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Congrats @Robusto on the Super Bowl. One more and you'll catch the steelers ;-)
1 hour later…
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ: Yeah, and what is Oakland going to do for an NFL team now? The ghost of Darryl Stingley's mobility still haunts the Raiders, you know.
2 hours later…
> (Metrically speaking, these words are compounds consisting of one element with a single stressed syllable and a second disyllabic element with a trochaic pattern, i.e., stressed-unstressed. As a metrical foot in poetry, the whole stressed-stressed-unstressed pattern is known as antibacchius.)
We don't have enough questions.
> But shitgibbon didn’t originate with MetalOllie. Its early history has been traced by Hugo van Kemenade, a resourceful word researcher whose biggest claim to fame is finding the earliest known use of the word selfie in a 2002 Australian forum post. (He goes by @hugovk on Twitter and just “Hugo” elsewhere.)
> Hugo shared on English Language & Usage Stack Exchange and Wiktionary, shitgibbon can be found all the way back in 2000 on music-related Usenet newsgroups. REFERENCE IN Slate Magazine
A: What are the origins and proper uses of “s***gibbon”?

HugoThe insult shitgibbon predates Twitter. Searching Usenet, I found several examples from 2000 and 2001 from the British bootlegging scene, where people would record the audio (and sometimes video) of a gig, and then arrange trades of tapes with other bootleggers and fans. A shitgibbon was someo...

> Via email, Hugo shared some more of his impressive research on shitgibbon: ......
Go read it! :)
Hugo van Kemenade sounds Dutch.
It does, doesn't it?
“resourceful word researcher”
@Cerberus ^^^^^ Knowing how into opera you are. :)
An attractive typeface.
What does it say that one of the top Google hits for that word is a Latin text half a millennium old?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: Understand the meaning of "tall order" by ryan on english.stackexchange.com
Yeah, old books look nice.
But a Moorish abbot and archbishop in Germany?
An odd name, to be sure.
> Magnentii Hrabani Mauri ... opera, quae reperiri potuerunt, omnia : in sex tomos distincta ; 6
Autor / Hrsg.: Hrabanus <Maurus> ; Pamelius, Jacobus ; Hénin, Antoine de
Verlagsort: Coloniae Agrippinae | Erscheinungsjahr: (1626) | Verlag: Hierat
Signatur: 6690999 2 P.lat. 1281-5/6 6690999 2 P.lat. 1281-5/6
Permalink: http://www.mdz-nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10635038-6
> Hrabanus Maurus ; Pamelius, Jacobus ; Henin, Antoine de
> This paperback book is SEWN perfect bound, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of paperback binding. It can also be open wide. The pages will not fall out and will be around for a lot longer than normal paperbacks.
That's nice.
A great tree right next to my house was felled by a tremendous wind this morning. Its crash was defining. Damage to my effects was "minimal", but merely clearing it may be as much as $3k.
There are various small amounts of damage to be repaired as well.
But it could easily have been a complete catastrophe.
Oh, dear.
Was it rotten?
Not at all.
It was a mature cottonwood, perhaps 125' tall and about a yard in diameter.
The winds were around 100.
Lorin exploring the wreckage.
The wind also blew my French doors in by ripping them out of their window-frame casing.
That must be a nice new climbing toy for him.
He isn't used to be up so high in it.
What fluffy tail!
Yes, it's quiet the plume.
Poor tree, and the doors, and the damages, oh.
Yes, the tree was all budded and ready.
I drove over a cat today morning, unfortunate. It came out of nowhere onto the road.
Bounced of the corner of my house, bounced off the apple tree sheering half of it away but missing the garage and car, fell upon the wooden gate and stone wall you see in the background, extending out into my driveway and the street, blocking traffic.
You know. Please don't tell me about those things.
Ripped the roots out.
2 hours later…
@tchrist Sorry to see that. Maybe clear the immediate environs of tall trees.
@tchrist I tohught it was a fox at first!
@NVZ Poor thing. What did you do? Did you check if it was alive?
Don't tell me you just drove on.
(tchrist, avert your eyes!) There are so many of them around here that a cat carcass is not a rare sight. I usually try to collect the remains and put them in boxes or something ...
