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@tchrist I find it hard to pity you given that you added the tag yourself: Adding any tags to the feed was rather unwise considering what is commonly referred to as sturgeon's law, and adding a contentious tag that you personally hate probably doesn't even help. It's made all the harder by the fact that this sadomasochism seems entirely self imposed, since I trust you have the ability to remove the tag from the feed as well.
You misunderstand.
I don't want the feed to stop; I want the SWR questions themselves to stop.
The feed exists to remind folks of what crap we put up with in the hopes that we'll stop doing that.
@tchrist Yes, I realize the purpose of the feed tchrist.
Nevertheless, I think you're making it harder on yourself than it needs to be though.
I'm listening.
That's it unfortunately.
Questions whose expected answers are nothing but dictionary spam should be terminated with extreme prejudice. Period.
Those are not "answers" in the SE sense. Most SWRs ask for nothing but that, and are content with nothing but that. I'm not. I think it impoverishes our site.
There are infinitely many possible questions from people who don't know words for X, particularly non-native speakers or people with third-grade vocabularies. These are not requests that will ever help future visitors to our site.
We're casting fishes before swine, not educating new fishermen.
Clams would've worked better in my opinion. =P
Miracles of loaves and fisheses.
I really want a way to suppress the voice-overs on news reports that have excerpts from people speaking non-English when I want to hear the actual words.
It's the prejudice part I'm really worried about, but really much of the problem is that people just don't care to choose the right word if something close enough suffices. Much of the reason I'm here personally is because I have a desire to reshape my vocabulary to choose just the right words and eschew what merely seems right.
However, it doesn't seem as if there are so many like minded people here, so my interest in the main website wanes considerably.
Your time would be better spent reading fine literature.
I don't know that this site is good for building one's vocabulary, but I've never paid it any thought.
> When the dragons grow too mighty
To slay with pen or sword
I grow weary of the battle
And the storm I walk toward
@tchrist You'd think it would be by seeing word choice and usage listed among the list of on-topic subjects, and seeing that there is a tag (which is terribly defined and often misused as a result [much like the grammar tag]).
I think one of these days I'll get around to reading some good literature though, and hopefully reading through at least one of my dictionaries. I think the first edition of the concise oxford dictionary makes a good enough candidate for that particular task, so long as I cross-reference it against Webster's.
Honestly, reading through dictionaries seems more OCD than helpful.
@tchrist Perhaps it is a little more obsessive than it is practical. I'll never have a need to ever even know more than 75,000 words at the very most, and all but three thousand of those will not be used on such a regular basis anyway. However, not everything has to be a practical endeavor and if I ever do succeed in my task, perhaps I can actually do something about bad answers to S.W.Rs. by actually knowing which of these words is actually the best selection, if any are.
Regardless, i think knowing how to choose just the right words for a given situation is quite an important art, and I need to know what options are available in the first place in order to know just how to do that.
@Tonepoet I would rather be worried about the many words that you do know.
When reading a dictionary.
@Cerberus I did not exclude those.
The reading of the tens of thousands of entries that you already know will be rather useless to you.
@Cerberus Sigh, I fear it is all too useful actually. Did you know that cute is basically a contraction of acute, and basically means sharp in a literal sense of the word? It wasn't a word in the first edition of Webster's dictionary (1828), but it acquired a slang meaning in 1834 according to the O.E.D., before it was recorded by Webster in its literal sense in 1844. I've been wondering just how I should treat the word ever since learning that.
Well, maybe it was 1841 when Webster recorded the literal sense. I keep on forgetting that the second edition was first printed in that year because it's the 1844 printing that's so much more important historically speaking, because it is his final revision, the dictionary of choice for Emily Dickinson, and probably the version Merriam-Webster used as the basis for their own lineage of dictionaries.
@Cerberus Dictionaries are dumb. If you know the word, they only confirm things you already know. If you don't, they don't give the nuance that tells you what it really means.
@tchrist Well, it helps assuage ones OCDness.
@Mitch Can you soften the preliminary attack of the devil's compulsion?
Q: What is the modern equivalent of "scoundrel"?

