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he's replaced the mouse, the os, the computer.
@RegDwigнt yeah but there are other kinds of hw problems
I used to work in computer repair.
Well yeah.
some of the glitches are weird, random, difficult to diagnose
We have five sysadmins here. I get good machines. But there's no fixing for Linux.
We went SuSE because it was awesome, then we went oh FFS I don't even remember, Redhat because it was awesome, then we went something something because it was awesome, then we went Debian because it was the best, then I had Ubuntu fuck that shit, then we went this and we went that and now we're at SuSE again and it still suck ass.
@RegDwigнt Five sysadmins? I see your problem right here.
Yeah yeah talk it off.
It's always like that with Linux fanbois.
it's a little weird that you keep jumping around from distro to distro
it sounds like your admins don't know what they're doing
Well this is over a period of 17 years.
what is with so many transitions.
You should go with Plan 9 because it's awesome.
We did the same thing to version control. I started off with CVS. By the time I learned the basics, we were at SVN. By the time I learned the three commands for that, we switched to Git.
yeah we just switched to git. it's been a nightmare.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 so many transitions because SuSE sucks and Debian is awesome. No wait, Debian sucks and Redhat is awesome. No wait, there's a new kid on the block called Ubuntu and it's awesome. No wait it's actually the worst of them all.
I change one file, git tells me 1000 other files are changed and need to be checked in
@RegDwigнt That is a sign of not knowing what is going on in linux development, not understanding how to choose a distro, etc.
This is the problem with Linux. Every friggen year or two a different guy pops his ugly head and goes here's my distro it's the best. And then everyone loses their shit over how it's the best and then I have to install it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 NTP is a little jittery today. Just check them in and probably everything will work out fine.
@RegDwigнt That's not a problem with linux itself though. That's a problem with admins.
Seriously, Plan 9. No, wait. Inferno is now much sexier. Go with Inferno.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I am not going to explain the situation to you in any detail because I'm already bored to tears. Let me just say that it's not that. Most certainly and definitely not.
And besides, even if it were, how is that even relevant.
My keys are still not registering because of the fucken Linux, not because of some sysadmin.
@RegDwigнt it's relevant because you claim that your hardware and software are set up properly, yet you have mysterious problems.
My hardware and software are set up properly.
Which leads me to suspect that your hardware and/or software aren't, in fact, set up properly
The solution is to fire 4 sysadmins. The problem is picking the one to keep.
just fire all of them and hire a new one.
how could it be worse than non-functioning keyboards?
You could just promote one, but that always spoils the one you promote.
Look at me.
Well good thing we've cleared it up then. Everything alright with Linux. No problems at all. Ever. It's 100% fine. Never a single bug. Never a single hideous pixel. So perfect. Sorry I shat on it.
Never a single SSH problem that goes unnoticed for three decades. Nope not with Linux.
@RegDwigнt I'm not claiming it's perfect and you know it, I'm pointing out that your experience is contrary to my own 20 years of linux experience.
Yes. And you have been doing that for six years now.
So telling people "don't install linux because my admins can't get it right" isn't really great advice
Meanwhile I have spent these six years pointing out that my experience is contrary to yours. Glad we're on the same page here.
The fact that Linux has bugs disqualifies linux as an OS as much as the fact that every OS has bugs.
just don't install any software at all! your computer will be less bloated and bug free.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 oh right sorry. I am changing it, then, to "Don't install Linux because you will need a fucking admin to get it right, and the right kind of admin to boot".
@RegDwigнt Sorry, but I trust Robusto to get a Fedora or Ubuntu install right more than I trust your admins, based on the problems you've reported.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 what are you even on about? I was talking to my mate Robusto here. You said your bit, I said mine. That is all.
@RegDwigнt yeah but your bit was wrong, haven't you been listening?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 well that's the thing. Do you trust me to get a Fedora or Ubuntu install right?
Who do you trust to get a Fedora or Ubuntu install right?
And why do we have to trust anyone? I thought the whole point of those things was that they were easy as pie.
@RegDwigнt well, I would've before, but now.....
They certainly keep advertising them as such.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 and you'd be wrong.
@RegDwigнt yes, my recent linux install was pretty easy.
