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There's an example sentence in a dictionary under buy that reads:
> Did you buy this sofa new?
Is this a grammatical use of new?
Yes, although I would say it is colloquial.
It works with a very limited number of words.
You can also buy something used.
Is it an adverb there then?
An object complement.
I painted it black, I bought it new, I considered it preposterous.
Now it clicked.
Hey that wasn't such a big deal. I was frantically looking for new (adv) in dictionaries.
An object complement is praedicative, which means it is semantically close to an adverb.
She came first.
Just like a subject complement, she seemed smart.
It doesn't so much describe the verb as it describe the state of the object, right?
Both at the same time, the theory says.
As everyone knows, that should of course have been chumbly-wumblies.
3 hours later…
@tchrist That's assuming the s in "wumblys" is meant to be serving in a pluralizing capacity. Maybe wumblys is a singular noun, like in Alys Bagwin's name or the Ys series of video-games. =P
4 hours later…
Good morning. I would like to report that I have successfully lost all hope in mankind and humanity.
Here is a comment from the Internet for your consideration:
> This theme is more epic than almost anything Han's Zimmer has made.
It is over.
Dear God, just kill us off now. We do not deserve to live on in such excruciating pain.
to better understand the xxxx. OR to understand the xxxx better.
3 hours later…
@RegDwigнt Didn't you know that Han Zimmer is the Han Solo's uncle?
I just now noticed that moderators have their name in blue. Now I understand that visually differentiating them might be useful, but blue seems like a poor choice of color, given that it is also the color of internet links. I just ended up trying to click the names to see where they might take me. Why not use green or purple, or better yet, just even use the diamond placed next to their name on the main website that is used to serve that purpose? v_v
@Helmar No, no, no, he's Guitar Solo's uncle.
@terdon That's not mutually exclusive, so Han Solo and Guitar Solo are second degree cousins ;)
Fair enough
@terdon In an alternate reality, Leila just rolled her eyes and accepted it, thus initiating a timeline that ultimately created Darth Guitar Solo!
hm, I was just trying to gather up some formatting guidelines from different meta posts, but besides the italics thing, there is barely anything there
@Tonepoet Yeah
I was more thinking along the lines of what's usual on ELU
Without being too defining of course
But there is as much on meta as I thought there was.
Boils all down too only a few discussions
Like this and its links and "related questions"...
Q: Bold vs italics for giving an example word/phrase

dwjohnstonFor word/phrase request questions, is there a convention for highlighting the example word given? In this answer http://english.stackexchange.com/a/169794/37273 I used bold, and somebody changed it to italics. What is the convention here?

There's actually quite a lot.
@AndrewLeach Really?
There is the italics threads
Then something like this
Q: Editing Question titles in pursuit of 'standardisation'

FumbleFingersApropos an issue that came up in Comments under the first Answer to this question, does anyone [else] ever edit Question titles in pursuit of 'standardisation'? I say 'else' there because the other day, having already noticed that many questions have the form WordA vs[.] WordB, I coerced a new q...

Look at this, he found barely anything either
Q: Style guide for questions, answers, and comments

SidStyle guides such as those on Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, Ask Ubuntu have been greatly helpful for me (and many in those communities) in creating well-written, well-formatted, easy-to-understand, easier-on-the-eye content. So, I would like to propose a style guide for this site. Yes, I understand ...

Oh. A way of actually asking the question, not just making it look pretty.
Yeah, a little bit more than simple formatting, some hints on how to phrase the title etc..
One of the things that makes Stack Exchange appealing, compared to other Creative Commons based hosts like Wikis., is greater editorial control for the posters. I wouldn't really recommend implementing enforced style.
I don't want to impose enforced style
It should be really on the "consider using this" level and not on the "we'll down vote, close and edit you into oblivion unless you do this"
@AndrewLeach I would totally upvote your answer on the help page thing, but I kinda wasted my votes when I was running through meta earlier
I'll vote it up tomorrow.
Tomorrow is another day. Or something.
One of the real meta gems is this post about the lawler weight
Q: Measuring typographical emphasis: the “lawler” and “lawler weight”

MetaEd RegDwighт said: @Robusto wow, that's formatting to the max. Bold and italics and monospaced and in quotes. John has outlawlered himself.¹ It occurs to me that this is something we can measure. I propose that a single character’s lawler weight (lw) be the standard unit of measure of the typ...

