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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@RegDwightѬſ道 Ask this to him
Assuming that the testicles are a basic question, because other underlying issues do not take -3 in thirty minutes. This is called discrimination.
What's the appropriate preposition for "blood circulation"?
Via or through?
@Carlo_R you leave a very important thing out of the equation. This is not your first question on the site. It was fun at first, but people are growing tired with you.
> Cats make their way to the lungs via blood circulation.
> Cats make their way to the lungs through blood circulation.
Thank you.
Hmm, either works IMO.
I would use via.
BTW, no one prevents you from just deleting your question and getting the rep back.
It even happens immediately with the auto rep recalc!
I have tried to remove my question, but the site do not make it.
@Carlo_R What happens when you try to click delete?
anything happen. But now Im going to retry
A few days ago, it was penises which were starred. Today it is the testicles which are starred.
I have deleted, but anything happen
@Carlo_R You mean nothing?
Pardon. Yes I mean nothing.
Nothing happen. I have deleted my testicle question but nothing happen.
Do you still see my testicle question?
@Carlo_R Yeah.
Do you try to delete question?
I do not have enough rep to vote to delete.
Jasper does.
I can't vote immediately either.
Right, you must wait awhile?
Anyway I am not sure how question deletion by the asker works. In the past as long as the question had no answers it could be deleted by the asker.
@Mahnax Indeed.
@JasperLoy Ah okay.
And as long as the answer is not accepted by the asker the answerer could delete it.
I'm off, going to eat breakfast and shower. Bye!
@JasperLoy - Pheraps I do not delete because Reg has commented
@Carlo_R I don't think comments play a part in this.
@Carlo_R perhaps, not pheraps
@RegDwight - Could you delete your comment on my testicle question?
@JasperLoy :)
@Carlo_R You should ask him how to delete the question, not ask him to delete the comments.
The whole question has been deleted for four minutes now.
You people are slow.
Maybe it takes time to refresh.
@Carlo_R This is about the only chat room on earth where you get your spelling corrected free of charge.
Yes. It function. @RegDwight - Could you delete my futuristic question?
@JasperLoy - I know. This is the best chat and ELU is the best English language site.
@RegDwight - Thank you. In the future I will try to give answers, rather than question. Although, for me, asking questions is an irresistible temptation.
You sure you're in the position to answer questions on this site just yet? I fear you will be getting even more flak.
Hell, why did you delete the testicle question? Closing it was enough.
By OP's request.
@Jez Well, it's alright as long as you still have yours!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Have a cookie.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I have to study a lot. But one day I will succeed.
@Carlo_R OK, keep it up!
Hello @kit!
Hello @Jasper.
Questions about testicles? Why wasn't I informed?
@KitFox It asked about the etymology of testis and testicle essentially.
Etymonline didn't have that?
It did, so it got closed and downvoted.
opens a pint can of cider
so anyone speak German in here?
Hi @Kit!
@Jez Uh, nein?
@Gigili what about 'by'? (usually anything that 'via' can be used for, 'by' would work just as well).
@Mitch spread to other areas of the body by blood circulation?
Hey Kit, I missed you.
@gigili How can cats move to the lungs? Are you talking about real cats?
Excuse me?
Your sentence.
No, haha, that's my sentence.
Oh I see.
I just chose cats for the sake of example.
OK, now I should go eat. It is already noon!
Doesn't it sound odd @Mitch?
A: Is there a reason the British omit the article when they "go to hospital"?

Alex ZavatoneOne facet of this that is confusing in American English is that you can go "to college" but you are never "at university" you are "at a university" and also "at college". I have no idea why this is the case or is acceptable. I've seen this with the previously mentioned "at uni", "at hospital" a...

> Will try to follow up the rest of the comments later when I'm at home. Cheers.
I can't wait.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I wanted to protect it but you did it first, sigh!
More people should end their answers with "my foot is itching" or "BRB dinner".
@gigili What is your exact sentence? That is important.
> Chicken pox and shingles viruses enter through the respiratory system and spread to other areas of the body via blood circulation. It causes smallpox disease in this step. Then moves through nerve fibres in the direction of ganglia and remains latent.
@Carlo_R So much going on here. - I tend not to downvote anything unless they are crazy terrible. - I haven't downvoted anything of yours (I have voted to close though).The abstract question testify/testicle question was interesting, but the way you asked it sounded in the direction of flamebaiting. Something that is closable for being General Reference doesn't make it bad, just not useful for here. at ELU.
I bet that it doesn't help.
@CarloR: and don't take every downvote and close as a personal attack, but instead something to learn from to make a better question or answer.
@Gigili I am very aware of that, but it made me feel better.
@Gigili via, by, through are all OK there
@Mitch Ono, I meant what Jasper asked.
@Gigili What is 'it' that causes smallpox? (a factual question before addressing 'via')
@Gigili last sentence noun is missing, what "moves"?
@Gigili oops.
@JasperLoy The virus.
@Gigili 'via' sounds a little fancier, 'by' a little more informal, but still OK.
@Gigili You should not alternate between the singular and plural forms. If you want to use virus, stick to it. If you want to use viruses, stick to that.
The virus moves... or the viruses move
@Mitch The entrance of virus, the whole previous sentence or whatever
@Mitch I agree. Thank you.
Why did I not get any thanks?
@Gigili OK. "...spread to other areas of the body by blood circulation." yes, that's weird but not by grammar but because of the alliteration.
@JasperLoy Someone mentioned a cookie. How about that?
Oh..that was you..you gave it away.
@Mitch I learnt it from Reg. Have a cookie!
I was checking if I made the mistake. You're right, thank you Jasper.
I wonder where cerberus went.
Yes, it's about two days.
He probably went to visit his parents.
It is Easter, after all.
Q: For a slogan, would you recommend "Driving your success" or "Drive your success"

NancyThis slogan will be used in the context of a program designed to encourage students to obtain a high-school diploma. The program focuses on race cars hence the "driving" angle. The idea to to teach students that their success is tied to them being proactive, engaged, determined and self-motivated.