@Cerberus Many new books look nice too.
@hello I thought you were Gigili at first, another user who comes here, but it seems you are not. =)
She's checked out.
And I'ma too. Bye.
I just watched Lake Placid 1,2,3,4 and they were better than I expected for monster movies.
@Færd it's sad. But I couldn't stop in the middle of a highway for a cat.
4 hours later…
is there a term for a prefix which changes a stem to its antonym? For example, un- gives the antonym when used before 'likely'
@NVZ I understand.
@tchrist Wow, $3k just for clearing. That's like my six month's salary.
@JasperLoy I have watched Lake Placid 1. How can you watch four movies at once?
I liked the actress Bridget Fonda in Lake Placid 1, but now when I googled her, she is like more than double my age, lel.
@tchrist Is Lorin a he cat or a she cat?
"Lorin" is a nice name.
How can I edit a message here? It is frustrating.
@JasperLoy Apropos to my recording, what do I do about my accent? People say to pick one accent, British or American but I'm comfortable with the original accent I have, that way I make less mistakes and speak with ease. Copying an accent is just dumb. I would love to hear your thoughts. But I'm sticking with the one I already have.
@englishstudent I just watch them one after another, with a break in between, of course.
@englishstudent If you like your accent, then it is fine to stick with it. If you don't like it, then it is also fine to try change it, by listening and copying what you hear.
2 hours later…
@Robusto a lot of things have come back to haunt the raiders in the last 13 consecutive years.
@englishstudent Lorin is a boy cat.
@tchrist that's good firewood. Invest $200 dollars (at most) in a reasonable chain saw. Cut it pieces over a few weekends. Like butter.
Or it can be very satisfying to watch someone else take care of it.
Gas-insert fireplace.
@JasperLoy I don't get monster movies. A lot like topology.
What do you think of Jack Reacher or John Wick. They aren't terribly dissimilar to the Jason Bourne movies (but the latter has a really good plot motivation premise)
@Jdoh possibly there's a term but it might end up being extremely technical sounding.
@tchrist oh
Firewood for someone else?
Or build a more complicated cat climbing structure
If I were a cat that's what I would want
If I were a dog, I probably wouldn't care
Hmmm what would a dog want done with a big dead tree?
Robanly for there to have been a best of squirrels in it before it fell, and still there afterwards. You know, for easy access.
Ya know $3000, as much as that sounds, is probably the going rate. Probably would have been even more expensive if it were still upright
I'm not saying you should be thankful for the storm, but ... could be worse?
@Mitch I'm quite lucky, actually. If it had fallen on either house or either garage, it would have been incredibly worse. It could even have killed someone.
@tchrist I've had the similar (not) happen to me. (Well not personally endangered but house could have been unliveable if a few feet to the left
@Tonepoet Ugh. Single word requests. By the way, what does "tonepoet" in your name mean?
@Mitch You are from US I'm guessing. I thought you guys lived in strong houses there.
Ok, don't ask me to define "strong". I mean you know... well... you know.
@englishstudent It's not really meaningful to me personally. Also, I generally like Single Word Requests, although that is an example of one of the worst sort. Anybody asking for a synonym needs to check a thesaurus to pass the research requisite, and explain why the best alternatives provided therein don't work for them to make the question sufficiently clear.
So speaking of firewood and all the best steak in the world can just be cooked on a camp fire. You don't even have to go to Texas if you know what I'm sayin'. Cheap and best in the world, literally.
@Tonepoet Yes I agree, some of the them (SWR) are quite interesting.
@Mitch I have not watched them. Actually, Jason Bourne is like the American James Bond.
@Tonepoet I think certainly extrapolate doesn't fit into the turning a square into a cube question. I don't think porject does either, so I don't know why that comment has so many upvotes.
I noticed Josh's single word request answers often are totally off, which is a sign of his non-native status.
So I guess I can answer single word requests but I'd rather not because everyone now knows I'm a newbie to English and I will be brigaded hard with downvotes lel.
@JasperLoy Your avatar reminds of a supernova. It's picture I mean.
