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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

@Mitch Oh wow, heh those messages just made me feel like calling you a * cough * misogynist * cough * ;)
@MattE.Эллен WTF... does the following have any basis in facts?
Scone map of the UK and Ireland Source: Reddit user bezzleford https://t.co/eeNoOrrbPU
So some people actually don't rhyme 'scone' with 'gone' in the UK?
I bet they don't rhyme antiscone with Antigone.
@Mitch I've just eaten two -- hot, buttered and with generous dollops of apricot jam. I call 'em sgone.
@Mitch Oh I know :)
just making sure, you never know
@Mick they're just funny muffins right
I didn't know a term could be 'Commonwealth' too.
@Mitch Mine didn't last long enough to think up any jokes.
btw aren't I early today? it is only 7:15 am here.
it's up to you if it's early
normally I enter in the evening.
it's late for me.
may not last.
Btw, this is a secret site where you could type a name of a reddit user and see about them, their synopsis.
reddit seems like the wild west. a bit lawless at times.
I won't give my username though. My writing there is very out of the line mostly :)
Yeah very
The comments I make there (sometimes) would get be banned here in no time :)
here is where I'm out of line. on reddit I'm more of a sedate librarian
Oh I see. hah.
well, I am exaggerating myself, I am not that bad.
Are there any books you'd like me to recommend to you?
Sure. Go ahead.
Good classics maybe.
I'm exaggerating terribly because I've never written anything on reddit
...that I remember.
@Arrowfar Jane Austen. She's funny. All the others of that time period she's making fun of.
I have read Stephen King, Thomas Harris, Mario Puzo etc. in the past.
Her sentences are kind of long.
@Mitch Ah cool. I will definitely try, people here read her.
My English teacher at school also recommended me Jane Austen once. But I am lazy yanno :)
@Arrowfar Puzo is good. King I've just never bothered to read. The movie comes out and I don't fell any compunction to read it after that.
In eight grade I think.
@Arrowfar They are a bit long.
I see
I'm trying to think of shorter classics but they all seem to be huge volumes
Kipling? But that's a little too ... colonial.
Wait... what did you say? 'Yanno'? what is that?
Eye dialect for "you know".
My friend threw me not too long ago with misewell.
ohh... hah hah. I thought it was some perjorative.
@snailplane also '??'. me so well? oh...might as well?
When I was young, young girls here would go for The Hardy Boys books and boys um, I don't remember. I read Enid Blyton etc.
I started reading English stories etc. quite late.
@Mitch Yep :-) Might as well.
Enid Blyton is a good writer.
Have you read... argh.. that book.. with the people in it.. and they talk... argh...by what's his name?
I guess the boys would read Nancy Drew then.
Irving Welsh...
totally written in eyedialect
totally incomprehensible
Ah but isn't that rated? I mean adult stuff?
until you read it aloud.
I might be misremembering.
and then you magically have a scottish accent.
@Arrowfar It's pretty bad yes.
@Mitch Audiobook version!
I think actually worse than the movie
I have heard of that movie heh.
That's like 40% porn, 60% clean right? well anyway.
Er? What are we talking about?
The movie trainspotting
@snailplane I never read either. I remember seeing both series in people's bookshelves (not in the same bookshelf) but never myself.
I think it's about drugs mainly, not porn.
Ah I have never watched it. I have just heard about it.
@Arrowfar I don't remember porn, mostly revolting drug use and the revolting things they do.
I see. Someone misguided me then heh.
As far as that goes, I think Titanic has more in it.
Here they censor stuff, by the way.
Even Youtube. They just opened it last Dec.
Did anybody here cry at Titanic?
I didn't. You?
Yep. But I was a teenager and cried at the drop of a hat back then :-)
No. But everybody else says they did and I feel sort of callous for not.
whose hat?
It was admittedly a cry-worthy scene, but I don't remember whether I cried.
Err, I mean, what film?
Hello Cerb
Sir Hattingsworth.
I mean, what, what is that, 'Titanic'? Is it a ship?
Every time his hat drops.
I see
@snailplane hahah. I felt bad for all the poor people who couldn't even get to the top deck. but it was just a movie.
and then when ...
wait...I'm not giving anything away am I?
@Mitch That's mean. You should say "I did" after asking such a question.
@Mitch Yeah, that dancing scene was the emotional low point of the film.
because you know... the title of the movie...
@Mitch I always think it's just a movie and they are being paid good money, so why cry?
@Cerberus I'm a mean and callous person. I think that's been established.
@snailplane Is that when you cried? I can see that.
