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@Cerberus You might want to post some comment here!
@Hugo After comparing all the sample entries for "plank" in the various paperbacks sold I conclude that the free version of oxforddictionaries.com does indeed use Oxford Dictionary of English at least primarily.
Who remembers the question asking about associating a wrong cause to an effect? I can't find it.
I think there should be a new feature for all users to see their deleted posts in theri profile when logged in.
@WillHunting Correlation/causation, maybe?
Q: Correlation vs Causation

Winston EwertElsewhere on Stack Exchange I came across the following comment. The sorting is based on values, not family. If you value knowledge, you will be set to Ravenclaw, for example. Needless to say, if your parents value the acquisition of knowledge most and foremost, their children are likel...

@aediaλ Nope but thanks!
Q: Word meaning for phenomenon where one issue is incorrectly believed to be tied to another

AlanBarberI work in IT and we run into a common issue where whenever we announce that we have done something like adding a new feature to a program, updating servers or what have you... users start coming forward with lists of problems they have that they think are related to the changes. For example we a...

@WillHunting These answers aren't strictly true. If you read that question strictly, the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy is only one of the ways issues may be incorrectly linked.
@Robusto I was looking for it because I was contemplating undeleting my deleted answer.
I think I will undelete it.
Q: What does "Knock on wood" mean?

SungFrom the dictionary, it looks like it's some kind of ritual one does for luck, but I still cannot figure out when one would really knock on wood.

