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It's my birthday :)
Here is my present:
Q: Can we get this over with

soandosI confused about this phrase because it ends in a preposition, something that I though was not really grammatically correct. In addition, I can not find a restatement that would solve this issue. Things like: This can we get over Over with get this With get this over Don't really seem to mak...

well, I answered it before I noticed you didn't like it
so thanks :D
Yup. That was the present, as promised.
you're very kind
@MattЭллен It is? Happy Birthday!
yes. Thank you :)
I'm celebrating with some Single Malt. mmmm
You adults and your alcohols.
I know, we're such terrible curs
You don't do cocaine, do you?
me :D no I'm practically a law abiding citizen
Okay, good.
I don't even know why I asked.
why, you looking for a dealer? ;)
In the UK? Definitely…
it's not about what you know, but who you know, eh?
Oh, for sure.
Honestly, my "celebration" on Saturday was to spend the day with a bunch of geeks hacking on a python project. I didn't even contribute any code - I just spent the day learning about django (python web framework). I am so hardcore.
Haha, that's great.
@MattЭллен OMG KONGRATZ!!!
@Cerberus Yay! thanks :D
you can't see, but I'm smiling lots
There's a good birthday boy.
So you've worked on a Python project as a celebration.
Did you have fun, or was it meh?
yes. well, I watched people work on a python project
I had fun. I learned a lot
What kind of digital present would you like to have?
met new people
@Cerberus hmmmm
Yeah, wouldst thou like a gift?
The earthquake in New Zealand.
@Cerberus Nice save.
It was rather my attempt at a present, hehe.
Perhaps my mind is too destructive.
Nah, I mean how you so quickly corrected your error.
You offer me destruction. I see. well It is something I've wanted since I was young
You want destruction?
Although these days I also want constructive things
The Milkyway over Ontario.
that is beautiful
It is from NASA, so perhaps it isn't too Photoshopped.
maybe I could have a brief glimpse of what you look like? I've been curious for so long, after you showed kit :p
I know what he looks like.
I found him.
You've never seen me?
I not seen you
not enough snakes for hair
@Cerberus Hahahaha. I was bored.
This is my Facebook photo.
oh! Most handsome :)
Suppertime. Bye!
cya @Mahnax
I have tons of photos where I have my eyes closed or look like a crazy monkey.
Let's see if I can find one of those.
most of my photos of me have me grinning inanely
Sounds better!
I wish I could do that.
I rather try to smile and look like I'm on crack.
like that
Haha, nice.
I see your point.
I would probably look like that if I could manage an actual smile.
Your almost smile looks good, I like it. You looks inquisitive. what happens when you turn the ends of your mouth up?
That is one of the, like, three photos ever where I look semi-normal, which is why I put it on FB. It was early in the morning and I was surprised.
I like it :D it's funny and cute
This is like the second best photo of me ever, where my mouth if only weird, not insane, and my eyes are half open!
This is my normal photo look.
hehehe, you're half asleep :)
Like someone knocked me unconscious just a hundred ms before the picture.
Most photos are like that.
Oh, well.
how come? do you blink really slowly?
Really fast, I think: I blink when I see the flash.
it's my grin
That one is quite nice.
thanks :)
this one's alright
Perhaps I should show my teeth too.
That one's good! And I see a bottle of something in the background...
the bigger the smile, the better, in some cases
@Cerberus could be wine
I was at some kind of fancy dress party
I think I tried to dress like I was from the 1920s
This is time I dressed as lavender
The shawl makes sense, or what is it.
@Cerberus I think it's a scarf
Haha, oh my God.
That is a dashing wig.
It was an "L" party, you have to go as something beginning with L
I still have it somewhere
Oh! That genre is new to me.
it's not the first letter party I've been to, the first was "P", and I went as a pansy (the flower)
can't really explain why I didn't choose pirate
Original indeed! I would never have thought of that.
There's also pioneer, pilgrim, peony...
maybe that's why I picked it
@Cerberus ah! peony would have been better. much better colour
To be honest I don't even know what a pansy looks like.
but there was lavender growing outside our flat, so I could easily pick a sprig
So pansy, lavender...you're into flowers!
Ahhh yes.
@Cerberus well, I suppose, but not really. it's not like I have flowers in my life at any other time!
Actually I do know that. It was just blocked by "violet".
oh! yeah you can get pansys that look like violets
anyway! enough about girly flowers. :p Do you go to fancy dress parties?
So what is the difference between violets and pansies? They are both violae, but violets are purple?
Nah I'm not a dresser-upper.
I don't know! lets see what wiki knows
Viola ( and )The pronunciation () is the most common one in US English, but US dictionaries also record (less common) use of () and (): [http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/viola_2 American Heritage Dictionary], [http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/viola Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary]. Interestingly, the only pronunciation recorded by the [http://web.archive.org/web/20070915234800/http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/viola_2?view=uk Compact Oxford English Dictionary] is () but the only pronunciation recorded by the [http://oxforddictionaries.com/view/entry...
@Cerberus I think violets are bigger?
> Viola and violetta are terms used by gardeners and generally in horticulture for neat, small-flowered hybrid plants intermediate in size between pansies and violets
@Cerberus never? what about a masquerade?
@MattЭллен Hmm so it's about size!
It's always about size. How immature.
well, they're not so evolved as you
@MattЭллен I don't know, I've never liked dressing up, except with friends or something.
Evolved, eh yes.
@Cerberus well, I only did it with friends, of course!
I do get quite nervous when I'm invited to a fancy dress party, since Ihave to come up with a costume. that is a lot of effort for a one off
It is.
I would probably just come in my regular attire.
my friend has invited me to her 30th at the end of March, and she's having a burlesque themed night - not entirely sure what I'll wear to that!
Oh, dear.
I never have parties like that, actually.
@Cerberus In my lavender pic, you'll notice my friend to my right did that - said he came as lazy!
Good outfit.
Or you could go as "typical student/yuppie/IT guy/etc.".
@Cerberus yeah, we had a superhero party, so he came as Clark Kent.
at least he's creatively lazy :)
Hmm but then he'd need at least some kind of outfit, as in glasses and a tie?
well, he wears glasses. and who doesn't have a tie?
It is a rather boring outfit anyway.
yeah. He's the loveable scamp in our group - so he gets away with it :)
What do you think of this question?:
Q: Why does "-Cy" become "-Sy"?