So wait a second.
How many Linux installs did you have in the last 17 years?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 At least he's entertaining
Well there you go. You had dozens. And we had like seven. Only four major ones. And you call us incapable.
@RegDwigнt I'm with you. Linux is easy to get wrong, does require you to hire people, and there needs to be a compelling reason not to trash it and go to something supported.
@RegDwigнt well, I assume you have more than seven computers.
It's great for some things, like turnkey servers, embedded systems, etc.
And my dozens of installs went right, as opposed to your seven that went wrong
They didn't go wrong FFS.
There are just bugs in Linux. Period. That is what's wrong with it.
And yes, there's bugs in other things too but it was never my point that there weren't.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 maybe he is the problem. He should replace himself.
@Mitch yeah I wasn't going to say it, but I did think it :p
oh wait, you mean my coworker.
yeah, I've suggested that he is the problem
I get worse insults every day when I play World of Tanks.
You gotta try harder, you tryhards.
And in twenty languages, please.
"You're so stupid you can't even type on Linux without rebooting"
yeah it doesn't pack much zing
À propos of nothing, only yesterdays I found out that one of the guys I've been platooning the entire last week with was from Boulder. @tchrist
Like, I knew before he was from Colorado.
But yesterday he like casually mentioned Boulder.
And I was like WTF this world is small.
You're so judgy
You're so judgy that when your mom sits around the house, you tell her.
Yo mama so fat, she sat on my Linux and now it's fixed.
@RegDwigнt I didn't know we had soldiers in your hamlet.
@RegDwigнt haha. linux is the worst.
after Windows and iOS
They are our rivals!
Just get your admins to install the "android" distro on your computers. That will fix all your problems.
It's the most popular linux distro there is, by a long shot.
Oh, computers.
Yeah can't wait to not be able to type on my mobile phone, too!
So thrilled and excited.
Enticing perspectives.
typing is so old school. You don't have the pluggable 'thought' interface?
That's being made obsolete by the BlueBrian connection.
The problem is with controlling your thoughts.
also tinnitis. it translates over
@RegDwigнt Since that's a GradeAUnderA video that should probably come with a warning about cussing if anybody cares about that 'round these parts. =P
@RegDwigнt Hey. Inferno isn't sexy anymore. Migrate to AmigaOS.
@Tonepoet and overt racism
Fuck warnings. Fuck cussing. Fuck parts. Fuck anybody who cares.
Oh and yeah: Parental advisory.
@Mitch nah that's just Britain for you. It's not racist if you used to actually own the race.
"Time to make the effing donuts"
@Mitch Did you pass the racist test? XP
I see you guys are talking about Linux without me, so I decided to come come come.
@Tonepoet how many different nations do I have to insult and or kill for that?
@RegDwigнt Yeah, so it's not racism then it's just that they really are purebred and they don't want to ruin the streak.
I agree that Linux may not be as good as Windows, but if things keep breaking either your hardware sucks or your sysadmins suck @RegDwigнt
@Mitch You almost made it sound like it's a bad thing!
@WillHunting they do not keep breaking. And stop jumping on the bandwagon.
I have done over 100 installations of Linux in the past 5 years all by myself.
I have done exactly one installation of Win 2000. And it still works.
There is almost no problem using them all by myself.
And I don't even have a PhD in computer science.
@RegDwigнt None! You just have to make a few guesses! I think that's a good thing for everybody who's not a militant racist...
I also still have Linux installed on my original XBOX. Works like a charm. But that's only because I never have to type anything on it. I bet if I hooked it up with a keyboard it would blow up in smoke.
Now, I really recommend you use Debian/Ubuntu/Mint @RegDwigнt
@Tonepoet oh that one I took yeah. I passed with flying colors.
@WillHunting used them all. All sucked though for different reasons.
Also I gotta run now anyway.
@RegDwigнt The bandwagon is the worst. The green room is where they keep all the good snacks
I would say that Ubuntu is the easiest and safest, together with its official derivatives with different desktop environments.
You've been saying it for years. And still nobody cares.
Therefore, I recommend you go with Ubuntu something @RegDwigнt and @Robusto
In fact if anything, less people do.