RickySomeone who deliberately sets someone up. Some of whose actions can be described as "a dick move." Someone who habitually commits base acts that hurt other people. Someone whom one would not trust if one knew them. Scoundrel no longer has the same ring it did a century ago. Asshole is way too g...

@Feeds People like to say douche or douchebag these days, but I'd rather have them use scoundrel so I'm not going to suggest it.
That reminds me though, I do have to update one of my answers eventually.
If anybody does care to spite me though, then they'd do very well to look under the O.E.D. 2nd edition's (1989) entry of douche, which contains the douche-bag subentry and American Speech's definition of the term from 1967 " Amer. Speech 42 228 Douche bag, n. phr., an unattractive co-ed. By extension, any individual whom the speaker desires to deprecate."
That reminds me, I do have to update one of my other answers accordingly. The O.E.D. is the only dictionary from any year in the 1980s to record its slang usage.
The strange thing is that the A.H.D. didn't even record it until the fifth edition. I surely thought they would've done so by the fourth, given that Merriam-Webster already followed suit in '93, and the word was starting to become especially popular around 2000-2004ish.
1 hour later…
Which one is correct?
- As you can see, there are two item which seems to be unique.
- As you can see, there are two item which seems they are unique.
> there are two items which seem to be unique.
Also I have a question, which isn't related to English, but I think an English native can help
Here is the result of google-map-api for "Tehran" location
there are two items which seem to be unique. Both id and place_id
Does anybody know, what's the difference between there?
Should I store which one in my database for later use?
Hmm I have no idea!
ah ok thx :-)
Could it be the id of the search query?
Good luck!
It's bed time here.
yes, as far as I remember, sometimes there are some programmer here
@Cerberus btw, you mean each query may has an id?
@MartinAJ Yes, but I don't know.
Ok, Bye!
@MartinAJ Actually, I think it's the id of the prediction.
what? we're talking about locations. prediction doesn't make any sense to me
Ah I see
and yes, I think you are right
so do you think should I store it for later use?
You're querying the API for autocomplete = predictions, it looks like.
I have no idea!
@Cerberus oh .. I get that now
3 hours later…
Q: Single word for : never accomplished anything in his life

Bob Van MolIs there a specific word to : what you can call a person that never accomplished anything in their life

4 hours later…
Q: Is there any single name for pouring drink on glasses like this?

user35524Glasses are arranged top of the each other, then they pour drink on it. Is there any single name for pouring drink on glasses like this?

2 hours later…
Moin. When does this place come to life? I have an English query.
Is this natural enough "when does this place get active?". Or should it be "become active"?
Those are all natural sounding.
What's your question?
"Is it like people working on personal projects and talking about it or all of us working on one big project?" The italics part looks unwieldy. How do I fix it or make it a proper question?
I'm not very fluent hence these mistakes.
Do people have their own projects, or do we all work on one project together?
Something like that, I think, would suit what you are asking.
And with the rise of my tone while speaking I can make the second part in italics above a question too right?
I guess in spoken English it would be okay. It should be. What do you say?
Hello @Kit, LOL.
Hello, @Jasper.
@Ahmed Yes, that would probably work. It's hard for me to hear in my head because it's just what I do.
@Ahmed I think different people will use different tones while speaking. In practice, tone is not so standard. In theory, the books will tell you one or two variations only.
@KitZ.Fox Um sorry, I don't understand this part "it's just what I do". Which part is that in reference to?
@Ahmed For me, I would say that long question with a tone that rises as we approach the middle and then after that it falls.
@JasperLoy I see, thanks.
@Ahmed I think she means it's just what she does naturally, so it's hard for her to analyse it, but maybe she means something else.
Yes, that's what I mean.
It's like trying to figure out which 'a' sound I'm making. I don't know. It's just the way I talk.
@Ahmed I think what you wrote, that long line, is fine as a question in the written form as well.
@JasperLoy Thanks man.
A non English question. People tell me there are some places in the world with lead in the air which makes people go angry or crazy and do crazy things. Has anyone heard anything like that too?
@JohanLarsson When I get bald or shave my head people offer me a comb. Does that ever happen to you? I hate people.
@Ahmed I have heard of that with ergot, but not lead. It's theoretically possible though.
Ah okay.
Oh I meant to write when I get bald on purpose. Right now, I have long hair and a beard, and I am getting tired of my long hair. Some people are calling me Jesus due to my looks.
You can call me Jesus.
Do you have long hair and a beard?
And tall enough?
Q: Can "informatively" be used in this way (like a disclaimer)?

