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Could someone fill me in as to what was so objectionable about the "whited sepulchre" answer? It was hard to fill in, but I'm guessing that in addition to the plain answer it also had some joke in it?
No, I didn't see it.
"Whitewashed sepulchre" itself doesn't seem very racist or anything.
We were discussing that earlier. No idea why it would be objectionable.
At least, any more objectionable than any of the others.
It's an old post and an old answer too.
@Cerberus I meant that "No, I didn't see it." for you.
@KitFox Ah, too bad! You would have approved.
I would think so. The pieces I can see have all been tantalizing.
@ErikE Hi! No idea, I didn't get it either.
@KitFox Perhaps if you beg her...
I don't beg.
Begging is for dogs.
Hmmm okay thanks @cerberus
and @KitFox.
My pleasure @ErikE.
@KitFox True.
Does she have long dark hair?
@ErikE Perhaps because of the religious connotation? I am not very familiar with the term.
@KitFox Yes.
Q: Using Proverbs to Illustrate a Point

AmaraldI intend to use the following proverbs in a presentation: "The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand" Frank Hebert "The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer" Edward R Murrow The aim of my presentation is to articulate the...

Although I couldn't see how long exactly.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Literature.SE?
@Cerberus Pouty look?
I don't know if it's on-topic there.
They do book identification, I think. Finding quotations might be the same sort of thing.
@KitFox Nope.
She is not a vapid creature.
No, wait.
That's not disappointing.
Indeed not.
Well, kinda.
Isn't the pouty look for dumb school girls or models?
No offence to any of the dumb school girls around here.
There is something very weird going on with my Demonoid account.
I used to be unable to log in.
Lord of Tartarus is playing tricks on you.
Now I can log in and download torrents, but when I go to certain tabs, it says I am not logged in.
He wouldn't!
It ain't called Demonoid for no reason.
But I am one of us!
And it also says I have downloaded 5 GB and uploaded 4 GB, even though this is the first time I have been able to log in at all.
Lord Tart-'r'-us.
Tarten means to taunt and defy in Dutch.
Is there s similar German word?
Not that I know.
I can only think of Torte.
Oh I crave a Sachertorte...
@RegDwight Is your new avatar supposed to bring this to mind
What is that? Kipling?
I expressed my perplexity.
A: Are minor jokes in answers and questions OK when they are slightly discriminating against certain groups?

FumbleFingersEvery potentially offensive item has to be taken in context. If I'd seen the quoted example in a Question, I'd probably have edited the offending words out. If I'd seen it in an Answer, I wouldn't edit it out, but I might downvote the answer. Plus I'd probably also leaf through a few other posti...

@Danielδ The trunk has to be submerged.
@RegDwight that is one super scary pic there.
Aha! My comment was misplaced. It originally called the Bible "noted work of fiction."
That was the offensive part.
It being, the answer being discussed, not my answer to the meta-question.
@ErikE I think that is a bit over the line. I would not consider it fiction.
Nor would I!
@WillHunting I was reacting to all the people calling it offensive, when I hadn't checked the edit history and couldn't figure out how the plain answer about "whited sepulchre" was offensive.
Ah, I see. So perhaps it was flagged because someone doesn't want it even in the edit history?
And if it isn't fiction, what is it?
It may not be written as strictly as a history textbook, but it still is a form of historical evidence. Looking at history textbooks and scientific findings today, I don't think that high standards are adhered to either.
I've heard the claim that no archeological discovery has ever controverted the Bible.
If true (and I have no reason to believe otherwise) that makes at least the historical parts of the Bible far from fiction.
I've heard that the government numbered the roads to prepare for the ZOG army too.
But so then, an historical account?
Scientists or companies publish misleading statistics. For example, they may conduct an experiment for two months and then only publish one month's results to show what they want to show.
Q: Is it "a good architect" or "an good architect"?

NikoI'm aware of the normal gramatical rules for the usage of "an" vs. "a" - if the article is directly followed by the corresponding noun. But what if there is another word (I suppose that would be an adjective then) between article and noun? Thank you!