nolan75What rule of grammar, or etymological history, makes "prophe-cy" (noun) become "prophe-sy" (verb)? What causes the C to become an S when the word usage changes?

I read that
I read it again
@MattЭллен Hmm that's pretty cheap.
I thought "prophesy"?
then I thought "This has 1 up vote?"
Pronounced /ai/ I believe?
The question is, are their more pairs like this?
The s comes no doubt from the Greek suffix -sis.
The c probably comes from Latin -tia.
But why were both suffixes used with the same word?
@Cerberus yeah
groceries, gross?
That is probably a Germanic root.
But the c/s variation is interesting.
from latin
Hmm yes, from grossus, which in turn is of obscure origin.
It may have been the Frogs.
They made those c and s endings.
damn you frogs shakes fist
I know!
And they're going to steal your time too.
no! I will fight them for it, tooth and nail!
I can take all a youse
what did I read the other day? somethign along the line of scrapping time based on the sun altogether
@Cerberus eustacy/eustasy, but eustacy is considered an incorrect spelling
@MattЭллен Huh, then what should it be based on?
@Vitaly Hmm right. But it does illustrate the mechanism, perhaps.
there was a vote last month on dropping the leap second added in to atomic clocks, because of the drift between astronomical time and the atomic clocks
It also depends on which language the wrong spelling was first used in.
so it will be based purely on atomic clocks
(Now you know where the rule against ending a sentence with a preposition came from.)
@MattЭллен Hmmm but, even with the leap, isn't time still/already based on atomic time?
@Cerberus They add in the second to keep the atomic clock in line with the sun, so I guess not?
Well, we're still using the atomic clock as a basis whenever something needs to be calculated exactly; it is just that the leap is part of the (random) units and rules along which the clock ticks, just like the sixty seconds, sixty minutes, and twenty-four hours.
Hello everyone.
welcome back!
good supper?
Definitely! It was awesome.
@Cerberus but it's time is adjusted to be in line with the sun, so we are using the sun, in effect, but just abstracting the reading to a device
@Mahnax excellent
@MattЭллен Indeed. We had tortellini in an über-fancy tomato sauce, sausage, and a mix of beans and carrots, in butter.
sounds most tasty :)
I agree.
What did you eat for your birthday?
Burritos for lunch and pizza for dinner :)
Mmm, burritos.
I make burritos at work.
yeah, they were good
Freudian slip!
Dost thou worship thy burrito?
maybe a little
Of course, if it is to be Freudian then it must be subconscious.
@MattЭллен Ahem.
heh. I looked at it, but couldn't judge its correctness
it had enough letters to be read correctly!
what do you expect from me at 2am?
you're lucky this is coherent!
Well, barely.
I could hardly recognize "subconscious," as its spelling was so barbaric.
@MattЭллен Qu'est-ce que c'est?
sad face
I'm not really sad though :)
I didn't think you would be.
Hold on, is today (Sunday) your birthday, or was it yesterday (Saturday)?
Sunday, 12th. Like Abraham Lincoln and Cotton Mather
Ah, okay. So you haven't eaten your actual birthday food then?
I suppose not
I convinced my English teacher to let us have a feast on the 15th.
oh! how so?
what kind of feast?
In Julius Caesar, they are celebrating the "Feast of Lupercus" right at the beginning, which occurred on Feb. 15.
I decided that this was a good idea, presented said good idea to my teacher, and, ta-da!
yay! good work :)
what will you be eating?
@MattЭллен Everyone essentially brings in their own food (so if you're too lazy to bring food, you get none).
I see
@MattЭллен I will make a trip to the grocery store during my lunch break, so I'm not sure what I will get.
Most likely Starbucks, and some snack-like foods.
Surprises abound!

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