Stefan MonovIn my native language - Bulgarian - the closest cognate to the word "informatively" - информативно (informativno) has a very specific and strong connotation. For example: Izvinete, informativno da vi pitam, kolko struva tova? I'm likely to translate like this: Excuse me, I'd like to ask...

I'm pretty sure that long hair is incompatible with being "like lamb's wool".
If it were compatible if would look kind of bad.
I don't want lamb's wool on my head.
Well, that's how Jesus's hair is described.
Oh. Hmm.
I can upload my pic here if you like.
But never mind.
I hate it when mistake me for a girl from behind sometimes.
It is not fun.
A tall girl I mean.
You can always update your avatar if you want.
@Ahmed Has not happened that I can remember.
@Mitch Hmm. That's "lesser" not shorter, or did I miss something in the article?
Well, if that's a God then they can make themselves tall anytime, no big deal for them.
'shorter' could be seen as one way of bing 'lesser' (= just not as good)
@Ahmed You get the god you came with. I think it would be weird if the god of the dwarves wasn't on the short side, whatever his transmogrification powers are (also this god is obviously a dude because Tolkien never made female dwarves).
I just want to get very good at English. I want to. Other than that I am too perfect.
Yeah, being totally perfect is a flaw of excess.
isn't there a proverb about that?
something about always putting a flaw in a rug so as not to make God jealous of the maker's pride in perfection?
@Mitch How so?
"Flaw of excess (pride?)"
Well, gods envy me for reasons I am pretty sure.
Why hello, @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇! Fancy seeing you here.
@Ahmed an explanation will be just repeating with emphasis. If you're totally perfect, perfect in every way, having no flaws whatsoever, then that is excessive, too much, nothing can be improved, which is a lack and therefore a flaw itself.
Therefore the concept of perfection is internally inconsistent I can see bridges starting to fail from here.
@Mitch Oh that makes sense, thanks. Nice explanation.
@Ahmed there's no accounting for the taste of the gods
@Ahmed yeah I'm really good at that
Not perfect though
haha. I was just trying to be a pompous bastard. ;-)
I know I have flaws.
Lesson learned
Everyone does.
We are all humans after all.
@Mitch What did you learn?
@Mitch I detect sarcasm.
But that's OK.
I have to go, wife is calling.
Hey @Mitch, are we Facebook friends?
@KitZ.Fox Good morning
oop, lunch time, bbl
1 hour later…
Q: The word for discrimination against people from other regions within a country?

BlaszardI wonder if "racism" can be used to refer to discrimination against people from other regions within the same country. According to the Oxford dictionary, the definition of "racism" is: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief t...

