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Yep. I think they are both good, but one kind of strays away from the question at hand.
I now have 16k, time to retire, yay!
Shush, you.
No retiring in this chat.
Anyways, dinner!
Aww, what did you remove? Something juicy?
Nope, just a test.
I should've sandboxed, but that's largely irrelevant now.
@Kit, would you be okay with this?
2 hours ago, by Mahnax
Also, @Reg @Kit @Vit @Cerb ; I have a friend who is ~level 20 in WMT, and he's looking for a faction. Are you open to accepting him?
Oh, then again, I think Cerb said to ask Vit or Reg.
To be exact, he's level 23.
Yeah, Vit or Reg would be able to say. Level 23 is a possibly, depending on what kinds of cards he has and how much time he wants to commit.
Oh, don't hesitate to ask @Kit (hi!).
@Cerberus Ohai!
@KitFox He plays quite a bit.
And from what I've seen, his cards aren't bad.
Certainly better than mine
@Mahnax Still, if he's not got the cards to fight upper level factions, he'll just get crushed. But Vit will know what to ask him.
Does he have an account on EL&U?
I gotta run, be back soon.
Hey, does anyone here use version control for their DB?
I presume you mean dartboard?
@Vitaly: Studying history can provide insight into the way our economy and the spread of knowledge work. If properly applied, it can eventually result in material benefits for mankind. But one often does not recognize these benefits long before one's research has been used and reused by others. spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,710976,00.html
> Did Germany experience rapid industrial expansion in the 19th century due to an absence of copyright law? A German historian argues that the massive proliferation of books, and thus knowledge, laid the foundation for the country's industrial might.
Je retourne.
Whew. Beating eight eggs, one at a time, into some dough gets tough.
Use a mixer?
I use my bread maker as a mixer, in case I hadn't mentioned it.
@DavidWallace That was in response to an act of war, not a political disagreement. Do you really weep for Osama bin Laden, or care nothing for the 3,000 people he murdered in 2001?
Also, if you're attempting to draw a moral equivalence there, the U.S. president owned up to the deed and accepted the diplomatic consequences. Putin did the opposite.
You're feeling antiputinish tonight?
@Cerberus No!
Oh, wait, your were making puff pastries.
@Cerberus I'm always anti-Putinish. Also anti-whatever. Ish.
@Mahnax You meant egg whites, right?
@Robusto The only thing I like about Putin is that his successor will perhaps be even worse.
@Cerberus hey did you see that some article or study came to the conclusion that democracy is only effective at preventing the truly bad from leading?
@Cerberus Nope, whole eggs.
i.e. it doesn't allow for good leadership, it only prevents bad.
Into some dough.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hmm no, which study?
@Cerberus I don't see how that is something to like. That's the same as liking heart disease because it's not as bad as cancer.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I'm not even sure it is that effective at blocking truly bad leaders: see Themistocles.
@Mahnax Then why no mixing?
@Robusto Indeed it is.
@Cerberus I'm using the mixer for whipping my cream, didn't want to wash the bowl.
@Robusto But look at Egypt, Iraq...
@Mahnax Ah OK, and you need to whip the cream after the dough.
@Cerberus One could argue that those are not functioning democracies.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 No, that was to Rob.
@Cerberus oh! Hi @Robusto didn't notice you were also here
@MrShinyandNew安宇 By the way, I meant Alciabiades there, of course.
Consider also Chavez, Hitler.
The article: Essentially people are too dumb to form valid opinions about their leaders.
@Cerberus Yessir.
It is whipped.
But my puffs look a little bit odd... I piped them incorrectly, and now they're a bit tall.
@Mahnax Is that bad? Sounds fine!
@Cerberus Well, when I upload the picture, you will see.
They are a little large and funny shaped, but still will be delicious!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh, yes, I read something like that. The Greeks already knew this...
@Mahnax Yay!
@Mahnax Large = more yumminess.
> a sociologist in Germany [computer-simulaed an] election. In his model he assumed that voters' own leadership skills were distributed on a bell curve and that each voter was incapable of recognizing the leadership skills of a political candidate as being better than his or her own. When such an election was simulated, candidates whose leadership skills were only slightly better than average always won.
@Cerberus Large == more room for cream :D
@Cerberus Well, to be honest, I don't put much stock in the Greeks already knowing stuff. They knew lots but also got lots wrong.
They did have experience with democracy.
Besides, isn't it more or less obvious that stupid people cannot recognize a good leader?
@Cerberus Well, it's obvious that they aren't the bests judges of leaders. But what's not obvious is the degree to which they utterly fail at identifying leaders.