This tactic is used to get certain drugs approved for production.
@RegDwight Ah, but where your ZOG example differs from mine is that thousands of archeological discoveries have confirmed the Bible, while what you've heard likely has little evidence to support it. :)
Yes, @Will. It's even worse than selective data choice. When studying MSG for example, they put substances in the placebo that would cause MSG-reaction-like symptoms.
Thousands of archeological discoveries have confirmed that there were civilizations like the ones described in the Bible, sure.
But there's no archeological evidence that Moses parted the Red Sea.
Really, @Kit? You're going to go there without actually having a leg to stand on? Amazing how people are so uninformed yet confident.
And there's certainly no backing for the Earth was created in seven days story.
@ErikE Bring it.
Also, a particular conuntry's history textbooks often will put itself in a good light and put its enemies in a bad light by emphasising points selectively. In short, the Bible is an imperfect historical account, but this makes it just like many history textbooks or even scientific articles.
Scientific articles aren't historical accounts.
I never said every single Biblically-recorded event has been confirmed by archeological discoveries. And I have no interest in proving to you anything at all about the Bible's overall value or reliability.
Then don't get all up in my grill.
It's funny that you're pouncing on something that I didn't even assert. Do you have a chip on your shoulder about it?
Wait, please use the right arrow to reply. I don't even know who is talking to whom.
What is this ZOG you are talking about?
Ok, Thanks Will.
@RegDwightѬſ道 The Zionist Occupation Government.
You can ask my mom about it.
Apparently I have to ask myself, as I seem to have provided a ZOG example somewhere. According to Erik.
Anyway, I didn't "pounce" on anything. I asked you how you would categorize the Bible, if not as a work of fiction.
@Reg I humbly beg your forgiveness for getting you confused with KitFox. It was he who mentioned ZOG.
Of course flowery things may be thrown into a religious text to give it an artistic flavour, but this does not immediately imply the falsity of the other parts.
Well, yes, but it does rather make it historically flavored fiction then, doesn't it?
@ErikE Okay one last question, then. Are you defending the Bible now or attacking it? I am confused.
@KitFox @Kit Sorry, I previously missed your question about what I would call it. But I wasn't really trying to give my own unsubstantiated view on it, just making idle conversation about what evidence there might be in the world for its reliability or lack thereof.
I think we are neither defending nor attacking it, just a discussion to voice different aspects of the matter.
There are 9000 sides to every coin.
Your coins must suck.
@ErikE OK. I meant no offense by what I said. We good now?
@RegDwightѬſ道 @RegDwight While I personally hold the Bible in high esteem, I was more trying to address the claim that it is pure fiction. That claim is hard to support.
Also, note that I am neither religious nor atheist but agnostic.
@KitFox @Kit I was never really angry, just surprised. Perhaps I misunderstood you.
It's just that I had trouble to parse "Aha! My comment was misplaced. It originally called the Bible 'noted work of fiction.'"
@RegDwightѬſ道 Yes, I made a mistake there. the "it" was not "my comment".
I see that you amended it two posts later.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Wow the triple stroke at the end makes it hard to parse.
Okay so I'm all sorted now.
I should have edited instead.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Phew!
@ErikE Eureka!
It's too late to edit now, isn't it?
So are we all sorted?
That answer originally had the ostensibly offensive calling-the-Bible-fiction comment.
Perhaps no sorting was needed.
So maybe whoever flagged it did not want that to exist even in the edit history.
But we have spent 9000 years to sort it.
@KitFox Perhaps! If you're asking can I drop all outstanding imagined slights and just be jovially friendly, yes, I can do that.
@ErikE Let's. shakes hands
And I have a really interesting word problem/puzzle for you. If you are interested.
@ErikE Shoot.
For me in particular?
For everyone.
Let's have it then.
If it takes half a chicken half a day to lay half an egg... how long does it take a cricket with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?
Wait... is this a math puzzle? Not a word puzzle. :)
Wait... I think it's logic. Definitely a logic puzzle.
@ErikE Voting to close as not a real question!
1 hour
No, wait. I did that wrong.
I always tell people it's a trick question--you have to know what kind of wood the leg is made out of! It changes the kicking rate. Ash, oak, maple, poplar, pine, etc...
Plus, I never said whether the cricket uses the wooden leg to kick, or one of his whole legs.
Das ist zu hoch für mich.
That is too what for you?
I don't know hoch
@ErikE It is too much of a trick for me.
It's an idiom. You can't translate it word-for-word.
Hoch, is a kind of wood.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I just did it.
Hoch is which half of the chicken.
I looked up my question on the internet and apparently the question is supposed to be "a chicken and a half "
etc. etc.
@ErikE Don't get it.
@Gigili in what language?
Also, dill pickles don't lay eggs.
It's just anti-humor.
Also, how can a cricket have a wooden leg?
