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Hey, I don't get that. Why do Americans call themselves Randy?
@DavidWallace Is it?
So they can rhyme themselves with Brandy.
Now I'm thinking of that old joke about the obsessed women in the doctor's waiting room.
hmmm     space?
Your professional reputation is hereby restored.
Your unprofessional reputation, on the other hand...
well, you win some, you lose some
Jun 20 '11 at 19:36, by RegDwight
Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you.
sometimes the bear eats the snake
And sometimes Tuesday.
So three women and their daughters are in a doctor's waiting room. The doctor comes out and says to the first woman -
It's raining cats and dogs. I hope I don't catch fleas.
Mrs Smith, I don't know why you keep coming here; all your problems come down to the fact that you're obsessed with money. Look, you're so obsessed with money that you named your daughter Penny.
He says to the second woman -
Mrs Jones, I don't know why you keep coming here; all your problems come down to the fact that you're obsessed with alcohol. Look, you're so obsessed with alcohol that you named your daughter Sherry.
The third woman stands up and says to her daughter -
Come on Fanny, we're leaving.
@DavidWallace What's Fanny?
(Doesn't work in American though)
@Meysam vagina.
@Meysam Fanny is colloquial for female genitalia
@Meysam - It's a girl's name. It also means مهبل
You can also look it up in a dictionary of your choice.
I think we have a question somewhere.
A: Words with different meanings in American and British English

HaLFanny: buttocks (AE); vagina (BE) Not an insignificant distinction. Bless the soul who confuses the two in practice.

@Gigili It's easier to ask here. This way I don't need to open another tab in the browser :D
Hear hear!
@DavidWallace Such a strange girl name, lol
No double spaces!
@Meysam It's short for Stephanie.
It's no worse than Dick for a boy.
Or Bush for his boss.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I'd never noticed that before!
so is Beaver a surname?
apparently so:
> Dick Beaver, D.C. Chiropractor in Blairsden, CA
Suits him well.
Yes, there is one family of Beavers in the Wellington phone book.
In fact, they live very close to me.
Watch out.
I had to explain the TV ad with the beaver (that I mentioned in here a few days ago) to my wife when she first saw it.
Some people are just in beaver. I'm not pointing fingers or calling names.
It's funny and true!
No one else can use the internet to type in their name.
Don't forget awkwardnames.com
Don't forget zombo.com.
@DavidWallace So you make up for typing two whitespaces everywhere by not typing a single one in domain names, I see.
I'm fairly sure this one must be a joke
@MattЭллен Some people will actually change their name into something like this, voluntarily.
that's true
There is not a single person with my surname in the database.
there are 84 with the surname turd
When I break it up into its parts, the second one gets 83 hits (should be more like ten million), while the first one still gets zero.
Mar 31 '11 at 18:26, by JSBangs
Q: How did the word "beaver" come to be associated with vagina?

JustnBeaverWhat is the etymology of the word Beaver as it relates to a women's vagina?

