's with buddies, mud, faces down etc.
I am always trying to quit, but unsuccessfully.
I could merge you with Thursagen. Just let me know.
Maybe we are already one.
@reg I noticed your name change. Nothing escapes the eye of Sauron (or however it is spelled).
Obviously the spelling of his own name does escape Sauron.
Sauron = Saucer of Ron. QED.
Sau is German for pig.
Also, Sauron is an anagram of ruason, which is a misspelling of reason.
The plot thickens.
Sauron is also the third person from the left at 2:09 in this video:
Q: What Is Correct or Better. Can it be both used?

Jose"I'm not making any sense, am I?" or "I'm not making any sense, do I?"

Indescriptive Title of the Day.
@JasperLoy I answer the occasional question. Call it semi-retirement. I'm certainly no longer grinding the way I did before July '11.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Mach mich nicht an.
Ich mach dich gleich aus!
Verpiß dich.
Ich weiß genau, du vermißt mich.
yesterday, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
I know this is the Incomprehensible room, but English is still kind of preferred. Thank you.
English is a Germanic language. QED.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Gar nicht übel.
Note cross-lingual litotes ^
@DavidWallace Moderators are exceptions to every rule.
Be moderate, be moderate.
Why tell you me of moderation?
The grief is fine, full, perfect, that I taste,
And violenteth in a sense as strong
As that which causeth it: how can I moderate it?
@Gigili but then moderators are also the exception to the rule that they are exceptions to every rule!
In which case they are no longer exceptions to every rule.
Except for the exceptional moderators, of course.
Feb 16 '11 at 16:06, by Robusto
Interestingly, the only way to solve this paradox is suggested by Bertrand Russell's "shave the barber" paradox.
Should have included a "way" in there.
Two or more negatives resolve to a negative.
Ways are overrated.
@Gigili No, never!
I've always thought the "shave the barber" paradox was kind of silly. It clearly implies that the barber is a woman.
Yeah yeah, next you tell me women can drive. Tsk.
I live in the first country to let women vote.
Should have included a "thing" in there.
@DavidWallace Umm, well ... When the number of them is odd.
@DavidWallace so that is why you are on the opposite side of the world from Switzerland.
What does Switzerland have to do with anything?
Well, chocolate for starters.
Are you suggesting that if you give women enough chocolate, they won't want to vote?
Also, these days they are considering having to do with anything.
@RegDwightβßВ8 And what do the benchwarmers get?
@DavidWallace well that's how it worked in Switzerland until 1959.
@Robusto warm chocolate, duh.
@reg Any explanation for your new name?
Holy crap, you actually mean 1971.
Math is hard. Gimme chocolate.
My new nick is too obvious. It should be ΒВB. Beta, в, b.
Also I noticed that the last time I changed my username I could do it three hours earlier than what the system originally told me.
I was wondering whether some Daylight Savings Time kicked in there.
1971 - Finally on February, 7th women's right to vote is accepted in Switzerland with a majority of 621,109 (66%) yes vs. 323,882 (34%) no.
Guess who the 34% were.
So, yes, I do live in the antipodes of Switzerland, in some sense.
Mar 19 '11 at 14:56, by Robusto
My brother-in-law, who works for a Swiss company, says the Swiss are just like the Germans, only without the sense of humor.
The last canton to introduce women's suffrage was actually Appenzell Innerrhoden, in 1990, and only by decision of the Federal Court.
Note how "hoden" is German for testicles.
Is there any one here left who can't see JSB's username?
@RegDwightβßВ8 Yeah, I was about to Beavis & Butthead you.
It would appear that Innerrhoden... puts on sunglasses... had cojones.
Actually it seems I didn't take 1959 out of thin air. That's when the first canton adopted women's suffrage.
You are not making any sense, are you?
@Robusto that hurt.
I wonder why "suffrage" is spelled similarly to "suffer". Is voting suffering?
You don't make sense, do you?
@JasperLoy It is in America!
@Gigili Who?
@DavidWallace She's referring to the question that just got posted I think.
@Robusto damnit, I forgot it again. What is it about "drei Gläser" that blows his cover?
Really gotta see that movie one day.
@JasperLoy Oh, I missed it. I'd better go and answer it before Reg closes it.
@RegDwightβßВ8 You see it for yourself in the Paulaner commercial you posted.
The fingers he uses?
Isn't that a duplicate of one from earlier today?
Andere drei Finger.
@DavidWallace It already has three answers.
It wouldn't be that obvious to me.
@DavidWallace I am trying to practice what I learned since I found a suitable situation.
Somebody should post an answer that clarifies the difference between "I'm not making any sense, am I" and "I don't make any sense, do I".
@DavidWallace Hmm, that's another question altogether!
It would be extremely obvious if he did the counting. One, two, three. Germans open their palm, stretching their fingers; Russians close the fist, bending the fingers.
Wir sind total Sinnlos hier.
Have you seen that Nazis in Space sci-fi flick yet?
Unless you mean Starship Troopers.
@DavidWallace It doesn't have a good answer yet, go answer it.
Neither have I just yet. A couple colleagues of mine have, and they told me that for a Nazis in Space flick it wasn't absurd enough.