I did get choked up when the band decided to keep playing.
because their playing was so terrible.
@Mitch Cool. Ireland surprises me. Everyone knows it's gone.
@Mitch Very well.
@Cerberus Ireland. Pfft
mainly because there was all sorts of room on top for both him and Kate Winslett.
know what I'm sayin?
How about the movie Babe?
Don't you think it is better to delete spoilers?
@Mitch I agree.
Everyone thought that.
Stupid film.
One movie series I like is LOTR. It is pretty good.
I have watched that like many times.
@Arrowfar No one cries at that movie.
Yeah, but I like that series.
It's fun. The books are good too.
There's a lot of it that didn't make sense to me until I saw the movies.
How about when Frodo is throwing the ring in the fire? I think some people cried at that? I dunno.
Tears of joy I mean.
To be honest, that was a bit of a relief
@Mitch I've deleted it, OK?
@Mitch But...now you've done it again!
@Cerberus nice. thanks. superpowers are nice if you use it for good.
@Cerberus Which spoiler? I missed it.
I mean, sure.
@Cerberus what? you mean the boat doesn't make it?
@Arrowfar The ending of Titanic.
sobs hysterically
oh that
@Mitch About who doesn't...
Well, let me give away the ending of Babe then...
@Mitch I thought you were used to crying in a corner, lol. well I have read that in chat sometimes.
@Arrowfar sometimes in a corner, usually quietly into my hands.
but not because of a movie.
like 'babe'
Btw, sometimes chat seems pathetic to me because there is no tone here. We are all deaf and blind here. Kind of.
which ends ... in a certain way... for some of the animals.
"babe" is a cartoon right?
and certain other ways for certain other animals.
I need say no more.
@Arrowfar live action with talking animals.
big training budget.
ah yeah.
pigs are easy to train, but sheep a like impossible
I see.
Here we get goats sometimes.
@Arrowfar turn up you audio, and we can ping you.
I mean for the occasion.
@Mitch Hah, naah :)
I well up when I get emotional. And I get emotional very easily.
It gets worse as I get older.
And when I am tired.
@Cerberus Do you get emotional often while watching a movie?
I mean while watching an emotional movie.
@Cerberus You'd have thought it would get better, but yeah.
I'll give you something to cry about
But I don't assign value to things according to how high an emotional climax they deal me.
when it's too deliberate, it loses its force
I can't control the crying. Sometimes at the stupidest things.
Frozen got me crying.
Then don't watch Babe.
@Arrowfar I wouldn't say often, and I rarely watch films.
But it happens on occasion.
You'll cry at the end when...
the pig pulls out a machete and slaughters all the sheep.
@Færd Absolutely. A scene that makes me cry might be like fastfood.
@Færd I remember crying at a commercial.
It was one I had even seen before.
I think I had hardly slept in days, which influences one's (negative) emotions badly.
People who don't get enough sleep are also far more often (clinically) depressed.
So I guess Titanic did it for you?
I don't remember.
also sleeping a lot is a sign of depression
Probably not, as I was young and it was at the cinema.
hm...avoid Titanic then.
When I'm lacking sleep I tend to laugh for no reason.
I wonder how crazy I'm coming off right now.
When I lack sleep I have a hard time falling a sleep. It's weird.
Yeah, and a hard time waking up.
@Færd Hmm I don't have that.
@Mitch Same here. I think it might be the adrenaline.
I literally get sleep-drunk.
@Færd Stop imbibing sleep!
That's what makes me drunk. What an irony.
Like at the end of Titanic when Leonardo opens up his machine gun at the zombie onslaught and saves the baby in the carriage going down the steps while the out of control bus barrels towards.
That's a tear jerker.
That's a bad spoiler.
Make a good one ;)
@snailplane That's a good word. Seems tricky to pronounce.
@Arrowfar At the end of Titanic, when the ocean liner pulls into the dock and the featured actors leave on by one on the gang plank, the detective is standing there doing nothing letting them off even though he has incontrovertible evidence that they all were part of the murder plot, each one stabbing the murder victim, a horrific nazi camp commander who had ruined each of their lives.
which is funny because, hey, their lives weren't ruined that much if they were able to afford 1st class tickets on the Titanic.
well that's some good creative thinking by the way.
So, it's been said that could is not used in the sense of managed to (when you succeed in doing something) in positive sentences.
> I managed to eat a whole turkey last night. != * I could eat a whole turkey last night.
@Arrowfar I'm just telling you how the movie plays out, to see who cried at which part.
