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Otherwise I would not recommend it. So does foxit.
Well, the Shafia family, that murdered three daughters and a first-wife in Kingston Ontario were found guilty.
Has this made the news in your respective corners of the world?
I don't read the news anymore.
I just know the news if I happen to see it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Nope, never heard of it.
There's nothing in it in Dutch newspapers.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 What kind of website is that?
It's disgusting. A man, his 2nd wife (he was married to two women, polygamously), and his oldest son murdered three daughters and the first wife
@Cerberus That's one of Canada's biggest newspapers
Yeah that's pretty bad.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Ah.
I mean, the father in the family took his party of 10 from Montreal to Niagara Falls, which is about 700km. The day before the trip, they bought a car, because they didn't want to waste one of their existing cars for the murder. On the way back, they stopped in kingston and booked a motel, for 6 people, because they were going to kill 4 of them that night, and the next day the father went back to the motel to ask for a fucking discount!
Gods I want to hurt those people so badly
Yeah they are pretty wicked and insane.
Things like this happen every day around the world, probably. But thankfully most people are good, nice people.
You know what makes it worse, though? worse than most run-of-the-mill murders? These girls were killed for NOTHING. They were killed because they wore MAKEUP. because they liked BOYS. FFS there isn't enough fire in the world to burn those jerks for as long as they deserve.
A father, a mother, a brother, killed their daughters! and sisters!
It completely, completely, boggles my mind.
passes 'round the beer and thinks and mourns silently
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah humans are a bad, bad species.
Do you think this would allow me to access Firefox's bookmarks library file automatically?
@Cerberus are you kidding me? database access from AHK?
that poor language
@MrShinyandNew安宇 So no?
I can't imagine it's meant to stretch like that
Well, why not?
AHK_L has objects and arrays and whatnot.
So does AHK2 (beta/alpha), I believe.
So yes, if they provide an sqlite driver, then you could theoretically use it to read the FF db. BUT I don't think FF supports multiple processes simultaneously accessing it.
Also, you'd need to know what that format IS.
What format?
I mean, it's sqlite, but what is the schema? It's probably documented somewhere...... somewhere.
the FF db is a database, right? how much do you know about databases?
I suspected it wouldn't be easy.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Very, very, very little.
@Cerberus so data in databases is stored in "tables" and a table has columns, and contains records (or rows). records in certain tables might be related to other records in other tables.
There's a language to access it, called SQL.
Learning SQL is pretty much a minimal first step for any database work.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Okay I figured that much.
SQL resembles English superficially, in the same way that English resembles French superficially.
I no bout date bases! I had a class on them that I put on pass/fail because um... stuff.
Thank the Mother Unicorn, I do not have to use SQL in my daily life, because I have forgotten that paltry knowledge I did have.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I was rather hoping I would find some ready-made input somewhere that would allow me to extract the address of a bookmark based on its keywords.
Here is a blog post that may be completely inaccurate but it contains some sql at the bottom: blog.zarate.tv/2009/03/04/…
So I won't have to learn SQL myself.
hides from the JOIN
@Cerberus Probably you're not the first person who wanted to do this. But it's not a supported thing in FF, so there's a good chance that they change the format with each version, or something
I don't remember how it works! What if it eats me?
@aediaλ don't worry. Unicorn meat is inedible to ANSI Joins
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Phew!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hmm interesting link.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, no doubt.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Unless it's properly cured.
I remember learning to deal with Access was a bit of a pain.
We had to do that in some history class.
And I used it later to calculate chances for the Three-Doors Problem.
It always felt extremely unintuitive.
@Cerberus "extremely unintuitive"... that's maybe the nicest thing I've ever heard anyone say about SQL!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Heh. It's that bad, huh.
ok... time for me to go. cya tomorrow
Oh, I see AHK also has a script to control tray icons.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Sleep well!
@Cerberus Oh, so if you just write one more script you could wrangle them into submission?
Down to an acceptable number in polite society even?
I can at least hide them from the general public with Tray_Hide().
> Tray_Disable( bDisable = true ) ; Disable the notification area.
That's all that matters. I don't think anyone cares how many tray icons you have in the privacy of your own home
> Google translate in tooltip [Still Works]
This script looks nice too.
> Activated by double press Ctrl+C. First press copies text to clipboard, next translate it. Translated text appears in tooltip.
Not that I expect any of you elite programmers to even clean the dog poo off your shoe with AHK.