I just woke up from a nap.
@KitZ.Fox What did you eat for lunch? I am trying to go vegetarian from now.
Buffalo chicken wrap.
It must contain chicken and not buffalo.
And it must be flour wrap and not plastic wrap.
buffalo is the name of the sauce. it means it is spicy hot. I don't know why they call it 'buffalo' though.
It was a spinach tortilla, yes.
Oh, I thought it was the name of the chicken.
Is this sentence correct?
> Wish you a full-enerji night :-)
@JasperLoy It's especially confusing when someone tires to sell you "buffalo wings". One of those weird mystery foods like "chicken fingers" and "jumbo shrimp" or "head cheese"
@MartinAJ do you mean "energy"? and "full-energy" doesn't sound very idiomatic to me. What does it mean?
@MartinAJ To make the sentence correct in all possible senses of correct to me, maybe write 'I wish you an energetic night.'
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I thought you mean 'tries' but then hey, 'tires' works just as well.
who knows what I mean. I'm typing on a new notebook computer and i'm not used to the keyboard
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 it feels like a mouth full of glue
I've never tried it
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 the notebook, or the mouth filled with glue?
Well, you can imagine it
Especially if it's that white glue that feels like cream and sticks well to wood
I dunno, I imagine it'd just be like a bad-tasting mouth full of corn-syrup or molasses, that is, it's not like it'd bond your mouth closed right away. You'd have time to wash it down with a coke.
Now I remember that frog that filled its predators mouth with glue
Imagine "predators" has an apostrophe
Poor snakes
They'd either have to evolve to photosynthesize or starve
you know you can edit, right? even on mobile
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I know, but editing is too cumbersome on mobile
Is anybody using Windows 10?
@Cerberus I.
Oh, my.
How do you feel about the datamining?
Do you mean sending information to Windows for security purposes?
I am fine with that.
I am not a terrorist or anything, so they can have all the information they want.
"For security purposes": for any purpose.
It sends home a ton of information about everything you're doing, and Microsoft doesn't care about security.
There really is nothing to fear, unless you are committing a serious crime.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Have you tried to block the home-phoning?
@Cerberus not really. I just turn off the easily turn-offable things
You don't care?
I did try to turn off some things, but after that the Windows Security Centre said my computer was not secure.
So I turned those things back on to make my computer more secure.
@Cerberus I have run out of caring
I do care.
I needed Windows 10 for work. and I mostly like its UI more than 7.
Well, I really don't mind Windows. We should actually care more about what governments are monitoring.
And I'm wondering whether Windows will bypass the Windows firewall.
@Cerberus well, what do you mean by that?
Windows won't do anything to you, but governments will.
Well, half of Americans already voted for Trump, and that says a lot.
@JasperLoy not true.
less than half of those who voted, voted for Trump
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 If you block all traffic with the built-in firewall, will Microsoft still receive some data sent by your OS?
@Cerberus If you explicitly configure it in a way to block outgoing connections?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I seriously find the electoral college system quite stupid.
@JasperLoy Not all those who voted Trump are like these remorseless savage .. terrorists.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, but what I said was: block all traffic.
@Færd still, they are responsible for this
You're no more responsible than the extent of your knowledge.
@Cerberus I'm not sure... the Windows firewall is normally configured on a per-app basis. Built-in stuff is pre-whitelisted.
I'm not sure if you can block it.
Oh, I'm sure you can set it to do that?
The question is: can Windows bypass its own firewall?
Or will it.
@Færd Oh, please. There was tons of forewarning about just how bad Trump would be and who he was palling around with
Hello @JohanLarsson I just took a look at your picture again, and I just realised how handsome you actually are.
@Cerberus "Windows" is not a monolithic thing. But sure, nothing stops Microsoft from building in features that allow it to bypass its own firewall. will it? I dunno.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'd really like to know whether it will.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why didn't people trust those warners?
It should be easy to test.
Windows firewall is typically configured only to block incoming connections.
@Færd many reasons.
And there were tons who inflated him as god's tool to save America etc.
You might recognize ordinary people's rightful confusion.
@Færd There were religious folks who said God told them Trump would save America.
I think they are just nutcases. Don't bring religion into politics.
@JasperLoy Yeah, I saw those clowns.
@Færd Um. What is confusing about Trump outright inciting violence against protesters at his rallies? About him having a history of being sued by the government for racist policies at the buildings he owned? About him boasting about grabbing women by the pussy (his words) and because he's a star they let you get away with it?
Is it too late to say "grabs popcorn"?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 No offence, but that's not what interests me.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 When the next election comes, they should tell Trump 'You're fired!', LOL.
@Cerberus My point is that I'm not even sure how you'd configure it to block outgoing connections
which is presumably what you want
@JasperLoy hopefully he'll be in jail for treason before the next election
Oh, that should be easy enough, like through the command line, or any of a number of established helper programmes.
