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sarcasm used to cover up the desperation of the soldiers
it's not hard to figure out, but it's not something I think we'll find evidence of
@RegDwightѬſ道 Our truth of the day. How sweet.
@JSBᾶngs possibly, but this is not a particularly notable use of words. I've often said something like "gee, that went according to plan" when I meant the opposite, and I can assure you that my use of sarcasm was completely original and uninformed by world war 1.
Right. If he were asking about fugazi, on the other hand...
Or flak jacket or fubar or snafu.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I would like to see an example of the context that the OP has in mind.
@KitFox isn't a flack jacket a jacket that protects you from explosive debris (flack)?
(i.e. a rather unremarkable word formation)
A flak jacket or flak vest is a form of protective clothing designed to provide protection from shrapnel and other indirect low velocity projectiles. Today it frequently refers to ballistic vests, particularly Type III and above, which have added steel, titanium, ceramic or polyethylene plates which can withstand high-powered rounds such as those from rifles. It may also be spelled "flack jacket". History Anecdotes describing garments designed to protect the wearer from penetrating weapons can be found far back into recorded history. Two types of protective garment from the Ameri...
> (flak itself is an abbreviation for the German word "Fliegerabwehrkanone" (anti-aircraft gun)
So no. Surprise!
Er, so "flak jacket" is unremarkable. "flak" is remarkable. There you have it.
OK. Given.
I guess I didn't realize that the word "flak" was so recently coined.
I only capped on 21 days, not even halfway to the epic badge.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Surprise!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I even have to look it up.
yay! I learned something today! But not from ELU. From the chat room!
We should close the main site and just bring people here.
AUGH! There is a rhythmic rattling going on in my office and it is making my head ache.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Shut your mouth!
@KitFox boo! I hate unnecessary noises like that.
@KitFox sorry mom.
Oh phew. Fixed it.
I just hit it and hit it until it stopped.
@KitFox that's how i solve all my problems!
yay! I feel so close to you now.
@JSBᾶngs That's how I fix the TV.
Nichts ist übrig geblieben.
At what speed do you chat?
@KitFox See, this is the kind of thing that gets flagged in other chats. Context is everything.
That would have been ironic.
I know. Whenever I see a flag pop up in here, it's usually like that. Even if it's something profoundly, aggressively hostile, it might simply be ironic.
So my head doesn't feel so much like it is going to explode and the caffeine has propped me up well enough.
I'm not sure I can justify leaving early.
Even though no one would know but us.
@Robusto Then you need to go to the other room and read the entire transcript to figure out the context.
@WillHunting Haha ... like I'm going to do that.
@KitFox "Us" sounds like Smiggle.
As Jeff in Community says: "If I wanted to do actual work I wouldn't have gone to community college."
@Gigili What does the number mean?
Hey @JSB, how many sacraments do you observe?
My favorite is Sacramento, CA.
@JSBᾶngs giggles
And how many would they number?
Over 9000.
the orthodox do not have a traditional list of 7 sacraments. however, all of the 7 used by catholics are also used by the orthodox in some form
to wit: baptism, chrismation, confession, annointing with oil, marriage, holy eucharist, ordination
So you've got more than the seven?
That's only...
Oh. You fixed it.
(i added the last one)
icons are also considered sacramental-ish
I don't understand.
What do you do with the icons?
@JSBᾶngs The catholics call them baptism, confession, holy communion, confirmation, matrimony, holy orders, and extreme unction.
Yeah, but the Catholics take all the fun out of it.
Q: Is it "a tough row to hoe?", or "a tough road to hold?"

Major StackingsIs it an old farming metaphor, or a military saying? Where did this(these) saying(s) originate?