I don't even remember the last time anyone mentioned the word "Ubuntu". Except as a punchline maybe. No, actually not even that.
@RegDwigнt "A horse walked into a bar. Ubuntu"
Anyway I recommend you install Ubuntu MATE 16.10 which will be released next Thu evening. It comes with MATE 1.16 and has full GTK3+ implementation.
In fact, that is exactly what I am going to use next weekend.
Oxford and Collins have not gotten back to me regarding my email about their dictionaries.
Chambers got back to me when I asked them about the quirky definitions @Tonepoet They gave me an entire list of them
@WillHunting People don't read their emails anymore.
@WillHunting That's interesting. What other words are on the list?
Over the weekend I also emailed two errors I found in the Oxford dictionaries, so my contributions will hopefully be implemented soon for all of you guys.
@Mitch I virtually never did.
I'm mostly speaking for myself.
I only send emails.
@Tonepoet There are like around 75. I deleted the list. I regret to mention that I don't think I would buy a copy, because there are too many quirky definitions, but I thank them for bothering to reply to me.
Do you guys wanna know what errors I found @Mitch?
In the ODE, under the entry Kama, it should be a bow of sugar cane and not a bowl of sugar cane. In the NOAD, under the entry Micah, it should be pronounced without the terminal l sound because it is not Michael.
I am so proud that I am now a lexicographer. QED.
These errors are currently in the print and online versions. You can see for yourself.
@WillHunting Assuming that they got to you faster than Oxford, the less prestigious companies try to work harder to please potential customers. That isn't to say that Chambers' isn't thought of as important, but Oxford is just thought of so much more highly.
@Tonepoet If they don't reply this time I would not think of them anymore.
@WillHunting Do you mean Oxford'?
@Tonepoet Yes. I am still upset about the lack of pronunciations in the ODE and COED and the OID being out of print
I am not blaming any particular person because I don't even know who is responsible for the decision.
There could be some politics behind these decisions.
@WillHunting Hmm, well they already have your money since you bought the N.O.A.D. and seem to enjoy it. Also, I'd be surprised if they responded to a single percent of their emails...
@Tonepoet In my email to them, I said I have bought many Oxford dictionaries in my life...
@WillHunting The Dean
that stuffy old dean!
@MattE.Эллен Maybe it is Bean
@MattE.Эллен Hello, and where is @KitZ.Fox?
@WillHunting Sheffield
@WillHunting Many people say that to get attention, even if they haven't though. They might have other priorities too, like refunding people whose bindings fell apart. Weren't you saying one of their books had bad binding?
@tchrist Hi. Maybe you can put your photo as your avatar, like the one on Wikipedia. =)
@Tonepoet Oh, I saw those in the bookstore. I did not buy those.
@WillHunting Yes, I'm just mentioning it to point out that Oxford might be more worried about their consternation.
@Tonepoet In one autoreply they did say they might not be able to reply to everything. In another autoreply they said 3 days. In another autoreply they said 10 days.
So I will wait wait wait.
They know no matter what they do, they'll have customers in the immediate future due to their repute, and past feats in lexicography. I wish the Ivy League would give them a kick in the pants by publishing a 20 volume Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia. Then maybe we'd see more sensible lexicography efforts on their part, than sensationalism.
I recommend you guys watch 'Waiting' and the sequel 'Still waiting', the funniest movies of all time
Then again, my opinion is biased because I'm basing my thoughts on them on what they report like the 2015 word of the year, rather than the actual content of their books..
@WillHunting Is it anything like this?
It is midnight here in Antarctica.
@WillHunting You should change your picture to that of an emperor penguin wearing a crown.
I was looking through the treatments of punctuation in two big grammars, A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language by Quirk et al and Oxford English Grammar by Greenbaum. Not too happy with them. I think only The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language by Huddleston et al is good.
@WillHunting Did you see The Farlex Grammar Book?
@Tonepoet Not yet. =)
@WillHunting Take a look at it then. They have an entire volume dedicated to punctuation.
The comma is the most difficult punctuation in English. I spent several days studying the comma from various sources and still have no clear idea.
I will put it aside and come back to it in future.
It also appears that 'in future' is British and 'in the future' is American.
