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02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

For example, if for some specific use-case, all titles are delimited by an opening and closing square bracket, and may have a space of any length cushioning the graphical positioning of the style. The names of all these titles would be the raw, unique, inner values that meaningfully distinguish each title.
Would "label" be more appropriate than "title"?
I'd say "The Lord of the Rings" is the title and "[ The Lord of the Rings ]" would be the formatted title
unless I'm misunderstanding you.
no that is what I mean, anything terser? A single-word alternative to "formatted title" for use to distinguish from "title" or "name"?
what is the context?
Section names and representations:
All section names are graphically represented like " [ Some Section Name ] ". But the names themselves are specifically held like "Some Section Name".
I'm confused. What's the setting? Do you have a book in a picture and you want to describe the picture of the book? The book has a title on its cover, the picture (on a page) has a caption that labels the picture and.. or what's the real life context?
ah... class names in programming
Is this for naming variables in software? Or for docum...
the class name -and- the member variables?
just class names
And what is the class? er... what does the class do?
wait... you said... "style of its graphical representation" So it is a picture also?
no, you know .ini format?
file format
it's an informal configuration file standard, where you can store properties and values, and there are sections which are traditionally opened / delimited by section name lines like [SectionA]. In programming SectionA is the raw "Name" of the section, the "Title" also stores information about the textual formatting like additional spaces behind the section etc, someTitle.compile() will delimit the title with [] and add the necessary cushions for writing such files.
will delimit the name*** with []
You could call that thing a heading
which is composed of some syntax and a title
I'd rather just call it name, but heading seems appropriate, thnx
name as in, instead of title for the raw name
@Monad We could come up with rational suggestions, but what does the docs for windows.ini call them?
'Section heading'?
'title' does not seem right for an ini file.
Or if you already have an API that you're using, use those variable names.
The INI file format is an informal standard for configuration files for some platforms or software. INI files are simple text files with a basic structure composed of sections, properties, and values. In MS-DOS and 16-bit Windows platforms up through Windows ME, the INI file served as the primary mechanism to configure operating system and installed applications features, such as device drivers, fonts, startup launchers, and things that needed to be initialized in booting Windows. INI files were also generally used by applications to store their individual settings. In Windows NT Microsoft introduced...
well the format is an informal standard with lots of variations, and I know windows are the best known users of it, if not the founders. But I'm not reading the docs, I'm creating a custom parser for ini files. So I would call the class either SectionTitle, or SectionHeading, which would be a class in addition to SectionName (raw; distinction-purposed name)
Wikipedia says they're "sections" or "section names" and the brackets aren't part of the name, that's just how they're written
yeah and also how they're parsed
If I were writing a grammar I would just say that a section heading is '[' + section name + ']'
or something like that
the parser I'm writing will retain user style & modifications if the file is valid, and be able to make modifications without ruining the style. So I'm making composite classes for style + content components.
but since we're all here
And so I'm not gonna create a class: OpenSquareBracketPlusSectionNamePlusCloseSquareBracket
Just pick any name then
but don't be afraid of two or three-word names
What to say when some keep reminding you of something you already know?