> There are 10,197 people with the Ellen surname
@MattЭллен So one half of me is less popular than turd.
@RegDwightѬſ道 the other half doesn't exist
I am flying under the radar. Until I become the President of the Universe, that is.
I believe there's a town in Austria called Fucking (although there may be an umlaut, I'm not sure).
Then I will fly under the radar in bulletproof limos.
@RegDwightѬſ道 you could have a regmobile!
@DavidWallace You will find it not only in Austria, but also in the transcript of this room. Many times.
And no Umlaut.
Fine, close me as ED then.
I'd flag you for moderator attention. You're full of nice words today.
Hmm, is the moderator cute?
I've never seen him.
I'm just looking at the list of words with different meanings in English and American. Is "bugger" seriously a term of endearment for children in USA?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Nobody has ever seen them indeed. They are kind of invisible
If you mean it that way, any word can be a term of endearment.
Hier und dort.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Don't worry. I've got it under control.
@KitFox Hi, are you a moderator?
@Meysam No. Why do you ask?
The shark is being caressed as we speak.
@KitFox We are looking for a mod.
They are never around.
Are you having some fun this morning?
And you don't want to get caught?
Not really, no.
2 hours ago, by Meysam
The question is, where are the moderators? Aren't they meant to be around?
2 hours ago, by Meysam
@WillHunting But on stackoverflow they are always there, 24 hours a day :)
I am so confused.
Well this site needs stronger moderation.
But nobody's there!
Damn invisible mods.
100% closed questions! all answers deleted!
Mar 10 at 12:47, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Huh, Kosmo no longer has mod privileges.
See what happens, Larry?
sad panda
You can make me a mod, if you want.
Dig it, if you can! In just seven days.
I should just be a chat mod though.
it is Kit's job to be judgemental
I am judgmental.
It's true. I can post my Myers-Briggs as evidence.
sorry, I get confused how to express it
I love trans-Atlantic spelling differences.
Well I think we should have been having mod elections by now. But somehow we aren't.
not your job, but your essence
Oh really? Mod elections?
Well they are supposed to be held each year.
Oh right, I haven't been here quite one year yet.
Not until sometime soon.
Some of the sites that went live shortly before us have had their second round already.
Well, are the mods supposed to call the elections?
Maybe we're on the naughty step?
Because they are never around.
invisible some might say
If they hold mod election a thousand times, I'll vote for you 999 times.
Oh had a clever thought again, but it died of loneliness. So sad.
@KitFox The mods are supposed to call the elections "fair and balanced". Alternatively, "honey" or "Susan" will do.
@RegDwightѬſ道 As long as the don't call them late for dinner. Got it.
@KitFox Yes, but if they do it within three days, they seem overly needy.
@Gigili Maybe it's gone off to join the other one.
I think ELAU is a site that none of the stack exchange founders are aware of. That's why there has been no elections so far here. This site is nothing more than a hallucination.
Hey, now that there's an American here, I can ask the Randy question again!
@Meysam have you met Jeff Atwood?
@Meysam Oh trust me, the founders are aware.
Too aware.
Why do some American men call themselves Randy, as a name?
he pops by and hassles us now and again
@DavidWallace Short for Randall, usually.
@RegDwightѬſ道 strokes feathers soothingly
Yeah, I know, or Randolph. But why?
If my name were Hornswoggle, I wouldn't go by Horny!
Why why? Same reason as William is Willy or John is Johnny.
@DavidWallace Oh you liar. You so would.
@DavidWallace maybe you would!
More likely'd be "Horns" if were Hornswoggle.
@KitFox Or Swog.
But, to go up to someone and say "Hi, I'm Randy" just sounds like "Wanna bonk?"
@MattЭллен I see cork, but what about coke?
"Randy" is a pretty redneck name.
@RegDwightѬſ道 not the same? oh, uh...
But "bonk"?
@DavidWallace And how many people go up to others only to say "Wanna bonk?" Honestly, I think "I'm Randy" is ten times cooler.
Seven times, not ten, seven.
No, eight.
maybe eight
Q: How can I practice pronouncing "Coke" so it is not mistaken for another word?

sergI always fear my conversation sounds like this: — What would you like to drink, sir? — I will take some cock, thanks. — ROFL. Any tips on how to pronounce Coke so it is not mistaken for anything? :)

No jinx.
If I were a woman and some guy said to me "Hi I'm Randy", my response would probably be "you've got a right hand haven't you?"
I'm so happy that you're not a woman.
well, that's because you don't look like me
@RegDwightѬſ道 thanks!
@DavidWallace you'd be surprised how few women are that ready witted. Or men, for that matter.
I'd give a guy named Randy a chance, if he had all his teeth.
@MattЭллен Do you think that if I were a woman, I WOULD look like you?
In America, Is it possible to call the police when your neighbor's dog is barking? I mean just call the police (for fun) and tell them this dog is scaring you. Would they do anything?
@DavidWallace well, maybe no beard, but it seems likely
@Meysam Yes.
@KitFox What if he had all someone else's teeth?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Still a possibility.
You are so choosy.
@Meysam No, the phone lines are automatically disconnected every time a dog barks.
Well, I don't really need to be choosy. 1. I'm a woman. And 2. I've a handsome husband.
A: Can you contract the main verb in a sentence?

nohatIn American English, the contracted form ’ve is only possible as an auxiliary verb. It is not grammatical as a main verb. This is not the case in British English, where it is grammatical, and this is one of the differences between British and American English

