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02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

What was QED again? Quantum English Dictionary?
Sounds too scientific
Quite Easily Done
@Mitch huh, lame
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
which of course was never used in the original, being Greek
Should really be ΟΕΔ, for ὅπερ ἔδει δεῖξαι (hoper edei deixai)
@Mitch Greek is cool. I'm in love with it
Or Omega Epsilon Delta, which was banned from campus because of hazy hazing practices.
Couldn't English letters have been less lame?
. . . fewer lame o.o
@M.A.R. If they were any less lame they'd be all leg.
@Mitch Yes
@Mitch Like this: /()()/(][||||lull
That's a whole sentence in the most boring language in the world
Also they need to see a doctor, some of those legs
@M.A.R. Brainfart?
@Mitch no that's txtspk
No, I mean... did your brain fart?
Was my sentence ungrammatical?
any help on this!
I mailed him but got no reply..so I thought he might have left !
is this correct grammatically?
Mailed who?
Was it a well formed phonological stream? a voiced anal trill? Yes, I think it was.
@Mitch Ah, one of my favorites.
"I mailed him but got no reply..so I thought he might have left !"
this sentence
@BAYMAX I mailed him but got no reply, so I thought he might have left!
@BAYMAX sounds right to me. Just don't add spaces before punctuation marks
It's grammatical.
@KitZ.Fox Every time I hear of some crazy medical practice, I'm alwys educated later that there are some very particular instances where exactly that might be a good idea. Or rather a modification.
oh thanks
@Mitch Did you watch that video? I can't believe I didn't laugh through it.
like for relieving fluid build up pressure, subdural, you'd probably just want to make a very small hole, like from a drill
@BAYMAX There is no such punctuation as ..
actually writing this in a chat
@Mitch You just have to be careful not to nick anything. Also, the brain can herniate if you don't make the hole big enough.
thanks for pointing out
@BAYMAX what kind of excuse is that? o.o
@JasperLoy such as what? I'm dying of curiosity!
@KitZ.Fox eww..
really? how about 2 tiny holes?
my bad
@Mitch you gonna keep using double dots from now on, no..
like if you know like...
like analogous with...
pouring soda out of a can?
Well, some people argue "..." isn't a thing either
@M.A.R. maybe..
everyone else is doing it
@M.A.R. That's not a thing.
@Mitch don't argue..
that is, 'people arguing that "..." isn't a thing' is not a thing.
... is certainly a thing
Is not
.... is also certainly a thing
Isn't a thing
We can have 1,3, or 4 dots but not 2.
@KitZ.Fox Of course I watched it. It's pretty informative about the prep part. But when you brought out the patient and started your first cut, I was a bit at a loss. I couldn't find the followup video on how to close up.
I mean I figured it out myself mostly.
What a mess
It's because the bananas keep getting eaten.
I should probably get around to it though.
@JasperLoy Whoa dude. 4? isn't that a bit excessive? Conservation of periods and all?
I only know 1 and 3 dots.
@KitZ.Fox but really, herniating I'd think is ... catastrophic?
@Mitch don't worry, all those dots turn into dot-like digital beings
@MattE.Эллен counts
starts counting again
@Mitch Can be.
@Ghalib Four is ellipsis plus period.
starts counting again
@KitZ.Fox Ah okay.
My emphasis is not nesting
you are overthinking it
That will be one of my epitaphs
oops. I'll stop helping.
@KitZ.Fox I think that is hard to parse, similar to emphasis nesting
starts counting again
My other epitaph will be:
"Now we know"
@Mitch you expect the second level to completely . . . sleep?
@Mitch I was going to fix it and assumed that I collided with you.
stops counting again
By 'epitaphs' I'm not claiming to be multicorporeal.
But rather advertising my new business venture for facebook-feed headstones.
You may doubt me now...
also probably later...
nope. sounds plausible
dammit...some russians are already doing it
I'm also not claiming not to be multicorporeal
Keeping my options open
If claiming restricts us, then why people claim things in the first place?!
It's crazy.
