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Well, 2nd cup is very similar to Starbucks, except starbucks has the pretentious lingo and slightly more froofroo, while 2nd cup has more varieties of black coffee on tap.
or faucet. spigot. whatever it's called.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Their coffee isn't terrible when I've had it at home, but I feel like they ruin it in the store a lot in some way, like it's just too bitter and scalded or something.
> Our records indicate you are enrolled in a retirement plan on an after-tax basis
I have gotten this notification once a month and twice today.
I would like to shout at them.
(my brother's girlfriend works at Starbucks so sometimes they get me coffee beans or those Via things at holidays)
@aediaλ In store, they make the coffee really strong. I think they use 2 tbs beans for 6 oz water instead of 1tbs/6oz that is typical in a coffee maker at home.
They over-extract like nobody's business.
I happen to like my coffee strong, so I guess maybe that's why i like theirs? At home I do 1.5/6 in my coffeepot
I don't mind it strong like that if it works right... some little coffee shops have those cool drip thingies, whatchamacallit glass thing, that you put a ton of finely ground coffee in and pour the hot water in and drip into the cup
Pourover, that's it
French press?
I'm ashamed that I used to just measure mine with a regular spoon until it looked right, and now I have a coffee scoop but I don't know how big it is, and I use four of it to make one pot which is uhh... enough to fill a large mug, about 500ml
Oh, you mean the kind you put right on top of the cup?
Yeah that.
I used to have a french press but I gave it away because I was so lazy about cleaning it
Now I just have a normal drip coffeemaker whose full capacity I don't quite need since my better half isn't an addict
I have friends who introduced me to pourover coffee, but I haven't acquired the supplies, because see above re:lazy
Plus, then it stays special when I go out for it.
We have an uberfancy coffee machine that we got as a wedding gift and then had replaced while it was under warranty.
@aediaλ it's probably 1 tbs
and 500ml = 17oz
so 4/17 is pretty close to how I make mine
@KitFox how do you like it?
It makes great coffee.
easy to use? any issues cleaning it?
The plumbing rusted out on the first one, or something. It started leaking. My husband knows the details.
Then the grinder went on the second one.
And he didn't want to return it a second time.
It can brew two kinds of coffee at once
You have to be fairly thorough cleaning it, but if you have a dishwasher, it's no problem at all.
but unless you need the two-at-once feature, I wouldn't recommend it.
I can't imagine why I'd need that, but it looks really cool.
My next coffee maker will have a heated bottom AND the ability to brew directly into a cup (as my current one does). AND pause-and-pour. AND be easier to load with water. And run the latest version of android.
Just a normal thermal carafe one with a timer.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I like our airpot.
Keeps the coffee hot for ages.
And no need for a hot pad.
@KitFox The carafe on yours works well?
@aediaλ my old coffee maker was B&D. It was really annoying to pour. My parents have the larger one, and it's annoying too. If you don't pour really slowly, the coffee runs along the sides of the lid of the carafe and drips out along the outside wall of the carafe. Until it finally conked out, I had to pour my coffee by flipping the lid open with my thumb.
It's an airpot, not a glass carafe. The only trick is that the values need periodic cleaning or they get plugged, and it spills coffee.
Mine is ok, and I feel way better about it than with a hot pad thing, especially when I have the timer set, am forgetful in the morning having not consumed the coffee, etc. But it's not awesome at keeping the coffee warm when I'm normally making not a full pot
My new carafe has a similar drippy problem.
My mom had the same coffeemaker as I did and she had really hard water; even with regular cleaning, it eventually clogged and became unusable
@aediaλ I have found that using a brita filter seems to help remove minerals from the water. I don't even get any scale in my kettle, and I haven't cleaned it in years.
Now, the water here isn't particularly hard. So ymmv.
Hmm, maybe I'll have to get her one
Hey, MrShiny, can you imagine a problem if I create a codefile and write a few public functions? I have a custom Page Class but I want to have some functions available to the custom controls.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I think my mom was so mad at the B&D one getting broken from the hard water (and how it would drip, and how the lid is a little bit of a pain to screw on) she refused to ever get another one. I remember buying her something elephant-branded after that... Zojirushi, maybe?
@KitFox Generally I recommend breaking your code up into lots of smaller files where it makes sense to do so. Public functions might be re-used anywhere at any time, but if you're careful about making them independent of each other (i.e. someone calling your function elsewhere won't screw up your already working code) then all should be ok.
I realized only just now that I have a ton of stuff lingering in my page class that doesn't really need to be there.
These would just handle little things, like binding dropdown lists.
Hmm. Although maybe I should just write custom controls for those...
Yes, yes. I think that's probably more sensible.
It's hard for me to give solid advice on code organization for you because you're using a framework and language that I'm not familiar with.
Yeah. Thanks for trying though.
I'm going to think about this in the car, while driving.
beats thinking about driving.
@Kit You know HP:MoR's been updated, right?
HP:MoR: Episode IIVX. In Smell-o-D.
3 hours later…
@KitFox My dad brought one of these home from work once:
Not the cabinetry, but the coffeemaker.
It was broken when he brought it home, but he got it into working order… For a week.
Was it good?
Where does the water come from?
Is it easy to refill?
I don't know such things.
I never used it.
Well, I did taste the coffee once or twice.
It was very good. Awesome, even.
Too bad it broke down.

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