Iron Sky is a 2012 Finnish-German-Australian science-fiction comedy film directed by Timo Vuorensola. Set in 2018, it tells the story of German Nazis who, after being defeated in 1945, fled to the Moon where they built a space fleet, and are now ready to conquer Earth. The film comes from the makers of Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning and was produced by Tero Kaukomaa of Blind Spot Pictures. Samuli Torssonen was responsible for the computer generated effects of the film. The screenwriters were Johanna Sinisalo and Michael Kalesniko. The film was financed by Energia Productions, Blind Spot Pi...
@RegDwightβßВ8 You should watch Iron Man instead.
@JasperLoy No.
It's a duplicate of one that I read earlier today - but I don't know when the other one was posted, and I can't find it any more.
Iron Man is the worst pile of shit I have ever witnessed.
@Gigili Ma'am, yes ma'am.
I stopped reading Ebert after he gave it a good rating.
@RegDwightβßВ8 I watched 1 and 2 but not 3, same as Transformers.
Iron Man is worse than Transformers. Seriously.
For Twilight I watched 1, 2 and 3 but I will skip 4 and 5.
The Twilight meme somehow isn't part of the world I am living in.
But I watched Indiana Jones 1, 2, 3 and 4.
I mean, it's one thing when shit is all over the place and I consciously choose to ignore it. But no, Twilight just never entered my bubble in the first place.
Star Wars is one of the worst movies ever!
Don't you mean six?
I never got people's obsession with Star Wars, either. Probably because I first saw it in the 90s when it was terribly outdated already.
@DavidWallace Ah yes. I think I watched the first three.
@RegDwightβßВ8 But you really ought to see Inglourious Basterds. I thought it was going to be total rubbish, but Tarantino pulled it off to the point where I found myself thinking, "Is this his masterpiece?" It isn't, of course — Pulp Fiction is and always will be — but it's an amazing achievement.
So, after believing that one of them was one of the worst movies ever, you decided to watch two more? You are a contrary soul.
@Robusto I know I know, if you asked me three years ago I'd have told you I would have seen it fifty times by now. Alas, I have not so much as once.
The worst movie I ever saw is Freeze. It is a Japanese movie about a woman cutting up all the people she had sex with and then putting them into the freezer.
@JasperLoy a guy in Germany did that fo real.
@RegDwightβßВ8 It's not banned in Deutschland because of this swastikas &c., is it?
And somehow I doubt he was the only one in the history of freezers.
@Robusto no. Parody is obviously erlaubt.
And documentary usage, too.
I watched some of those cannibal movies too. Some were inhumane as they really killed animals cruelly during filming.
They are pretty old movies. I think the laws have changed to ban these now.
It's just that you shouldn't be caught painting fylfots over a bus stop, or a synagoge, say.
Feb 22 at 14:00, by Robusto
If you want to see Japanese weirdness at its strangest, try In the Realm of the Senses (Japanese Title: Ai no korida). And the strangest thing is, it's based on a true story! And is very faithful to the story! Gah.
The worst movie I ever saw had Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson, and wasn't one of the Die Hard series.
It's so bad I've forgotten what it was called.
The last boy scout?
@RegDwightβßВ8 Seriously, who'd have thought he could make a long, talky movie in four languages — and pull it off!
@DavidWallace The two usually don't go together.
@DavidWallace You don't mean Pulp Fiction, do you?
@RegDwightβßВ8 No, I actually enjoyed The Last Boy Scout.
I think it was called something like "Invincible".
Oh hahaha.
I liked Snakes On A Plane. The bathroom sex scene was very good.
It was crappy.
@RegDwightβßВ8 Chocolate fish for Reg. "Unbreakable" it was.
I was going to cut it some slack when I found out that it was supposed to be the first in a series of three installments, but somehow the other two never happened.
And on itself it's meh at best.
The moment something starts happening, it's immediately over.
@Gigili Actually, there's nothing wrong with any of the answers. So I settled on adding a comment to Jasper's one.
@DavidWallace Yeah, I saw your comment and I didn't say there's something wrong with any of them.
@RegDwightβßВ8 That would be the next moment. Otherwise it did not happen at all.
Oh man, half past two already. By now I would have expected myself to have run errands, or at least washed myself. But the only thing I've accomplished so far is cook borshch and talk about nazis.
@RegDwightβßВ8 Go wash yourself then. Enjoy!
Apr 1 at 13:26, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Off to the showermobile!
@RegDwightβßВ8 HB!
Is that a waterproof cellphone?
@RegDwightβßВ8 That is the opposite of the Batmobile.
@Robusto the opposite of Batmobile is Ballmobile.
@RegDwightβßВ8 Or Robinmobile.
@RegDwightβßВ8 Right, I'll ask you about furry and scaly another time then.
@JasperLoy Robin is not the opposite of anything. Robin really doesn't deserve to be anything of anything.
Anyways, whose birthday is it?
@Gigili Nobody's. Why?
@Gigili it's the birthday of Rome.
You said "happy birthday"?
Who? Where?
Also of Yoshito Usui.
But I'm off, off, off, to the showermobile!
The elephant is in the shower now.
Yoshito Usui, I was sure someone/thing's birthday it is.
Sounds like Yoichi Oishi.
@RegDwightβßВ8 There are topical gels you can use for that condition.
Danyon Loader!
I look at today's list of questions and it seems like one impenetrable labyrinth.
and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second
"The queen is not a subject." — Oscar Wilde
Q: Use of the word "lore"