Your heritage shows, Kit.
@KitFox And you're awesome like that.
@DavidWallace How do you know that? you are in New Zealand!
tips hat
Always happens when I'm on the phone with one of my American friends. Their neighbour's dog starts barking and I have to call back later.
@Gigili and I'm so happy you're not a guy named Randy.
I'm happy you're happy.
@DavidWallace lol
Is it too early for another cup of coffee?
No lol in this chat.
I really wish I had some Timbits this morning too.
Want that.
@KitFox lesswrong.com/r/discussion/lw/b92/… (you could be interested in some of the comments)
@Vitaly Thanks.
Did she sing "Gigili Gigili woohoo" right at the end?
@RegDwightѬſ道 What's the name of TV series?
A very predictable Jinx though.
@DavidWallace Is it among the list of TV series we should see before we die?
Is it among us?
@Meysam ask me to hear a yes.
Oh come on, Reg, you can't be serious!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Is it among the list of TV series we should see before we die?
@DavidWallace I know you like that horrible, horrible abomination of a show that is Grey's Anatomy much more.
@Meysam absolutely.
@Vit i'm reading through the comments there. any in particular you think are interesting?
I don't think I ever claimed to like Grey's Anatomy. I claimed to like certain parts of it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Oh come on, Reg, you can't be serious!
@DavidWallace see, that's too much for my tastes already.
In fact now that I have typed the show's name, I must go take a shower.
You just don't like Kate Walsh. Anyway, she hasn't been in Grey's Anatomy for years.
The last series I saw was Breaking Bad
@Vitaly It's incredible how quickly I shut off on this one. I am amazed. I thought I'd have an open mind longer. I'll try again later.
@DavidWallace I had to look up Kate Walsh.
@JSBᾶngs i don't think they are interesting, i think kit might be interested in some of them for her kid. e.g. the ones talking about specific communities and programmes for such kids
I don't like anyone in that series.
There is not a single actor in there.
It's horrible.
I'd rather watch Melrose Place.
@Meysam @Robusto's a big fan of that one.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Heaven forfend!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Then why did you seem so passionate in the vitriol you poured upon her?
imagines pouring vitriol on Kate Walsh
@DavidWallace Because I know her just not the name.
It's just about the only time I've ever seen you worked up about anything here.
And now off to the showermobile!
@RegDwightѬſ道 what's the meaning of this sound? "Tchuga tchuga tchu tchu"
It's a train.
@RegDwightѬſ道 imagines swooshing-bar-of-soap-cut to next scene
Wow. Just looking at her picture makes me not like her. Probably because she has the same narcissistic smile that my ex-sister-in-law does.
@Meysam probably more commonly spelled chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo
but probably not transcribed by a native speaker of English.
Guys. I don't have Internet in my showermobile. Well, okay that's a lie. I don't want to use the Internet in my showermobile.
@DavidWallace It's more like the sound of a train leaving the station
@Meysam How is "a train leaving the station" unlike "a train"?
That just proves my theory
Mar 10 at 11:28, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
She's got too much of that I-am-so-beautiful-and-totally-aware-of-it attitude.
Germans love David Hasselhoff
@DavidWallace Ah! I thought you said rain
@RegDwightѬſ道 overwhelmed by sweaty manliness
@KitFox get into my car.
Sorry, I mean jump.
Get out of my dreams first
@RegDwightѬſ道 why, because you haven't showered yet?
Jump in my showermobile.
@DavidWallace In Persian we say: Hoo-Hoo-Choo-Choo
@DavidWallace It's more bus that train when it's leaving.
See, David Hasselhoff is the exact opposite of Kate Walsh.
He is the anti-Kate.
He's just a raw sex machine.
@Meysam In Russian we say Владимир Путин.
@RegDwightѬſ道 opposite along which axis? Cuz he seems to have "too much of that I-am-so-beautiful-and-totally-aware-of-it attitude."
@RegDwightѬſ道 Because you'd like to see him under a train?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 But he doesn't take himself seriously.
time to take myself very seriously.
@MattЭллен OK, but not too hard!
Right. Coffee.
Who's got the Timbits?
@RegDwightѬſ道 This video is not available in France, neither in UK
