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01:00 - 16:0018:00 - 00:00

Can you think of any other words that come from the Greek root "nous", aside from paranoia?
@ktm5124 "He's suffering from severe totanoia. He's totanoiaing me with his constant knock knock jokes."
Which reminds me of a joke...
Who's here?
Knock knock.
Who's there?
knock knock knock
Who's everywhere?
knock knock knock knock knock
knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock
knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock kno
get it?
Oh wow. Chemobot is too famous now.
Rabbits couldn't repeat it any better!
Maybe I'll tell Hipp to make that command just for you.
@DEAD ???
Do you not want a rimshot command?
We used to have one.
It's good enough without.
bots should have their own room
Ours does.
Good for you!


Development discussion and testing of Chemobot. Possibly also ...
@ktm5124 noumenon, or noesis
which are not nearly as popular as paranoia
metanoia seems to be a thing.
1 hour later…
Q: What is the difference ("Its been" vs "its have been");

Vardan HovhannisyanWhat is the difference between highlighted ones? Unfortunately, that was almost 3 and a half years ago. Initially I continued to meditate after the course. But slowly I got out of the practice. Its been quite a while now. Unfortunately, that was almost 3 and a half years ago. Initial...

@tchrist Major difference, the first is wrong, but the second is WRONG.
@tchrist This makes me wonder if It's, with the apostrophe, could also be considered a contraction of "it has" in some contexts...
@Tonepoet That's an odd thing to wonder, really.
I mean, why do you wonder?
She's told me this before, you now.
Well, thinking back to those articles comparing its and it's, I can't immediately think of a case where you would place been after a possessive noun. I can think of cases where people might say "Annie has been wonderful to me." though and perhaps even cases where people elide that to "Annie's been wonderful to me." Usually the suggested contraction in an "it's vs its" article is simply "it is" to my recollection, although apparently my recollection is wrong after double checking.
taxonomy attack!
Q: Is the vocabulary tag helfpul?

HelmarIt seems to me that the vocabulary tag is mostly superfluous. I found this old post from 2010 which compares the tags words, which has since been rightfully discontinued, word-choice, single-word-requests and vocabulary. RegDwigнt asserts at the end that the words tag is a simple cop-out for so...

So the proper answer to that question, if it wasn't deleted to the ground would probably be "both are wrong". You want "It's" which stands for for it has. Honestly speaking, we should've just kept 'tis in the language. Things would be easier to understand if there was a corresponding pronunciation difference, and the rule regarding apostrophe usage is exceptional regardless.
@Helmar Vocabulary is a hypernym of those tags. S.W.R. and Phrase Requests are hyponyms of vocabulary. Redwight should probably consider that people often use both tags if they don't know which to use regardless, so it's not as if people can't "cop out" if we remove it.
@Tonepoet I disagree, the tag info explicitly reads one should distinguish from those other tags
Why would I do that if it's a hyponym
In my view it's a tag from beta times which has run its course
Hmm, you do seem to be right but if we check the tag information, it seems to be for an entirely different sort of question regarding collections of words to help form vocabulary building.
"first ten elements" OR "ten first elements" ?
I tried to edit that, but I realized only after hitting both save buttons that tag wiki edits from me go into review :/
@MartinAJ without context the first in 90% of the cases ;)
It needs a 5k user to approve tag wiki edits as I just found out :D
@Helmar thx
@MartinAJ I agree with Helmar, but it should be noted in those minority cases, you'd be quantifying the number of things called "first elements". Capital Community College has a webpage which details adjectives, including the typical order which you might find helpful.
It might be about a database query isolating "first posts" from web site commentary, in that case use the second ;)
@Mitch, would you mind having a look at my tag wiki edit for the vocabulary tag. It's a bit weird with my meta post referring to an edit that's still in review
And he's gone. Damn, scared him away.
wait. this isn't japan!
@varfirstName What gave us away?
There's no music in here.
@Helmar link? another thing going against tag utility is the tag editing UX. Which is abysmal. Almost as bad as iTunes.
@varfirstName You can get music in these places?
@Mitch What, the 10k tag editor you mean?
@tchrist Yes. And I mean it to sting.
I don't tune much.
Exactly! Me neither! Because iTunes!
and most anything like that. so I guess it may not be their fault specifically.
01:00 - 16:0018:00 - 00:00

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