How's that a question about language?
And now I will see if the auto rep recalc works since I just undeleted a plus one answer.
I think I might finally have lost my mind.
@KitFox Don't worry, I am here too.
@KitFox check down in the sofa
@KitFox Indeed you have, I found it yesterday.
Um. Jinx.
@KitFox It's in the trunk!
that doesn't count as a jinx
My humps!
unless Reg found Kit's mind in Matt's couch
I am looking everywhere to figure out how to get the column ids from a listview. The solutions all say things like "use listview.Columns" or "listview.ColumnHeaders" or "listview.Items.Subitems(0)" but none of these are available on a listview
Mar 16 '11 at 3:37, by RegDwight
My rules are unclear and flexible.
Announcement, the auto rep recalc does work! QED.
@MattЭллен Then maybe you can find mine too.
@KitFox Now that's just gibberish. This is the English room, you know.
I was typing quickly.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Anyone who chats here will know that this is NOT the English room.
checks OED for "listview.Items.Subitems(0)"...
It's like when I was doing the Linq stuff and didn't have the Dynamic Linq codefile, but all the solutions implemented it like it just should be there.
@WillHunting good for him. But I'm not Anyone. I'm Twoshuttlesworth.
Maybe I should install the service pack, and just see what happens.
I wonder where that brain has gone.
You did love it so. You looked after it like a son.
And it went wherever I did go.
Is it in the cupboard? (Yes! Yes! No!…)
Wouldn’t you like to know? It was a lovely little brain.
And it went wherever I did go.
(It’s behind the sofa!)
Where can that brain be?
It is a most elusive brain!
And it went wherever I did go.
Ooooh, brainy, brainy, brainy brain!
A-brain, a-brain, a-brain, a-brainy, ooooh.
Ooooh, brainy, brainy, brainy brain!
That went wherever I did go.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Reg Dwight = Anyone Twoshuttleworth.
@KitFox Famous last words.
listview.Items should exist @Kit
That's the eleventh Commandment.
@JSBᾶngs listview.Items.Subitems does not though.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Once you appear, the stars appear.
@WillHunting That's because I'm a chat vampire, I only come out at chat-night.
@mahnax Boo!
@WillHunting Hi!
I'm in that one class that I hate.
And it's not like I'm dominating the starbord these days.
@Mahnax Science?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Comm. Tech.
What's comm tech?
Communications Technology.
Graphic design, photography, etc.
Photography's not boring!
This stuff is.
Are they making you, like, take Photoshop tutorials or something?
@Mahnax I find black and white photographs have a special quality about them that I can't put in words.
daydreams about going outside with camera on this sunny day
But I don't appreciate black and white movies.
@aediaλ I saw the photos on your site!
B/w is so much fun to develop and print yourself.
@WillHunting I really ought to put more up, but I am insanely lazy have had things and stuff to do.
We have to do some silly worksheets.
@aediaλ Or you can just do a gimp colorify to convert them to black and white.
Maybe I will try it.
We get to develop our own photos.
But I found out that "web design" doesn't even use HTML.
Hey @JSB, you're the Linq expert. Can I stitch Linq and listviews together?
@WillHunting Haha no, I mean film, 35mm. The real thing, before it's scanned. No computers in the darkroom, silly.
@Mahnax jumps up and down Are you excited? I'm excited!
Sorry. I want a darkroom.
@aediaλ Hmm, these worksheets do suck.
I will start next class.
What are you possibly worksheeting? Don't they have you solving design problems or something?
@KitFox Yes, and weren't we all just enthralled with that conversation. I love nothing better than hearing about someone else's Linq problems.
Hey, I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings by not including you.
Litotes doesn't help.
I'm all confused now.
@KitFox i am not the listview expert. however, if the ListView implements IEnumerable, then yes
@Mahnax No HTML? What... what are you making then? Twitters? Blargs?
docs indicate that ListView.Items is of type IList, so you should be able to query against it
@aediaλ Using Dreamweaver. Blegh.
@aediaλ About different techniques.
@Mahnax wait, what? They're teaching "web design" using dreamweaver?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yessir.
Can you ask the teacher to just do it some other way?
The assignment is to learn the different techniques available in Dreamweaver.
I mean, ask your teacher to allow you to learn a different way
The teacher is on Dreamweaver's payroll.
Dear god, you poor thing
@JSBᾶngs Yes, I use Items frequently, but I need the header id. I will just keep poking it.
pfft, the assignment. Ask your teacher if you can learn how to implement those techniques manually.
Today I learnt that suspicion is a verb.
I know how to implement them manually.
I could ask to "learn" it again.
Or you could ask to do something different. The key is to be pleasant and gracious with your teacher, while showing an eagerness to learn. If you can already do what the dreamweaver assignment is about, ask your teacher to set some other web-design goal for you.
@KitFox what do you mean by "header id"?
@JSBᾶngs I want to iterate through the column headers in the listview. Is that so wrong?
Whoops, moar meetings. Gotta run.
@KitFox and do what to them? the thing is, headers are not actually items in the list, so...
that might be your problem
Hmm, I guess I'll ask.
@JSBᾶngs Yeah, I'm getting that.
@KitFox what problem are you trying to solve by iterating over the column headers?
I want to multi-sort. So either I need to go back to specifying the columns by hand, or I need to figure out how to do it with jQuery, it seems.
I can do it already if I pass a dictionary of control names to the sorting function that I wrote.
you mean sort by multiple criteria?
Without doing a ctrl-click type of thing.
(That's what the plug-in does.)
If I could get the headers, I could check the class, and use that to determine whether to include it in the sort expression.
interesting. there's probably something to be said for doing it client-side anyway, but let's assume that you don't want to do that
It would be slightly easier to write, because then you'd just need to specify the class on the columns you wanted to sort at design time.
do you really want the ids of the columns? aren't you sorting by the values of particular fields in the DataItems? if so, wouldn't it be easier to just specify the field names to sort by?
Right now, I iterate through the controls, check the state of the sorter image, and assemble the sort expression from that. That way, the sort status is preserved across postbacks.
Q: Thesaurus for word "second" (2nd)

SreekumarI want to improve the following sentence: I got my second shoes today. I want to replace second with some other good phrase.

In just two hours, tied for the most downvotes ever.
I have got a rather impolite question! Is there any verb more informal than "poop"?
@Mahnax We have a new champion.
@Meysam there's always shit
@Meysam but there's not really a good answer to your question. verbs are not strictly ordered by informality.
Q: "Today is Joe's birthday" or "Joe's birthday is Today"?

