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How was your Easter?
Or is the party still going on?
pretends to dance
Party? Easter? What?
Oh, you have a different liturgical calendar?
Uh. pretends she is Christian Yes, I celebrated Easter in the usual fashion.
It was um. Remarkable.
The way you would expect.
OK, bye!
You're leaving?
1 hour later…
@FeralOink Well, you don't have to change your name. Just forget about the whole thing. You aren't going to see him in real life anyway. Take care!
Hi @Cerb, haven't seen you in a few days!
@Mahnax Hi!
I was Away.
Easter and all that.
@Cerberus I was guessing that you were at your parents' house, was I right?
It may not be important to Christians, but we non-religious people like to celebrate these cultural behemoths.
@Mahnax First in the cottage, then at my parents'.
@Cerberus Aha, so my guess was a bit correct.
I am confused.
@FeralOink - you were factual, he took it personally, and he responded like a ... I was going to say middle schooler, but 'person on the internet' is more accurate. Don't change your name. Ignoring sounds so lame but that's what will do it.
I keep pressing the little arrow to leave Ask Different Chat, then clicking OK on the alert box, and it keeps coming back!
@Mahnax Hmmm pehaps the site is malfunctioning?
It's possible.
I'm trying to take a screen video of it right now.
Of course now it stops.
Eh, whatever.
4 hours later…
Wow, pretty dead today.
Right but I don't like my new avatar.
So it's back to the fingers?
Yes, in a different situation.
Hm, what do you mean?
It's different from the previous one?
Different from the previous fingers?
I didn't notice, I would have to see them side by side.
Umm, it means you don't pay enough attention to my avatars. -1.
I'm sorry! My vision isn't that good to begin with.
Neither is mine.
What +/- are you at?
+2 in each eye, you?
Or -4.5.
I'm not sure what does '+' or '-' do exactly but still.
Yeah, I'll just go with 4.5.
I'll come with you.
Yay! Where are we going?
Eh, why are we going there?
I have no idea, where were we supposed to go?
To the moon!
Right, to the moon and beyond.
Yes, yes.
To infinity and beyond.
Into the vast reaches of the galaxies.
Good, good.
> Not all those who wander are lost.
I had a terrible nightmare! Everything was made of ones and zeroes. What could this mean?
Binary code!
Binary is a number system consisting of only 0s and 1s.
I know!
Why should I dream of binary codes?
Oh, you were serious then?
I thought perhaps it was a reference to something.
Have you recently revealed your innermost thoughts to anyone?
Or defined your basic philosophy or worldview to someone?
guesses random things
I have to decrypt them to find out the secret.
Perhaps you spent too much time on Super User.
Whoa, exactly the last one.
Maybe that was because of the results of the big exam thingy?
@Gigili Super User?
They'll be published next month.
3 mins ago, by Mahnax
Have you recently revealed your innermost thoughts to anyone?
2 mins ago, by Mahnax
Or defined your basic philosophy or worldview to someone?
Oh, so my grasping at straws was on-target?
It was.
The person who insulted Feral is German. No wonder.
Germans are angry by default.
Gotta sleep, good night!
Good night!
2 hours later…
Why did @nohat vote to close this:
A: English equivalent for German "wie eine Seifenblase zerplatzen"?

chaosThe common English idiom that seems most similar to that usage to me is to say that something is going to crash and burn.

I see no problem with it. Please vote to reopen.
@Jez I think the list of expressions can go on and on, so in a way it is not constructive. Having "burst like a bubble" alone is not much to work with.
there are a few expressions that are appropriate translations, and we had them
it was a constructive question and should not have been closed
Anyway you already have nine answers. Are you not happy?
no, because it was closed
The question is closed, but you can open your heart.
I don't have enough rep, otherwise I would vote to reopen
That way every question will be closed as not constructive.
Or 99.99...9 percent of them.
Before closing questions as NC, the moderators should be forced to supply a definition of constructive.
@DavidWallace The close box has already defined it. You may read it if you wish.
Oh, gee, may I?
We'll have different opinions of whether a question is such and such, and it is OK to disagree.
Also mods cannot cast a normal vote. Their vote is conclusive as I just learnt.
I disagree with your assertion that the close box contains a definition of constructive. If it does, it's not a very constructive one.
@JasperLoy Yeah, I remember Yannis commenting on that a while back; the whole "with increased power comes increased responsibility" bit.
2 hours later…
Wow, @Cerberus has bought 22000 apartments in Germany.
@RegDwightѬſ道 HB!
At first I thought you were playing Monopoly.
There's no countries in Monopoly, them's streets.
Exactly, Cerberus bought 22000 apartments in the various streets of the German edition of Monopoly.
Wow, Carlo has been answering many questions.
Q: in class list, what is proper way to arrange