I'm no elite no more; I don't code much.
I'm sitting next to my husband who is coding for fun running C++ and Python against each other to figure out something or other though.
It's OK. I might not either, if I were able to whip up a program in no time for anything I needed with a more sophisticated language.
@aediaλ Haha, exactly what I mean!
Oh that's the other thing I was thinking (silly beer; makes me brain all fuzzy) -- I'm glad you're having fun programming at all! Languages come and go. It's the thinking, and having fun with it, and making the computer do things, all of it, that matters.
Very true!!
I really, really like when I get my computer to do things in a second that used to take me much longer to do by hand.
Like copy-pasting IPA by hand.
@Cerberus Yay!
It's the laziness. It'll get you.
Naʊw ɪt tæks miː eʊnlɪ ə fjeʊ sekəns.
And I know that isn't correct at all.
Haha I could read it though.
Bʌt ɪts fʌn.
I also congratulate myself on the fact that enter ends IPA mode.
I bet you'll learn better IPA from it too!
Could be!
Except that there is no module yet that automatically transcribes speech to IPA.
Well it sounds like you have a project...
Oh, I also really, really like my script that allows me to press double-leftalt to automatically correct the first red-underlined word in Firefox and Word according to spellchecker's first suggestion.
@aediaλ OK if you will record a few audio samples with IPA transcriptions, I can mine the data.
A few thousand will be enough.
Haha. A tempting offer.
As an alternative, you could bless me with purple dust.
That sounds much more achievable.
glitters everywhere purple
extends necks
Caught some.
Aha! no, not glitter... phonetics!
Unfortunately still not as good as my Ohio State Language Files buried under a pile of books somewhere
Was trying to find something for that french speaker r-l question
@aediaλ Oh very good page.
@aediaλ Haha yes, I think I've seen that one.
Definitely some new bits for me. I always want to pet the lolcats. And rescue that one from inside the ball. cringes thinking about the one stuck in the ball
Which one?
the kitten in the hamster ball
The one from the video?
But it is having fun!
I think he's scared! Maybe it's my own scared of if I were stuck in a ball
Next thing you're going to rescue Christians from their superstition because you think it's better for them!
I do know better than them!
And convert them to Unicornity.
I am an omniscient unicorn!
No argument there.
Man, dragging window corners to resize is annoying.
You need to aim exactly at the right latitude.
Or longitude.
I concur!
What OS are you on again?
This moment? Mac.
I use KDE-SizerXP, and AHK script that resized windows as in Linux.
How does it work on Mac?
Aww I have just found an old folder with Paperport in it, a program that came with our first scanner. Must have been from when this computer was still at my parents' house.
The program was installed in 1996!
Oh no, that's not true.
The program was probably created in 1996. Too bad.
@Cerberus Just played with window resize to remind myself. Slightly better than Windows, but just slightly. Not like... I can wave around wherever and the mouse can escape once it gets off the end and it still is okayish. But still need to click pretty well in the first place.
I hope that was words.
I need to go to sleep. How are you even awake?
@aediaλ Hmmm.
That doesn't sounds great.
In Linux, you hold down alt; then you can resize the window by clicking and dragging with the right mouse button from anywhere in the window.
Alt + left-drag moves the window.
@aediaλ Yeah I should go in a minute.
Good night to you!
At least, the maker of the AHK script says he based it on some Linux program.
@Cerberus I have huge nostalgia for old programs... awwh.
Do you delete them?
@Cerberus Sleep well!
You too!
@Cerberus I have 'em on backup :)
@Cerberus I will!
Hey @Cerb.
I have just discovered I have a version of Settlers of Catan on my hard disk.
I played Settlers of Catan once.
I hated it. The experience, not the game.
I didn't like it either, the first time I played it.
It's also slow with real people.
I was playing with "Settler Snobs" who had expansion packs and had memorized the whole rulebook and whatnot.
I'm just blowing my energy on WMT then going to bed.
@Mahnax Hehe. That sounds annoying.
Especially if it was your first time.
I recommend playing it online.
Yep, it was not a fun first experience.
Ugh, the dog is barking. Loudly.
Hmm? Why?
For the barking. The other two heads aren't happy with it either.
I'll try to "talk" less in here.
Oh, ahaha. This isn't one of your heads, you'd be ashamed of your caninity to have her as a head.
You don't know these heads!
She is a rat-dog that acts like an obnoxious cat, haha.
