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"If today Apple has new product sell in store in the U.S., you can find it here tomorrow." vs "If today Apple has a new product selling in stores in the U.S., you will find it at MBK tomorrow"
Or perhaps using words that refer to sexes at all. You never know with those lunatics.
Are both of them correct?
@Gigili Wait.
@Anonymous The first is not.
@Cerberus clearly the best option is "Dear sir and madam"
Why the first in incorrect?
"Dear esteemed person"
@KitFox Okay. waits
@Anonymous Um, @Cerb can probably tell you.
@MattЭллен Because no letter could ever be meant for a woman without her husband?
@Cerberus Because then clearly you are not addressing a transsexual/transgender person.
@Anonymous It should be a new product. And you are throwing in "sell" (the infinitive) there at random: there is no connection with the main/finite verb ("has"); that is, there is no construction like that with has + inf., so it is incorrect.
Only second sentence is correct, right?
@KitFox Hmm why not? Transsexuals could have a husband or wife of the opposite sex?
Thank you @Cerberus
@Gigili if it were an apple product it'd be "iUp"
Nooo not their stupid camel case.
@Cerberus "Dear Sir/Madam" See? Get it?
@KitFox Ohh like that, haha.
But then you are addressing a transsexual!
If you're not sure what this person is.
That's why you need to use "Dear sir or madman"
It should be "Dear Penis and/or Vagina"
"Dear genitals"
@MrShinyandNew is so funny
Ohh OK, in the latter case you are clearly not addressing a transsexual, got it.
"Dear genital-specific form of address for esteemed person"
I use "Dear company name", LOL.
yeah, a message with the word "penis" got starred again!
Dear company name, how are you today?
Is it rude?
I'd say "hoy" in this situation.
Dear StackOverflow,
I don't think dear is appropriate if you're not addressing a person/people.
Hey hoy?
You're always addressing a person or people
Not formally.
To Whom It Won't Concern, but Whom is responsible for it nonetheless:
Please give me back my bag of chips.
If you say "Dear Microsoft"...which I don't think you should in any case.
But I personally love Microsoft as a brand
I would use the third person if you're not addressing a person.
I can't even get this effing timestamp to work.
I have one more question "You can find any kind of cloths here" and "You can find any kind of clothing here". Are both of them correct?
Any kind of cloth.
But cloth and clothing are not the same thing.
I think he means clothes.
Waah! Whoa! Huge, sudden semantic satiety on "clothes/clothing."
Ow, ow, ow.
Full sentence I try to write is "You can find any kind of cloths/clothing, from t-shirts to suits, shorts to pants, ....
Oh people.
@Anonymous "Clothing" sounds more natural there.
I turn my back on the room in favor of borshch, and it immediately fills up with genitalia.
You should say you can find everything here, from hen to human.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Again.
Except last time I had no borshch.
It wasn't my fault this time!
@RegDwightѬſ道 The genitalia are always here. Just that sometimes they're typing
I want to unsee that.
gasp MrShiny types with his genitalia?
Even I don't do that.
I'm glad I went to clean my shower. This is fun to come back to :D
Hi Q.E.D.
@KitFox It would be harder for you.
Unless there is something you haven't told me.
I found this on internet.
clothing - collectively, all clothes.
clothes - the individual items.
Is it true?
Yeah. I suppose.
Q: What is the difference between "clothes" and "clothing"?

nXqdDo some google I find that clothes work like objects like: You should pack your clothes. → Yes You should pack your clothing. → No Can you tell me the main difference between clothing and clothes?

Just try to understand their different.
Are you from Asia?
Thank you @RegDwight :)
But those descriptions aren't very specific.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Should I flag it?
How did you know that?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Ano is from Thailand I think.
@Cerberus I didn't mention which genitalia I would be typing with. My genitalia are manifold.
@KitFox What?
Who? Which?
Yes I am from Thailand. Do Thai/Asian people always make this kind of mistake?
@Anonymous A linguist once explained it to me.
I thought we were done with genitalia, but you guys couldn't even go a week.
I am trying to find it in the transcript.
@KitFox I would imagine it to be considerably more difficult for any of your genitalia.
But generally speaking, we can figure out accents here.
Unless you have a very small keyboard with only one key.
Well, never mind.
Accent in my writing?
@Cerberus draws diagram Like this, see?
It doesn't have to be attached.
I think accent mean how people speak. Or I misunderstood you?
@mahnax Boo!
Here it is.
Mar 4 '11 at 17:12, by RegDwight
Hm, why do people keep asking "what's the differenT"?
Mar 4 '11 at 17:13, by Kosmonaut
In my ESL classes, Chinese speakers often had trouble with that distinction
Mar 4 '11 at 17:14, by Kosmonaut
I think because t naturally palatalizes to ts in a lot of languages
@KitFox Huh attached? Ehm, let's say this is not my area of expertise, literally.
@Cerberus Yes, well, hence the diagram.