Very tiny prosthetics.
Overall, NARQ. QED.
It should be given -10.
Is it farther to New York, or by bus?
Das wird immer höher.
One of my twin uncles was a cricket with a wooden leg.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I.am.not.in.the.mood-ian
The other was a streetcar named Desire.
@Gigili you mean -ese. Not -ian.
The best answer I've ever heard to this anti-humor question (New York or bus) was "only if you take the train."
@RegDwightѬſ道 No no no no, I mean -ian when I say -ian.
But there's a game I play, where the goal is to quickly and confidently state a non-sequitur answer to an anti-humor question.
@ErikE Further "by bus", because there is no "by bus". There is only "New York"!
@ErikE Well, you might mention that first.
I do so enjoy asking random strangers these questions, totally seriously.
And by that I mean in a totally serious manner.
We're not random strangers.
random enough
Orderly strangers qualify, too. :)
I rather ask strangers for a date.
orderly, six pack to bedside stat
Very few, maybe 1 in 100, ever responds quickly with an answer. Most are just confused. But a few, perhaps 1 in 4, laugh and like the jokes.
Okay, I'm going to flag it.
Flag what?
And did you cut your hair?
Yes! That's it, KitFox!
@KitFox Not yet.
@ErikE Don't mind her. Her heart is broken.
Are you going to walk to work tomorrow, or take your lunch?
@KitFox I did yesterday. You are a prophet!
Well, (and that's a deep subject!) I have to go. Nice chatting with you. Have fun storming the castle!
It's a deep subject for a shallow mind. (Is how I have heard it)
I am glad all the p messages are gone from the starboard.
@Gigili So what did you do?
Text naked pics?
You didn't get a tattoo, did you?
@KitFox No flirting in chat!
I'm not flirting!
So what was it?
Also I had some tequila yesterday.
Shall I make more guesses?
What was what?
What was it you did that you regretted?
I thought for sure it was that you cut your hair.
Oh that, you can't guess!
@KitFox Maybe the serial upvoting?
@WillHunting Have you seen my angry side?
@Gigili No, I have not seen any of your sides.
@KitFox I sent someone a birthday present which was really expensive.
You smashed the windows of his new girlfriend's car?
@ErikE: "part of speech" is completely different from "part of sentence". Check the answer to that question for details.
@Gigili So why do you hate yourself for that?
@Gigili Sounds like you sent a magic camera!
@RegDwightѬſ道 They are the same insofar as they are parts.
Don't forget the of.
Also, all thwacks should be replaced by whooooshes.
@KitFox It was totally unnecessary.
@RegDwightѬſ道 and the s and the two es and the c
@Gigili So? You can forgive yourself for your charitable nature.
You wanted to do something nice, so you did.
"part of seec"
Maybe on hindsight, the person to whom you gave the present did not deserve it.
That happens to me sometimes.
Giving presents is for the giver not the recipient.
@KitFox This is totally deep.
Is it?
Yes, I can write a book on it.
Must be the cold medicine.
So yesterday the tequila made my voice drop an octave.
Not surprising.
And made the blood pump through my head.
200 behind, 17 minutes left. I start.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Yes you may begin.
No need to ask me for permission in future.
Crud. Coming! I'll be there in a jiff.
@KitFox I'm afraid it gives him an illusion of something wrong.
Your ex?
Anyway, do you feel better?
No. Thanks for asking.
@Reg I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sooo sorry.
Are you on Fight?
Perhaps you should be. Many rainbows in there.
I switched to fight and still got creamed by accident right there at the end.
I am a horrible person soldier.
I kind of hope we will get support from our 40+ mercs.
Otherwise we'll lose like 4 points.
It's too late, innit?
I'd WB if I were doing better.
I don't think I would actually help.
No WBing in a 3k war.
You shouldn't be paying for other people's slacking.
Yes, sir.
@Gigili Someone you like, but you don't want to know that you like?
@KitFox Exactly.
So an expensive present just yells "I like you!" and you did it anyway. Because you really wanted to, but now you have to pretend that you do that kind of stuff every day.
Was it a watch?
@KitFox I bet it'll be gone by tomorrow.
I hope so.
No, an e-book reader.
Well this sucks. I should have gone to bed two hours ago.
@Gigili So you can just pretend you had it lying around the house. Or you won it in a contest or something.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I'm sorry.
You don't have to.
You were around.
I sympathize.
Let's eat donuts.
@KitFox He'll not ask me about it, that's the point. So I have no chance to explain.
We win a whopping 9, only to lose a whopping 3. Might as well not have bothered in the first place.
Anyhow. No excuses to stay awake anymore.
Night all!
Good night, feathered friend!
@Gigili So what's the issue? Is he your boss? Married?
Umm, he's a normal friend (eh?) and single.
Did you dump your ex because you liked this one?
No, I just don't want to think about someone else, not now at least.
Oh. I thought you said you liked him.
I'm fighting against myself to not to.
I'm off to bed, good night.
Good night!
@RegDwight: Whom to fight?
3 hours later…
@RegDwight Re: "part of speech" vs. "part of sentence" -- you're absolutely right. I don't know what I was thinking. Sorry to waste your time. My apologies.
2 hours later…
Q: Mockito upgrade causes null pointer problems