There are many more factors that influence why people vote for a certain person, so that the total balance of votes, which would otherwise favour better leaders to some degree (because the lower half vote more or less at random, while the upper half vote for someone better than average), gets pushed and pulled in various directions, resulting in populist leaders, most of the time.
@Cerberus populist, yes. But the results of that simulation suggest that the populist leader will pretty much only be average.
I expected at least a certain amount of above-average-ness.
But it seems that that is too much to hope for.
I wonder if there is a way to fix this.
@Cerberus Yep! I just have to let them cool, then it's cream time.
@Mahnax Hi. Is your friend reading this?
@Vitaly I can relay the message to him.
No. I don't want him reading this. :P
And hello.
@Vitaly Oh.
Then I won't.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Perhaps it will be of some consolation that society is a bit more complex than simply people recognizing skills one of one. For one thing, people will also follow public speakers and writers who recommend or detract from candidates.
@Cerberus Yeah, like the Oprah vote. But that probably works just as badly in the end because those people are no better than average at lots of things too.
Hi @BarrieEngland: I noticed a mistake in your Quiz:
@Mahnax So, I'll be quite frank. It certainly is possible for someone in their 20s to compete in a Level-11 faction, but from what I've seen, only one or two players in their 20s ever made it to positive average delta in faction wars. So we have a bunch of applicants in their 20s (as high as Level 27) sitting on our applicants list because they don't have appropriate defense decks, but also a few Level-20s in our faction.
@Mahnax Here's some faction stats for the last week I have just created: i.imgur.com/EmJpC.png (Name, Raw Delta, Average Delta per War, Active Battles, Level). You can see that most people in their 20s and 30s are somewhere down there.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 They may be worse or better, but the effects are significant. So this random distribution used by the German sociologist is perhaps not a significant factor.
@Vitaly Wow.
@Mahnax So if you think your friend is committed enough, I will acccept him.
@Vitaly How many hours a day is committed?
It also depends on what defence deck he can build.
@Mahnax That Level-27 who has a positive average delta per war fought 50 battles/day in the last week on average. (1 battle takes 10 stamina, which is 10 minutes, but everyone dumps their staminae's when they have accumulated enough of that. It's not necessary to sit there and wait for the stamina bar to regenerate.)
If he doesn't have the right cards, or is disinclined to build the right deck...
But then he also has a reliable defense deck, yes.
> It seems to me that for many, many years now one of the absolute requirements to be a conservative in this country is that you must, by necessity, be blisteringly, disgustingly, sociopathically hypocritical.
So, shall I tell him that if he is willing to a) construct a solid defence deck, b) commit to a large number of battles per day, and c) got very good cards, that he can join/apply?
I want to start my own country, where there are no idiots allowed. Who's with me?
I don't know if I should say join, or apply, or something entirely different.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I am, but you might consider me an idiot, I don't know.
Yeah well, you apply and then an officer or a leader accepts you, and you join.
Okay, so apply then?
Join, I suppose.
Okay. And what is the faction's name?
As long as an officer or a leader is online.
Link copied.
Does he need to know the name?
I'll also need to know his Kong name, because we currently have 46 applicants.
Okay, he's Onetooth457.
Are you guys one of the top factions?
@Mahnax No, he only needs the invite link. He'll see the faction name once he applies.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I would like to such a country too, but probably a different one.
@Vitaly Good, good.
Hm, I see my plan is fraught with peril and pitfalls
@Vitaly Wowie! Where did those come from?
@Mahnax We are currently ranked 5#th. (the # is a number because I don't want to share that in public)
@Vitaly That is pretty amazing.
Notice that the asterisk stands for "any digit".
We used to be close to 40.
Yeah. And then some of our members took an arrow to a break.
@Vit: Do you have any idea why we were pushed back? More competition?
@Vitaly Nah that's not it.
Do you guys mind telling me what levels you are, roughly?
@Vitaly And what's up with that arrow?
@Mahnax I'm in my fifties.
@Cerberus Very nice.
@Mahnax I'm in my hundreds.
But I haven't been playing for the past I don't know how many months.
@Vitaly Wow.
@Cerberus Yes. We have had a merger—a few months ago, I think—and those guys became inactive.
@Cerberus Why not?
@Vitaly We started to drop way before that?
@Cerberus is that you?