Kedar MhaswadePerhaps some of you have already observed that Facebook reminds one of friends' birthdays as: "[xyz]'s birthday is Today". To my ears, "Today is [xyz]'s birthday" sounds better. I guess both the usages are correct. But which one is preferable?

zjl's answer is wrong.
@JSBᾶngs Can "shit" be used as a verb?
@Meysam Yes, more more often "take a shit."
Or for instance, "I was so nervous, I was shitting bricks."
@JSBᾶngs I order my verbs from Amazon. They take a couple of days to arrive, but I can be sure they are high-quality parts of speech.
@Meysam yep. "I shit in your spaghetti." (Note: do not shit in people's spaghetti)
@JSBᾶngs lol
Careful, do not say "shit" in polite company.
Better to say it than to do it.
There are lots and lots of expressions for pooping.
@KitFox Is "take a shit" the most impolite way of saying that thing?
@KitFox Could you please list some of them for me? Just out of curiosity
@Meysam Probably, insofar as it involves a curse word.
@Meysam shit=defecate
Q: One word for "Over Index"

ChantzBasically I am trying to save space when displaying a table. And "over index" word in the table header is taking unnecessary width, width which can be distributed elsewhere. Definition of "Over Index" in this context is - Ratio of "Shared Metric" to the Average of "Shared Metrics". Hope this he...

@Meysam Crap or take a crap. Pinch a loaf, drop some kids off at the pool, squeeze one out...
Kill with fire, please.
Q: More common expression for "move your bowels"

czhMove your bowels may be too polite and sounds strained, and merely saying shit sounds offensive. What do native English speakers say then when you need to move your bowels, especially when a parent asks his toddlers whether they need to shit?

Oh, yeah. Drop a deuce. I like that one.
The letter p is very interesting because it forms pa, pi, poo, pee.
@WillHunting er... what?
@Robusto Well, in most circumstances.
@Mahnax In polite company.
@Robusto But I was thinking if there is a word for ratio to the average in general.
No shared metrics in ELU.
Does no one respect private property?
Frig. I left debug mode on.
Metrics are very personal things.
@Robusto No shared fluids.
Gotta run. bye!
A: What is the correct pronunciation of "AJAX"?

xIN3NA-iacs is more better to say it seems like more distinguishable.......

This question so needed another answer.
Protip: if you want your answer to get deleted without further notice, pad it out with periods.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I'm not sure what you mean...........................
@RegDwightѬſ道 Three or four are fine but other numbers signal something wrong.
@Robusto You will be in a second.
@WillHunting My personal threshold is seven.
Mine is eight.
@RegDwightѬſ道 @Reg: I hope you gave someone hell in the teacher's lounge for shipping us that particular boatload of fail.
@Robusto not yet.
I'm not sure why we are getting this old crap anyway.
So now it is Rob, Reg, Fum and Bar in the top four spots!
Spring cleaning?
It was general consensus that old questions must not be migrated.
Which is why we are still sitting on a pile of most excellent questions for Linguistics.
And them's only a couple months old.
This stuff from SO and Cie. is over 9000 years old.
Do I pronounce Ajax like Ajax or like something completely different?
Like the cleanser. Or the god. Or the missile.
@KitFox Ajax=Ajax. QED.
I sure do hope that @nohat pinged some dev asking them to undo that unfortunate merge.
@Robusto So Comet, Ares, and Stinger are also acceptable pronunciations?
Ajax wasn't a god, by the way.
Ajax=a-jack-s=a jack's ass.
Ajax was a hero. A football hero.
A working class hero.
I did say football.
Or should I say "a working class gyro"?
@KitFox OK, titan.
@KitFox You should not should in this chat. You may may, though.
@Robusto Not even a titan. What's wrong with you?
@Robusto Are they rebuilding the Domino Day with rockets?
I'm out. Later, peeps.
@KitFox I dunno, I come unglued regarding Greek mythology if @Cerberus isn't here to correct me.
OK, he was a Greek statue.
Oh, ferchrissakes. I was thinking of Atlas, not Ajax.
Ajax was a greek hero. Yes. Mea culpa.
I said "mea culpa" because I don't know how to say "mea culpa" in Greek.
Ajax may refer to: Mythology * Ajax (mythology), son of Telamon, ruler of Salamis and a hero in the Trojan War, also known as "Ajax the Great" * Ajax the Lesser, son of Oileus, ruler of Locris and the leader of the Locrian contingent during the Trojan War. Events * Operation Ajax, the 1953 Iranian coup d'état People * Ajax (missionary), Arian missionary who converted the Suevi to Christianity (c. 466) * Ajax, pen name of Australian nature writer Sidney William Jackson Information technology * Ajax (programming) (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), a technique used in web applicat...
I have two Atlases.
Yes, Ajax is an Arnold Schwarzenegger wannabe and Atlas is an ad for underarm deodorant.
@Robusto that's one huge deodorant he's holding.
@RegDwightѬſ道 He needs a lot.
A: How Do You Pronounce "Tuesday"?