@Færd probably (can't say for sure when I'm not an American resident) people didn't take the warner bros' advice because there was this feeling that Democrats, and generally people who run the government, don't care about the middle class/the poor
@Cerberus When I use Windows, I am not supposed to use the command line at all.
Let's hope you mother won't find out.
@Cerberus oh, haha, there is an "advanced rules" link right next to the screen I pasted
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You can be shackled in the wrong mindset so much as to justify all that. People are stupid, but most of them are not evil.
The problem is not how the firewall can be so configured.
The problem is finding out whether it will work.
@M.A.R. Yeah. I think there are others too, beyond the obvious culprits, to be held responsible.
@Færd So, they're not complicit, because they were just too stupid to realize what they were doing? I don't accept that.
@Færd what if they're evil and stupid?
I don't really like Windows 10 very much. It is more buggy than Windows XP.
@JasperLoy That hasn't been my experience.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's not what I meant to say. I just wanted to say they're not the only ones who are guilty here. And if you can't empathize with them, you can't educate them, and this shitty vicious cycle won't stop.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Maybe it's related to my mediocre hardware. I got my laptop last year for about 200 dollars only.
@JasperLoy What bugs have you experienced?
@M.A.R. Evil needs some genius.
@JasperLoy I've run it on 4 different machines. 2 old, 2 new. 3 of them have been great.
Pardon me, but I don't think it's a good idea to discuss American politics at this very moment.
You heard the woman.
@Ahmed I learned that being perfect is flawed. So I expressly leave one little flaw.
the 4th machine, and old one, has two bugs that I've noticed. 1: the dell webcams cause Windows to crash. I had to disconnect them. 2. same machine: the network adapter doesn't work on cold boot. I have to hit the reset button after it powers up. That only started happening recently, long after I switched to Windows 10... it could be related to an update in Windows or just be failing hardware.
kids these days
@KitZ.Fox Ogay.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmmm.
@Mitch quotation marks are the 21st century apostrophes
How about old printers? Will they work in Win X?
@Cerberus I configure my taskbar not to show the input methods, but every time I restart the computer it still shows the input methods. So far, I had to restart my computer three times because it just froze. There was an update that failed for two months, and I had to manually download it to apply it two months later, and I didn't even know until I checked the update history.
@Cerberus my printer is from 2000, it's fine.
@Cerberus I guess so
@JasperLoy Hmm that does sound buggy.
@Cerberus it probably depends on the printer and how fancy it is
@KitZ.Fox No. I'll be more popular on facebook when it becomes our desktop operating system (next year), and uses an AGI (artificial general intelligence) to extract all my life's information from a cheek swab (year after)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Good to know! My father's printer was apparently incompatible with X, so it stopped working and even the repair shop said nothing could be done.
@Cerberus what kind of printer do you have?
My printer is a simple laser printer from ca. 2005.
@Mitch I looked and think I saw you but it looked like we weren't friends and then I felt weird for looking.
Laserjet 1012.
@KitZ.Fox I don't have Facebook, so I won't ask for your account.
@Cerberus HP? it's probably fully supported with the built-in drivers (or using a driver from Windows Update)
@JasperLoy OK.
I had to replace the cartridge after five years, because it had been damaged by a fire. That cost me €15. Otherwise it's been perfect.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm OK!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I know a place where you can pick up a gallon. Costco has it in barrels. But you have to roll it out yourself.
@KitZ.Fox Weirdo.
@Mitch I'd go get some, but... enh.
I have a huge printer at home, because I got it for free from my mum's workplace. It comes with a scanner and a copier.
@Mitch Right? Awkward.
@JasperLoy Sounds like fun!
I didn't realise that you can see so many things if you have a Facebook account compared to if you have none, even if you are not someone's friend.
I guess they want to make people create accounts so that they can view certain things.
@Cerberus moms are off topic
Well, I searched my friends for Mitch and it suggested 'maybe you mean this Mitch' and I thought 'maybe I do mean that Mitch', and then I looked and was like 'oh but I don't know what Mitch looks like'. But then there was another thing that I was like, oh I think that's a Mitch thing, but then I wasn't friends with that Mitch and I suddenly felt like I had wandered into his living room. You know?
I dislike fecesbook. I have never made an account there.
@Mitch Well, who else could be the supposer?
@Ahmed Good!
Anyway most of the "phoning home" that Windows 10 does is in service to features that it has. It's not much worse than what, say, my Android phone does.
@KitZ.Fox Wow, that is a very complicated paragraph.
Although it can be useful on occasion.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 In Android, it's not as baked into the OS, but more into Google's services.
And by "features" you mean things like Bing and Cortana.
@Cerberus I run stock Android on a pixel. It's baked-in.
They send home your search queries and a ton of unknown data to Microsoft.
@Cerberus Sure, neither of which I use and mostly have disabled.
Google sends "home" all my search queries and voice commands.
Bing and Cortana even send home lots of data when you have them disabled.
And Windows has like 50 other domains it sends data to all the time.
I did try using yahoo search and bing search, but they are really not as useful as google search. However, you do get some results not found in google.
And it will even send data when you have disabled every well hidden privacy setting you could find.
Q: A word to describe people's lack of anything