@Cerberus No, after that.
@Mahnax I played it for so long, I was kind of over it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 No.
@Cerberus Ah, that sort of feeling. Will you ever return?
It is a video I have had in my playlist for six months.
@Mahnax Nah. But I still support the faction in spirit, hehe.
@Cerberus you filthy pirate! enjoying that copyrighted content while the people who made it starve! How dare you!?! ;)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 The person who made it committed suicide in the eighties.
@Cerberus Because they knew you weren't going to pay for it!
The song was recorded in the seventies I think.
@Cerberus Haha.
@Vitaly But this merger was only...never mind, it doesn't matter.
God, I hate the copyright lobby.
Me too.
Does so much damage to society.
Did you see that the canadian recording industry is trying to have the law changed so that they can compel ISPs to hand out customer names with no court oversight?
whoa it's 11pm. time for beddy-bye.
@Cerberus We had two mergers. :P I am talking about the first one.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Wow, that's evil.
I predict that file share will go completely decentralised and anonymous in five years.
Yay, I've almost beat mission 51.
Then the game will be over.
As you can see, Vit, it will be quite some time before I even think about applying for your faction.
But the damage that will have been inflicted on the rest of the Internet will be considerable.
@Mahnax Yay!
@Vitaly Oh, really? Hmm...
@Cerberus One more blow, but I'm out of energy.
Ok, I'm going to fill my cream puffs. Be back in a while, with pictures.
Okay, I'll put up pics in a few minutes.
Oh, and about defense decks, Rainbow strike/rush decks (mixed Imperial, Xeno, Raider, Righteous, etc, as opposed to mono decks, which are built from cards that belong to a single race) are still good enough in the current meta game and are easy to make in your 20s or 30s.
Poor quality, taken from a crappy phone, but hey.
@Cerb The picture is here!
My two best decks are Imperial and Xeno pures.
I haven't tried mixing yet.
@Mahnax Ohh what a nice turd!
I like it.
@Cerberus Wow...
So mature.
@Cerberus Thanks!
1. First, choose a commander: Daedalus > Lucina the Wicked > Atlas
2. Second, choose a *balanced* set of 10 cards from the following pool: Electromagnetic Pulse, Iron Maiden, Stealthy Niaq, Abominable Raksha, Ayrkrane, Tiamat, Predator, Omega, Hephatat, Crypt Mercenary, Kyrios, Ravenous Dredge, Hunter, Pantheon Progeny, Disposer, Pathfinder, Teslatank, Neverender, Monsoon X, Razogoth's Heir, Hierophant, Vigil, Rifter.
@Vitaly I don't think I have any of those, except Atlas.
And by balanced, I mean two or three 1-delay cards, two or three 2-delay cards, a couple 3-delay cards, and possibly a 4-delay tank like Abominable Raksha and Iron Maiden (which you get for completing Mission 169, an absolute must in a strike/rush deck these days). Also, they should complement each other's abilities.
I am currently running this deck in faction wars:
@Mahnax stupid grin
Well, why not. I'm about to get roasted for my deck, most likely, but here is Xeno:
@Mahnax Feel free to relay these guidelines to your friend.
The two airstrikes and Atlas aren't Xeno, I guess.
Bought a Phobos pack, eh?
You know there is no particular advantage to having a mono-tribe deck unless your commander significantly helps your tribe's cards?
@Vitaly I know I shouldn't have, but it looked so cool.
@Cerberus I know that now.
Oh, and as you can see, most of those cards I listed (and cards in my own deck) are rewards. They come mostly from doing achievements, which are listed here along with their respective cards: warmetal.wikia.com/wiki/Tyrant/Achievements One (Hephatat) is a raid reward.
Oh, on my Imperial, I just now switched out the harbour command for Aegis.
In other words, the best assault cards come mostly from achievements, raids, and reputation grinding, not from packs.
Ah, that makes sense.
What should I save my pennies for, then?
What I said a couple months ago still applies. :P
I vaguely remember...
Nope, can't find it.
Jan 15 at 12:33, by Vitaly
Also, the best way to buy Gold packs is to grind 20K gold and enter a Gold sealed (not Gold/Enclave or Standard) tournament. That way, if you choose to keep the cards, you will a) buy 4 Gold packs for 5K gold apiece, which is 20K gold, same as buying them in the store b) get an uncommon card simply for participating in the tournament c) get the chance to win some gold back (and a rare card for being in the top 25% and higher) if you get good enough cards.
Never mind...
@Mahnax Oh, and unless your use lots of cards that have tribe-specific boni. But you will probably not use those.
@Cerberus Well, I have a Xeno Mothership that uses Rally All Xeno 2 and two Stormrunners (rally all Imperial 2).
Yes, if you really use those, they will work better in mono-decks. But...
I use all three of those cards.
I'm trying to build a better mixed deck right now, though.
Yeah listen to Vit.
I will do so.
I just cleared all my decks, starting from scratch.
