@Gigili Well, it is an unlikely interpretation, but I guess it is possible. Something is left out that should be clear in context; it should probably have been mentioned before.
As in, "Building a few secret entrances should allow the King to escape." — "Secret entrances is really not the best way to make a castle secure: it should be a tunnel!".
You should use a different verb for "should try hard": now it sounds as though you really want someone to do that. So you need something like "one has to try hard". And it is "one normally gets", because "one" is 3rd person singular.
I wanted to say - time flies very fast with the usage of the idiom "in the blink of an eye". The sentence goes like this - Time flies like in the blink of an eye. Is this the correct usage of the idiom?
A weakness in this reasoning is that there is an ultimate check in democracy that stops the state from self-destruction before it is too late: if things get really bad, people will vote for someone else, even in America. In the current system, there is no real choice, and people just mechanically vote without a very clear purpose. They can afford to, because the West is still doing very well, despite our problems.
Oh, I misunderstood you. LEGO's beta has launched. It hasn't left the beta to become a full-fledged site.
Anyhow, in that case you can only get back your commitment by fulfilling it. I.e., ask or answer ten questions, getting several upvotes for each post, and get a certain number of badges (I believe it's like three silver badges or something like that).
English (37)
French (23)
Spanish (20)
Russian (16)
Arabic (14)
Chinese (13)
German (12)
Japanese (10)
Portuguese (10)
Hindi/Urdu (9)
This is an interesting way of weighing the importance of languages around the world. The number are points according to the weighing system. www2.ignatius.edu/faculty/turner/languages.htm
It looks fair.
Although perhaps Russian is a bit higher than I would have expected.
Soon you will not be able to use your cell phone because you almost have no money left on your cell phone account.
How would a native English speaker quickly and naturally describe this situation?
The batteries in your cellphone are running out of charge.
How would a native English speaker quickly and naturally describe this situation?
@simchona Lord Randall Conyngeham, returning from a foxhunt on the 7th day of September, 1761, in Derbyshire, England, found an old pewter plate outside his estate and handed it to his footman. "What shall I do with this, m'lord?" the footman inquired. "Why you silly fellow," the lord replied, "it should be proudly placed on our mantelpiece." I don't have a citation for this, of course, but I did imagine it so it must be true; anyway, it's such a good story I don't think it needs one.
Hi, Does anyone know why I started in this site with 1 whereas in other .sx sites, I started with 100? (I have > 30k on TeX.sx) I don't really care about the reputation, but I'm curious about the difference.