Interesting question!
> The so-called “seven” sacraments are really not an exhaustive list (by Orthodox understanding). For those with the eyes to see, the whole world is a sacrament – all things are properly a means of receiving the grace of God. The One-Storey universe is the arena in which we encounter and know God – everywhere and at all times. In such a world, the character of the Christian life is measured in how we ourselves accept the reality of God which is given to us at all times and everywhere.
It's "a tough row to hoe."
Sounds Universalist-ish.
@Robusto yes. confirmation ~ chrismation, and anointing ~ extreme unction
@KitFox There was fun in any of that?
@WillHunting Smiggle? Please tell me you didn't mean "Sméagol"?
EXTREME unction.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I misspelled. lol
@KitFox mostly you kiss them
@KitFox Definitely part of the X Games. The part where you die.
@Robusto No. That's my point.
@Robusto Hahaha
@WillHunting It's what is shown when the tab is inactive or something.
@JSBᾶngs Oh. That's a ritual?
@KitFox it's not a specific ritual. it's something you do every time you come into church (and at home, and anywhere else you come across an icon)
More like a handshake then, except more personal?
an icon is quasi-sacramental in that it makes visible and tangible the invisible spiritual presence of Christ and the sains
that's what i mean by it
OK. I think I understand.
when you enter an orthodox church, it's customary to reverence the icons of christ and the virgin (and others, if you want) with a kiss and a bow
Which is where we get the notion of iconoclasm.
What about the Bible?
right, because a bunch of fundies decided this was a bad idea and went on a spree of vandalism
@KitFox we kiss that, too
Same idea? Visible and tangible word of God?
@KitFox yes. it also indicates general reverence for god's word
Are there icons of God? Or just Christ et al?
@KitFox there are some icons that depict God the Father, but that's considered non-canonical and it's pretty rare
Why is that?
"non-canonical" here means "disallowed by canon law"
Is it like writing out God's name?
And you do this with icons too?
because the Father did not become incarnate in the flesh, so he doesn't have a human nature that can be depicted in art
@JSBᾶngs That is what I wanted to guess. Jinx.
So if you draw a picture of Him, that would be what, like vanity?
the picture of the Father as an old man with a beard is, at best, a metaphor, while an icon of christ is a picture of an actual person who lived in the world and can be depicted
likewise with the depiction of the Spirit as a dove
But why is that non-canonical? Is a metaphoric representation of God offensive?
@Vitaly those are orthodox christians, no? though i've never seen a bar like that before
@JSBᾶngs yes they are, of the Russian orthodox church
@KitFox it's not offensive, which is why it exists here and there, but it's not nearly as widespread. the idea, i think, is to discourage the idea that god actually is an old guy with a beard
Hmm. I see.
whereas there's no problem with encouraging people to think that Jesus was a younger guy with a beard, since that's exactly what he was
@JSBᾶngs Huh, but chrisma means anointment.
There is a lot of anointing in rituals, I imagine.
Which reminds me of something totally unrelated.
@KitFox Yes I am waiting to hear it.
@Vitaly Haha I love it.
@Cerberus So do I.
Many years ago, I came across the phrase "masturbating wildly with a [I don't remember. Something or other. House plant.]" I occasionally have this phrase pop into my head, but it always annoys me. I can't figure how anyone could masturbate "wildly."
@Cerberus chrismation ~ confirmation involves anointing with oil for both catholics and orthodox. the shape of the ritual is very similar, but the purpose is different. orthodox do it right after baptism (for infants), while catholics do it at an older age before first communion
@KitFox What has anointing got to do with that?
@WillHunting if you have to ask...
Because I thought about people anointing each other wildly in their rituals.
But I did say it was totally unrelated.
@JSBᾶngs Okay, but how come you have both "chrismation" and "anointing with oil" as two different, special rituals?
@Cerberus okay, so i don't know the normal English name for this sacrament. Holy Unction, I guess? in Romanian it's Sfantu Maslu. anyway, it's anointing of the sick for healing
@KitFox Actually I was also reminded of something similar but it is too inappropriate for this chat!
Okay, but unction ~ anointment ~ chrismation...
I guess it is just a convention.
The names.
in the catholic church it evolved into the last rites administered before death, a concept which doesn't exist in the orthodox church
The important thing is that they know what they are for.
5 mins ago, by KitFox
There is a lot of anointing in rituals, I imagine.
But that's a question. Why the anointing with oil? What does that represent?
The bashing of religion followed by a seemingly deep interest in religion suggest this room has a split personality.
Why is Christ called that anyway?
Who anointed him, and why?
@KitFox i'm not sure that the oil per se represents anything. the ritual is a means by which the Holy Spirit acts
What's the difference between being after and being for?
@Cerberus God.
@Gigili After is about a goal; for is about supporting something.
note that Christos has a much more generic meaning before Christians
Or fafter
@JSBᾶngs In which book?
@Cerberus i don't understand the question
@JSBᾶngs In which book of the Bible did this occur I think.
Is there a specific NT book that explains how and why God anoints Christ?
@JSBᾶngs So the oil isn't special or blessed or a conduit for the Holy Spirit or anything?
@KitFox You know what the oil reminds me of...
@KitFox all of the above, actually. (as a rule, assume that everything in an orthodox church has been blessed.) what i meant was that the oil doesn't have a specific, one-to-one symbolic significance
@Cerberus So what does it mean when you told me I don't know what you're after? It means you don't know what my goal is or what? How knowing my goal would be beneficial?
@JSBᾶngs Oh, OK. So the anointment lets you feel as though the Spirit has touched you?
@Gigili I don't know what you are after: sex or money.
Or moex.
@KitFox i'm a little out of my depth here, but i would say this: the action of the Spirit is not bound to one particular element of the ritual, but is a function of the whole thing. so we do bless the oil, and say specific prayers, and use a ritual invocation, etc., but it's not as if one of those in particular is the locus of the Spirit's work
@Gigili Yes, it means I don't know what your goal is, what you are trying to accomplish. I was presumably commenting on a certain action of yours whose purpose I did not understand.
does that answer your question at all?
Yes, I suppose so. Thank you.
Q: What are some words that recently and completely changed their meaning?

mikeI've found many examples of words that changed or took on additional meanings, but usually the changes started many generations ago, and/or their original meaning is still retained. What are words that appear to have recently and completely changed their meaning? To me, "unique" is an example. ...