I have pictures if I need to rebuild.
I have 4 legendary cards.
Nimbus, Malgoth, Benediction, Gladius.
Malgoth and Benediction aren't too good.
I'm afraid I can't help you much.
I don't even know the latter two.
I'm trying to decide between Gladius and Nimbus.
Gladius's skills are on Death. It means they activate exactly once when it dies.
It looks interesting.
@Vitaly Yes, I know.
Will it live to use its 6 attack?
Jam is unreliable, and Cleanse isn't exactly useful if you are not fighting cards with Poison and so on.
I guess it depends on what you are using him for: in missions?
Missions, right now.
So you can pretty much ignore Gladius's skills, and choose between a high-attack card (Gladius) and a Weaken All 1 card (Nimbus), whatever you need most right now.
Hmm, Nimbus is looking like the better choice.
If you have Windows or Wine, this tool is very useful: EvaluateDecks
It's also flying, which is good in some cases, and horrible in others.
It lets you simulate up to 10 million battles on Auto for deck vs deck, deck vs mission, deck vs raid.
I tried Wine once and it didn't work, I'm guessing that I did something (many things?) wrong.
tries to keep mouths shut
That was a while ago, on my other computer.
New mixed deck.
No Tiamat?
tries desperately to fight the urge to bash a certain organic object
@Vitaly Qu'est-ce que c'est?
No, I haven't one.
I wish I did, though.
Says you need to spend a bunch of tokens.
War Metal ≠ War Metal Tyrant
Oh, right.
How do you get it in WMT?
I have just simulated 396 spam decks of the type Atlas + 10 of some Common, Uncommon or Rare card at 10,000 battles each against Mission 51. Here are the top results:
@Vitaly And what can we learn from this?
@Mahnax That you need Wine :P
Okay, my friend responded.
@Vitaly Yeah, yeah.
He said that his cards aren't that great and his defence deck isn't either.
He's going to try to find a bit of a less-intense faction.
Good luck to him, then.
Do factions end up costing more than the initial 10k gold?
Huh? 10K gold is the price of starting a faction.
Yeah, but when you do faction wars, do you stake gold or anything like that?
There are a few thousand factions in WMT now, of which the vast majority are dead as a doornail. Only the top200 are relatively active, and activity spikes at about top40 and gets higher from there.
@Mahnax No. Faction battles only cost stamina. And you gotta spend gold on cards, obviously.
@Vitaly Hm, okay.
BTW, if you use the apply link to apply to our faction, I'll be able to see your cards (not how many you have, though).
Okay. Do you want me to...?
If you want me to take a look at what cards you can use against missions or in your general-purpose deck.
Okay, sure.
One moment please.
Alright, I've used the link.
Okay, let's see …
@Vitaly You mean Windows.
@Cerberus Then I disagree.
@Mahnax How many Asylums?
@Mahnax Hehe.
@Vitaly Two.
@Vitaly *asyla
Don't disrespect our old room's lore!
@Mahnax OK, you can build a third type of deck to use in future: Asyla, Hatchets, and Annelid Mass. First, you play an Asylum or two, and then a Hatchet or an Annelid Mass, if the enemy doesn't have a lot of siege. (Mission 51 is siege-heavy).
I have three Hatchets.
It's a Bloodthirsty rush, quite useful against some missions
And three Annelid Masses as well.
My current deck (the mix) has not lost on mission 52 at all.
I beat 51 with my old, mainly Xeno deck.
The mix has a 99.43% winrate on Mission 52 (50%-odd on M51)
That's pretty good.
How about 53?
Heh. Looking into Wine as we speak communicate.
@Vitaly Looks good to me.
Okay, Wine is installing.
OK, looks like you built a pretty good mix with the cards you've got
I'd suggest Cannon Walker, but those missions often have Weaken All 1 commanders, so it's situational
Ah, that one.
1 attack and 5 defence IIRC.
Once you get enough reputation with The Purge, you can buy 8—10 Irradiated Infantries and use Irradithad (Thadius + Irradiated Infantry rush).
@Mahnax great against Flying units if it's not Weakened, also Siege 2
@Vitaly I know, I was looking at it earlier.
Irradithad is pretty good for most missions in the 66-through-about-110 range (use EvaluateDecks to get winrates for a specfic mission)
I was using my Xeno deck against a Cannon Walker and my Daemons were getting slaughtered.
Thadius + 10 Sawblades (which is a pretty cheap Arena reward) also works sometimes against missions:
55, 57, and 58
I think my arena ranking is 739.
I don't spend much time there.
If you can use Irradithad, Sawblades aren't useful at all, though
I think only old-timers remember Sawblades now that there are so many cards on the table.
By the way, according to the simulator, Gladius is marginally better than Nimbus for the next few missions. So looks like its high attack is more useful than Nimbus's Weaken All 1 after all, @Mahnax.
@Vitaly Good to know.
I'm off to bed, though. Night!
@Robusto I weep for the principle and the precedent.
2 hours later…
I've fixed almost all of the code in my diagnostic tool!
I just have to figure out why it keeps crashing firefox
Q: sentence correct in grammatical