@englishstudent I see. I am trying to be Superman by doing the impossible.
Or an atomic blast on the horizon lel.
Being a superman is good.
So are you a coder?
No, I don't like programming. I also think most websites are terribly written.
I love to code but I'm still a newbie to coding.
I love writing personally, I want to be a writer when I grow up.
By writing websites, I mean the code.
Not grow up grow up, I'm already a grown up lel.
In the future I mean.
@JasperLoy Yes you are right I guess.
I'm going off topic, back to on topic chat. Do you read Noam Chomsky? He is a linguist.
I have heard mixed opinions about him.
I dunno.
@englishstudent I have heard of him. I am not a linguist either, so I don't know anything about him, but he is very famous.
I have read some articles by Sam Harris though, he is not a linguist but a philosopher etc. He is fine I guess.
These days it seems like everyone has an agenda lel. I mean writers etc.
Everyone has an agenda.
My agenda is to pick people's brains here in chat so my English side of the brain, whatever that is, jogs and I become fluent in English. At least in written English.
What's your agenda Jasper Loy?
Come here and act like a Superman? LEL
Actually, I am sick. I have OCD and PTSD and my top agenda is to get well.
Then after that, I can do some mathematics.
That sucks. What happened? I mean you are not yanking my chain right? You seem quite alright here in chat.
I thought you would be some successful bastard in real life lel. :)
Well, many things happened, which is not possible to say in this chat. I have not been working for many years and I am trying to get well before doing anything else now.
So I'm not a native speaker, so please don't mind me. Just a apology in advance in case you know... well it is the internet and no sound etc. here. Damn.
@JasperLoy Oh well good luck friendo. I sincerely hope you find all the happiness this life has to offer.
So on a totally unrelated note...
So speaking of coolness, I test my friends by being around gorgeous girls. I used to have a good friend, I trusted him and all but once in a bar a gorgeous girl approached and the foker started insulting me.
I just laughed and got the message, I told him to go ahead dude, no need to stoop so low, I can always find someone very very easily lel.
@englishstudent Well, being a native speaker or not is not important at all. You don't need to care about it in this chat.
I'm still friends with the dude but man, he is not a good person I think.
I am simultaneously in another room which is why I am a little slow in responding.
@JasperLoy That's nice. Thanks.
Ok I must head outside. I'm wanting to have some fresh air.
Laters friendo.
@englishstudent You have a weird habit of ending -o at the end of a word, lol. Well, I used to wear Speedo shorts underwater, lol.
God speedo.
Yesterday after we talked I was guessing you are going to be a doctor.
Oh, why a doctor? But thanks.
Am I correct?
But what kind of doctor? A Phd doctor? A medical doctor? A psychiatrist? I'm not dodging the question but... that's possible, yes.
Well doctors are over rated lel.
I think a medical doctor.
It is a secret. I'll tell you after a few years, I hope you don't mind.
I have secrets too.
Well no one is listening. You can share them with me. I'm not being a hypocrite I promise lel.
You are easy to talk to. Some folks try to question everything and criticize and stuff. It is no fun talking to them.
I will share the non-secrets, not the secrets, in this room. They are always listening, you just don't see them
You are talking like John Nash in the Beautiful Mind now lel.
You are right they have fitted this chat with bugs and transmitters lel.
I hear choppers outside my home... OIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE dies.
OK I am back.
@englishstudent Criticise what kind of stuff?
Where were you? Taking a pee break?
@JasperLoy Oh I will give you an example if something like that happens.
@JasperLoy I can't exactly put my thoughts into words I guess. What I meant was some folks are just tough to talk to on the internet. They are always in an argumentative mood or whatever. You know what I'm sayin'?
Oh, I don't like to argue too much, because I have more important things to do, like my mental health
I'm sorry to hear that bro,
Has it always been like this? Or were you better in the past?
I was talking to a friend that day and told him how maybe 9 of 10 research articles are trivial, and he said 99 out of 100 actually.
@englishstudent I have undergone tremendous suffering for many years. It might not end this life, but I am trying to do the impossible and end it. I need to believe that something extraordinary is possible.
@JasperLoy They are just doing it for a degree I guess, no?
