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@Vitaly "As a result, approximately 11,250,000 audience members took the hoax seriously" - Vitaly, don't confuse people. Nobody took it seriously, but it was a good laugh at those days.
Putin won!!! Today is my day! I was voting for him.
@brilliant Oh yeah? Please be realistic: hairless primates will even believe in all sorts of religion, which is even crazier than believing that Lenin was a mushroom. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and the statement “Lenin was a mushroom” is much less extraordinary than whatever ancient Egyptian religions, ancient Greek religions, ancient Roman religions, Shinto, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and thousands of other religions have to offer.
@brilliant Congratulations on winning against the people of Russia, I suppose.
Q: How to cite Shakespearean Blank Verse or Free Verse in an MLA Paper

JoeIf I am using a quote that is only one line, I would not need a / between lines. But, when do I use a / - for free verse or blank verse? I'm a bit confused. Thanks!

Q: How to quote multiple lines of verse inline

user3716When quoting multiple lines of verse inline, is it proper to put spaces around the slash? For example, with a slash but no spaces: "Beside the lake, beneath the trees/Fluttering and dancing in the breeze." Or a slash with spaces: "Beside the lake, beneath the trees / Fluttering and danc...

@Vitaly Hey, I'm really sorry, man. It was inevitable Putin would win, but that doesn't make it any less awful.
Yeah, thanks.
@Vitaly "Congratulations on winning against the people of Russia, I suppose"
@Robusto - "Congratulations on winning against the people of Russia, I suppose"
- You are right about saying "I suppose" there. Come on! Be a man and respect my choice. Whom do suggest instead of Putin? Zhirinovskij, Zjuganov or, perhaps, Mironov? Among all of them only Prochrov is worth something, but his time hasn't come yet.
“Be a man and respect my choice.”— Oh, nice to meet you, Vladimir Vladimirovich. I didn't know it was you.
@brilliant So ... you're really Russian? That explains the fawning sycophancy toward a KGB-bred tyrant?
@Robusto Yes, I am Russian. And I do think that Putin is the best choice possible for my country this time. Vitaly may present thousand of arguments to disprove that and I can present just as many in support of my view. However, neither of us has the abslolute knowledge.
I don't say Putin is perfect. However, other candidates are just pathetic. Vitaly failed to answer my question on their regard.
@Vitaly "Congratulations on winning against the people of Russia, I suppose"
@brilliant That sounds like the same argument Stalinists used in support of Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин. Better to have a strong leader, though he be a tyrant, than to submit to the weakness of democracy.
Oh, that was a question? Russia needed at least a second round in those elections, and now after some—not pointing fingers at anyone or anything—folks helped Putin get an even higher figure than he would have gotten with his ballot stuffing and forged protocols, he'll basically think he's allowed to do whatever pleases His Royal Bloated Ego-ness.
"Congratulations on winning against the people of Russia, I suppose" - Vitaly, that's just terrible. You have just congratulated someone who you suppose was voting against the people of Russia. I would never congratulate someone who I would know for sure was voting against my people.
@brilliant I guess your sarcasm detector is broken.
@Vitaly Robusto, in Stalin's time I would be thrown into prison for my child's drawing beard on the Stalin's picture. Stalin's time and Russian now are two different dispensations. You are confusing two different things. Vitaly would be in Gulag by now.
@Robusto I guess your sense-of-humour switch is not on either :)
@Vitaly "Oh, nice to meet you, Vladimir Vladimirovich. I didn't know it was you" - you are always welcome, Vladimir Voljfovich
@brilliant Or Putin's chief rival would be in prison. Or his enemies would be assassinated abroad with dangerous radioactive isotopes. Don't worry, you could still get the Gulag back. For that matter, so could we.
In any case, those elections had been compromised long before the 4th of March. His ubiquitous mass-media presence compared to his pseudo-rivals is not even funny.
@Robusto Robusto, I can see you are quite brain-washed with the western propaganda. Do you know that that radioactive isotopes guy simply betrayed his own nation that he pledged to serve when he was a KGB officer? How do you think the betrayers of defectors do you think should be treated? Plus, he sided with chechen radicals that were waging a war against Russian people. How do you think such people should treated during the war?
@Vitaly so Vitaly, who do you suggest instead of Putin?
12 mins ago, by Vitaly
Oh, that was a question? Russia needed at least a second round in those elections, and now after some—not pointing fingers at anyone or anything—folks helped Putin get an even higher figure than he would have gotten with his ballot stuffing and forged protocols, he'll basically think he's allowed to do whatever pleases His Royal Bloated Ego-ness.