@Anonymous You are right.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Fascinating! Though I think it is just not knowing the difference between the noun and the adjective in this case.
@KitFox It looks very...interesting.
Like Vitaly's spider.
@Anonymous We have people here writing with a distinct Italian accent, or Russian, or German.
@Cerberus I can provide you with a catalog, if you are interested.
@RegDwightѬſ道 That is not really an accent.
@Cerberus you are not really an accent.
@Cerberus what would you call it?
@WillHunting Hi. My presence is fleeting, I have a lot to do today.
Ý <- this Y has an accent
@KitFox I think I have heard of some websites where similar illustrations are provided.
He is just jealous because I haven't listed his, um, "language".
Very interesting.
@Mahnax Off you go.
Cerberus speaks Hellish. Or Hellese. Or Hellenic. I forget.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 There isn't really a name for it, unless you consider writing mistakes typically made by certain foreigners a dialect.
I was looking at this fashion show just now with these tall Russian models wearing diamonds.
Otherwise I'd simply call it a typically French etc. error.
I have different accent. Is this a correct usage?
@Cerberus obviously I was cutting corners there because my main concern was to share a thought — which everybody perfectly understood, I might add, —, rather than getting hung up on defining a word that doesn't even exist.
@Anonymous That is Russian accent.
If the writing mistakes represent typical differences in pronunciation, then maybe you could talk about an accent in writing. But that is rare, like "I have these person here" (Romance accent).
@Anonymous "a different accent"
Is this correct usage?
@RegDwightѬſ道 So I gathered, but Anonymous was asking whether "accent" was normally used likethat (he was in doubt), so I felt I had to explain it in precise terms.
I know, I know...
@KitFox How do you feel about people who use usage with articles and in plural?
@Cerberus Uh. What?
So, "I have a different accent." sound more common to native speaker, right?
@Cerberus I would say usage can be countable or uncountable.
Lots of thing I need to learn, LOL.
@Anonymous things
@KitFox You seemed to be commenting on his "a usage" when you removed the article?
@Anonymous not just more common. Leaving out the article is simply ungrammatical.
Lot of things I need to learn. :)
@WillHunting I know many people use it like that, yes.
So a native speaker just wouldn't do that except by genuine mistake.
@Cerberus Right.
@WillHunting Ayup.
@KitFox So you would generally prefer uncountable usage?
I don't think usage is countable. "There are two usages for this hammer" does not sound right.
How about with language?
I personally dislike it, but I was wondering how commonly accepted this is.
May 18 '11 at 15:53, by Kosmonaut
If so, then you are getting adjectives mixed in and added to verb usages.
See, like that.
Hook, line, and sinker.
I would never say that.
What? Huh?
@Cerberus Well we are surprised a dog would talk at all.
I hear linguists use it like that a lot.
That's different.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Lame joke.
@RegDwightѬſ道 So that's why people never listen!
@WillHunting Nah it's fine.
Mar 25 '11 at 15:20, by JSBangs
244 usages, alas
I am off to bed. Thank you all of you. Have a nice weekend. (I hope no grammar error here) :D
Ow, ow, ow. Stop!
@Anonymous Excellent. Good night!
I will be here all week.
Comma: "thank you, all of you".
Good night!
Night Anon.
I cringe when I hear usage as countable, but I have to let it go. I probably usage it that way myself.
@Anonymous Night!
@MattЭллен Thanks!!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Anonymous=Anon. QED.
Perhaps it is American? Or Linguisticese?
Mar 22 at 15:10, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
@aediaλ just drop them an ask and I am sure it will get actioned.
It's certainly used in technical fields
Kosmo did object to "a software", which is used very frequently by people on the internet.
So after I come back all my 12 stars are gone from the wall?
@WillHunting lesson learned: do not come back. No wait...
Oh that's because there were many stars in the past few hours.
Protip: if you want to be liked, don't show it!
I don't want to be liked, may I show that?
shows that
You've already shown that amply in the past.
I plan on showing some more in the future.
and yet we still like you
I suppose that's in line with Cerberuae's theory.
Yeah, in this case counter-productivity is desirable.
Counter productivity is exceptionally desirable for clerks.
This week people seem to be talkative.
Why can't I timestamp? Am I really this stupid?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Are you Jasper or is it the other guy?
@Cerberus Seven.
All seven?
Or just three?
No. Not all. Duh.
Your jokes are too deep for me.
@KitFox Debug.Print(new DateTime());
and have the debug console open
I usually don't mistype "all seven" as, well, not "all seven".
Feb 23 '11 at 15:14, by Kosmonaut
I like to tell myself that if you have to explain it, it means it was sophisticated.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Wow, that's more than a year ago!
That's OVER 9000 days!
@RegDwightѬſ道 I know, I know.
@MattЭллен I keep getting 0.
Wow Fowler is listed in the OALD. oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/…
I keep getting seven.
He has done that ever since I first came here.
@KitFox hmmm
@MattЭллен And New DateTime() comes out as 12:00:00AM. WTF?