Dmitry EskinShould I use a word "lore" speaking about knowledge, which connected with special area, or better just use expression "professional knowledge"?

I edited this guy's question to make it intelligible and he promptly rolled it back. Well, no good deed ...
He could have taken a long overlapping time to find the link in the footnote.
@Robusto A pity. It would be interesting to know why. You should have posted your comment as an answer though, as it was better then Brett's.
Ah, what's the use.
Yeah, one can spend too much of one's time helping those who don't wish to be helped.
I'm off to bed. Good night.
@Robusto Maybe he was editing at the same time as you and he finished slightly later. Stuff happens.
It pains me to admit this, but I'm starting to agree with Jeff about question quality... at least, on StackOverflow.
I think it heavily depends on the site... but on SO, I would introduce a 50-rep minimum for asking a question
there are frigging millions of unanswered little questions that are worthless
on ELU it isn't anywhere near like that so I wouldn't impose the limit
Now, now, let's not be so harsh. Introducing a 10-rep minimum for asking a question, a 20-rep minumum for posting an answer, and a 5-rep minimum for suggesting an edit sounds reasonable if applied across the network consistently.
Also I'd selfishly like rep to be shared across stack exchange network sites. It would be quasi-communistic; to each according to his need, from each according to his can-be-arsed-to-answerness.
@Vitaly How would you get rep if you can't ask questions or post answers?
yeah, no minimum for posting answers
and no i wouldn't apply it across the network. smaller sites want to encourage any questions, massive sites want to reduce the crap.
that's my tactic anyway
@Robusto Why would you want to get rep?
@Vitaly Why play WMT?
Well, if you don't apply it across the network, someone might get rep on another site and come over here with 100 extra rep.
Q: Why there are so many different words with same meaning?

user1032421In English, Why there are so many different words with same meaning? E.g. For the word 'Happy' there are following synonyms: blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, can't complain, captivated, cheerful, chipper, chirpy, content, contented, convivial, delighted, ecstatic, elated, exultant, flyi...