Ann AddicksWe upgraded from mockito-all-1.8.5.jar to mockito-all-1.9.0.jar and now see null pointers when using annotations for the classes being mocked. Here is an example: @Mock private static IAccountManager accountManager; @Mock private static IBusinessUnitManager businessUnitManager; priva...

Should this be closed, since it's technically not a question, and since Stack Overflow is not the Mockito support site?
@DavidWallace Her question is how to get rid of those null pointers. I don't think it should be closed.
Yes, OK. Fair enough. I'll keep an eye on it, and if it looks like getting closed, I'll edit it to make it seem more like a question.
2 hours later…
A: Distinctive features of English diphthongs

DepositI learned new words through this blog.Each and every day i get it interesting topic through this blog. website hosting company

Yay a spammer.
Or maybe a wremch.
Yeah, it's what Anericams call a spammer.
@Reg I posted the stats in the Game room.
what's the bet this question gets multi-collidered?
I couldn't resist. So shoot me.
@Vitaly Excellent. Will have a look.
@MattЭллен too little too late.
Look at the vote situation.
This ain't going nowhere no time soon.
I have a feeling, when the far west awakes, it'll get noticed
I have a feeling that the far-straight-down is going to bed. 'Night all.
cya @DavidWallace
@RegDwightѬſ道 your litotes have blown my mind.
is duplicate?
Q: Section titles capitalisation: in text and in table of contents

texnicCould you please tell me: What is the recommended capitalisation style for the section titles of a business document and a scientific text (PhD thesis)---first caps or sentence style? And if I use the first caps in the titles in the document, should I also use first caps in the table of contents?

Q: Which words in a title should be capitalized?

sergAre there any concrete rules that say which words (parts of speech) in a title should start with a capital letter? What would be a correct capitalization for the title of this question?

2 hours later…
@MattЭллен Why is the opinion of the far west important to you? The far west is really nothing more than the near east, depending on your perspective.
@Robusto of importance to me? well you far westians like to view and vote up questions with sex in them. This puts them in the multicollider. Your opinions effect the site!
or should that be affect?
My opinions effect change, but they affect the site.
I'll never get that right
Just bookmark my answer.
Anyway, I am not in the far west. I live in the eastern part of the U.S.
that's far west from me!
Also, I don't need to get pornographic titillation from ELU questions. There are much better sources on teh Internetz.
hmmm, maybe the eastern seaboard counts as middle west
@Robusto no doubt. I guess it's everyone else I'm stereotyping!
is this just proof reading?
Q: Is this sentence correct as a heading on a software message?

zooone9243Is the following message grammatically correct as a heading for a software success message: Data for last day processed.

Commute. Laterz.
cya, @Rob
g'morning everyone
hi @JSBngs :)
I must be off for at least two hours. Laters.
quick, everybody, fill the room up with penises!
doesn't feel like my style
hi @Kit :) how are you feeling?
Worse. And angry about it.
How are you?
hugs sorry to hear that. I'm good. Stuck trying to figure out how to make the adjustable region work when people use their mouse at normal speeds
Yeesh. There must be a way, but that can't be fun.
I'm back to troubleshooting "Cannot generate SSPI context," which was the same issue I had 5 years ago and never figured out.
Bleh, SQL server errors. looks like it has a lot of documentation.
Which means there are probably 15,000 reasons to get the error. sulks

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