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04:00 - 17:0017:00 - 19:00

haha. no, im just contrasting the spanish/english inherent prejudice form partner/pareja
'proximo'! I got it! 'el mayo proximo'!
or is it 'el mayo siguiente'?
mayo proximo
no "el", you dont say The next may
The wedding is next May' -> 'Las novenes son mayo proximo' ?
next may
novenes? what's that? google translator is trolling you
no I'm half using GT and half making stuff up out a half formed memory
novenes sounds churchy to me, but probably means ninth
damn, must be hard to remember you credit card pin with a half formed memory
like prayers at night
@Fernando ? Wouldn't you just say Mayo, if it's the coming May and Mayo del año que viene if it's next year's May? El Mayo próximo sounds strange to me, but it might be a Cubano/Peninsular difference.
@Fernando makes for better security
@terdon's spanish looks good
@terdon right. there's a big deal in English about what 'this May' and 'next May' mean.
not as good as my english but close enough
@terdon hahaha, no, i was just commenting on "el mayo" being worng
@Fernando I lived in Spain for 7 years.
Oh? barcelona?
Yes, actually
I knew it
I could sense your accent
Como si fuese España y no Cataluña. :)
Vols diure que he fet catalanismes?
@tchrist where's the mistake in that sentence? I know there is one. Something about the he, I think.
yep, o al pais vasco
me gustaria un bocadillo con serrano y mayo
hogar de los toros mas gordos y grandes de europa
@Mitch Mayo próximo?
ohhh, serrano y un poco de piña
@Fernando jaja, si
Right, I'm off. Last minute gift shopping to do. Merry $whatever to all, and to all a good night.
whoops, fell offline for a tad there
@terdon Well, maybe the plural object. Dius que he fet algun catalanisme?
But I don’t speak Catalan.
I think vols diure is fine there, for quieres decir. But I don't really speak it either, just the basics.
or should i say. HOSTIA TIO que se me ha caido la internet por un momento
mira que tambien se hablar gallego como los españoles, esto esta mamo
Olvidaste el joder, nen.
@terdon I wasn't talking about that, but about catalanisms in the plural rather than algún.
Ah, right, true
Joder, las pelotas del cojonudo pringao este
Sed buenos.
Spanish people are very bad-mouthed
sed s/malo/bueno/?
Grr, I really have to go. Buy!
they say balls and offend 3 or 4 times per sentence
i think its a cultural thing
Qué buena cosa en que cagarse.
@tchrist Something about that...
did you just make a poop joke?
and something about my uncles? How dare you
I think I went to hard on that last one
yup, im deleting it
:34312611 Ni se te ocurra.
Yes that was awful.
before i get kicked out of here
cut and pasted just in time!
pure spanish from spain
not really.
good old spain
@snailplane Thank you. Very well; I'll inform you if I have further questions.
@Mitch Mais non, j’ai fait un "sacre", comment dissent-ils en Québec.
swears in other languages just don't feel as bad.
@Fernando Ya nos hemos fijado en ello.
@tchrist your lucky im just on rossetta stone lvl1 in french
@tchrist ooh that was very subtle. the Hostia Tio. Taberanache!
I have all the time in the world.
yes i noticed your "blue" blood
@tchrist You talk to your mother with that mouth?
all day
and say stuff like: "donde putas esta la botella de vodka que deje al lado del niño en la cuna?"
that one is actually kind of sad
Te la habrá tomado.
It is.
seguro, si es hijo mio
Así se reconoce.
man i feel bad talking in spanish inside an enlgish forum chat
Cabe esperar.
@Fernando we have no problem with it.
El habla callejera siempre nos cae bien por acá.
si pero la mayoria de los catedráticos ingleses pueden sentirse ofendidos
¿Los hay?
Pues sí tenemos al Lawler, ¿pero hay otro?
@tchrist just by using this symbol "¿" you can upset a couple english savants
Savant best collocates with idiot for this sense. :)
jaja, sure sure
Where are you living these day?
i dont know in english-speaking countries, but spanish teachers are very peacock-ey about their "superior spanish knowledge"
That's amusing. cocky > peacocky
take for example the fine hijos de su madre from la real academia de españa, they justify their employment by adding a single moronic rule to the language every year
Actual English professors seldom bother, because they realize that English is not taught here.
Ni empieces, they just make shit up.
haha, yup, let me laugh in spanish: jjajja
It's easy for me to code-switch, but it'll mosquear a los demás.
Y a las damas, me imagino. :)
Careful with Eve, she’ll take a bite out of your apple.
know that hue menshon it, their are verrie phew feemails hear.
Ninguna just right now.
I like to twist the enlgish into vague homophone words
cool whip
@Fernando you would like 'Mots d'heure: Gousses, Rames' (click to reveal)
man Im at work, that better be SFW
oh it's safe. totally nerdy
@Fernando No homophones in this chat.
oh waitm that's French/English. There's English/English (or Anguish languish)
hahahah whaaat???
is that the real translation of HDumpty to french?
Not at all.
damn its close!
it's half sensical french, but if you pronounce it out, it's supposed to sound like the original mother goose poem
But Ladle Rat Rotten Hut is Little Red Riding Hood with near homophones.
yes i got it the "thirst time"
> tantalize (v.)
1590s, with -ize + Latin Tantalus, from Greek Tantalos, king of Phrygia, son of Zeus, father of Pelops and Niobe, punished in the afterlife (for an offense variously given) by being made to stand in a river up to his chin, under branches laden with fruit, all of which withdrew from his reach whenever he tried to eat or drink...
Some punishment.
chandler was forced to live in a box
To light candles there?
no, just a box
with an airhole
@Færd After about the third time, you'd figure he'd give up
Maybe not. Some of them mythical characters were pretty stupid.
And we too seek things beyond our reach all the time, so ...
04:00 - 17:0017:00 - 19:00

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