Like a thesis, dissertation and shit.
@englishstudent Here, I am talking about professors in academia. How they are forced to publish or perish, so often they publish some not very good stuff.
@JasperLoy Ah. You are right.
Today's education is kind of idiotic, it teaches us to make money and stuff but it is not comprehensive. In my life I have seen tons of asshole Phds and doctors etc. What's the use of such an education? Just give drugs, operate, make money and then what? go home and get drunk and shit? It's useless. But that's what the society expects I guess from its citizens. Bah.
You seem to have a lot of frustration in you, like me, lol.
There are some good humble servants of god too. I mean docs etc.
@JasperLoy Lel. You are right. Not frustration per se but yeah... in chat if I'm just talking then well I might as well spout my frustration with the world lel.
@englishstudent per se
Yes thanks for the correction.
Feel free to correct my sentences. I will upvote you lol. Which is a lie, I will just appreciate it.
A Lie group is not a lie, lol.
I'm an amateur pianist.
I have never recorded myself, but if I do I will share it here.
@englishstudent I am an amateur singer. Here is me singing: youtube.com/watch?v=4luiOF4q8Rk lol
Wow. Let me watch...
@JasperLoy LEL. NICE!
What are you saying by the way?
It's an aria from Turandot by Puccini.
Oh just like Pavarotti. Awesome.
It's supposed to be a tenor aria, but I am a bass and transposed it downwards, lol.
Do you know any Sanskrit or Pali, by the way?
I think Pali is a dead language. People only study it to read the Theravada texts.
But Sanskrit is still spoken by some people...
Ooh, there is even Ukrainian SE now. Considering how it is not a major language, all languages might eventually be on SE, lol.
I have a passing familiarity with Pali and Sanskrit. I just speak Hindi and English now. Speaking of Sanskrit have you heard of Jainism? It is quite a peaceful religion.
@JasperLoy They have almost all the SEs under the sun now lel.
Yes, I have heard of Jainism. But I think I have more or less decided to just study Buddhism in great detail now.
Do all people in India know how to speak Hindi?
I'm an atheist though. But they say atheism is a religion too. But calling atheism a religion is akin to saying abstinence is a sex position lel. Or like off is a TV channel.
But I digress.
@JasperLoy Yeah almost all.
I'm not sure though.
Considering how there are different definitions of god and God and atheism and theism, it doesn't mean anything to me to say whether you are atheist or not.
You are right. Many different religions and Gods now.
100% agree there.
Science and religion can be compatible.
I particularly dislike people who dismiss all forms of religion without knowing very much of either science or religion.
@JasperLoy oooh that's a very common topic of discussions and debates on the net.
@JasperLoy True. I never dismiss it. I just like to know more about different things.
I generally don't discuss religion online, except asking people about books on different religions, because I like books, lol.
Do you believe in one true religion?
Like perhaps there is one single religion out there that is right? Just asking.
Well, I think for me now, I am Buddhist and will probably stay so till the end of Samsara.
okie. Good.
I also have some theories about how all of science and other religions can fit into the Buddhist framework.
The grand unification, lol.
Well... I'm listening.
What about muslims? They seem cool. So many different religions nowadays.
No, it is not for this chat, lol. Also, it is too sensitive for some people.
Yep I understand.
Also they are always watching lel.
If you read the 4 Nikayas I mentioned, perhaps you might come to some of these theories as well, lol.
There is a lot of stuff in them that people never heard of, because many Buddhists don't even know about the 4 Nikayas.
However, most Christians do know about the Bible and Muslims the Q'uran.
Yes I will definitely read the 4 Nikayas. By the way are these Nikayas freely available on the internet. I don't mean torrent... I don't... but if there is a torrent then... :)
You might want to check gen.lib.rus.ec I mentioned that day. But if you want to make serious use of a book it is best to eventually buy it. I use it only for evaluation purposes.
Ok thanks. Then I will buy it in the future, definitely.
Perhaps soon.
The 4 Nikayas contain about 6,000 pages of suttas with commentaries and notes.
I have read some Talmud, Bible and Quran in my free time. Some things started to make sense but then I gave up reading any further you know.