Plain: "Oh, thanks", Blunt: "I already knew that", Honest:"Thank you for restating what I just said", Snarky: "The best way to mansplain is to authoritatively give even less info than was already said", Dirty: "That's exactly what your mom said last night", Dawning Realization:"Huh, maybe I'm coming across like I don't know what I'm talking about"
SectionHeading, FormattedSectionHeading, whatever
I'll choose between Heading and Head, if you look up I already thanked => to imply that I have confirmed on the suggestions.
I do miss ini files. The Registry is impenetrable.
flat files forever!
@Monad Well, the addition of it being for an editor that preserves "style" (whitespace?) changes things somewhat.
Wait..what does linux do for dynamic properties that need to be persisted?
@Mitch it varies.
They don't create a database for it do they?
I'm being strongly discouraged against bothering with ini format and I understand that but windows natively supports the format, and I don't need any of the more complex features that JSON or XML comes with, INI is perfect for my needs.
(which is the fancy way)
but don't you already have JSON/XML modifying APIs?
yeah ofc, and you do for INIs too
why create something from scratch for something so old?
@Monad 1- what is 'ofc' and 2 - if you already have an ini API, then why bother rewriting?
1. parsing is my life
2. education
3. I like the idea of a custom, very specific format.
ofc - of course
2 - read 3 reasons above
> I'm sorry about before.
I am too
Is this a non-standard use of before?
@Færd No, it's fine
@Mitch In your case, I really am.
@Færd haha. wait...just me?
@Mitch Why don't dictionaries recognize it as a noun then?
It's a noun there, innit?
@Færd dictionaries aren't grammatically perfect
@Færd its seems so
@Mitch I tend to be sorry for a lot of things.
or one could say it is a sentence adverb
Sometimes I get too familiar with you and go OTP. I don't know why.
sort of like 'yesterday' could be a noun I guess
@Færd I'm sorry about that
@Mitch What?
@Mitch Commiseration appreciated.
@Færd like 'tomorrow'
it feels almost like a proper noun
But that can clearly be a noun too.
Who shot the sheriff? I did. When did I do it? Yesterday.
@Færd I don't think the dictionaries label 'yesterday' as a noun. Or do they?
How about that, they do.
> Tomorrow is another day.
> Yesterday was another day.
> *Before was another day.
@Mitch yeah
After all, GWTW is another book
Greatest war of the wars?
@Færd OK, well, it doesn't go everywhere
Gone With The Wind
"about before" sounds only natural to me in colloquial speech.
Maybe technically incorrect.
All the women of my mother's generation (and maybe hers too) think it is the best book/movie ever.
oh crap...maybe mine too.
I saw it a long long time ago.
@Færd I didn't say it was just like 'yesterday' just that it had some similarities
I didn't get the full worth I guess then.
@Færd It's not boring certainly....wait... it is 4 hrs long. Yes, yes it is boring.
Beyond conception. I'd have to break it into ten parts.
But it is just another harlequin romance potboiler. The main character is about as deplorable as it gets without outright poisoning somebody
There's one interlude IIRC.
@Færd like a miniseries.
but binge watch it all in one sitting
Yeah maybe with that mindset I could get through it.
@Færd To wake up the projectionist to make him change reels
Old times.
next year, they'll have books in pill form
It's historically significant, isn't it?
I mean it's not storytelling for the sake of storytelling.
Maybe people love it for another reason.
"I'm going to 'take' Terms of Endearment..." sobs uncontrollably for two hours
@Mitch You might be allergic to that.
@Færd Yes. It's nostalgic for white southern (US) women for a time few of them ever had.
@Færd That would be terrible, a depression causing drug that you're also allergic to.
sadness plus hives
or vomiting
or diarrhea
or all of the above.
Pills can't impress detailed info on the brain. It must be some other kind of input.
A port on your head or a cap on your scalp.
@Mitch You can take it with an antihistamine, like, a funny book.
Well, in my sci fi world, that's how good the pharmaceuticals will get. You'll experience, not through hallucinations, but through direct 'affect' control all the emotions you're supposed to experience as though in the movie.
"My heart is pounding now...oh must be the car chase scene"
@Færd realistically speaking I think people will be more accepting of a cap than a direct brain implant.
We'll have to see what will become of people.
What kind of thing they'll transform into.
The cap thing is already possible I guess, and it can effect limited impressions.
Or something like that.
an implant is presumably going to be much more direct. I've heard that a cap is not very precise...it can affect lots of areas of the brain but isn't very accurate at pinging a particular spot.
but an implant will go right to one small area of the brain so may only affect that one very small part where it is implanted.
@Mitch Or you're so absorbed in the movie that ... "My head is turning now ... OMG maybe I'm having sex in real life".
@Mitch My inkling is that it has to be a system interacting with the whole brain as a system. Affecting singular spots won't go very far.
But we know so little about the brain right now.
that leads me to think that a cap (with transcranial EM stimulation) will be more popular than... removing the top part of your skull just to install an entertainment device
I'd welcome a memory card there.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: "What's a nice place to go shopping?" or "Where's a nice place to go shopping?" by Delores Hall on english.SE
I thought OTP was readily readable as over the top. I don't know why. And it isn't, actually.
02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

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