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Damn it! Flurry-crushed x2. Augh!
Hah. Mawcor is as treacherous as ever.
Q: Is it proper to ask to belay a request to a superior?

Justin DearingThe term belay is often used to cancel an order in military settings. The definition indicates it just means to cancel. However, would asking a superior (in a civilian private sector employment situation) add an improper tone to the request?

What do you think of this?
We have entertained plenty of "customary appropriateness" questions before.
Except I think the answer depends on the OP's relationship with his superior.
@Matt Hey! Why aren't you in chat, Mr. McCommenter?
Wait, is the McCommenter? Or Mayor McComment?
I am so hungry right now.
And I left all my monies at home.
And all my IDs as well.
I have a candy cane from two Christmases ago in my desk.
that reminds me, time to get oatmeal. I'll make some for you too.
yay! my husband will rescue me later.
@KitFox Oh just trying to maintain the facade that I'm working
Is there a single word for "to listen to people’s conversations and control their families’ movements unnoticeably"?
Other than "topeople’sconversationsandcontroltheirfamiliesmovementsunnoticeably".
these are our greatest hits. How can we make it so the top 5 are interesting English questions? we have 2 about jokes, one about signing off email and, well the other 2 are sort of ok, but not great.
@Gigili Machiavellian springs to mind
although I don't think it's appropriate
> The current algorithm divides the number of page views with the total amount of question and answer feedback received (adding a bonus for high view counts), excluding questions with less views than the median
Maybe we can start by changing "less views" to "fewer views"
I know it's not a real rule but it still rankles
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I'm for less rules overall.
hmmm, so unless we implement a system of voter fraud, and go around saying the questions are unhelpful, we're stuck with them
@Robusto you can fit more of them in your pockets that way
Les rules!
Fewer doesn't.
but if your rules are less then you have to have more to measure the same distance as longer rules
That's loser talk.
I'm coming to the point where I will have to restart my computer. Windows Update says I have to.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Also, looser talk.
damnit, i've been found out again
@Robusto and cue three-headed dog comment in 3, ... 2, .... 1!
@MattЭллен Does it make sense to you" Is it lawful to listen to people’s phone conversations and chase after their families just because of accusation?" Or should I use "stalk" instead?
I don't see no 3-headed doggy.
Bah. Capitalist Americans let their lives be dictated to them by Microsoft. USSR! USSR!
@Gigili Where are you thinking of using "stalk" in this sentence?
and I don't understand "because of accusation"
@Gigili stalk is a stronger word, but it is redundant to ask if it is legal, since it is not. You should use it if you're being rhetorical.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Remember glory days of vacuum tubes and workers' paradise. Work to defeat capitalist semiconductors. Socialist conductors complete circuits!
Yo mama.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Because they think they might do a crime but they are not sure.
Why does Rob call Matt's mother awesome?
@MattЭллен Yes, that's the case.
@RegDwightѬſ道 maybe he means the Nintendo DS game
"Stalk" instead of "chase after"
@MattЭллен Yo cooking mama?
@RegDwightѬſ道 "Bah" is under MY copyright.
Show me the copyright.
So I can ignore it.
One doesn't need to be in the USSR to ignore copyright, just to get away with it
@MrShinyandNew: What do you suggest to write instead of "just because of accusation"?
Yo mama so fat she got her own area code.
@Gigili Essentially, you are asking if it is legal to eavesdrop on someone's conversation because you believe they might have committed a crime?
Q: Is it proper to ask to belay a request to a superior?

Justin DearingThe term belay is often used to cancel an order in military settings. The definition indicates it just means to cancel. However, would asking a superior (in a civilian private sector employment situation) add an improper tone to the request?

I think this guy means "relay" and not "belay" ... beally, I do.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Exactly, eavesdropping on their conversations and stalking their families just because they might have committed a crime. I mean this being done by the government.
Oh! Hark @Kit, answering that question I said couldn't be answered.
Aug 23 '11 at 22:48, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Yo mama so fat, she sat on a binary tree and flattened it into a linked list in O(1) time.
I have question about job in English language. If I write some articles in English and want to hire someone to correct and re-write my articles - make it better English. What is the job's name of people I want to hire?
Restarting my computer.
Restating "My computer"
@Anonymous A copyeditor.
@Anonymous copyeditor or proofreader
What's the difference between copyeditor and proofreader?
@Gigili In that context, "stalking" would be an appropriate word. However, "just because of accusations" sounds unidiomatic. Have the people been accused? or just suspected? Either way I think you need "just because of suspicion of criminal activity" or "just because they are suspected of a crime" or something. "accusation" or "suspicion" should be left hanging like that.
(Unless you've already talked about the accusation or suspicion before... then it might be ok.)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Right, thank you.
actually, hm. I still think you'd need to say something like "just because of these accusations", or "these suspicions". An unqualified "accusation" or "suspicion" sounds wrong to me.
I didn't talk about it before, is it correct if I go for "just because of suspicion of criminal activity"?
@Gigili I guess if there was more context we could discuss how much freedom you have in that sentence. But standing alone, you must say accusation of what.
@Gigili That sounds fine. It's a little long. But it's hard to say how to reword it without more context.
The original text says only "because of such assusations" or something. Doens't say anything about accusation of what.
Ah, well, in that case, "such" refers you back to previously mentioned accusations. That's good enough.
Q: "Thank you all" Wrong or Right?

