@MetaEd cuz im an certifeid h8or myslef.
It takes Juan to know Juan.
@Robusto hahaha. Good one.
I'd rather go back to XP than use any Linux distro that was released in the last ten years, or will be released in the upcoming ten.
And I am in a position to know that because I've been pretty much forced to use every Linux distro that was released in the last ten years. All dog shit. All of them. No exceptions. And the more dweebs tell you X is good, the worse dog shit it turns out to be.
Starting with WIn 2000 I could get away with not rebooting a machine for like a year. With Linux, any Linux, I have to reboot it once a week lest it explodes in my face, like literally literally.
I am typing this under SuSE, BTW. And I have to be quick before it stops registering half my keystrokes. Again.