Well reading anything is fun.
Okie. Nice chatting Jasper Loy. Laters gators friendo.
@JasperLoy my agenda is to have no agenda.
I'm not very successful
Mmm, round numbers. But bronze needs to be 2222.
@englishstudent the houses are well built but usually out of wood. So a falling tree can put a whole in a wall (not just the roof)
That's how almost all houses are built.
For even brick houses have timber frames.
Here almost all hice are made of brick, or some of concrete (large apartment buildings).
Usually the brick hice from the industrial age upwards also have some concrete parts.
Hi @Cerberus!
We have very few wooden hice.
@tchrist This looks fantastic, but...is it durable?
I suggest you join ELL since you cannot pluralise house correctly. =)
I didn't join ELL at the beginning.
Never had an account.
@tchrist You will need another 9000 years to achieve 2222 bronzes.
@Mitch That seems impossible to meet.
@Cerberus What would you say are the benefits of learning Latin in 2017?
@JasperLoy Nah, it's so easy that even a baby can do it! ;-) Well, unless you count eating, sleeping and, er, defecating as an agenda anyway...
@Tonepoet I see. Anyway, did I tell you that my enemy on SE likes to use that smiley? LOL. Every time I see it I get frightened. Just seeing their avatar in the room makes me run away already.
@JasperLoy I'm sorry. My memory might be failing me, as I thought it was a different one.
@Tonepoet How is the new television?
Hmm, I don't particularly appreciate the combing artifacts it seems to exhibit during movement. I might need a progressive scan model. More extensive testing is needed.
The color quality is more or less as expected though.
I might need to buy a new television in April because the old one can't receive the new signals from the station then.
@Cerberus For a while.
Is this a reasonable question, or am I just being pedantic?
Hello @Mick I saw your question, but I didn't want to think about the eclipse because my astronomy knowledge is 0.
Maybe if it was another context I would at least think about the question again. =)
@JasperLoy The thing is, it isn't really about astronomy. I'll try to reframe it.
@Mick So there is A and B. In your case, is it the case that sometimes A occurs without B or sometimes B occurs without A?
@JasperLoy That's somewhat of a shame if the current one is perfectly functional otherwise.
@Tonepoet Yes, they do lots of stupid things here in Antarctica.
@Tonepoet Same thing goes for my mum's phone which will need to be changed this year because of the signals. That's what upgrading is all about, making old machines useless...
@Tonepoet And same thing goes for the stuff that gives me the internet, need to change those this year too. That's a lot of money altogether for poor folks like me.
@Tonepoet The cost of living here is higher than in New York City, which is another reason I must leave Antarctica soon!
I suppose a converter box is out of the question?
Q: Is "When to use which" Correct ?

Amine BiroukLet's assume we have n methods of doing X, When i ask "When to use which ?" i expect the answer to be something like : "Use A when ... , Use B when ..." By asking this question I want to ask "When to use each method" I am sure i heard this expression before but I'm not sure whether it is corr...

Sorry, but why is this question migrated to ELL?
Never mind, I thought it was alright for ELU.
When to use which doesn't sound like a typical question. I thought this question is an interesting one.
@Tonepoet The converter costs almost as much as a new one, LOL.
@Mick I am going to read up on lunar eclipses now. =)
Has anybody here heard of H.D.A.S. before?
@JasperLoy A can occur without causing B, but B cannot occur without A.
@Mick I don't understand why people downvote you even though you show some research effort...
@Mick I provided an answer which I think is correct. =)
@JasperLoy I've become inured to it.
@Mick I think this site is a little too harsh. =)
@Mick On the other hand, they upvote puns and jokes which they think are funny, even when there is little linguistic value.
@Tonepoet Never heard or seen, lol.
@Cerberus obviously not as durable as concrete. also presumably more of a fire hazard, but my impression there is not currently much of a US-Euro difference in how long a house (or even apartment bldg (it seems those many new ones around here are also timber frame)) in general lasts. I don't think there are more fires here (US) than Europe.. (But I don't have data at hand)
oh. there are termites. that's a problem for wooden frame homes (with wood close to a a low foundation) in certain geographic areas with known termite problems (hm that was not intended to be a tautology, so take it as not one).