Also, 'in two minds' and 'of two minds'.
But I just say 'undecided' for that.
And it seems the Americans don't say something costs a bomb for something being expensive.
To me, a bomb is not only expensive but expansive.
@Tonepoet I gave up formatting links in chat long ago. Save time
@WillHunting Yeah, but I like things to look pretty like the text in old books.
@WillHunting Excellent! Congratulations!
Because a Wikipedia article is written by so many, it can be very inconsistent.
I think a person editing one paragraph should at least read the two paragraphs surrounding it.
@WillHunting Also, anybody can put anything there.
I find Wikipedia riddled with spelling and punctuation errors these days.
@WillHunting The whole article would be best. I've seen repeated facts far apart in a long article
@WillHunting You'd think they'd have an autocorrect spell/grammar check
@Mitch Well, Microsoft has shown those do not work. =)
@WillHunting well...
Does anyone here have the Macquarie Dictionary? It seems to be the authoritative dictionary in Australia! It seems that it cannot be bought anywhere except in Australia and Australian websites!
only that their own isn't that great.
I am curious what the inside looks like.
And they have all kinds of weird terms too.
I like Stack Exchange better than Wikipedia because I get full editorial control over my contributions. However, if a reasonable S.E. competitor pops up without this CC-BY-SA license pops up, I'm outta here. >_>
It is OK. I can always find you in Hangouts @Tonepoet
So it seems to be Oxford in Britain, Merriam in America, and Macquarie in Australia, hmm.
@WillHunting and anything goes in Antarctica
Book Depository has a new website design, very very very beautiful. It feels like I designed it myself.
@Mitch True. The people here say anything.
@Tonepoet You don't get the same editorial control there as here?
@Mitch Here on Stack Exchange, contributors have sole discretion over the content of an answer.
@WillHunting I like books but I don't read them anymore. Too impatient. I blame smartphones
@Mitch I read the Oxford Words Blog and was shocked to find that words from Singapore entered the OED. I wonder what Singapore English is like. I should go there for a vacation soon.
@Tonepoet Other people can edit them as they wish
@WillHunting It's a mess lah
@Mitch We have community norms that prevent that, and I can always roll them back.
@Tonepoet same as wikipedia
@Mitch Wow, you sound like you speak good Singapore English. So good lah.
@Mitch The norms and practices at Wiki are probably different from here. My negatively voted answers would have probably been deleted at Wiki....
@Mitch Here in Antarctica, we say lol instead of lah, as you have figured.
@WillHunting All I know is to end sentences with lah lah
@Mitch Maybe that's the full extent of SIngapore English, and you've mastered it. If so, good job! =P
@Tonepoet site culture is different from who is technically allowed to edit. within SE there are different norms.
@WillHunting lol lah
Did you know that Book Depository is now under Amazon, and that it was started by a former Amazon employee? IMAO it is now better than Amazon
For one thing it focuses only on books and nothing else. For another its packaging is really really good.
I hope Amazon does not hire lazy bums because the past few times my parcel arrived in not too good a condition.
@Mitch Site norms have to be considered. If somebody really tried to edit my content severely, I could probably convince a mod. to intervene because our community guidelines forbid severe edits against the wish of the poster.
@Tonepoet 'forbid'?. There are no rules here, just guidelines.
Rules don't apply to Emperors like me.
But true, the whole point to wikipedia is you're expected to do edits
@Mitch My opinion is that "guidelines" is just a euphemism for "rules" in most regards.
Emperors only make rules for others.
@Tonepoet euphemism is both a synonym and antonym of dysphemism
@WillHunting and then there's that one guy all the way at the bottom
@Mitch That is me. I am in Antarctica.
Hey @Tonepoet I did a survey for Book Depository today hoping to get a coupon but I did not. =(
I have not made money for many years and I have become greedy as a result, snatching every chance to get a discount or a coupon or a gift.
@WillHunting shiok!
@WillHunting That's lame. They could at least give you one of those $5 off purchases of $XX or more coupons.
@WillHunting You need a job.
@Tonepoet The survey took so long, lol.
@Tonepoet I think a job now would make me worse, so I am trying to get better first. I am hoping to start studying in a few weeks time.