This is a dupe, but I can't find the original for the life of me.
So I've closed it as NARQ for the time being.
But really, I wanted to close as duplicate.
Platinum II. Thunder Crag here I come.
Oh. Right. The Arena.
I bought two, just in case I want to use them in multiple decks.
I am still at 5229.
It's pretty easy to get to 6K. Hey, even I did it.
Well I got 200 points yesterday in like eight minutes.
But it's boring.
Unlike, say, the rest of the game?
It's even more boring.
Quite an accomplishment.
I wonder if @Vitaly can suggest how TC could be used.
@Robusto as a door stopper.
@Vitaly Trying to inject JS into chat?
yesterday, by Vitaly
@Reg I've been using Thunder Crag for a day in my LtW faction deck. I find it useful, especially against Sundering Ogres. 3 base attack and Burst 3 gives 6 attack, when weakened by LtW or Dracorex it's still 5 attack, and faster than Sundering Ogre on Surge.
A virtual door stopper.
@Robusto Paste it into the address bar. It's marked up as code for a reason.
@Vitaly well I got some Google results.
Six, to be precise.
@Robusto Oh, and Thunder Crag gives an about 1 to 3 per cent improvement against most missions in existing decks according to the simulator.
@RegDwightβßВ8 Huh?
My Chrome won't execute it.
It googles for it.
I looked at the code. Seems like a harmless animation.
Reminds me of that google shuffle.
What would you dump from my LtW for TC, @Vitaly?
This is what I have right now.
Kogoth the Shopper, eh.
Do you have Ayrkrane?
@Vitaly Really? But Enfeeble All has won me a lot of battles.
@Robusto No, that is not an answer. I am just surprised at your having him.
@Vitaly Nope.
@Robusto Well, it could be better than Rifter. I don't see an obvious candidate. Either Niaq or Sabre, I imagine.
Hmm, Sabre does seem to be irrelevant in this deck.
I mean, I can't remember the last time it made the difference in a battle.
Anyone know a good deck for beating Return to Imperial?
I can't even beat mission 66.
@RegDwightβßВ8 Hmm, didn't know those strategy pages existed.
It depends on the mission. Some are deserted.
But M66 is one of those milestone missions everyone has problems with.
I have most of the cards in that first deck but still no Tiamat.
Or Omega.
My alt got a Tiamat in his very first Gold pack.
That's not even fair.
I have bought so many Gold packs trying to get him or just anything else good.
@Vitaly Is there a suggested play order for that one?
@Robusto Yeah: Auto.
Screw pierre_le_fou. He just won against me. The first person to win against me in the Arena.
Darn, I don't even have Predator.
Well that's a reward card.
Out of 6 plays I beat 162 twice, both times without getting 10 cards out. sigh
@Robusto I don't do that where I chat regularly. And there's still plenty of time before I decide that I had enough time to learn set expressions and improve my English.
@Vitaly Not sure what you're implying.
@Robusto Just explaining why I wouldn't post something harmful here.
@Vitaly Yet. (At least that seems to be implied by your phrasing.)
@Vitaly Grammar note: "... before I decide that I've had enough time ..."
Gah, just lost to Homer Simpson. Four points, too. I've had enough for today.
Samurai Japan is catching up, btw. I'm no help.
Yech, have to beat mission 66 ten times? I've now done it once.
Hello Cerberus.
Hello Mahnax.
@Cerberus .olluH
Now you can't say you expected that response.
@Robusto I expected the exact opposite. Does that count?
@Cerberus Of course not.
Guy walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a Scotch and soda with a twist. The bartender mixes up the drink, gets a napkin and a little plastic stirrer, then takes it to the customer and throws it right in his face. Sputtering, the man asks, "What the hell was that?" The bartender replies, "That was the twist."
Sometimes I feel like this:
I should go. Goodbye, all. Thanks for the help with M66.
Gaaah, make it stop!
yesterday, by Mahnax
No animated GIFs in this chat.
Thanks for catoverflow.com.
Now I can leave, bye!
It was nice, wasn't it?
@Cerberus As nice as rubbing sandpaper on our eyeballs.
I wish I were a cat. This looks like great fun.
Ha, I was away and didn't see it.
this is what i come into in this chat?
le chat est dans le chat
@JSBᾶngs They're perfect, aren't they?


To clarify, spiders are not on-topic here. Ever
This is apparently some rogue cat room.
Lots of cute pictures.
So. Everybody happy?
Same difference.
As we learned earlier today, dizzy is a synonym for happy.
@JSBᾶngs Yeah I like this one.
I have good music to go with the toilet cat.
my boys think this is the best site ever
This is Vitaly and I ^.
@JSBᾶngs Thank Mahnax.
Seriously, watching that cat and listening to Reinhold Heil is better than chicken on a raft.
I should make a new site.
@Robusto Yeah, this is why my custom CSS has been downsizing images and YouTube previews here since about 8 months ago when this started.
Does it also modulate the music one quart lower?
And does it turn religious speech into Harry Potter?
@RegDwightβßВ8 do you measure music in quarts where you come from? i would have assumed you were on metric
@Cerberus Harry Potter is not religious speech?
No, I am more concerned with Zalgo and that Theoretical Computer Science banner that appear here almost every day.
@JSBᾶngs my bad. I meant one diatessaron.
@RegDwightβßВ8 I don't know, I should read it.
@Cerberus See how easy it is to get Cerberus to read religious drivel?

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