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writing code because she is enjoying it
takes your temperature
Hey now! Mind where you're poking that thing.
Oops wrong place! Now please present your ear.
@Cerberus Well, it was practically condemned when we got it.
@Vitaly I didn't. Thanks!
Hello there, Mrs. Kitfox.
Watchall doing?
Je fais mes devoirs.
We finally learned something useful in French today.
Ah, mais non!
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Des physiques? I don't know.
Le physique, peut-être?
C'est possible.
@Mahnax Holla.
Ah, c'est la physique, naturellement.
Oui. Il y a une e, alors c'est féminine.
Are you commenting on my curvatures now?
Who? Qui?
Le physique, c'est la constitution du corps.
@Mahnax Cela n'est par toujours vrai.
@Cerberus Je sais, mais c'est simple.
Il y a quelques adjectives terminantes en -le et -que toujours, même quand ils sont masculins.
Il y a chic et chique, mais jamais *physic.
Vous êtes correct.
Merci bien.
Vous êtes vieux, alors j'utilise vous.
Le Seigneur des Anneaux, est-ce qu'il te plait?
@Mahnax Tais-toi, bébé!
@Cerberus Je plaisante!
Moi aussi.
Je sais.
I'm done with French now, methinks.
La translation du Seigneur des Anneaux en Néerlandais, c'est stupide.
I'm not sure what "Seignur des Anneaux" means.
"In de Ban van de Ring", ce qui signifie "Possessed by the Ring".
Anneau = ring; seigneur = lord.
You figure it out.
@Cerberus Oui, je l'aime.
Tu es un peu retardé, n'est-ce pas?
@Cerberus Tais-toi, s'il vous plaît.
Make up your mind: tutoyer or vouvoyer!
Mon vocabulaire n'est pas bon.
@Cerberus I'm sorry.
My vocabulary sucks too.
I have been taking French for two months now.
I usually take words from English or Latin.
Only two months?
Then I am impressed.
Well, I did french in elementary school.
But I forgot almost all of that.
Ah OK.
Reading is really the best way to learn it.
I have a book that I study from at home, as well.
But you need to have enough basic knowledge first, or read simplified books.
My basic knowledge is fairly sound.
My vocabulary is quite lacking, though.
OK including basic vocabulary, then.
Vocabulary is my main problem too.
I really love learning verb conjugation rules and grammar.
But I hate memorizing straight vocab.
Same here.
I just learned imparfait today.
Although you would probably enjoy Greek conjugations less.
@Cerberus Why?
Because it is endless and quite irregular.
There are forms that can be 7 different tenses.
Or something like that.
Fool, me.
I wouldn't want it?
23 secs ago, by Mahnax
Fool, me.
I can't blame anyone for not wanting stupid conjugations.
I think that I used the wrong word, is what I mean.
Voudrais doesn't seem right.
What were you trying to say?
I wouldn't like it.
Ce vieillard-ci t'assistera.
@Mahnax Je ne l'aimerais pas.
@Cerberus That's what I thought.
But I wrote voudrais by accident.
Happens to the best.
I see.
This homework is not fun.
Inner demons are not fun.
Outer demons are worse.
Hello @Will.
@Mahnax Woof!
@WillHunting Quoi?
Why are you woofing, Jasper?
I pray for the wisdom to deal with both the inner and outer demons of my life. There are a few of each kind.
And it makes you woof?
@Mahnax Just felt like woofing! I am full of feelings!
@WillHunting I see! Well, how are you today?
@Mahnax Very bad. Only God can help me...
How accurate is the time on your computer?
@WillHunting This stuff about demons makes it sound that way, yes. I hope things will get better.
@WillHunting Why bad? What's going on?
@Cerberus I use Network Time Protocol, should be correct to the second.
Have you tried the link?
I am 5.2 seconds slow.
My clock is 2.4s fast.
@Cerberus Well, it's bad until the day I have completely dealt with both kinds of demons.
So it is no better or worse than yesterday?
@Mahnax That figures.
@Cerberus It fluctuates.
@Cerberus Oh?
Mac ahead, Windows behind?
@Mahnax What clock?
@Mahnax I'm behind the times, you're a panting youngster scurrying ahead.
@WillHunting Computer.
@mahnax I don't really believe in any kind of God, but I still pray to God if that makes sense.
@WillHunting Sure.
@Mahnax And perhaps others will too when they reach a life crisis.
@WillHunting Many people turn to God in times of trouble.
@Mahnax Yes. What I am going through is beyond your wildest imagination.
@WillHunting I see. I shan't try to imagine it then.
@Mahnax Good good. But you will know that such moments have come into your life when they come.
@WillHunting Yes, I believe one would recognize them quite easily.
Poor Whitney, maybe her inner demons killed her.
I hope she is in a better place now. Maybe I will be there soon too.
I certainly hope you will not leave us.
Keep fighting.
You know, once I told a prof about my issues, and he said "Wei da the ren dou you cuo zhe" which roughly means "all great people go through tribulations"!
Hmm, it's true!
My favourite Whitney song is "Greatest Love of All"
Never heard it.
I stopped doing Physics because it was stupid and boring.
I shall do it later.
Hi guys
1 hour later…
@Reg, I finally saw the questions with new activity banner, and yes it is ugly!
@aedia Where?
I don't see it, thankfully.
we discussed it uhh
Mar 8 at 22:35, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
This new indicator of the number of questions with new activity is kind of annoying.
Don't see it.
But I don't see it at w($k where I still have FF 3.6x
I'm at home and have FF 10 and I just saw it for the first time.
Can you give us a screen shot?
It's gone now though! I clicked it! But I think Reg made one...
Mar 8 at 22:43, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
user image
Mar 8 at 22:43, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
user image
Yeah I apparently suck at copypasting.
y u no copypasta rite ?
Hm... .
cuz i shud bee sleepin?
o den go 2 bedz
an sleepz
but but weit ima editz sumfin
so u ken see grey bannr
u lookin?
iz not purty
i will post feature request
on teh metazz
Tell them to take it away or at least make it rainbow.
Will do.
I mean this is just the worst of both worlds.
Okay I really have to go sleep. And I see you lurking over there, @Cerb. You doubly should be sleeping unless you're pretending to be in my timezone again.
Also, I am asking about the uncapitalized things on MSO.
Q: As a site about EL&U, should we maintain correct grammar, punctuation, etc. throughout the site?