@brilliant Given that Putin is a tyrant and can compromise the elections anyway, what's with his pet mass media and forgery, I suggest voting for anyone but him, Prokhorov as the reasonable option, just to force a second round to show Putin that Russians are fed up with his … style.
@brilliant OK, I think we're done here. You condone assassination in another sovereign nation — much as Stalin had Trotsky assassinated — and you call me brain-washed? I hold out no hope for a rational discussion with you.
@Vitaly: Not to infect the gravitas of the discussion with trivial banalities, but do you have any ideas for decks for M167? I can't get off the ground.
Let me remember …
@Robusto I think I used Tabitha with Patrol Cruiser spam, and the rest Lance Riders
@Vitaly I tried Tab LanceX10. How many PCs?
Should work if you have 6+ Patrol Cruisers, 9 or 10 is ideal
As many as you have
Ah, OK. Thanks.
@Robusto well, you don't seem to hear me either. Just pay attention to my word "war time". Don't be so hypocritical. The west has killed thousands in like manner, Israel did too, and you still seem to be okay talking about democracy after all that. But when Russia is actin just in the same way, you are right away citing Trockyj or other such cases and start wining about Russia's having no democracy. It's so lame, really!
@brilliant I see. Two wrongs make a right. <takes notes>
@Vitaly You can rig 5%, but you can't rig 40%. That's just impossible! Prokhorov is a good choice, but he is inexperienced and quite weak to stand against the west's hypocrisy. He may become a president later. His time hasn't come yet.
@brilliant shush.
This argument is going nowhere.
@Vitaly This was a landslide victory. You can't deny the fact that majority of Russian people still voted for Putin because they simply want to have stability instead of what we had during 90's
Don't make me call a mod in here to stop this.
Well, I'm going to bed. Later!
@simchona I agree. I just wanted to make sure that the other side - from a Russian supporter of Putin - would also be presented here.
Night Rob.
Good night Robusto. Have a nice dream
@brilliant that's fine, but I think political arguments aren't going to be resolved here. Neither are religious ones.
@simchona Agreed.
OK, simchona has a point. So now that Putin's been elected, let's drop the argument and давайте строить стабильное будущее России с пенсионерами и бюджетниками if he's the president anyway, @brilliant!
I see I've missed a lovely discussion.
Hey Cerb.
My mom made karjala pirakka.
Which are so delicious.
I heard Putin and Khamenei booked handsome victories today.
@Mahnax What the...what are those??
@Cerberus Rice pudding baked into a rye shell.
Wow, that sounds exotic.
They sound and look odd, but are so delicious. Especially with a little corn syrup.
I will trust your taste.
But, alas, I must to bed.
Have to get up in 7 hours.
I have a few hours of studying to do before I can retire to bed.
That sounds...long!
Which subjects?
Well, just 2, maybe 2.5.
French and Bio.
Still long.
I have three tests tomorrow.
I already studied English, though.
As if you needed to, hehe.
Good luck on all three tests!
I know, it's like my teachers all decided to coordinate my tests with a weekend consisting of 24 hours of work. Thanks!
moves towards exit
Get thee gone!
Good doggies must sleep.
curses spam control on the way out
@Vitaly вот это совсем другой разговор, а то я думал ты уже совсем ни в какую.
@brilliant — Ага. И пока пенсионеры и бюджетники строят будущее России, я, пожалуй, вместе с учеными и просто инициативными людьми перееду отсюда куда подальше. :P
What does it mean?
The question is still there.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I believe the word is surtitles.
And I think we may just need RussianPolitics.SE.
@Vitaly Ну что-ж тут дело твоё. Я тебе здесь не указ
@DavidWallace "And I think we may just need RussianPolitics.SE" - I think just Google.translate will be enough :)
@brill and @vit please keep to English.
@simchona Whatever for?
I love the way the GLU room says "You may speak in German or English".
@simchona Would French be OK?
Пушка ест мастер.
I'm not protesting the language. I think I'm protesting the content.
@DavidWallace — Oh, there's nothing wrong with the content. @brilliant and I are having a civil political discussion, at least by Russian standards.
OK, but if I see guns, I'm leaving.
… At a rate of 2 messages per hour.
I'm wondering whether to point out to Robusto that the President of the United States condones assassination in another sovereign nation.
@DavidWallace — No, no, nothing like that, it's not roulette time yet!
When is roulette time?
Q: Can if,while, whenever, when recurse deeply? How deeply?

Ron MaimonI would like a generative BNF-style complete description for English grammer. Some of the more subtle stuff leads to awkward questions of grammaticality (a complete answer to this question, and all related questions, is a publication with a complete description of a comprehensible and comprehensi...

