@Sayros Well, you can not really have the same person doing all of the pronunciations, because somebody living in the U.S. will have a U.K. accent and vice versa, The sexes are practically binary, so Cambridge probably just picked one member of each out at random. Assuming workplace equality, I am guessing that there is 50% odds of that happening, with each same sex pairing only having a 25% likelihood each.
I could have my mathematics terribly wrong though.
Is there a word for "an enemy who acts more like a friend"?
First thing that came to my mind was "frienemy", but this word is more like a "friend that acts more like your enemy".
Is there a word or phrase that describes the moment when a person is able to perform a task with greater skill than their natural talents allow (i.e. in music or sports when they are in the zone and play far better that ever before)?