MahnaxWhen a user goes to ask a question, the default text in the title bar is this: Should this be changed to reflect the site's intent? In my opinion, this is a place where rules of the English language should be followed, not ignored, especially by the site itself. Could we get proper capitalizati...

I will post on MSO now.
Actually, I won't.
It will get closed, since it only applies to us at the moment.
@aediaλ Night!
@Gigili - I can't think of an appropriate verb, but the adjective "Orwellian" springs to mind.
5 hours later…
@RegDwight - what do you think this question means?
Q: writing a letter for financial aid

PanAkryI have to write a letter in order to obtain financial aid for a congress but I have some troubles. For me it is easy to write such a letter in French, but I don't know how to begin this kind of letter. Is there any idiomatic expression for this kind of procedure ? Moreover, how can I translate ...

I'd like to help this person, but I don't quite get what he/she is having trouble with.
Off to Writers. Even though they will hate me for that.
Now I wish I hadn't opened my big mouth. Is there a reason you can't leave it alone, just for a little while?
@RegDwightѬſ道 You are transferring to Writers?
@DavidWallace I have left it alone. On another site.
@Robusto I'm sure they would give me a warm welcome for all the years of using them as ELU's toilet bowl.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I don't think they're progressing much. Every time I go there most of their new questions are migrations from here.
Wow, "Freya" means "May you always have a home to live in, clothing to wear, food to eat, and someone to love"? That's... compact.
I think the word got gzipped.
@RegDwightѬſ道 No, you womble, "Flags, flax, fodder and Frig" means "May you always have a home to live in, clothing to wear, food to eat, and someone to love".
Just like "testicles, spectacles, wallet and watch" means "Do I have everything I need with which to face the day?"
Well sorry I can only parse sentences as they are presented to me. Not in some weirdo carry-look-ahead-behind-and-between-the-lines way.
Bube, Dame, König, Gras.
WTF happened to Kill King? Didn't they used to be awesome?
No idea. They've been falling for weeks.
Flags, Flax, Fodder and Frig: An old Saxon blessing ... Its meaning is: “May you always have a home to live in, clothing to wear, food to eat, and someone to love.” "Its" here can't refer to Freya, since she's a SHE, not an IT. What don't you understand?
Freya is also a word. Just like Obama.
More to the point, I was making a joke.
You should relax. Play solitaire softball or something.
Stop being so widdershins.
Hello Reg, can I ask who has deleted one of my chat messages?
Also, tell me what is the new M144 gold-farming bonanza.
Anyhow @Rob. They've been falling for weeks, and so have Last Survivor, and that has been bugging me all this time. The weakest factions above us are precisely the ones with which we have non-aggro pacts.
@RegDwight Actually, what I need to do is go to bed. Perhaps I would understand your humour better when rested. Sorry if I'm grumpy today.
No prob.
@Gigili You can but I'm not sure I'll be able to help.
I don't see deleted chat messages either. I can only check their history by their message ID.
Which you probably don't know.
@RegDwightѬſ道 That didn't stop Adolf H.
Okay thank you, I'll ask someone else.
@DavidWallace Good night, sleep well. Thank you for your kind email.
Anyhow, I think people just grow bored with this game. It's either commit to do it forever or get off the treadmill at some point.
I guess the same is true for the devs as well.
@Gigili, oh, I've just noticed your reply. Umm, I think it would be easier to help you if I were talking to you, rather than trying to work offline.
@Gigili Actually, since you said you've delivered the project already, maybe it would make sense for me to work offline, and just highlight the bits that are hard to understand for some reason.
I'll email you back in a little while.
this has to be gen ref
Q: Usage of verb 'be' and 'is'