Roulette time starts now!
If David knows if Ron is yes no maybe grammatical reputation falls maybe cries.
Actually, maybe I could post that as an answer.
Is “If, if, if john runs to the store Jane runs to the bank, James eats, linda falls” equivalent to if (if (if (John runs to the store) Jane runs to the bank) James eats) Linda falls?
Oh, never mind, he's provided the then's in the next example
'Ello. Is saying "with respect" at the end of an official letter correct?
The context is: "<a country> big embassy notarizes the identification of one of its citizens as following: blabla

With respect"
@DavidWallace: Is that wrong?
So that would be a literal translation?
I mean, this letter is not from an individual, but from an organisation?
Yes something like that. That's my translation.
If it's from an individual, "yours faithfully" is more appropriate. Is there actually a person's name after "with respect"?
No, it's the name of the embassy.
Then "with respect" seems wrong to me, because an embassy doesn't normally express respect.
What should I say?
Why don't you post it as a question - you might get an answer from someone who knows better than I.
I'm not so sure now - maybe an embassy does express respect.
Do you have access to other letters in English from the same embassy, or any embassy for that matter?
I'm wondering if maybe they have an official standard for how letters are to be signed off.
@DavidWallace No =\
Maybe I'll find one by googling.
Thank you.
Don't thank me; I was absolutely no use at all.
@Gigili - maybe "with regards". This seems to have the same sense as "with respect" but without the connotation of "I disagree with you".
May I ask which language the original is in?
You're right. I should ask on the main site. I'm not even sure if the sentence makes sense.
OK, does it seem right, in Persian, to say the Persian equivalent of "with respect" at the end of a letter that doesn't have a person's signature on it?
Sorry, that was a terribly worded question. I've been reading too much Ron Maimon lately. What I mean was, does the original sound right?
Yes, it does.
It's an official letter, but I'm not sure if the literal word-for-word translation makes sense in English. as it states, I cannot translate the meaning.
Interesting. Must be a cultural thing. I can't do better than "with regards" in this case.
Do you want me to take a look at the whole letter and comment on whether it makes sense? From a native speaker's point of view?
That would be great.
Wait a minute please.
You don't have to post it here. I'm happy for you to email it to me if you prefer - I can give you my address.
@DavidWallace I didn't see that. Yes please.
OK, I'll put my address here for about 10 seconds, then remove it. Because I don't want everyone in the world to have it. Let me know if you're ready to cut and paste it.
I'm ready.
OK, I'll wait for your mail!
Thank you.
Hey, unrelated. I was reading about your alphabet recently. Wow, so complicated! Anyway, I was wondering if a consonant ever appears without one of the diacritics or attachments that adds a vowel? Or do all syllables consist of just one consonant (or aleph) and just one vowel?
So, for example, could I write the sound of "tree" in the Persian alphabet, or would I have to write "taree" or similar?
What do you mean exactly?
The former, I guess. I'm not sure if I got it correct.
I mean, if there were a Persian word pronounced like tree, could I write it as (te with no diacritic or attachment) followed by (re with the "i" attachment)? Or does every consonant have to have one of the six diacritics or attachments?
You could, it's about the difference between Persian and Arabic. The latter case is correct for Arabic.
So Arabic needs one vowel per consonant, but Persian doesn't. I see.
Hey, I just replied to your email. Hope it makes sense. Feel free to ask more questions if you want to.
I'm going to sign off now, watch some TV, and go to bed. I'm a bit tired. I'll see you some other time. Good night.
Thank you for your help @DavidWallace, good night.
2 hours later…
A: In detail vs in details

A.ZI need the difference between "In details" and "In detail"

That's an answer, mind you.
Posted under an actual answer that had been accepted for almost a year.
1 hour later…
Q: Rules for rising and falling intonation in similar questions - what are they?

Edd TurnerConsider these two questions: Would you mind saying a little bit more about that? and What do you mean by that? When they perform the same function, and I expect an answer to both, why does the first have a falling intonation and the second one which rises? My group of learners are a...