@WillHunting Try not to go bankrupt in the meantime then.
@Tonepoet Are you looking for a job?
@Tonepoet if so then you're using 'forbid' wrong.
Fumble Fingers = FF = Forbidden Fruit = FF = Fire Fox
Fanny Farmer
@Tonepoet Earlier this year I got a ten per cent discount on BD during the festive season
What's BD?
Book Depository
Oh. Right.
You really need to check it out if you haven't
Prices can be really good
checking it out
@Mitch Free delivery worldwide for ALL items
I mean ALL...
That is so insane.
@Mitch Webster defines it as "To prohibit; to interdict; to command to forbear or not to do." as in the help center forbids people to change the meaning of the post. "To clarify the meaning of the post (without changing that meaning)"
@WillHunting interface looks good. If I ever want another book I'll try it.
Since the Oxford Italian D is out of print and the Collins Italian D has too few entries, I think maybe I would get the Ragazzini Dizionario in future.
It's really amazing that Zanichelli publishes bidirectional dictionaries for Italian and English/French/German/Spanish. Very very good alternative to Oxford and Collins if you know Italian!
@Tonepoet I couldn't find the word 'forbid' there.
@Mitch The word forbid does not have to be used in something to be forbidden. It's the instruction to not change the meaning that makes it forbidden.
Inglese Francese Tedesco Italiano Spagnolo, LOLLOLLOL
@Tonepoet 1) yes, one does not have to use a word to infer its meaning. 2) you have inferred wrongly.
Arabo Russo Cinese ROFLMAO
"Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not kill" in the ten commandments forbid theft and murder, do they not @Mitch?
@WillHunting Are you writing an opera?
It is cool that Italian is the closest language to Latin, if I am not wrong.
@Tonepoet Analogies in general are not very persuasive, and yours even less so.
@Mitch I would advise against using the word "infer" for incorrect assumptions or interpretations, unless it's in response to somebody who claimed they made an inference...
I was thinking that maybe Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad did not even exist. It is certainly a historical possibility.
But one day I will still try to read the entire Bible and Koran.
@WillHunting I'm pretty sure it is. I've heard that Italian is the most conservative of all Romance; it definitely has had the least influence by invaders.
I might also get the four volumes of Upanishads from Amazon for Hinduism
@Mitch And Vatican City is right inside Rome, LOL, if I am not wrong
@Mitch Is there a reason for that?
@WillHunting Yes. But that's purely a political thing
@WillHunting THat's a lot of reading, isn't it?
@Mitch Maybe the font is HUGE, LOL
@Tonepoet Yes. It has the same logical difficulties as the problem of induction.
@WillHunting What if you get it and it has all blank pages?
@Mitch Then I have attained liberation
And that causes you to attain Nirvana?
But that's not part of Hinduism, so you'd have to convert to Buddhism.
@Mitch And those are what?
look it up and think
That is too hard. Let's have food instead of induction
even better
@Mitch I have, and you have not made it clear which precise meaning you wish to convey. =P
Remember to support Jacob Sartorius and subscribe to his YouTube and get his iTunes! =)
I have played his Hit Or Miss over 9000 times
Are you a clergyman being hazed Mitch?
It is very sad that he has so many haters on YouTube. I think they should STFU. He is just a kid, and he is a good kid, and they should not F him up
The comments there would definitely get flagged on SE.
And those users would definitely get suspended.
@WillHunting If you become a celebrity you'll get more than your fair share of haters. Multiply that amount by at least tenfold if you become a celebrity on the Internet, and a hundredfold more if it's on Youtube.
@Tonepoet Wait. Maybe you ARE Jacob Sartorius. =)
Do you know that Robin Williams said 'he is a good kid' in Good Will Hunting about Matt Damon for the characters they play?
@WillHunting Nah, I'm actually Justin Beiber. =P
@Tonepoet Exactly
@Tonepoet Bieber, not Beiber. You are fake.
@Tonepoet Do you know I am actually Will Hunting? See my username? QED.
@WillHunting Okay, I lied. I'm Justin Imbiber Oalcohol. <_<
@Tonepoet I think you might be the sweet girl in the American Heritage Dictionary video, LOL
@WillHunting Maybe I'm William Morris. =P
Or the ghost of A.H. Murray. Bye @mitch.
later too!