List question
Please check out at the counter.
@RegDwightѬſ道 So to be closed as what?
Not constructive, I guess.
@WillHunting deconstructive
@JSBᾶngs I expected more purpose-driven symbolism, I suppose.
I still think we should allow list questions.
Like in Communion, the bread represents the body of Christ, and the wine is so you get wash him down when he sticks in your throat.
@Cerberus Am I supposed to have a goal for every conversation I have with you?
I don't see how "only one answer can be accepted" is a meaningful rule.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 like "there can be only one president"
Like Highlander.
@KitFox lol
beheading as a form of election
I feel the Quickening.
@Gigili My guess is that you said something that suggested you had a purpose with a certain line of text which escaped me.
> Merah filmed himself killing seven people, including Jewish children and unarmed soldiers, before he was shot dead after a 32-hour siege last week.
Oh, no, that's just lunch.
@Cerberus you think he should be president?
> "In accordance with al-Jazeera's code of ethics, given the video does not add any information that is not already in the public domain, its news channels will not be broadcasting any of its contents."
@MattЭллен Eh, what?
1 min ago, by Matt Эллен
beheading as a form of election
@Cerberus I don't want stories about bad things happening to children.
lalalalalala not listening.
@MattЭллен Oh, I hadn't read that. It was just a random news bit that I was in shock about.
@KitFox here's some pop-psychology
@KitFox Don't worry, it's over.
Kittehs and flowahs and rainbows.
@Cerberus Yeah, I was just being silly :)
@MattЭллен Oh hehe.
@KitFox once upon a time there lived an evil woman who indoctrinated her children into xianity...
@KitFox It's better to sing do re mi fa so rather than just la.
@Vitaly NOU!
@Vitaly Actually, you are among the more fanatical people I know...not necessarily a bad thing, but just so you know.
Not very nuanced.
Did I ever tell you my funny circumcision story?
@KitFox do share
When I was pregnant with my first child, my brother- and sister-in-law visited for Christmas. I'd have been about seven months pregnant or so, and they had their first child, a 7-month-old boy.
My sister-in-law was giving me newborns tips, and the last one was "oh, and make sure you have plenty of vaseline and little gauze squares."
I raised an eyebrow. "Really? What for?"
"Circumcision care." she replied.
Oh, dear.
I presume you share my views on that practice?
is that the whole story?
"Oh," I scoffed, "We're not having our boy circumcised—" Then my brain caught up with my mouth and promptly shut it.
@Cerberus now i have a picture of a cultured intellectual signalling-driven human being nuanced about murder in my mind.
Because of course the reason she knows that is that her son is circumcised.
But why was the circumcision done? Religious reasons?
I don't know. Probably not.
1. She knew how it can causes bad wounds to a baby. 2. She assumed you would be having it done regardless. That is bad.
The other one would be medical reasons.
There are myriad reasons to circumcise boys.
None of them apply to my children.
I didn't have my sons circumcised, but my eldest had to be circumcised at age seven due to an infection. It was a big deal.
@Vitaly Even about murder it is good to be nuanced, yes. Depending on your definition of murder.
@KitFox Well, I think it is OK not to shut it in this case.
@WillHunting Really? Why is that?
@Cerberus good for your social status if you are a signalling-driven human, yes. not so good for the victims.
@KitFox Reasons as in medical necessity, or just any kind of motivation parents may have?
i had a friend who had to be circumcised at the age of 13. it was... unpleasant
@KitFox What's the big deal with voicing your opinion?
@Vitaly No definition, no topic for discussion.
@WillHunting Because it isn't any of my business to judge her actions.
And it's not like she could have undone it even if I'd swayed her opinion.
I would have questioned her.
She started it.
@KitFox Well, you are just saying what you would do.
Not accused, but questioned.
Well, what I almost said was "because we think it is a barbaric practice."
She might do it to a new child.
I doubt it.
She probably just did it because that's what you do to boys.
@KitFox Understandable, but it would have got you nowhere.
@KitFox Is it still that common in educated circles in America?
Then there is female circumcision too.
More so than you'd think. But it's more for religious reasons these days than it has been in the past.
All of it should be outlawed.

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