How does the first have a falling intonation?
It doesn't for me.
@RegDwightѬſ道 for me it is flat
I can rise the voice at the end as well.
Yes, I can fit that in too
So a) that and b) what's the question here anyway?
Why should a language not allow to ask questions in a whole number of ways?
the question is "why is the intonation different between these semantically similar questions?"
Because they are not similar at all syntactically.
maybe Edd's mother tongue asks all semantically similar questions with the same intonation?
I highly doubt that.
yeah, me too
Besides, the title seems to be asking for "rules".
That's not really useful at all.
You don't learn rules before you start asking questions as a child.
You first start asking questions, and then, perhaps, you learn some rules. A decade later.
or you raise your intonation when making statements shakes fist at Australia
so the question seems unanswerable, in so far as intonation is not based on the meaning of the question so there is no reason based on that
It's a bit like asking, why are "car" and "automobile" pronounced differently though they are semantically similar, and what are the general rules for pronouncing synonyms.
well there you go, @RegDwight, the British Council says the intonation is different. I still can't quite get my intonation to fall. I'll keep trying.
hiya @KitFox :)
Hiya, @Matt!
bbl, fod teims
Oh right. You're +5.
@MattЭллен well if he's a native speaker then asking for rules makes all the less sense.
He will always do it right intuitively.
Wow you speak Moselfränkisch?
I'm getting a déja-vu.
Was muss i denn?
I am so cool, I even taught Cerberus how to déjà-vu.
Like the North Pole.
Hate the South Pole.
Nay, like outer space.
Indifferent to the Middle Pole.
Where is that?
There, too.
No, probably too far south.
Too deep south.
So are you happy with Ron?
His questions are characterized by the same style her as on Ling.
Q: Can "if", "while", "whenever", "when" recurse deeply? How deeply?

Ron MaimonI would like a generative BNF-style complete description for English grammar. Some of the more subtle stuff leads to awkward questions of grammaticality (a complete answer to this question, and all related questions, is a publication with a complete description of a comprehensible and comprehensi...