Hi @Will.
@KitZ.Fox hey so that workplace drama that I was mentioning yesterday? It just took an ominous turn.
like, stop all work and start stockpiling weapons.
Mine too.
There's definitely something universally weird going on.
The US election
It's things everywhere though. I've never seen anything like it. Like the sky is falling.
Yup, the US election
perfect storm
Q: How can we make the voter "call to action" ads more universal?

Shog9You may not have noticed it, but there's a new set of ads running on SO (and maybe other sites) right now: I guess we got approached by some voter registration org about running these, and it seemed like a good idea... So we're running them. They appear for folks who we think are in the USA, a...

My favorite call to action was by Pat Paulsen. "Vote ... or get off the pot."
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 We've got openings. Some of them are for remote work.
@KitZ.Fox thanks, I'll keep it in mind
2 hours later…
@Rubisco How is this election is unprecedented when compared to any other?
@Tonepoet This is the first time a woman is running against a racist cheeto
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Some people are just upset that there’s again a person of color running this time around.
Orange being the new black and all.
1 hour later…
@Tonepoet well, I guess because it's never been 2016 before.
And yeah, we have a platypus running for president for the first time ever
I think more of the people here would be willing to vote for this than Mr. Trump:
Well, he's not particularly a cute platypus. That's his disadvantage comparing to Clair Hillington.
@Tonepoet And how’s Oz treatin’ ya, flatfoot?
@tchrist Do I need to read Frank L. Baum's books, or watch the H.B.O. series in order to understand that statement?
@Tonepoet You could probably just ask @Cerberus what I meant.
Why me, specifically?
@tchrist Oh, you're deferring to Cerb. it's probably about Latin, and if it's about Latin it's probably just a taxonomic joke.
Because of platus?
No Latins were harmed in the making of this joke.
Probably related to English flat.
It's Greek.
I know that. You know that.
@Tonepoet You realize of course that the platypus was initially believed to indeed be a taxonomic joke.
I half-wish we’d retained its common name of duck-mole.
@tchrist Well no, but it's understandable why it would be considered one. It is rather exceptional to have a mammal that lays eggs and has a bill like a bird, yet swims as well as a fish.
Lots of things lay eggs.
@tchrist How many of them have fur too?
Every last one of the Monotremata.
If you care about extant taxa only.
Apparently that means four.
This is why I hate taxonomy.
Which makes me kinda hate the parts of biology with zero calculations and real processing in mind.
@Rubisco Learn now the lore of Living Creatures!
@tchrist Actually, I just learned more about fictional ones. This lays eggs.
First name the four, the Free Peoples!
The platypus is venomous, but not milked for want of dispensary teats.
Whereas rattlesnakes instead give birth to live young, and are milked.
Q: It would have had to have been someone who was deeply mentally disturbed

Franks T. MaiaAs a matter of fact, I'm deeply mentally disturbed with this sentence construction. (...) have had to have been... Taken from Post-Human (Post-Human, #2) http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7105194-post-human Is this the best sentence to convey the meaning? I wouldn't choose it. In additi...

@tchrist I suppose the full sentence is "[noun] would have had to have been [doing something]" . If that is the case, I'd almost rather use must with an if....
I have no idea regarding how to actually analyze syntax though and the full sentence was not provided, so...
Good evening @Kit. How are you feeling now, better?
Yes. Thank you.
Mari is still suspended till next year, hmm. I was checking now and then to see if her appeal to the staff was successful.
Josh has returned, and Rathony will be returning soon.
My Chrome browser keeps freezing these days.
@KitZ.Fox Are you preparing for NaNoWriMo this year?
I am. I created a title and cover.
Woo! One day you are going to edit it all and sell it and be the next J K Rowling.
Maybe. I don't know.
I noticed many people subscribed to your channel after that wound care thing.
But you also stopped making more. Maybe too much pressure? =)
I was also surprised that one got so many views within a month.
@WillHunting No, I just haven't had time.
I was building a new computer and then I started a new contract.
I am going to eat some noodles first.
I'm off to visit with a friend.
I'm off to think about things.
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