Right? But what do you think about this one? :
@Færd I could eat a turkey tonight. Last night I could have eaten a turkey.
> I thought if I could get him in the house I could seduce him.
@Mitch Corrected.
@Mitch I cried at the a capella rendition of 4'33" toward the end.
> I thought if I managed to get him in the house...
that does sound pretty much the same
@snailplane huh, I don't follow.
@Mitch That's what I'm asking about. Why is could not ungrammatical in that sentence?
@snailplane Oh, I find the second movement the most moving.
@Færd "is could not"
Not can't invert with is because it's not an auxiliary. Isn't inverts because it's the negative inflectional form of is, with the inflectional affix -n't attached.
Yeah, I confused isn't with is not.
"If I managed to' ~= "If I could..." ~= "if I were able to"
In an earlier stage of the language, -n't was a clitic form of not, a separate word which was phonologically dependent on the preceding word.
But then it was reanalyzed as an affix.
@snailplane sorta like "that is int right"?
@Mitch So that's another exception to the rule.
@Færd Where?
9 mins ago, by Færd
So, it's been said that could is not used in the sense of managed to (when you succeed in doing something) in positive sentences.
@Færd When it's a single situation viewed perfectively, right?
What do you mean by perfectively?
I'm falling asleep, so I'm going to refer you to CGEL and try to resume the discussion tomorrow :-)
Have blue dreams!
I mean when you want to report that you succeeded in doing something.
my laptop is making garag garag sound under the keyboard. It is getting old I think.
@Arrowfar I think you eat too many Cheetos over your keyboard
@Cerberus That's a good comment. +1.
@Mitch Haha I knew you would think of me as some Cheeto eating, basement dwelling guy lol. I am not. :) But I like Cheetos, I think they are good to have every now and then.
well i live in apartments so i can't live in a basement anyway.
you didn't say that but on the internet in other places if you eat cheetos then you are some kind of a loser... meh, I don't believe it. :)
@Arrowfar 'garag garag' sounded crunchy is all.
Ah :)
@Arrowfar Oh. I'd never heard that before.
oh I see
@Arrowfar Gracias.
Welcome :)
It is +6 now.
Cheetos is one of the four basic food groups. Cheetos, hot'n'spicy Cheetos, maple syrup, and spaghetti.
hm.. where do Poptarts fit in?
Do they pop?
oh wait, sort of.
Poptarts is USy thing I guess.
I have eaten them though.
the 'pop' out of a toaster.
@Arrowfar yeah
Can you put tarts in a toaster?
Maybe not. I guess Pop Tarts are not tarts.
Ok nice chatting, see you later @Mitch and all :)
See ya.
Okay. I think I got it. The sentence
> I thought if I could get him in the house I could seduce him.
is a report of a thought. It's the same as
> I thought: "If I can get him in the house I can seduce him.".
@Arrowfar later
That's what licenses the use of could in the sense of manage to.
@Færd yes, except for the pause after 'thought'
What pause?
there's no pause at all in "I thought if I ..."
But there is in "I thoughtL 'If I...' "
Yes. That's true for reported speech generally, I think.
@Færd not usually. it's just a name they gave it.
OK. way too late for me. gnight
Good night!
Anyway, if it wasn't reported speech, could couldn't be used there to mean managed to:
> If I could get him in the house I could seduce him.
That means something else.
@Cerberus You can't save time by spending too little of it on necessities.
Take care.
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Possible low-quality post: Did "sublime" and "cherubim" rhyme in the past? by Anty Neina on english.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: Advise me resource or methods to understanding reading by Sergey on english.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
@Mitch fake. That is so obviously not a real pig.
[ SmokeDetector ] Possible low-quality post: Regarding Conditional sentence by user210643 on english.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
Stlange, when I pless the l-button it ploduces an l.
Am I plessing the wlong button?
My l-key produces an l too.
Can you get R? Or does that produce L (or something else)?
What youl button is wolking?
I reckon that's a hardware fault, probably a break in a wire connecting the keyboard. But that might make other letters behave oddly too.
It could be psychological too. I heald of this guy suffeling flom enclyption disease. Aftel a while all the lettels stalt to be pelmuted ol leplaced.
that sounds funny to read. I mean "l" instead of "r".
vewy funny.
@MatsGranvik I supppose it could be a wetware fault.
@AndrewLeach yes, I aglee.
Hello @AndrewLeach
Hello Arrowfar.
Dipping in and out today.
Just about to get lunch.
Since it's that sort of time here.
Here it is around 6 pm.
Ah have a nice lunch.
Thanks. Have a good dinner!