@Mitch My impression is the opposite.
@JasperLoy met and surpassed. Every day you walk down the street past agendaless people. Then they snap out of their reverie and BAM. Agenda IN YOUR FACE!
@Cerberus more house fires in US?
We often read about hice that are washed or blown away.
Not fires.
@Cerberus Oh.
Wood is just a lot less durable than stone, brick, or concrete.
Yo yo.
yeah. but I don't know how that really translates to examples of durability.
We read a lot about destroyed hice in America.
I don't have any statistics.
The US has had a continuous bldg boom since the 1890's in all big cities.
Same for Japan.
Europe had a bit of a hiccup in the 40's
which allowed them to do a lot of rebldg
Which resulted in even more construction afterwards...
was it primarily concrete before 1940?
But most houses are old.
Concrete has been in use since the industrial age, so beginning roughly in the early 19th century, I believe.
But hidden behind bricks.
I think it's crazy that houses anywhere are built out of wood (for both durability and resource usage)
It can look charming.
But I wouldn't do it anywhere near flooding or tornados.
@Cerberus in newspapers with respect to weather anomallies?
@Cerberus oh. right.
And I don't know how well a wooden house can withstand a hurricane.
I wonder how a tornado would treat a concrete house (standalone). Or a wooden framed apartment block.
The roof may be blown off.
a 'big box' store (Target) or strip mall...those are made with concrete and steel.
We could go back to the caves :)
(disclaimer, almost entirely houses are currently built with concrete foundations (used to be stone))
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ They are very durable
but fitting for electrical outlets is a nightmare
@Cerberus but that's the same for a concrete framed house. and also the big box steel framed warehouses are often in the news being destroyed by a tornado or even just heavy snow fall (in the US is all I've heard)
@Cerberus probably not very well, but then there's no comparison to concrete houses...unless that's what they do in Mexico.
@Mitch I was talking about brick or concrete or stone or mixed hice.
I imagine a wooden might be destroyed entirely.
@Mitch The cathedral of Utrecht was partially destroyed by a cyclone in the 17th century.
@Cerberus pictures of america tornado victim's houses seems to confirm. but I'd like to see results on european homes.
But usually buildings remain standing indefinitely.
wait... that's not a wish. that's a wonder, if it has happened.
What is a wonder?
I wonder what the effect tornadoes have on small concrete homes. In order to compare to what we know happens to US wooden homes, which is partial to total destruction.
When you look at the tsunami in Japan, with wooden hice, compared with the floods of 1953 in Holland, with brick hice, the latter seem to have withstood the water better.
Homes in Japan are primarily wooden?
I believe they are much like American hice.
Or I don't know. Wooden, yes, I think so.
Of course brick hice can also be destroyed by water or wind.
But I think it's much harder.
Venetian houses (brick or concrete I'm guessing) have withstood flooding for a while.
As long as the water doesn't stream too violently, it's just a matter of waiting and cleaning.
I think those hice floated on the water.
And a floating house is probably irreparable.
The concrete buildings seem to have withstood the tsunami, whereas most of the wreckage looks like wood or thinnish materials.
Of course it's complicated.
Brick/concrete or wood is just one factor.
Is there really such a thing as an "ivory" tower or is that just a metaphor?
I was reading up on the horror movies The Ring and The Grudge. Both have sequels and both are remakes of Japanese movies.
The Japanese movies also have sequels and there is even a crossover, lol. This means lots of movies to watch.
@Mitch A cockroach flew into my face long ago.
I read your visit to the hbar.
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ Do you have any comments?
Have you read the Feynman Lectures before?
Do you know of better alternatives?
They are worth reading.
A crossover is like a combination of characters from two movies. Do you know of crossovers of crossovers?
That would be an interesting question for Movies SE, lol.
Actually, my last question sounds like a question you would ask. =)
Hmm, I think a dish with a few different types of mushrooms would be delicious.
I should write a recipe for one...
I wonder if two different poisonous mushrooms will neutralise each other's poison when consumed...
Good night @Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ

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