Wes MillerMy employer of many years ago, in desperate need of a repair part, called the supplier and explained that he need the part as quickly as possible. It being Monday he hoped to have it by Wednesday or Thursday. The supplier answered, "Yes sir, I'll ship it Say-oh-day.". After three attempts to s...

Give me a break. No seriously, do.
22 hours ago, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Also, questions that are older than a week should be autoprotected or something.
A: "Today is Joe's birthday" or "Joe's birthday is Today"?

zjlthey are both wrong gramatically. i am chinese and i was educated in china so it's kind of ironic for me to say anything about english language especially to americans. but one of the common grammar mistakes we can see nowadays is: "now is a good time". every formal grammar book tells you: now,...

> i am chinese and i was educated in china so it's kind of ironic for me to say anything about english language especially to americans. [...] "today is a sunny day" "today is my lucky day or today is my birthday". are all grammatically worng.
You can't make this stuff up.
I commented. Watch me get flagged.
Hmm, interesting. The more down-votes, the paler the answer text becomes.
Yes. Though I thought one would only start to notice at around -5.
Perhaps they changed it.
I think users should be able to go below 1 rep.
Oh they do.
The displayed rep is just smoke and mirrors.
So mods see the "real" rep?
But if he gets an upvote, that'll put him at +5, not +11.
Mar 24 '11 at 16:03, by Robusto
Curiouser and curiouser.
It was meant as a form of encouragement. Also, to prevent people from ganging up.
Where is my mind?
Except that if history is any lesson, the people capable of dropping below zero are precisely the ones who do not deserve to be encouraged.
1.3k behind. I don't think I'll be sniping.
Yeah, I spent some when it looked like we had a chance. But even though I had a healthy plus score, our delta was wider after I finished.
I should really stop attacking the Purple Empire, because we are the only ones who keep them afloat. They'd be falling at about 2 FP/day without us attacking and losing.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Protip: Don't click the "attack" button on Purple Empire.
I'll click it on KK instead.
Feb 11 '11 at 3:38, by Robusto
Seriously, where else can you get this kind of entertainment? And for free!
@Robusto Mind is not found in space.
Feb 11 '11 at 14:54, by Robusto
It's much better if you add raisin despair.
@gigili I see you changed back to the two fingers!
@RegDwightѬſ道 It is also terribly bad in terms of capitalisation and spelling.
Thank you for pointing that out, Jasper!
I am a bit slow. But I am steady.
Slow and steady wins the race they say.
And I see you wrote my name with lowercase 'g'.
Feb 14 '11 at 12:24, by Robusto
Really? How else are you going to carry moon beams home then?
@Gigili Are you upset by that?
More surprised than upset, isn't it hard?
@Gigili Well, we just use the first three letters for pinging, that is all it means so I can just use @gig.
It means you type the complete name instead of pressing "tab".
@Gigili Yes I don't like to use the tab.
Quick, everybody post your PIN numbers for all your accounts.
@Robusto What game is this?
The game of robbery!
Accounts means SE accounts, yes?
It doesn't matter. All accounts is a hypernym.
My browser is nuts. For a moment it displayed part of the chat room on the Oxford dictionary selector page.
Unfortunately I cannot reproduce that now.
That's where it belongs. Your browser is visionary.
I will see if I can get a cheap copy of the Oxford Dictionary of English at a bookstore here.
It is 2112 pages.
A palindromic page count.
palindromes should be harder to make. they should have to read the same in the mirror as they do normally
@MattЭллен You're awfully fussy about palindromes.
In the mean time, note that it can be accessed at oxforddictionaries.com, in case you missed my announcement.
@Robusto I am.
people should be harder to make. force men to give birth
@MattЭллен There would be no people.
@Robusto I rest my case
@MattЭллен That happens in some movies.
But people are funny.
@WillHunting I'm not sure I want to watch those films :D
See? How funny is that?
lol, pretty funny
@Robusto Wow I did not know he has such a vehicle.
I bet you could get a bullet into the petrol tank...
I wonder what you call it, neither truck nor car.
and from hollywood films, I know that destroys the car instantly
@WillHunting Popemobile
This is one of the reasons I would not get wasted in Italy. If I saw the Popemobile I would have an out-of-mind experience.
Actually is that picture even real?
It looks like something from the gimp.
Popemobile (Italian: Papamobile) is an informal name for the specially designed motor vehicles used by the pope during outdoor public appearances without having to employ the antiquated and often impractical sedia gestatoria. The Popemobile was designed to allow the pope to be more visible when greeting large crowds. There have been many different designs for popemobiles since Pope John Paul II first used a modified truck to greet crowds on his first trip to Poland as pope. Some popemobiles are open air, while others have bulletproof glass to enclose the pope. (These were deemed necessary...
@MattЭллен HB!
It looks kind of like a hearse, but for someone who is not quite dead yet though still close enough that you might have to drive them to the cemetery any second.
OMG, I knew about worst comes to worst and worse comes to worst but I just learnt about worse comes to worse. learnersdictionary.com/search/worst
But I don't think there will be a worst comes to worse.
That's why we had to create the double facepalm.
when face comes to palm
Haha this was awesome, how come I missed it:
Q: Thesaurus for word "second" (2nd)