I can't help but think Proto Indo-European was chosen specifically because the acronym would be pie, as in "everybody took a slice of the lingual pie with them after the Tower of Babel fell".
Not unlikely
There is a reason a lot of the fancy physics supercomputers, research facilities and so on end up with acronyms that spell out food or women's names :D
@Mitch I saw that :D
@Helmar how do you watch it? Actually I don't know how I watch it. Cable I guess.
Youtube or Proxy usually when I want to watch US stuff
@Mitch Nice try sly guy.
Although the usual streaming services start to notice that people want to rather watch the original than wait a few years for something dubbed. Game of Thrones is available simultaneously in Germany for example on Pay TV and US premiere + 24h on iTunes and Amazon Prime.
@Helmar I feel like it is way too much trouble to even discover what is a good thing to watch, forget about obtaining it at lower cost or through sideways means.
When I watched more series I found that the ones I liked got cancelled more often than not
You're not voting enough
Voting on what?
On the shows you like
as though everything were already gamified
Well I live in a secondary market for those shows, nobody gives a shit what I think :D
@AndrewLeach I just re-tagged the last 16 questions from the currency tag. Of course, now only moderators can create the tag synonym over to money ;)
@Tonepoet Lingual pie:
A.k.a. "pastel de lengua".
@MetaEd I'm assuming that's the tongue meat of some sort.
Thanks for the confirmation. Anyway, if tongue is so flavorful, why can't I taste mine? =P
You're not biting deep enough.
@Helmar Aww.
@MetaEd It hurts when I try to do that.
@Tonepoet No pain, no pastel de lengua.
@MetaEd :D
2 hours later…
My English teacher striked of the word "gotten" from my essay, claiming that it is slang :/
Is it actually slang?
Did you use it as past participle?
@Helmar Uh, not sure what that is... I used it in the context "When I had finally gotten a phone" IIRC
@Tonepoet Then it wouldn't rhyme, therefore no.
@Rahul2001 It's probably about him preferring another verb in that sentence, not the past participle itself.
Likely had received/bought/acquired a phone
@Helmar uh, I don't think "aquire" fit properly in that sentence.
Gotten is kinda nondescript of how you came into possession of that phone. However, I can only guess.
@Rahul2001 Well, I got no context^^
Well, it was supposed to be a bit vague
Well my guess is, he wants a more precise word.
Anyway, I suppose I'll just use acquire next time
You're usually reading too much into what the teacher has said about your English.
@Rubisco heh, she can be very weird in her marking
I just happened to use that word in another room, so I thought I'll come over and ask here anyway
It's always tangled with personal preferences.
It's sometimes wrong.
It's usually spurious.
Marking weird is a teacher's prerogative.
It's always done in a much more meh mood than you think.
I have my English exam tomorrow, I should study now... :)
Good luck
Lood guck
ELU is commenting too much on weird questions to make the auto-deletion work.
Of course they are.
This is a language site.
At least it's not a discussion board like Workplace
Don't rely on Roomba.
It's supposed to only throw away the least interesting things.
Only in a site like SO it starts to gain prominence.
If I vote this one down once it will be deleted tonight, right?
Q: Verb Categories

MissyWhat is the term for verbs whose action is to take the shape of a particular object? Example: 'arch' The cat arched its back. The action of the verb is to reshape the cat's back into the form of an arch.

@Helmar @Rubisco thanks...
Older than 30 days, no answers
A: Enable automatic deletion of old, unanswered zero-score questions after a year?

Jeff AtwoodJust to formally document the exact policies we have in place to remove old abandoned / dead questions, the Community user will delete questions in the following circumstances: If the question is more than 30 days old, and ... has −1 or lower score has no answers is not locked ...or... it ...

