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Q: Word meaning "honorably accepted into group"

userLooking for a word of positive sentiment that conveys something being purposefully or honorably added to a group, especially a person. After years of loyal knightship, he was finally _______ into the King's inner circle. Close but doesn't capture the idea of being honored: selected, welcomed, ...

2 hours later…
... we can only look.
We've got half a choice to call a halt, and a world of desire to keep spiraling down the inverted cone of life.
And we justify our inability to make the choice by hoping for an otherworldly destination to shed a light of meaning upon this circular struggle, although it may be none other than the struggle itself that we care for.
Q: What's a word for when you think two fictional characters shouldn't be in a relationship together?

disinterI could have sworn I've heard it used in a discussion of "shipping" before. It would be like the opposite of a ship.

1 hour later…
Q: Can we revision this question by reopening it?

ClareThe essence of this question (The difference between revise and revision) (once deleted, now on hold) is, to quote from it: Can revision be a verb and if so what is the difference between revise and revision? A Onelook search returns 38 sources with revision but neither the on-page definit...

Surely this is a typographical error for reenvision, right?
Well, if I am to be honest, it is probably not, but I ever so strongly so do wish that it was.
Q: What is the word meaning: The best example of something? Not epitome. I heard someone describe a word, latin base?, with this meaning

Martin SchumacherThis word was mentioned in a discussion about words that had once been used in history. I believe he said that this word had a Latin base. I believe, after capturing my attention a little late, that the word started with sak(?) and ended with ger(?). It was a word he believed should be brought...

2 hours later…
Q: Camouflage is to sight ____ is to sound?

RahulI am looking for a word for some sound that disguises to hide, other sound. In a way act as camouflage for original sound. But since camouflage is used for hiding in plain sight or hiding something visual. What could be used for hiding one sound under another ?

4 hours later…
Q: "different but same"

suchoI would like to know if there are any words that express the idea of something being "different, but the same". I'm open to interpretations, such as negative/duplicitous (wolf in sheep's clothing) but I'm really wondering if there's a specific term for this idea that something appears to be new a...

1 hour later…
Q: Am looking for a Single Word usage for herb mix of five or more components

Ayush AgarwalWhat would you call a herbal mixture of Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Lemon and Rosemary to be used for incense purpose

Q: Is there a word that means both scary and interesting?

SwenSometimes, things that are frightening and also the most interesting. Is there a word that encapsulates both of these? The eldritch truth is [scary and interesting]

1 hour later…
Looks like the devastation in St. Martin is unprecedented: rci.fm/infos/societe/…
@Færd Ah, good taste.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword with email in body, pattern-matching email in body: HOW I GOT PREGNANT VERT FAST WITH Natural Herbal by Sophiamichael2 on english.SE
Q: What do you call someone who's obsessed with the latest equipment/gear/products?

Wavy Davy"Hypebeast" is not the word I am looking for, as I would associate a "hypebeast" as someone obsessed with frivolous possessions like overpriced brand-name clothing and fashion in general. I need a more generalized word/phrase that would describe somebody who cares about the latest technologies, ...

2 hours later…
I had to take my pony to the vet the other day, with a sore throat, the doctor said don't worry about it... he's just a little hoarse.
Q: Is there a verb for "is an alternative to"?

bersTwo things that are similar, or alike, can be said to "resemble" each other: A is similar to B, A is like B <==> A resembles B. In that thinking, what can I say if things are not only similar, but can be used interchangeably: A is an alternative to B, A can be used instead of B <==> ???...

@Ahmed I know. Docs are hesitant to prescribe anitbiotics any more.
2 hours later…
Q: Single word for "Tried to make her understand."

Jael VarghesePlease help me find a single word meaning, "Tried to make her understand.", in the past tense.

2 hours later…
Q: A word for a magazine series?

StardustIs there a word for a series of a magazine, like a book series? Most magazine _____ are periodic publications. "magazine series" and "magazine publications" don't sound right, so I was wondering for alternatives?

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