Dough Looking for a word that encompasses Lack of awareness, lack of common sense, lack of perspective. To describe a person's actions that haven't any idea of their surroundings, consequences or affect on other people.

@Ahmed You don't have to insult what you dislike.
That's just you assuming character in distancing yourself from a society, I reckon.
@Cerberus but is that harmful to me?
I also tried outlook mail and yahoo mail, but they are really not as good as google mail.
@KitZ.Fox It'd be super weird if I were there and opened the chat room. And we'd both stand there and stare at each other. Eventually one of us would say 'Hey'. Then the other would say 'Hey' too. Then the other would say 'I just went to the bathroom and forgot to wash my hands.' and then slip out quickly. Wait...that's even more awkward.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's impossible for you to predict what data will be sent and what the consequences will be in the near and intermediate future.
I mean, who -forgets- to wash their hands like that?
@Mitch That's another complicated paragraph.
@Ahmed authorities informed. commandos dispatched. stay away from windows
@Cerberus I guess. In that case we should all switch to Linux right away.
@Cerberus Whoa man...too personal
@Ahmed Uh, yes it is an insulting description for the site. It's disparaging.
@Mitch I misread that as "dildos dispatched" and was wondering what kind of authorities you're dealing with here.
@Ahmed In a way, it is an insult, albeit a weak one. The word insult can be used in so many ways, just like the word abuse, for example.
@Mitch Well, I'm a commando myself. I have beat many Navy Seals in hand to hand combat.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That would be best, but we want to keep using the biggest ecosystem. So we do what we can.
@Mitch I don't forget. I just don't do it.
@Mitch I didn't start it!
@KitZ.Fox Oh, I am sorry Kit. Apologies.
@Cerberus enh. The cost of switching is much lower these days.
@KitZ.Fox Actually what's worse is waling into their living room and it not being me.
@KitZ.Fox You don't wash your hands in the toilet? Same here. I wash it when I poo though, not when I pee.
@Mitch Wow, that would have been even more awkward.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Not for me.
It would be like playing Spyfall. Have you ever done that?
@Cerberus isn't most of what you do on computers these days just online?
The goal is to either identify the spy, or if you're the spy, identify the location.
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