user103241In dictionary for word 'be' it says, be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); Example: "John is rich"; Can someone explain why example not use 'be' and why 'is'?

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick. Jack jump over the candlestick.
Gah I wish I had never migrated that letter-writing question. Have to explain myself in the Teachers' Lounge now.
Tell them I made you do it.
I'm innocent! A grumpy Kiwi forced me!
Yeah, sounds believable.
@MattЭллен In the spirit of confusing him even further, I sent him off to read up on suppletion.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Yay! Well, at least I got to learn something :)
Good night all.
What is it about children? My son woke up screaming from a nightmare. It was time to get up anyway, so my wife took him out of bed. He cried and protested that he wanted to stay in bed. So she put him back in bed (intending to give him a minute to cool down), but that set him off more because he wanted his mommy.
Listen, kiddo. You're 2 now. I expect consistency and rationality!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 from a human? ha!
@MattЭллен I have high standards for my humans.
Stack Exchange is down?
well, at least chat is still going
what? weird
Well I almost never visit the main site anymore because I find it depressing
I cannot get to writers or to EL&U
Nor Stackoverflow
I got an error screen for chat a few minutes ago, but it went away after a refresh
I wonder if the others will be able to find their way here
well, Cerb never closes this tab. :D
and Reg has the whole web open in numbered tabs
So is it a sign of insanity if I'm writing an SQL statement that's too complicated for me to get right, so I write a program to generate my SQL statement?
not necessarily
That's good enough for me
are you writing the generating programming in SQL?
... no. To date, I've never generated SQL in SQL. One time in PL/SQL, maybe? I forget.
that would be insane
I have generated HTML in SQL.
that was fun.
ok enjoy
I'll be here
staving off insanity
Q: Why is "Why don't you like ___?" okay, but "Why do not you like?" ___?" isn't?"

Village"Why don't you like?" seems commonly used, but I never hear "Why do not you like?" Are they both acceptable forms? How can one best remove the contraction from "Why don't you like?" Are there any other similar situations where a sentence with a contraction or without changes from being good to ...

I could swear this is a dupe.
Q: "Do you not" or "Don't you"?

PromatherI live in the UK and I mostly hear people saying Don't you..., but some people say: Do you not...? What is the difference and which one is more correct? You can put any example really. Something like: Do you not like to come to school with me? Don't you like to come to school with me?

I remember nohat leaving a comment, if not an answer.
So far only this...
Q: Do contractions (e.g. "don't") and full phrases (e.g. "do not") have the same meaning?

Srinivas Reddy ThatiparthyWhat is the difference between "don't" and "do not" in the English literature as well as spoken English? Are they same? The same question goes for "wouldn't" and "would not", "couldn't" and "could not".

Q: Is "Don't you know? " the same as "Do not you know?"?

OmegaWell, we know don't is the same as do not, right? Therefore, can I say "Do not you know?", instead of "Don't you know?"? Well, I know that chances are I can't do that, but technically that should be correct, no?

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