SreekumarI want to improve the following sentence: I got my second shoes today. I want to replace second with some other good phrase.

@RegDwightѬſ道 Slow, but it's OK.
But I really am thinking why he wants a better word than second. Second is simple and clear.
In fact I don't think there is another word meaning second.
But my vocab is limited.
@WillHunting he's asking for phrases!
there are an infinite number of those :D
@MattЭллен after first and before third
two before fourth
Yes. And a good phrase that means "second" is "1/60th of a minute". Or "inch" in Imperial.
I wonder why Indians I hear have difficulty pronouncy the th in third.
They're not alone, Germans have it too.
They pronounced it as t h, a t with some h air instead.
And many Chinese speakers pronounce film as flim.
And also milk as miuk.
Se dog ran towards me.
Did it eated you?
I think what happens is that when the sound does not exist in the native tongue they try to approximate it.
46 mins ago, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
user image
Yes, yes, I am just stating my observations.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I didn't leted him. I ran towards se dog instead.
Oh mine got!
Is that the new got milk?
for spiders, yes
Never had sake.
I'd give you $1000 to have the Greek letters at the end of your nickname.
You don't need $1000, you just need... Copy paste!
I could be in infomercials with my winning style
@MattЭллен That looks like reg!
Kakapo look like Reg too
Pfft. That's bubo bubo. I'm bubo scandiacus.
All birds look like reg. QED.
@RegDwightѬſ道 My name appears there!
toodle pip!
Q: "Problematic" versus "problem"

ZonataA reviewer of my thesis told me that I am wrongly using the word problematic. He suggested that I use problem instead. I have since read the definition of both words and neither correspond to the French definition I was looking for, so I am asking this community if it is correct to use this word ...

Very good question! Both words can be used as noun and adjective it seems if one checks MW.
This site is messing up my English!
There is more than meets the eye in many questions.
They should call this site ELU: More than meets the eye.
Q: "More than (what) meets the eye"

warunIs it correct to say more than what meets the eye? More than meets the eye sounds incorrect, but I've seen a lot of people use it and that confuses me. What acts like an object to the phrase which otherwise seems incomplete.

I think this question deserves more upvotes.
I'm wondering if the answer to the Problematic versus problem question is problems or issues (note the plural) instead. Problématique appears to mean something like a set of problems in French (i.e. a divisible problem?), while problème would be a single question that can be resolved rationally.
Q: Problème ou problématique

EvpokTitre d'une note de blog Les solidarités, problématique centrale de la crise financière J'entends et je lis de plus en plus, en particulier chez les journalistes et les hommes politiques employer problématique alors que je dirais simplement problème. D'après le TLF Problématique II. −S...

> Un problème se résoud alors qu'une problématique se solutionne.
Looks like a lexical gap in English to me. I can't come up with anything that is similar enough to problématique.
Complex or set of problems.
German has Problematik, Russian has проблематика. English is meh.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Then we can just say "problem set".
@Vitaly @Kit and @Cer?
I do see Problem Set 1, 2, 3 used in some books.
@Vitaly I did not know gifs works in here.

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