@WillHunting Of course. Fowler is the best.
But is he listed as the best?
Oh, wait.
@Cerberus Do you still recommend reading it today or is it outdated?
Most other style guides are dull and written in mediocre style.
@WillHunting Parts of it are outdated, parts aren't.
@RegDwightѬſ道 1. Fowler is the best.
@KitFox that's to be expected. when you do new DateTime you get a default time. if you want the current time, use DateTime.Now.
@Cerberus 2. Cerberus is the best actually.
OMG JSB is a computer!!
@JSBᾶngs Yeah, that's why I had the Oh wait later, but still it's not calculating correctly.
He dropped his human accent for a second there.
@KitFox Or just type DateTime.Usages for help.
don't listen to @Reg
@WillHunting Thanks!! But no, Fowler wins hands down.
@Cerberus I noticed Fowler contains owl.
@JSBᾶngs catch up, little tomato.
@Cerberus frowns at unnecessary exclamation point
11 mins ago, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Mar 25 '11 at 15:20, by JSBangs
244 usages, alas
@WillHunting Fowler has everything.
@Mahnax OMG!
@WillHunting What?
@Mahnax It was meant to express excessive emotion.
@KitFox Heh, I guess I'd never thought about that. I assumed a new date time would be the current time. JSB knows what he's talking about
@Cerberus disagrees quietly
@MattЭллен Well, I figured that out fast enough, but it's still giving me pains.
I think this picture of MC looks a little like aedia.
@KitFox pain is countable now?
Or do you mean French breads?
@Mahnax I.e. it was ironic.
@RegDwightѬſ道 pains have always been countable
@RegDwightѬſ道 Always has been.
@Kit Jinx
@Cerberus If you say so.
@JSBᾶngs so have been usages.
@JSBᾶngs hands coke
I don't think Reg was serious, people.
Dear doctor. I have two pains.
@Mahnax Now you sound ironic...
Doctor, I have this weird pain!
@Cerberus How so?
@Cerberus is Reg ever serious?
@Cerberus My perineum.
On your stomach?
I have been seven serious so far.
Cerberus, you suck at jokes.
I don't even suck lollipops.
It's torture. Torture!
Arg I give up, chat is blocking half my lines.
What a pity
I wish I knew how many more pains you had.
In Soviet Russia, lollipops suck you.
Who sucks at jokes?
You are a pain in the non-genitals.
I always look for someone who sucks at jokes.
And I don't want that starred, or I will remove it.
I have no idea which message each message is referring to now.
@WillHunting Yeah. Except it's Comrade Lollipop to you.
Please email me ASAP.
So a doctor, a lawyer, and a priest walk into a bar, and the bartender says...
"What is this, some kind of joke?"
@KitFox Is that bartender your ex?
I know that one.
@Gigili My ex was not that clever.
It's funnier if you don't tell it.
Now my feelings are hurt.
Is that the end of the joke?
@KitFox how many hurts?
Never ask that!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Seven.
No, eight.
I don't understand the joke.
I thought it was less. And then it was fewer.
@KitFox Eight out of seven.
@WillHunting you should make yourself a macro for that.
Or are you using one right now?
@WillHunting Many jokes start with "an x, a y, and a z walk into a bar", where xyz are professions or countries.
Can someone explain the joke to me please?
The funny part is that you laugh even though you don't get it.
Kit is funny. End of explanation.
So the bartender in the joke recognised the situation as the typical beginning of a joke.
Except for Anonymous. He prefers MrShiny.
Ah I see, these jokes are so lame. Unlike mine.
He's shiny, new, and now funny as well. This guy will stop at nothing.
Nah it was quite funneh.
It's insane, this guy's taint.
He's on a roll.
How do you mean she's shiny?
She's hiny.
Oh. Huh. Out of context, that's probably kinda strange.
On a payroll, even. And his earnings exceed those of most people!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Funny as in strange, not haha.
@WillHunting talk to the KITT cuz the Hoff ain't listening.
@Mahnax Oh God, meta.SO really is an awful place. Remind me to never go there.
What? It was fun.
@Cerberus That question is one giant joke.
I haven't visited in ages. But it used to be fun.
The OP is trying to get rid of his rep.
Not gonna happen on meta.
See, I can't even tell, because it might as well have been serious.
@Mahnax I laughed.
Meta equals bickering for me.
@Cerberus but that is the meta joke!
@KitFox Well, it is the rep on MSO!
Notice how he gave out 2550 rep worth of bounties on that question, @Cerb.
Oh well.
Hence the name, Meta.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Oh yeah? Then it ain't funny!
So what? You pretend our jokes are funny?
MSO rep is real rep unlike other metas.
@Mahnax Huh, bounties on Meta?
@RegDwightѬſ道 If I have to.
@Cerberus Yeah. MSO actually has a normal rep system.
You have much to learn, padawan.
So bickering is even rewarded...
Mr Shiny is shiny and Matt is matt.
@WillHunting How you know it?

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