samridhiIn many occasions, we often considering thanking our audience. In this scenario, I an not sure if "Thank you all" is a right English? Should it be used as "Thanking you all" instead to make it sound correct?

ELU Lite.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 This is the context. paste.ubuntu.com/880383
@Anonymous A proofreader checks one manuscript against another manuscript to make sure the one is a perfect copy of the other; a copy editor makes grammar and style changes in a single manuscript.
Thank you @Robusto
One would think the copy editor were the one to work with copies.
> Is it lawful to eavesdrop on people’s phone conversations and stalking their families just because of suspicion of criminal activity?
Stupid illogical English.
@RegDwightѬſ道 No, they work with "copy" not copies.
Exactly. The edit a copy of something.
@RegDwightѬſ道 More better logical Russian.
@Robusto That's not a valid argument.
@Gigili In that sentence I'd say it should be "to stalk", not "stalking"
@RegDwightѬſ道 Is walid argument.
@RegDwightѬſ道 No, copy in the sense of "written matter intended to be reproduced in printed form" and "the text of a news story, advertisement, television commercial, etc., as distinguished from related visual material."
@KitFox Why so serious?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Thank you so much.
Oh. I have a bad toothache and I just want me teeth extracted.
At least two of them anyway.
Please do.
These two right here. points
1. tie one end of a piece of string to tooth. 2. tie the other end of the string to a doorknob. 3. slam door.
@KitFox Tie your Internet cable to them, I'll pull at my end.
They are my back molars. I don't think that will work.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Brilliant.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That's your answer for everything.
I can't find my internet cable...
ties wireless signal around back teeth
Well I'm pulling.
@Robusto When the only tool you have is a string tied to a doorknob, every problem starts to look like a tooth in need of a yankin'.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Works great on linked lists, too.
Unless yo mama sits on them.
Or unless Yo Yo Ma sits on them.
He must suffer from the yoyo effect.
Or the boomerang effect. I don't remember which.
Like a bang, a boome boomerang, dum dee dum dum dee dum dee dum dum.
Is the yoyo effect where you throw the yoyo down and it just hangs there, refusing to come back up?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 No. That is "Walk the Dog."
@MrShinyandNew安宇 No, the yoyo effect is when it refuses to go down in the first place.
It's very technical. Get an expert to help.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Unlike Yo Mama. Or Yo Yo Ma.
Yo Mama is so unlike Yo Yo Ma.
If there were a God, I would thank him for that.
@Anonymous: Why you want to hire someone? There's a site for that.
What's the website's name?
@RegDwightѬſ道 And it seems to me, you lived your life like a candle in the mind.
You misspelled mint.
A cattle in the mint.
@Anonymous oDesk
Hey, so can I brag about my daughter again?
Yes, please!
On saturday she decided to make something for her grandparents. So she got out a piece of paper, drew on it, then wrote a message, without consulting anyone. She wanted to write "From <her name> to Grand-maman and Grand-papa", so she "sounded out" the letters and wrote "farm<hername>togramamaandgrapapa"
@Gigili Careful, that psycho Robin Williams works at that place.
Ha, my son just texted me: "A system having two items is binary, and one having three is called ternary. What would you call a system having one item." I texted back "Unary. But in bio [his major] it might be called monadic."
Okay, ladies and gents, that is bragging.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Wow! Great job!
@RegDwightѬſ道 That what? Who is he?
@RegDwightѬſ道 You knew I was vain. Don't act so shocked.
I don't act shocked.
@KitFox I was super-pleased.
Am I such a bad actor you can't tell my shocked from my awed?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 As well you should be. Very advanced, just as I have been saying all along.
Game Boy Very Advanced.
@KitFox Meanwhile my son has been learning how to be more manipulative. When he wants some attention, he says to us "M- hurt me" (where M- is his sister's name). Even if she wasn't there.
@RegDwightѬſ道 It just doesn't come across. Sorry.
So remind me of the dangers of making a property public in a custom control?
@KitFox "anyone" can change it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 And you spank him for that right? And yell "Lying boys get spanks!"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Right, that's what I was thinking. So not really a big risk if it is just a boolean toggle?
@KitFox Oh, we don't spank our kids. I just dial my cattle-prod down to "23 lbs" and zap him once or thrice.
makes notes
I'll try that. Maybe it will make my children advanced.
@KitFox The risk is that someone maintaining the code later on will change it when they're not supposed to.
I guess I can do it in the code behind instead...
Just write unmaintainable code. Problem solved.
muses That's not a bad idea...
@KitFox I'm not sure it's a big deal. But that's the reason why you have public and private data, so that you can control who changes it in the future. It's easy to get it right at first, because you're introducing the code at the same time as you're introducing its usage.
@KitFox Your code behind looks fat. Sorry to have to be the one to tell youl.
It is fat.
@RegDwightѬſ道 she IS using ASP.net, after all.
I would much rather write VB than markup.
Geez, you're still using FAT? the world moved onto NTFS while you were napping
My head is killing me.
Just wait till someone invents Visual Markup. Flat.
@KitFox Step one. tie a string to your head. Step 2. tie the string to the door. Step 3. Slam the door.
ROFL...and still in pain.
"Hello World" in VM♭
@RegDwightѬſ道 That's in F♭ if I'm not mistaken.
Battle Ends And Down Goes Charlie's Father
So project management: useful skill or expected? In other words, will it help sell me later, or will it be expected that I should know this stuff?
Could someone please proofread it? =\
It's very short!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Well VM is the successor to F.
@KitFox both, I guess?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 grumbles more OK, then.
Should I expect to get a raise if I am made into a project manager?
Also, that's C♭ from where I look.
@KitFox It depends, I guess, on if you're applying for a job where they need, or only want, that skill. Either way, it's useful to have, but in some cases it'll be mandatory.
@RegDwightѬſ道 They did. They called it Front Page.
@Gigili That's not short!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Wow I've forgotten how to read music it seems.
@KitFox =|
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Nope. It's in B-flat-flat B#.
Enharmonically speaking, of course.
@Gigili Line 12: What happens when...?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Yeah, yeah. Your circle of fifths is all vodka.
Your enharmonics are all Liszt.
@RegDwightѬſ道 No. Liszp.
All your B♭s belong to us.
Yeah. You must have an awful Liszp to pronounce ♭♭ as #.
@Gigili Line 15: Because of this we cannot...
Line 16: communities; if
Line 17: GOTO LINE 1
Commit and run.
Line 23: Islamic law is not observed...
@KitFox Or maybe "that's why ..."?
Line 24: considered Islamic.
Line 30: profit!
@Gigili Maybe, but that sounds somewhat informal.
You could use "therefore" but you would need to rephrase the leading sentences.
Lines 26 and 27: Imam Ali said, “Do not appoint Abu Musa Ashari as the arbiter . ” Many people disagreed with Imam Ali; as a result, Muawiya took the power.
@Robusto hey! you're not He-Man
Line 34: "rather it should introduce legible, reputed persons" I don't think you mean people who are readable.
@MattЭллен You don't know that for a fact.
On teh Internetz no one knows if you're He-Man.
@Robusto you don't know that for a fact
@MattЭллен You don't "know" that for a fact.
5 hour version available.
@KitFox OK, I guess we always knew he was gay. But thanks for rubbing our faces in it.
Did you see the Robot Chicken sketch of She-Ra on the rag?
Q: "Thank you all" Wrong or Right?

