I'm after a basic list of words and their "role" in language. It could be plain text, excel, csv, but all I want is, eg:
cat noun
run verb
etc. Simple as that. I'm teaching a young friend who's also a bit poor on the "parts of English" (as am I - I don't even know the collective noun for "noun...
At least it's not as bad as the time I went to speak to our systems manager, and we had a two hour meeting where I finally got him to agree, in plainly-spoken language, that we needed to do X. By the time I reached my desk, not even 30 feet away from his desk, he had already emailed the company stating that we would be doing Y and not X.
Version control is maybe the second most important tool you can have, after a compiler/IDE. Maybe third most if you count your compiler and text editor separately.
I again replied-to-all and said "let's do this in email, so that you can't later deny that we had this conversation." GODS I was mad. even thinking about it now makes me mad.
The nerve of that guy, to tell me to fucking calm down in front of the whole office.
Clients are like kids in a mall. They don't listen to a thing you say, they make impossible demands, and they run off in all directions while you're trying to make progress.
@Robusto if ONLY this guy was a client. Clients I can deal with. I slip into my salesman persona and wrap it around me like a cloak. This guy was a coworker.
And Google makes me agree to the Google Books EULA before I can update any of the seven other apps that are telling me I have updates. If I decline, no updates of anything. Thanks, Google. Here's your new corporate motto: Don't be evil.
@KitFox Of those, I didn't really know or like Helmet, I liked that one album from Soundgarden, and I always wanted to like Tool but they never clicked for me.
I guess it's not true that I haven't been to many concerts. When I was with the drummer boyfriend, he gigged a lot and we hung out with bands all the time.
@KitFox They were the first band I wanted to see when I first moved to Toronto. But it turns out that they were also the last, because I didn't have much time for concerting and my friends didn't like the same stuff as me.
I was all out of vacation days in 2003 or else I would have gone to SARSStock that summer. 500,000 people at Downsview park, music all day long, capped by AC/DC and the Rolling Stones.
Well, your sample sql that you just posted is probably the most basic use-case that it supports.
For cases when the where clause is constructed on the fly, that is, where more conditions are added to the where clause, it looks like linq can do it pretty much as easily as if you were adding strings together to form an sql statement.
You know what I would do? just start using linq for new db access.
leave all your old code in place.
And when you come to a conclusion about which one works better for you, start migrating the other ones as needed. Remember, your existing code isn't broken.
And I am allergic to shellfish in the same fashion.
Which technically, I suppose, is not an allergy.
I seem to genuinely be allergic to onions, but I eat them anyway.
@JSBᾶngs I joined two tables in my Linq-to-sql class, and I want to select one column from one table, but have the where clause from the other table. Is that ridiculous?
@Robusto (not really to Robusto as he chose to ignore us - right decision, by the way, debating with facts and valid arguments really requires patience – but to others who will read it) “There are your precedents” – Well, I do admit that
Russia might’ve started assassinating people earlier than the USA. It is really quite possible because Russian history about 5 times longer than the history of the USA.
“Putin's murder of Litvinenko happened in 2006” – it’s really funny how in the west people are 100% assured that Litvinenko was poisoned by Putin. I kind of tired to tell people: “Care to show me the proof!” I haven’t seen any
clear proof yet presented by the west that Litvinenko was poisoned by Putin. Don’t get me wrong – I do admit that it might have happened by Putin’s order, however, before passing any
judgment here, the proof is still needed. Another thing that really strikes me here as extremely funny is that the west always remembers that Putin is a “KGB thug” and always forgets that Litvinenko was just one of those “KGB thugs” as well.
Except this thug has sided with Russian enemies – Chechen Muslim terrorists who have killed hundreds of Russian innocent children – while Russia was (and actually still is) waging war against them.
I wonder how the USA treats its defectors, especially during the war time.
“Stalin had Trotsky assassinated in 1940” - And another thing that is also funny is how they put the equality sign between “Russia under Putin” and “Russia under Stalin”. My grandpa was captured by the Germans in the very end of WWII.
When the war was over he was sent to a prison in Siberia for the simple reason because he was captured by the Germans – that was one of Stalin’s order forbidding people being captured.
My grandpa was released only after Stalin’s death, so he spent 8 years in prison. He is 92 years old now. He hates Stalin to the uttermost. The stories that he told me about that time are just damn terrible.
However, this time my grandpa was voting for Putin. It seems to me that people in the west don’t realize that if it were Stalin today instead of Putin, then I would be already either shoot dead or in a prison camp.
Dim schoolInfo = From s In db.Schools Join t In db.CurrentPermissions.Where("personPK = @0", Session(PubConstants.USER_ID)) On s.schoolPK Equals t.schoolFK _
Select s
Which is not right, but I can't figure out where to put the Where.
Dim schoolInfo = From s In db.Schools Join t In db.CurrentPermissions On s.schoolPK Equals t.schoolFK _
Where t.personPK = 9 Select s
Dim schoolInfo = From s In db.Schools Join t In db.CurrentPermissions On s.schoolPK Equals t.schoolFK _
Where t.personPK = Session(PubConstants.USER_ID) Select s
@KitFox Otherwise, is "the system considered" okay as well? "the system [that is being] considered". The thing ends in "under ... conditions", isn't that too much under? The abstract wasn't written by me, but I want it to be clear ... and not sound too weird.
I am not sure exactly what you are trying to say, but that is shorter. I would consider dropping "considered" anyway, since you are talking about "the" system.
"Under consideration" is ok but in this context to me sounds slightly more like it's in the running for something, like it's under consideration for purchase, so that's not what you want
@KitFox You know, for the past few years I needed to speak English daily. After a while it didn't improve my English any more, it just made me immune to mistakes. I don't usually talk to native speakers.