I think I'll press this big red button to disconnect the showermobile from the Internet. Or fire a rocket at Kate Walsh. I'm not sure, it could actually do both. We'll find out.
No! Don't kill Kate!
If I had to choose between being stranded on a desert island with Kate Walsh or with David Hasselhoff, I'd pick Kate every time.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Couldn't see it again. Seems like they know I am connecting from Iran
@Meysam You're really not missing much.
@KitFox Thank God!
Does anybody have any idea what I was working on on Wednesday?
@Meysam Around here we thank Reg. Or if we're being ironic, Jeff Atwood.
@KitFox Wasn't that when a Dementor ate your data binding?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Right! I'd forgotten that. Now, if I can just remember which...
sends cogs and springs flying wildly
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Thank @RegDwight. For being around
@Meysam and for showering.
Wait. Where'd he go?
@KitFox Tru dat. Best show evah.
Did you bring Timbits?
And hi!
1:30am. Off to bed. Good night everyone.
@RegDwightѬſ道 And Medvedev? How do you say "sock puppet" in po-russki?
@DavidWallace Good night
@DavidWallace Good night!
Ok chat.se: FFS, if you show me a flagged message, and I click "invalid", just ignore the error if the message has already been invalidated by someone else. Don't show me an error! geez
Yeah, I know, right?
I wonder if there's a bug report open for that.
Shit. Why did I split these tables?
I guess I wanted to make more work for myself.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 JAVA NULL POINTER EXCEPTION: You criticized the SE Flag notification system. This process will shut down immediately.
laughs and points
Yay! Reg is all clean!
@Robusto protip: po- already means "in".
@RegDwightѬſ道 But not in English. Some redundancy is to be expected when you hybridize languages.
I see. Someone is having a the-world-is-a-serious-business day today.
Hey, is "amerikaiski" something my brother made up to trick me when he was studying Russian? Or is that something Russians would actually say?
@Robusto Only from the hoi polloi. I thought you were above all that.
@Meysam according to @Rob right here, it's okay to refer to me as God as well.
@RegDwightѬſ道 The world is a serious business today. As in, seriously, I'm giving you the business.
@Robusto it's like "The hoi polloi"
@KitFox ZOMG. You did it again.
Parallel jinx.
@KitFox amerikanskiy. American, adjective.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Oh. I've remembered it wrong obviously. It's mixed up with Chinese somehow.
Yeah. Welcome to America!
I shouldn't be here. I should be working. Get thee behind me, Satan!
@Robusto Thank you for noticing.
@RegDwightѬſ道 You are in America now?
gets behind Rob
Are you scared now?
@Robusto I've never really understood that. Why would you want Satan behind you? He'd be more dangerous there. Plus he'd just stare at your ass in a creepy way.
I am wherever my Duschmobil takes me.
@KitFox Is that a banana in your pocket or are you ... hey, cut that out!
... waiting ...
... still waiting ...
stares at Rob's ass in a creepy way
Okay, seriously. No staring at Rob's ass in a creepy way in this chat.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Maybe because then he's not between you and Jesus?
... still waiting ...
@KitFox Nah, Jesus was the one who said it
What, no jokes with douchemobiles? I am disappoint.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Then not between him and God?
I am looking at you, Rob. No, not your ass.
sigh ... That's because you're a deutschbag with no sense of humor other than Schadenfreude.
Ah. Das Looking wörket.
It was the least I could do. He was waiting so hard.
@KitFox I am leaning more towards the Bronze-age equivalent of "Talk to the hand!"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Indeed. Highly plausible.
neatens whiskers
BRB cooking.
Hey, a Wheel of Time fan just arrived
Must ... concentrate ... on ... work ...
Vistors. Everybody look nice.
@FortuonPaendrag any reason you're missing the "a" from Fortuon-a-?
Middle initial?
Fortuona Paendrag is a character in Wheel of Time
I was just guessing. I haven't read the Wheel of Time series.
O Fortuona, velit luna ...
@MrShinyandNew I am a male, so the truncation was appropriate, I believe.
@FortuonPaendrag That's what I guessed.

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