If you will handle this question (provide a complete description of English grammar), I'll do another a/an question.
@KitFox smiles
So you are essentially asking me not to handle this question.
Am I?
Well I've seen enough another a/an questions.
Haven't we all?
If if Cerberus does another a/an question Reg will scream I will laugh.
So you are essentially asking me not to handle his question.
@KitFox you won't hear me.
I shall laugh nonetheless.
Pitch too high?
I won't hear you laughing, either.
@Cerberus foxen have no problem with high pitches.
so are female foxen always talked about in the plural?
For some reason, men screaming like little girls has been tickling my funny bone lately.
@MattЭллен Not on Tuesdays.
When it's dark outside or raining.
@KitFox well hold on. Even if I do scream, I never promised to scream like little girls.
@MattЭллен Does vixens exist?
I'm certain of it, or at least i've said it in the past
Actually, vik'saen's.
wtc happened there?
World Trade Center?
It's best to ignore them and let it pass.
@RegDwightѬſ道 what the crap
@RegDwightѬſ道 I didn't say you should. But that's how I shall imagine it, and it will be even funnier then.
I have done so with great success.
@KitFox just two more steps and we'll arrive at Victoria's Secret.
Have fun!
Respect my laundre!
Or are you playing their game?
whose game?
The wacky-animals game.
As above.
Oh shoot, I'm late again.
I see, and I don't see
Bye-bye, see you later!
Icy, and Idontcy.
Icy and idiocy.
Icy wiener.
cya @Cerberus! don't be too late
apparently the -en of vixen is the last remnant in English of the Germanic feminine suffix -en
In German, vixen means jerk off.
"toss off"? I've never heard that on before.
Well it's time!
That explains why "tosser" is an insult.
I shall be sure to misremember that and use it accidentally when I'm next socialising with several Germans
@KitFox ah yes. Non-American slang. I believe the ozzies use it too, and probably the NZers
Der WiXXer (, literally The Wanker) is a 2004 German parody of crime films based on works by Edgar Wallace, especially the film Der Hexer. It was directed by Tobi Baumann and written by Oliver Kalkofe, Oliver Welke and Bastian Pastewka. It is the first film in a trilogy. The film is about two policemen, Inspector Very Long (Pastewka) and Chief Inspector Even Longer (Kalkofe) who must find the Wixxer, a gangster who wants to take over London's crime world. Plot The film begins at BlackWhite castle, one of the last castles in black & white located in the United Kingdom. Residing there i...
@RegDwightѬſ道 Hahaha. Sounds fun.
It's okay. Some jokes are rather meh.
And it kind of is tailored to the German audience. Not sure how well it translates.
@Reg Just to let you know, we have a Level-41 applicant. I am not satisfied with his defense deck, but then you've accepted people with worse defense decks, so IDK.
@Kit Would you ever bother trying to explain evolution without mentioning reproduction? I'm trying to explain it to a person who gets funny in the head whenever reproduction is mentioned.
even asexual reproduction?
It's still the same word, even though modified.
how do they get funny in the head?
@Vitaly yeah the deck isn't great, but I'm indeed less picky now. When we were just five people, it really mattered that every deck be strong. But with forty people onboard, he'll only have like three passive battles per war. Active wins matter much more now.
Plus once we are 50 at last, we can start weeding out the crap for good.
@MattЭллен Their behavior suggests that they imagine porn scenes or something sanctimonious hairless apes aren't supposed to imagine.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Well we might as well weed out all those applicants. They make it harder for us to spot the higher levels.
@Vitaly I kick out everyone below level 10 several times a day. Used to be level 7.
I can pump it up to 15.
I am thinking more like Level 20.
It's not like they progress at any reasonable rate anyway.
This has become the gaming room.
@Vitaly well the idea is not to have too many false positives.
Ideally, I'd fight every single one of them before kicking. Even level 7s.
But I don't have the time.
So kicking everyone below a certain level is a workaround.
@RegDwightѬſ道 we've only had one genuine applicant so far, and that's gerald. Everyone else is slacking, IIRC, but I can dump the stats again.
hi @JasperLoy :)
Some people below level 20 have LtW. While I have kicked at least three people above level 50 with empty decks.
@MattЭллен Hi. Sometimes the ping has no sound on Debian though flash is properly installed.
well, I blame Debbie
@Vitaly perhaps later today. Work keeps interfering.
@JasperLoy yeah we are done for now.
I play WMT like I play chess - quickly and without thinking
@RegDwightѬſ道 No sound again! Carry on please.
@MattЭллен I stopped playing chess more than a decade ago. I took part in some competitions before.
I took part in one interschool competition and lost. I'm really bad at chess
The two mistakes beginners make are positioning the chess board wrongly and transposing the king and queen before starting!
I haven't played a game of chess in years
well, I guess the king goes on the right, since he's the king
And the two moves unfamiliar to novices are castling and en passant capture.
I tried to teach my ex-girlfriend chess, but she didn't want to learn
I have never heard of en passant capture
En passant (from ) is a move in the board game of chess . It is a special pawn capture which can occur immediately after a player moves a pawn two squares forward from its starting position, and an enemy pawn could have captured it had it moved only one square forward. The opponent captures the just-moved pawn as if taking it "as it passes" through the first square. The resulting position is the same as if the pawn had moved only one square forward and the enemy pawn had captured normally. The en passant capture must be done on the very next turn, or the right to do ...
it's amazing how many people who claim to play chess have never heard of en passant
In Chinese chess the greatest confusion is how the horse moves, slightly different from chess.
does it have 5 legs?
that would make moving confusing
I called it horse but I am not sure if there is an official English term for it.
Maybe it is knight as well.
I alternate between horse and knight
And you should not say castle but rook.
and you should call the rooks queen and the queen rook, because that really confuses things.
@MattЭллен That is why if you are serious about learning anything you should consult a good book.
or a good rook
I played Go or weiqi too.
It has 361 points of placement.
But among the three I still prefer chess.
But I refuse to learn Bridge.
I am at w*rk.
Why refuse to learn Bridge?
If the casino here did not have an entrance fee of a hundred dollars for locals I would go in just to look.
Oh, that is a pretty good thing, that entrance fee.
Just to prevent problem gambling.
But foreigners can enter free.
@Vitaly It's the "reproduction" part they are squeamish about? Can you try skipping "reproduction" and just going straight to talking about progeny?
@KitFox Progeny kind of implies reproduction.
@Vitaly Well, naturally. But that's why I asked if it was the reproduction aspect itself that was the issue.
so does biological evolution
Evolution is a software in Linux.
And if they can't handle thinking about all the dirty, dirty, naughty, sinful things that are required to procreate, then they shouldn't procreate and you shouldn't waste your time trying to explain why they are stupid.
@KitFox Yeah, well, I tried my best at skipping that aspect but I really have no idea how to avoid that and still explain evolution, not some perverse idea of it. I mean, it's such a fundamental part of the concept.
@Vitaly Except that of course, evolution is dirty, sinful, and perverse, because God didn't do it.
… This reminds me of that Severus Snape scene in HP:MoR, where he gives Harry that piece of advice. :P
You flatter me.
Oh, you like being compared to Harry?
<takes notes>
Um, no. Snape.
Haven't you figured me out yet?
@Vitaly could you explain evolution using language evolution? Would that require using the R word?
It won't be evolution.
Can't you just mention that genes are selected and then combined?
At least not the kind I could use to explain basic evolutionary psychology (and all the male/female evolutionary strategies in psychology and so on).
You can skip the details of reproduction as in sex.
@Vitaly Can you convince them to grow peas?
Oh. Hmm. Good idea, actually.

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