1 hour later…
@Mitch it is true that some people say scone to rhyme with cone, while other say it to rhyme with gone. I don't know if it's mappable.
@MattE.Эллен How about the stone of scone? I've always pronounced them so they rhyme. Are you saying that only the Scots would rhyme it in the UK?
@terdon stone rhymes with cone, so for people who rhyme scone with cone, it would rhyme
But not for you, then?
I don't think only Scots rhyme scone with cone
No, I pronounce it to rhyme with gone
@MattE.Эллен No, but they also (can) rhyme stone and gone.
@terdon oh! :D
The stoon of scoon was what I was imagining :)
yes, that would work
The Scottish place Scone is indeed pronounced Scoon.
@AndrewLeach Oh? Irrespective of accent/dialect?
Yes. And the Scottish places Home and Hulme are both pronounced Hume.
Dang. I'd sort of thought it was just an accent thing.
Is the phrase "inner bitch" only used for women or can it be used for guys as well? Like for example, can a dude say "Don't summon my inner bitch"?
@terdon Alec Douglas-Home, aka Baron Home of the Hirsel, didn't have a Scottish accent, IIRC.
Hello @terdon @MattE.Эллен how are you guys? :)
hi @Arrowfar. I'm OK, thanks. how are you?
That's probably gendered, although I think I will probably go my whole life without saying it.
@MattE.Эллен Yes I am fine thanks.
@snailplane I think so too. And I think so too.
@snailplane Well, that's you maybe but some people can't go through their entire life without saying it :)
@MattE.Эллен maps are lies
@Arrowfar 'bitch' almost always has a slightly gendered nuance. But of course a guy can say 'inner bitch' to reflect that side of him that he feels is ... bitchy.
@Mitch I see, thanks.
@snailplane There are a lot of words like that. I think I'll be able to go my entire life without saying or writing the word 'wonk'.
wait... dang it.
Btw Mitch how can you maintain you sense of humour in the morning? In the morning I am never funny but as the day progress after breakfast etc. I get better.
I am pretty grumpy the first couple hours (maybe more) after I get up. Therefore you can surmise that I've been up for at least a couple hours (maybe more).
Or maybe I'm compensating for my grumpiness.
Or maybe the meds have just kicked in.
I stopped reading newspapers in the morning though, because if I read a bad news I get depressed. And news here is kind of depressing most of the time.
Not always of course.
@Arrowfar oh crap...news is the worst.
ya it sucks.
one time I turned on the TV recently just as news and pictures from Syria came on.
I had to close my eyes and turn it off immediately.
@Arrowfar News is either painful or boring
Yep. true.
or total lies! That's what it seems like nowadays in the US.
@Arrowfar "Sense of humour" and "morning" are two concepts which never go well together.
@AndrewLeach heh :-)
Reality is becoming so outrageous, it's hard to tell when it's not real.
@AndrewLeach like scones and liver
with bacon
the liver that is
Liver does go with bacon, though. Every Brit had it in school dinners.
On second thoughts...
@AndrewLeach yeah, and I could see it in a scone. there are savory scones right?
Yes, but I've only experienced cheese.
@Mitch What's funny is they're using the fake news meme to lie about which things are fake news.
It's really enough to make me want to bury my head in the sand.
This is a neat trick for reducing the size of images hosted on imgur: english.stackexchange.com/posts/238602/revisions
@snailplane What trick? Adding an m or an s to the image name?
Oh, no. She added the l, that makes it larger, not smaller./
@snailplane Right. Throwing doubts everywhere
like preteens arguing. "you're a liar" "no, _you _ are"
@terdon It made it smaller.
@snailplane Huh. I would have used the m instead but OK.
But yes, you can make them smaller than l with m or s.
It'd be nice if you could rotate images that easily.
@Arrowfar I think that sounds odd to me. The noun "bitch" in the sense "unpleasant/abrasive person" seems to me to be mostly confined to women. When applied to men, I think it usually has the sense of "contemptible person", "wimp" or "dominated person". The verb "to bitch" = "to complain" is used for both genders
1 hour later…
yo what's up?
@AndrewLeach I've never notice that in myself.
@JustynaNogala Yo.
"When a day comes to an end, comes darkness. " can you transform this sentence so it could be more poetic?
@sumelic nods
is it poetic enough?
When a day does bow towards the end, darkness falls.
> When the nocturnal peacock's had enough daily rest
Stretches its sparkly feathers and stirs out of the nest
In the east, and chases the twilight away down the west
I don't know. There's no such thing as "poetic enough".
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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