LindaIn class list, what is correct way to arrange in abc order by maiden name, but also have married name, so that someone who doesn't know the person and does not know the list is abc order by maiden name would be able to tell which is which?

Q: Is this sentence correct in reply of -You people went to Goa without us?

neeshIt was a sudden plan,indeed,a surprise trip on my b'day. Is this sentence correct in reply of -You people went to Goa without us?

Q: "Example where" or "example in which"

Em1I think both are correct but is that true and what is the difference between them (if there is any)? This is an example where you can see that... This is an example in which you can see that... or in a question Can you give an example where A is the opposite to B? Can you give...

Why is Carlo's answer getting upvoted?
The question has got nothing to do with "relative pronouns".
Hi guys
I need your help
I wanna write a letter for embassy
Is it possible for you fixing my problems?
Specially my grammar issues?
I'll write each sentence and if possible for you help me.
To fix it.
@SaeedAmiri Are you an escaping brain?
He's Iranian.
@Gigili Apparently. Unless otherwise specified
Not exactly
I just wanna escape from Iran :D
@SaeedAmiri Good for you
You should rather say we want to get rid of you.
Why :D
Ok first simple sentence: Dear embassy officer,
I'm ... with passport No ...
Oh before going in depth
I didn't bring my certificates to embassy before
So they didn't validate it
Today was my appointment time
but I lost it
I talked with one of a embassy officers
and he said he can help to get time
but I should email them
@RegDwightѬſ道 Mach eine Fliege. Ich glaub' nichts. Das darf nicht wahr sein.
Ok no one helps me?
Wie eigentlich kann man eine Fliege machen?
@SaeedAmiri I don't help you because it's illegal to help someone escape the country
@SaeedAmiri I see nothing to help you with. What about writing the letter first on your own?
@Gigili Yeah
I'll write
actually it's in my mind
and I can say it sentence by sentence
but I don't know it's correct or not
@Meysam Ok I don't need your help, Who likes to live in hell?
If you like do so, when I can go to better situation I'm not crazy to stay in old fasion.
@SaeedAmiri You have to write it down to find out whether it's correct or not. Unfortunately, I can't read your mind.
@Gigili Ok
Do me a favour and stop talking nonsense. Thanks in advance.
I'll start now:
Dear embassy officer,
Today I had an appointment for student visa
, but I didn't my bring my certificates to embassy before.
Actually I thought that I should do this in appointment date.
And this was my fault.
But I need visa urgently,
I bring letter of Prof.... to Mr ..., In the letter my Prof wrote that they need me urgently.
Please help me to have an another appointment.
Possibly in this week or
if is not possible for you as soon as you can.
Best Regards,
Saeed Amiri
Ok this was all the thing that was in my mind
Actually real things happened.
would you help me to fix grammatical errors and help me to choose better words?
to describe situations?
@Gigili I do it, would you take a look at letter?
but I didn't bring my certificates to embassy before.*
And they weren't validated by embassy.
@JasperLoy Hello Jasper, Hello everyone. Why does the question nothing to do with relative pronouns? Em1 was wondering if the sentences he wrote was grammatically correct, too.
Thanks to all contributes :D
@Carlo_R It is just that that is not part of the question. Essentially it is asking about "where" vs "in which" in his examples.
@SaeedAmiri "but I didn't bring my certificates to embassy last time"
"I thought that I should do this on the appointment date; it was my fault that I did not bring them."
@Jez one of the "my"s seems redundant
@Jez I fixed first one with *
@JasperLoy Well, I answered - If your audience expects formal grammar, use a “which” construction. If your audience is more relaxed, you can use “where.” -
@Jez Thanks