samridhiIn many occasions after we complete our speech, we often considering thanking our audience. In this scenario, I am not sure if "Thank you all" is a right English? Should it be used as "Thanking you all" instead to make it sound correct?

@Robusto "You don't know that for a fact"
Migrate to ELU lite.
@KitFox Um, what should I say instead?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 She's awesome, yes.
Is that a right English?
@Gigili I am not sure.
@Robusto VERY slow jinx.
47 mins ago, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Q: "Thank you all" Wrong or Right?

samridhiIn many occasions, we often considering thanking our audience. In this scenario, I an not sure if "Thank you all" is a right English? Should it be used as "Thanking you all" instead to make it sound correct?

Line 40: "they would not be stuck" You mean that they still are stuck, yes?
@RegDwightѬſ道 I prefer to think of it as "long-lasting" ...
46 mins ago, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
ELU Lite.
@Robusto Her mit der Cola!
@Robusto Are you prolonging the pleasure with Reg?
@KitFox Eligible and ones who has taken precedence over others, makes sense?
@KitFox That pleasure needs not prolonged.
This will hold you for the next 5 jinxae's.
So, in your case, that makes five hours.
What's a frog's favourite drink?
@RegDwightѬſ道 I'm a 60-minute man, so yeah, I guess.
@KitFox Yes
@Gigili Oh, "eligible" yes. That makes sense. "Reputed" does not so much.
Croak a cola
No, vodka.
@Reg frantically tries to Google 60-minute man but still doesn't get it
@Gigili eligible, well-respected Muslims, maybe?
Great, yes.

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