You know what's the worst?
Yeah but you gonna tell me anyway
When you spill a full mug of coffee with cream all over the kitchen floor, and there is no mop, and you run through all the paper towels before you realize you should have used the dishtowels (because you can wash them), and then you go to find building custodian to see if you can use their mop, and it takes 15 minutes to find them, and when you come back without a mop, it's all clean.
Because then when you remake your coffee, all the cream is gone.
The worst
guys I am dozing really hard! ok gonna have a powernap
see ya
have some coffee
That doesn't sound so climactic
yes sure
@M.A.R. Sure, but it is definitely climatic.
You know, clouds in my coffee.
Clouds are not made of cream
Which reminds me, anybody taking a jet to see the total eclipse of the sun?
Cream is made of clouds.
Protip: this time, not in Nova Scotia
@Mitch you'd have to wait until I but my personal jet
@Mitch Can you drink coffee before bed? Like an hour or so before bed?
@Mitch oh, we can ask @Matt for his shuttle
How do you know I have a shuttle?
How else did you travel to Earth?
Don't deny it
Whistle language?
Wait, whistled language
I wish BBC wasn't blocked
Yes! It's an actual language! Well, it's modern Greek, but spoken in whistles. Fascinating!
And not far from where I'm going next week. Maybe I'll manage to visit.
@terdon I thought that was Turkish
@Mitch :P Sorry, not a nationalist bone in my body, you'll get no rise from me on that sort of thing.
@Mitch yes thanks, I know, but wanted to see if in a soace those 2 notions are the same. but no scalar product in dimension one :s
@caub If you're talking technical/math, then there is no orthogonality in a scalar product.
2 hours later…
Me too. I am not a nationalistic.
@Tonepoet Do you know old English, professor?
Which one would you say:
1) "Greetings, creators. Lend me thine eyes."
2) "Greetings, creators. Lend me thy eyes."
Just a fancy way to get someone's attention.
I am guessing 1?
If yes, then why not 2 as well?
To me both mean "you".
@Ghalib While I hold no objection to you calling that old English, because it is old, please note that some people here will object, unless you're referring to the language of the Anglo Saxons:
Ah okay. So which term would you use? Shakespearean English? Classical English?
The standard linguistic term is Early Modern English, I do so believe.
I'd call it Old English though. I never said that the complaint was fair. =P
Also, I believe it's thine because it's possessive case, but to be honest, this is not my area of expertise. The only reason I take note of this is because I'm trying to keep track of how far back our language can be traced, and insofar as I can determine, most things only settled into their current form around the early 19th century.
@Tonepoet What's your area of expertise?
Okay, never mind. I guess I know already. I'm not saying "anime" and "Webster's", I'm not :P
@Tonepoet Thanks though.
@Ghalib I am a professor of obviousness. ;-) More seriously though, I have none admittedly.
What did you suppose it was though?
Your expertise?
@Ghalib Yes.
Well, you know more than me about dictionaries.
You know a lot about video games.
Know about anime too I am sure.
And linguistics?
Wrote that off the top of my head.
Well, it is easy. I am good with using my intuition.
I guess.
But if you are a real life spy etc. then I wouldn't know.
@Ghalib Hmm, I care more about the selection than anything. so I have done a fair amount of research into their history. There probably isn't much I haven't disclosed in chat though, so it's probably not enough to be an expert.
But judging by your writing (it is innocent looking) you are not.
@Ghalib How do you differentiate innocent writing from suspicious writing?
Do you want examples?
Oh come, you know already I am sure.
Like rough writing. Using swear words and such and being rude and unfriendly etc.
The list goes on.
@JasperLoy I genuinely can't know for certain, since my exposure is minimal, but was Mr. Bond so crass?
@Tonepoet I didn't mean it that way.
@Ghalib I don't mean to look down on @Tonepoet, but it's quite weird that you always call him Professor =D
@Tonepoet Mr Bond just loves beautiful women, that is all. =D
2 hours later…
@JasperLoy: Hello! Good to see you again.
02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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