@Carlo_R I am not too sure about that either. But I have not downvoted your answer because you have not said anything wrong.
"However, I need a visa urgently. I brought(?) Professor ...'s letter to Mr. ... in which my professor wrote that (they?) needed me urgently."
@JasperLoy Oh thanks! You are so kind.
@Carlo_R I am not an expert in English or anything to speak with authority. I am just voicing my opinion on various matters.
@Jez Thanks again, you mean I shouldn't use "They"
I wrote this because I don't know exactly what is in the letter
well then ... who knows
who needs you?
Bye I must go
Wow @robusto is hopping in and out today like a kangaroo too!
@Jez Seems you are right
My profession emailed me he wrote that "We need you"
I don't know who is "We"
Seems you are right
@Jez Thank you very much again
Is it polite?
I mean all of my letter?
@SaeedAmiri I don't think it will make any difference to the person reading it.
How can I express importance of visa time?
@JasperLoy So what should I do?
@SaeedAmiri Pray.
"Possibly this week or as soon as you can"
@Gigili Yes more positive
@Gigili Do you think I can say something to make it more attractive?
@Jez Do you think I can say something to make it more attractive?
"I am sexy"
@Jez That would have negative consequences.
A more attractive letter would be dangerous.
@Gigili Thanks Gigili
@Jez "orly"?
@Jez Thanks Jez
@SaeedAmiri No problem.
There's an important point that I need to tell you
Actually I want write a letter to German Embassy
I found one of a main officer who likes to help students.
And he is the chief of cultural part
and he tell me do this.
@Gigili I'm waiting for your note.
Die Hölle ist überall dort, wo du lebst ... nicht nur den Iran.
Thank you for your attention!
I saw no one in the German embassy showing interests in helping students.
@Gigili I'm not sure whether you're a bad German speaker or a bad English speaker
@Jez I'm not sure who you are.
A bad person or a bad something else.
Hi folks! Can I say: Am I missing anything? I would say: "Am I missing something?" Because it sounds better to me.
Thank you!
@Gigili You are absolutely right :D
I said my thanks to both of you and Jez by upvoting your answers, this was all things in my hand in this time :)
@MartyIX They mean the same thing.
@JasperLoy But seems second one is more interesting :D
@JasperLoy Ah, thanks! It's just I vaguely remember a rule that says that "any" should be in questions rather than "some".
Morning @mrs!
@JasperLoy morning
@JasperLoy My apologies to the rest for being on topic, but aren't 'which' and 'where' actually acting like relative pronouns? Disclaimers: 1) yes I am surprised at the coherence and standard spelling 2) IANAOLG (I am not an officially licensed grammarian).
I see you're using your name again. And you're blue.
@Mitch I was just saying that is not the focus of the question. And I am no grammarian either.
Good morning to all.
That question asks about word choice, not a syntax analysis.
@JasperLoy I thought the answer was very much on-topic. Kinda out of character, which may be why you question it so much (as did I on first reading).
I could also start talking about articles since there is an "an" there.
so it adds a little bit, saying why both are grammatical, giving pointers on how to analyze. going just that little bit extra beyond 'Yes, they are both correct'.
But I am not so sure about the "formal" and "relaxed" part.
I was expecting someone to come along with an Ngrams answer.
But I am not an Ngrams fan myself.
Hello. I'm back. Is there somebody that help me with this answer? Is that grammatical?
A: Conversion to reported speech with multiple events

Carlo_R.Generally, the past perfect form ('I had committed, You had committed, ...) expresses an action that took place before another past action. Therefore 'she had committed' is wrong just because 'she' cannot commit suicide before that 'She gave up on the justice system and on the government'. Th...