What kind?
Uhh, Shihtzu Havanese.
Ah OK.
I'm having a lot of fun destroying these side missions.
Nice Xeno deck.
What's up with the commander?
Thank you.
@Cerberus It's the only Xeno commander I have.
Uhm that's a raider.
Oh, is it?
No offence to your intellect.
To be true!
You see the brown band?
Wow. Uhm, I didn't even notice.
Where the Xeno cards have black bands?
I also didn't notice those bands.
You're funneh.
After this mission, I'll check if I have a Xeno commander.
Nope, none.
There's Xolan, whom you probably don't have, and the other one, whom you might also not have. And perhaps some new ones I don't know.
I guess I'll switch to a more useful card.
Well, then pick some other commander with a non-race-specific effect.
My best bet is probably "Alaric," I'd say. I have a fairly limited supply of commanders.
Wait, no! Just bought a gold pack, and got a commander called "Atlas".
Yeah, oh, well.
Atlas is great!
I'll use that one.
Use him.
There we go.
Someone posted that on Facebook.
Well, I could say the same about my cat.
Or my second "wife".
You were married?
Or an actual cat?
is confused
I was kidding.
Oh, okay.
I mean, I may have a "committed relationship" with my cat and want to marry it.
Or with a second woman.
That would be illegal too.
I'm confused again.
The cartoon argues that people who are in a committed relation cannot marry (gays) while those who are not can (drunken one-night stands, serial wives).
But what (or who) is this cat that you keep referring to?
So I was giving two examples that should the disadvantage of throwing it all on "committed relation should equal the right to marry".
If I have been committed to my cat for fifteen year, should I be allowed to marry it?
Hah, no. I think I understand now...
Anyhow, bedtime. I have school in the morning.
OK, take care! We will pray for you.
Thanks! Night.
1 hour later…
@Mahnax Thanks for the sharing. Nice one
Anyone up there?
5 hours later…
@Mahnax What to do? This is a sick world.
@Cerberus I don't think many people would support inter-species marriage. You might as well argue that you should be allowed to marry your child because you have been in a committed relationship since he or she was born. There's a difference, and you know it.
And same-sex marriage "laws" just strike the gender specificity from the prohibitions on marriage.
A man would still not be allowed to marry any first-degree female relations, and additionally would not be allowed to marry any first-degree male relations.
And I think you are missing the point about the cartoon, which is that opponents of same-sex marriage argue that it will degrade the sanctity of marriage because homosexuals are morally corrupt.
It doesn't so much have to do with committed relationships.
drums fingers
Well, then. I guess it's time for work.
Q: Difference between "uncompress" and "decompress"

Marc MessingWhat is the difference between decompress and uncompress? Is there any? Context: The receiving node has to uncompress/decompress the data.

How is this not gen ref?
@Cerberus Can your cat consent to a marriage? Is your cat a person under the law? Are you legally allowed to have sex with your cat? No, No, and No. So why would there be any reason to allow marriage to a cat? But we do allow marriage between two people, unless those people happen to be the same gender.
@Cerberus And it's not discriminating by gender or orientation to prevent marriage between multiple people. It's prohibited to everyone, thus nobody is discriminated against.
Well, maybe Cerberus just meant it as a joke and you are all taking the cat thing too seriously.
@WillHunting No, he's trotted these arguments out before.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I think sex with animals is allowed in some countries though.
But I have not kept up to date with this issue.
@WillHunting I doubt any country which is wrestling with the gay marriage issue allows bestiality.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 wait, is having sex with your cat actually illegal, or just gross?
Biologically, I wonder if it is possible to have a cat-human cross.
Will such a being turn out to be Catwoman?
that would be fun
What about a bat-human cross? Batman?
There might already be experiments conducted in secret on these, in secret because of ethical issues.
@JSBᾶngs It's illegal under animal cruelty laws, I think.
@WillHunting No, it is not possible.
@JSBᾶngs Dude, stop posting pictures of me here!
@Kitḫ No, you are blonde, she is not.
@WillHunting You can't breed humans and cats.
But maybe you dyed your hair just for this pose.
Their chromosomes are incompatible.
@Kitḫ Maybe possible through some modification, science beyond our current understanding?
@Kitḫ ooo, sorry
@WillHunting Not anytime soon.
i'm glad the conversation in this room is so classy
@WillHunting Genetics is way more complicated than you seem to think. The very notion of "cat-human hybrid" doesn't make a lot of sense.