Seems a bit simple
There's so much complication I can't tell for sure.
hm, I'll go for trial and error
@Helmar And when it doesn't get deleted when you expect it to things go downhill fast.
And if does work there is an easy way to get rid of tons of useless unanswered questions
Just giving the roomba something to chew on :)
There are 1,443 questions that can potentially be deleted by a single down vote
That's quite the clean-up and make community answer potential
Be the hero everyone hates
I'd make a movie about you
@Rubisco Eh, nobody would notice
I bet, I could delete 40 questions a day without anyone noticing
Now that feels satisfyingly evil.
Kinda :D
Well, you'd have rumors going around.
Even that's not too likely
Most of those questions are probably by hit-and-run users either way
They OP is the only one who notices due to the -2 rep notification
There's this evil-doer who downvotes us. JERK! I mean, obviously my posts are perfect in quality and everyone who downvotes them does it because of their own insecurities.
There is negligible chance that they don't mean harm.
I declare war. WAR!
I already see the headline, Finally seize fire in the great down voting war of 2016
looking forward to talk more with you.
is this grammer correct?
Yeah, though more at the end is more common
@Saladin Grammer?
Well, I suppose it's correct if it's internet talk.
I guess it's a person who creates grams
Well, who are the Grammy awards for?
You have reached your daily voting limit, continue your roomba effort tomorrow.
Ah man, I miss that message.
And how I got annoyed about it when I was stuck at 39 votes.
@tchrist That's assuming the spelling is a form of reduplication rather than a coincidence. =P
@Helmar That only works assuming the unanswered questions are really useless. I can't tell you how to use your votes but if I may make a suggestion, if they haven't been deleted by the normal means, I'd presume that they are potentially merited.
@Tonepoet Don't worry, I am looking at them before I vote
Also, it only works if there haven't been any up votes so far.
@Helmar Sometimes it's less about making a validated judgement as it is about making the wrong one. When you have the power to delete a question with a single vote personal bias is more of a factor, so I think it necessitates a greater level of responsibility to objectively ascertain that it's really a poor question, rather than simply a neglected one.
@Tonepoet When an old question goes from 0 to -1, maybe that's not just one person's judgment. Maybe that's also the accumulated judgments of all the other people who saw the question and acted accordingly.
Or to put it another way, a bunch of other people have also exercised their power over the question, so it's not really a situation where one person has the power.
@MetaEd I doubt we can for certain what inaction means any more so than the system can automatically vote on a question for a person who declined to vote. I wonder if the person who designed this script anticipated it might be used in this way?
@Tonepoet In the long term we can. That's why crowdsourcing works: enough eyes on a problem and you generally get a reliable result. Good questions continue to get votes forever. Look for example at Barrie England's reputation chart. His questions have earned him something like 17,000 reputation over the last two years that he's been on hiatus.
And the government allows it.
@Cerberus They'd better, or there'll soon be nobody left to vote for them.
@MetaEd One reason I'm reluctant to admit the point is because we can argue for an assumption to be made for either perspective. It wasn't good enough to receive a vote for it, and it wasn't bad enough to receive a vote against it for all of that time. Assuming that it's a question of roughly middling quality seems to be the wisest course of action and if that's the case it may as well be left open so that perhaps somebody can eventually answer it.
However with that being said you'd know better than me which way we should vote in those cases, since that's a power the community expressly chose to entrust with you.
@Tonepoet A 0 total could be no votes at all, but it could also be the result of a voting controversy.
@MetaEd A zero total can mean that, but not in this case. Helmar expressly told us that if it had a vote for it, that the system doesn't work. That rules out a voting controversy.
I think I may have seen a meta-stack exchange thread describing the community bot's deletion behavior before. Let's see if I can dig it up out of my history.
@Tonepoet The advice I've seen from people wiser than me is simply vote up what's good in its current form and vote down what's not. In other words vote as you see fit. So while I argue that the community has spoken by not voting, I am expressly not saying "so vote" or "so don't vote". That's up to you.
@Tonepoet You're referring to this, I guess. It came up earlier today and I bookmarked it. Possibly to do with the same topic.
A: Enable automatic deletion of old, unanswered zero-score questions after a year?

Jeff AtwoodJust to formally document the exact policies we have in place to remove old abandoned / dead questions, the Community user will delete questions in the following circumstances: If the question is more than 30 days old, and ... has −1 or lower score has no answers is not locked ...or... it ...

Helmar posted it here about 3 hours ago.
Hmm that looks like the one, I think it might've been posted some weeks ago too.
@Tonepoet In fact the very idea that I would know better than anyone else which way we should vote kind of makes me feel sick a little. ;-)
@Tonepoet Based only on that document, I don't think it can be right that an upvote matters. It seems only the total matters.
@MetaEd If it makes you feel any better, I didn't say everybody. I specifically said you'd know better than me, perhaps implying most. Surely the moderators know better than the commoners, and the rank of moderator involved is also factored into the equation.
By this time of the day I am usually pretty rank.
@MetaEd Rose water might help with that.
@Tonepoet Yum.

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