a rant: it is unfortunate that there are many questions that I find that are just ... uninteresting, but many other questions that do have some interesting in them but also have something to them that is clearly perceivable as closable as off-topic or too localized or general reference. That is, some questions are interesting but easy to close while others are stupid but vague enough not to be closable. end rant.
Good morning @Mahnax.
@Mitch OK, so are you ranting about anything in particular?
Ha ha.. no nothing in particular. pretty much everything. Of course if you pointed at something I could tell you....but I probably wouldn't because it would be too inflammatory.
@Gigili Are you having a good day today?
Nothing happen! Is it possible that there are no people who want help me?
@Carlo_R We are thinking or reading or doing other things. This shows we do not just give you rubbish answers.
Be careful of quick answers.
Oh. Sorry!
@Carlo_R the way you wrote your answer is grammatical. Also the example you gave is grammatical. But your answer is answering something about the initial sentence the OP gave, but the OP is not asking about that. They are asking about how to -report- the initial sentence.
@Mitch actually I think the bigger problem is that people misunderstand "closed" as "get off my lawn". Unless blatantly off-topic, closed questions can, and are kind of supposed to, be edited into shape and then reopened. But that rarely happens, if at all.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I thought only Robusto has a lawn here.
@Mitch IMO if you find a question that you think you could write an interesting answer for, go ahead and write that answer unless it's clearly off topic or it is a dupe. IE I think if you can "save" a "too localized" or "not constructive" or "narq" question with a good answer, you should try.
@Mitch Thanks. :)
@JasperLoy I have a lawn. Kit has a lawn. Why would you think nobody has a lawn?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 that, too. In fact we have a badge for saving crap questions by posting great answers.
Dammit Eee Pad Transformer TF101 with Ice-cream Sandwich! Stop rebooting every 10 minutes
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh I mean he is the only one who says "get off my lawn!"
@RegDwightѬſ道 Yes. But it's very hard to think of 'closing' as anything but 'go away'. Some of them -are- go away (general reference, off-topic). Maybe we should call it 'please edit' or 'time-out' or 'under advisement'
@JasperLoy oh, that's just because that's something old people say.
@Mahnax Not really, extremely boring. And I'm too lazy to do something useful. What about you?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Shh...
@Gigili Just woke up an hour ago, so I don't know yet. We'll see!
@Mitch I am going to improve my answer. :)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That involves actual work. Sure, but I want to get everything I want, but for free.
@Mitch So you want OTHER people to post the interesting answers to narqs, etc.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Nobody has this badge yet!
Aye. ShreevatsaR is the closest.
which question?
@Mahnax No school today?
I have the archaeologist badge which only three have. Yay!
@Gigili I have school today.
Jul 27 '11 at 23:27, by RegDwight
A: Axiom: Literary usage and Mathematical rule - other examples?

ShreevatsaRIt is impossible to properly answer this question. A complete set of words "that have meanings in both literature and math" would be immensely large, since almost every word used in mathematics tends to come from general language. Off the top of my head: group, set, field, ring, rational, real,...

@Carlo_R Try to respond to the actual question..that is which of the two is the best -reporting- of the initial line. (I personally think the tense/apect are fine in both, but that the pronouns are confusing...they both sounds like Mrs A committed uicide when it was someone else.
@Mahnax In Soviet Russia school has you!
@Mahnax Ah okay. Good luck.
@Gigili Heh, thanks?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Hm, I can't see that question
@JasperLoy I disagree.
Oh. Haha. Got deleted in the mean time.
Well, sucks for ShreevatsaR. (((
@RegDwightѬſ道 Nice smile.
So does he get to keep his rep for that answer now, with the new system?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 No.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I'd prefer... sure... it would be great if other people did all the work for me that would please me. I didn't claim my rant was in anyway a reasonable one. Also, a pony. No, a really -big- pony.
Even with the old system he does not get to keep it. It is just that the rep recalc is automatic now.
@JasperLoy I know that he didn't get to keep it with the old system.
But if a user deletes his account it seems that all those he upvoted would lose their rep. So if I delete my account now all your reps will drop like hell because I am SANTA CLAUS!
@JasperLoy According to the SE blog post he gets to keep the rep if it was visible for more than 60 days
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Uh-oh.
It's not likely we'll have a reversal badge anytime soon, given that -5 (i.e., "crap") questions are usually closed long before they acquire great answers.
Shog9 on March 05, 2012

If you’ve been around Meta Stack Overflow the past few days, you’ve seen a fair bit of conversation sparked by the recent changes to how reputation is calculated:

To be clear: reputation values are not changing, every action in the system is still worth the same amount. Here’s what will be different:

Your reputation will be correct at all times

Deletions will have a much more immediate effect on reputation, not waiting on a recalc (but reputation sync takes up to 5 minutes on a delete/undelete action; as to not block the user’s response thread, it’s offloaded to a background queue) …

I think negatively voted questions will attract even more negative votes.
The opposite is more of a problem right now.
Every question, no matter how crap, gets an upvote within a few minutes. And once something gets autocollidered, all bets are off.
We have good questions that are not going anywhere at 5 votes after two years, and subpar ones that are at 50 and counting.
Questions involving sex and body parts are either severely upvoted or severely downvoted.
@mitch I did not even see that, but never mind!
forget it.
OK here again
downvoted? Who would downvote a question about sex or body parts? You are just a prude, and no scholar!
I am here.
It was going to be an example of something easy to close as off topic
(etiquette maybe?)
@Mitch It's not here again.
but then I realize...for myself at least...just not interesting. Just sort them!
the picture is not there but the link is.
oh. it's not, here it is again:
Q: How to arrange in alphabetical order by maiden name but include married name

LindaIn a class list, what is the correct way to arrange in alphabetical order by maiden name but also include married name, so that someone who doesn't know the person and does not know the list is in alphabetical order by maiden name would be able to tell which is which?

Ah OK no need to be so secretive @mitch!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It is quite easy to get the "scholar" badge!
@Mitch Oooooh. I did not think that this was the question. :( Thank you again!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Other than that, how do you like ICS?
@Robusto I remember ICS was in the transcript. At first I thought it was Inventory Control System.
I noticed it seems that if a question is asked by a high rep user it requires more deletion votes.
Usually three votes will suffice. But one has six and is still not deleted.
It might have something to do with the number of upvotes too, I am not sure.
A: What's the difference between "requester" and "requestor"?

NDexthe penultimate letter 'e' in the first and the penultimate letter 'o' in the second! Simples!!

@RegDwightѬſ道 This room was getting too small for me.
@Robusto Other than "my tablet reboots a lot", ICS is fine. The update came down on my phone too and it seems ok. Some new features in the built-in apps which are nice.
@Cerberus Boo!
Marauder map?
Right now I'm having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time.
@Cerberus If I have to explain it, it will spoil it for you when you finally read the books.
What books are those?
Which books?
@RegDwightѬſ道 If I tell you it will spoil it for you when you finally read the books.
16 secs ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
@RegDwightѬſ道 If I tell you it will spoil it for you when you finally read the books.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Hey I was going to type that! But I decided not to.
Harry Potter?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 fine, I'll just assume that it's War and Peace and then not read it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Ok
But W&P is such a great book.
But MrShiny has spoiled it for me!
Do read it, but skip the battle of Austerlitz if you're bored.
@RegDwightѬſ道 What I always do is just grab a spoon and stir.
It will look all fresh again.
grabs spoon, stirs Tolstoy Nope, he's still dead.
Aww. But his works are not!
I also read a bit of Crime and Punishment.
That one is a bit tougher to get into.
I like Great Expectations. I memorized the first paragraph.
How is this possible? Pah.
@Mitch - After your suggest I have improved my answer. What do you think?
A: Conversion to reported speech with multiple events

Carlo_R.No journalist would receive the Pulitizer Price converting the reported speech in both the way you have indicated; neither the first one nor the second one are correct conversion to reported speech because they are ambiguous. It is difficult understanding whether 'she' and 'Ms. A' are different p...

Is there somebody that can express an opinion on my answer?
@Cerberus So ... skip the "War" part?
Q: English equivalent for German "wie eine Seifenblase zerplatzen"?

JezIn German, there is an idiomatic phrase: wie eine Seifenblase zerplatzen Its literal translation is "burst like a soap bubble"; if something will "burst like a soap bubble", it will fail miserably. Is there a good analogous English expression? The only one I can think of is "fall like a h...

I think the above should be reopened.
Please vote to reopen.
I'm surprised @nohat closed it.
I did not closevote it, but I am not surprised.
@Robusto Well, yes. War is more attractive when it remains abstract and far away.
@Cerberus That is quite an understatement.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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