ranjitpradhanI am too poor in English and I wrote a mail to my boss after the finish of the work that "The changes have to be on the rprc site being done." is that correct sentence without any grammatical mistake.

No votes to close, but an accepted answer. Gah.
Do you see this as an ongoing hijacking?
Invasion of the non-FAQ-reading pineapples?
And FWIW, I think the respondent should have written "but" in place of "and" in the PS, and arguably "can" in place of "could".
Invasion, yes. But non-FAQ-reading is just another word for human.
So the moderators here are all inhuman?
Are you trying to suggest that I have read the FAQ?
Are you trying to suggest that you haven't?
@Reg What's up?
Hey, I got my laugh for today. Look at this.
Q: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when method exactly exist

mateminkWhen I try to test my class, I got that error. But method exactly exist in that class and in interface which uses that class. Why can be this error?

@Vitaly Only just entered the building. Let me see.
@RegDwightѬſ道 That L108 player is casual, BTW. Recruited him for his Skimmer defense deck.
Active war.
Oh nice.
Hahaha what a great start.
5 straight losses, then 5 straight wins.
2/7 80/80.
@Reg Also, I disagree about defense decks. It's too easy to forget that if we relax the requirements, we are going to end up with everyone at 0/10 on defense every war. Even if it's 3/7 instead (and we know 5/5 is perfectly possible with good defense decks), then, assuming our enemies are on Surge and we have 50 players, that means −5000 points for the enemy.
And −2400 assuming Fight.
Nah at that point they'd be kicked.
That's the difference between 0/10 and 3/7.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Then we already have to kick half our faction.
We have people who score 0/10 every war?
We have defense decks that might as well not exist, yes.
That's not quite the same.
> Файл скачан (Downloads count) : 0 раз
Yeah didn't have the time...
I'll check it when I'm back home.
Anyways. Don't forget that our enemies recruit all those level-15s.
Those will never score 10/0 even against II spam.
Once someone with a better deck comes along, he's in, and the worse deck is out.
Incremental improvements.
Or you could just PM everyone about doing all those achievements. :P
I see lotta people who don't even have Niaq! That's a disaster!
Half those people don't even know what PMs are.
That's what the sim says. Those people would still manage to lose. And you know that.
Anyway. How many are we now?
I guess we can just start kicking one person a day just for fun.
Yeah I'd have to reload. It caches the number forever.
Still, −38.07 and −188.79 AD on passive is too much variance for my taste.
Q: let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice

SandyRWhich of the following is more appropriate / polite? I would like to bring a couple of facts (or things?) to your notice. OR I would like to let you know a couple of facts. Please advise.

@RegDwightѬſ道 A ballpark calculation based on my dumped defense statistics tells me that our enemies, indeed, get 3—4K points for free every single war on average.
Doesn't belong here. And gets answers from people who spell "you" as "u".
And "it's" as "its".
A: let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice

ApoorvaWhen ever you are writing to someone its really important to use words that sound polite. So it would be better sounding to the reader if u use the "I would like to bring a couple of facts to your kind notice / attention" .

This defense issue annoys me mostly because it is low-hanging fruit. They don't need to grind gold 24/7, they don't need another 50 levels to buy those cards, they only need to complete a few achievements and missions, damn it.
Their aggregated laziness results in 3−4K free points for the enemy every single war.
Make some noise in faction chat. PM them.
It's not like I'm the only one who has their address.
I'd rather make noise here, tyvm. :P
Levelled up, 12/12. This time with Gorelesup.
Why can't we have such defense decks?
I'm going to surge against everyone in our faction just for comparison.

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