Maybe he went with Maria.
Or even OT.
I think "dirty" should not be used to describe "dirty jokes" or "dirty book". There is nothing immoral about those.
Thank you.
@JasperLoy I don't think it's a matter of morality.
It's the content.
Dirty means that they contain content that could be considered perverse, offensive, etc.
@Mahnax "Dirty" is used precisely to give a negative connotation. What I am saying is that language may influence the way we think about things. We should guard against this.
@JasperLoy Well, to many, that content is negative.
It wouldn't mean that if nobody thought it was negative.
@Mahnax Yes, but my point is the above.
Perhaps societal values are shifting; so too should meanings or connotations shift.
Many of our thoughts are influenced by things we are not consciously aware of.
I always try to look at things from first principles.
That's true.
@Mahnax How was lunch?
@JasperLoy Good. I had oatmeal and a chicken strip, and some juice.
I had fried rice for dinner.
No, I went out just now.
Ah okay.
How was it?
Not many people can cook nice fried rice these days.
Hans has nice fried rice.
It's a chain selling various local and western food.
Oh, interesting.
Most other fried rice is either too bland, too salty, too oily or too watery.
I see, and is there any place better than Hans?
Usual ingredients are peas, ham, corn, carrots all diced and mixed with the rice of course.
@Mahnax Not that I know of. And it does not cost a bomb.
@JasperLoy Bomb = lot?
@Mahnax Yes. Is that correct?
@JasperLoy Eh, I've never heard it used like that before.
> And it does not cost an arm and a leg.
def 3 QED
British English. I have never heard it used that way, QED.
Ah we use BrE here. QED.
@Mahnax That sounds like breakfast, oatmeal.
@JasperLoy 'Tis.
I have closed this:
Q: "any" for countable nouns in question

Pietro Possible Duplicate: Is “any” also used with plurals? In my english grammar book it says: Any for uncountable nouns or plural.. But what about "Do you have any idea?" Idea is countable.. E.g.: Is there any girl in the room? To me it seems that its like "is there at lea...

as a dupe of this:
Q: Is "any" also used with plurals?

PatrickI found on a research paper the following statement: Is any particular images satisfying the requirements ? I thought any can only be used with singular terms. So I was surprised when I've seen "images" rather than "image". Am I correct?

But I'm kind of waiting for the OP to clarify that that's not quite what his grammar book means.
It could be a distinct question.
There we go.
Edited and reopened.
I must resist that Cadbury Creme Egg.
I must.
Did you merge the two?
@Mahnax Just distract yourself with something even better.
@JasperLoy Comme quoi?
@Mahnax why do you have it?
It's Easter!
Easter than what?
Easter than expected.
Neither wester nor'easter.
East is right on most maps. Which is why California is called "The Left Coast."
I was holding the map upside down. You're right now which you were not.
Hey, stop that! Now I'm upside down!
Yes, I know everything about you but I didn't want to shame you in public.
'Ello everyone. As I promisehttp://english.stackexchange.com/questions/63633/are-there-any-proof-reading-techniques-i-can-use-to-improve-my-writingd, I have given an answere. See here:
There is a pasting error!
I see no answer from you.
He means a comment, I guess.
Becouse I am not sure whether is a good answer
Tip: When writing a potentially useful answer or comment, use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
If your answer is barely intelligible, then no one will upvote it.
The comments cannot be downvoted. Right?
No, they cannot be downvoted.
So you are correct there.
Thanks Mahanx :)
You're welcome. Are we good now?
Seriously, are you sure that the question which I refer to is a good questio?
The one about proofreading?
CU later. Gotta find my way to the train upside down, so will need a little extra time.
@Robusto Haha, good luck!
@Carlo_R I don't think it's bad, but it's off-topic. I've voted to close.
I agree.
The question is too general.
@Robusto I believe in you, Bye!
What does 'gotta' mean?
Got to.
Or "have to".
Have got to.
In that sense, he means "I have [got] to…"
Thanks a lot!
I gotta run too, so bye!
2 hours later…
I don't know whether to bring this up here rather than the Meta EL&U, so here I am. I am still really upset regarding the interactions with the user who gave this answer english.stackexchange.com/a/63379/4915
I don't know what to do. I don't want to change my name, I love being Feral Oink, I love piggies and babirussa but I don't want to be ridiculed by him again, in the future. I've never experienced such a focused attack about a question online before. Maybe I should have been milder in what I said. Any ideas? Or is there nothing really to be done? Thank you.
@FeralOink That guy is just nuts.
As you saw, everybody agreed with you, and a moderator changed his rude comment, so he is alone.
In the secure knowledge that it is just one crazyhead, you could try to just ignore him.
If he does it again, post a question on Meta; he will probably get a warning, and be suspended if he keeps being excessively rude (I haven't seen the original comment, but I believe it was extreme).
In any case, don't let one person ruin your experience here.
@FeralOink I'm sorry that guy was rude to you. Cerb's right; the community is behind you, not him. I'm sorry it crapped up your day though.
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