So: bestiality IS legal in some first-world nations
LOL you guys. Since you can splice spider genes into goat, I'm sure you can splice cat genes into a human
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah I read that a few years back I recall.
@MattЭллен O Matt you so funny!
yeah, breeding doesn't work, but you can mix cat and human genes
a few years ago there was a big story up in seattle about this farm operated for men who wanted to have sex with horses
awkward pause as she realizes it is only a misdemeanor here
@JSBᾶngs Oh yeah, I remember that.
somebody died in flagrante delecto equi and it made big news
Tough way to get your 15 minutes of fame.
@WillHunting nah, that's Manbat!
@JSBᾶngs I think I read those too. You see I was trying to find out all I could about bestiality. But I do not engage in it.
There was a guy here who shot his son because the son was angry that his dad couldn't accept his lover who was a dog.
The dog-lover was OK though. Just a flesh wound.
@Kitḫ that's wrong in so many ways
@MattЭллен So now there is Batman and Manbat, where multiplication is not commutative!
The dog-lover wanted to keep the dog in their trailer. The dad said the trailer was too small and the dog would have to sleep outside. Whole big argument about "dog sleeping in room" and then bam! "Dad, we're in love."
Anyway, I still claim that even if bestiality is legal, animals are not people under the law and thus you can't marry them, even if animal-cruelty-prevention laws don't prevent you from having sex with them.
After all, marriage is just a social construct.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes. Agreed.
Marriage is not love, or sex.
Having sex is completely different from marriage.
A whole different animal, one might say.
this is true
If one were so inclined.
Ideally, love, sex and marriage should go together. But in reality many deviate from this.
There are actually two registries for marriage here, one normal, one Muslim.
@WillHunting interesting
I think in Utah, you can have either a religious marriage or a civil marriage.
Maybe that was Colorado.
They make a distinction somewhere.
@Kitḫ Religious meaning Christian?
Well, marriage is an odd concept anyway. At least they type y'all are discussing. I mean - you fall in love with someone, this emotionally binds you to them. Sure that makes sense. Then you want to get approval from your government? This I don't get.
@WillHunting Meaning whichever religion you choose, I assume. In Utah, it's probably Mormons.
This famous mathematician had babies with four women and left them after that. What an asshole.
@MattЭллен I thought the same thing until I got married. You have tons of legal protections conferred by marriage. Marriage and love don't really equate.
@Kitḫ what are the legal protection? (In the US, obviously)
Of course marriage gives you social benefits, like maybe housing subsidy or whatever.
My children are not bastards. I can make decisions on behalf of my husband if he is incapacitated. I can collect Social Security if he dies.
We file our taxes jointly.
I can see why they want to keep that for straights only. it's pretty useful
Also, I can include him on my healthcare coverage.
Is bastard a legal term?
And I have visitation rights.
Talking about bestiality, can we have sex with inanimate objects?
Or aliens?
@MattЭллен I believe so, but I don't know.
@WillHunting Why not?
@WillHunting Why not?
Also bustard is a bird.
It seems that boob is a bird, and tit is a bird too.
there are so many types of tits
So many things are birds, birds are everywhere, it's true.
blue tits, great tits, coal tits, etc.
Oh, except it's huge.
apropos of?
I was going to show you the new logo I have been working on.
oh! nice :)
Except it is big and I just noticed a dent.
How do I fix that dent?
@Kitḫ well, I'd use the smudge tool
Oh. I forgot that.
@MattЭллен cheers
@MetaEd your dentures loose? No problem :)
@MattЭллен Nah, I want a hard edge. Pencil? But it doesn't seem to do anything.
@Kitḫ are you on the right layer?
I do that all the freaking time
Um, yeah. Now.
@JSBᾶngs Make up your mind. 72 inches or 68 inches?
Q: Word choice for "with good fidelity/accuracy"

obaqueiroIn the following sentence: Experiment results match expectations with high fidelity. Is there a better word, besides maybe accuracy? A different way to phrase the sentence would also be appreciated.

@Kitḫ you could select the shape with lasso select, then smudge all the way out of the shape, and that should keep your hard edge
Does the question above rise to "proofread my document"?
I voted to send it to Writers.
I vote to throw it in the bin
"Check a thesaurus" came to mind when I read it.
but I should be nice, because people have feelings or something
I'm sorry I answered it, could not resist.

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