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@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 oh :(
@MattE.Эллен maybe I'm being harsh.
I fully expect a hero's journey.
Is that Stephenson?
Oh, no it's not.
I assume it was more analytical of our current capitalist consumerist culture
and our desires to escape reality
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I hate the strange new word 'xenophobia' because I don't know what it means.
I don't bother reading Stephenson anymore.
That's why I was asking.
I keep thinking I should give him another try.
@MattE.Эллен It has a bit of that, but doesn't really do much with it.
It's like Critchon. I have read three of his books and every time, I'm disappointed and I say "never again".
Did you read Gibson’s latest, The Peripheral?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 ah
@KitZ.Fox join the 21st century man. Don't bother with the full moon, get your blood in bulk from the meat distributor. Then do your potion boiling on the new moon with no worries.
Who is the 21st century man? I already have a husband...
@tchrist so many words. So many.
@MattE.Эллен I mean the book wasn't a total waste. But, like The Magicians, I felt it should do more.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 ok. I won't get my hopes up!
g2g bai!
hi guys!
I have to go too. code to check in today, before I go on vacation. bye
21st c schizoid man is not always the best choice
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 bye
hi, M. Haster
And Bon voyage
so this chat is for people who are grammar enthusiasts and the like?
Sort of
For example I'm enthusiastic about VSO word order, but OSV makes me cringe
hmm ok
don't really know what that means heh
That hat Mitch wears
or is that SOV?
would any of you to care to help me with what I am writing?
sorry to be so forward
@MattE.Эллен Son of a vitch?
In linguistics, word order typology is the study of the order of the syntactic constituents of a language, and how different languages can employ different orders. Correlations between orders found in different syntactic sub-domains are also of interest. The primary word orders that are of interest are the constituent order of a clause – the relative order of subject, object, and verb; the order of modifiers (adjectives, numerals, demonstratives, possessives, and adjuncts) in a noun phrase; and the order of adverbials. Some languages use relatively restrictive word order, often relying on the order...
@M.Haster what are you writing?
my cover letter
@terdon clearly a Spanish speaker
want to send it out today
For what kind of job?
@MattE.Эллен I was thinking transylvanian.
@terdon oh! well, that makes more sense
but since every one I talk to insist on proofreaders to look over my work
I'm now doubting mysef
@MattE.Эллен how dare you
research manager position
@Mitch which are you? Subject or object?
How long is the letter?
@MattE.Эллен I am the ergative
Goo goo ga joob
@M.Haster sure. Copy it here and we'll see.
or use pastebin.com is it's long
What country is the job in?
@KitZ.Fox in the Soviet Union reading material is supposed to challenge you.
In the Soviet Union challenges are supposed to read you!
They can read you like a book
Soviet nostalgia ain't what it used to be...or else.
question on this sentence
I'm applying to a developmental lab
what do you think about this sentence
I believe it is essential for our continued understanding of how crucial, and malleable, our developmental brain can be.
should i replace crucial with dynamic?
anyone there?
@M.Haster Yes. "Crucial and malleable" doesn't make sense. There's also no such thing as a "developmental brain", do you mean developing brain?
And you're (presumably) applying to a developmental biology lab, not a developmental lab
i mean the brain at the developmental time in our lives
developmental psychology
@M.Haster There's no such thing as a "developmental time"
yes i mean adolescence
@M.Haster Yes, that's fine.
whats fine?
@M.Haster Adolescence is far more specific than development.
@M.Haster Developmental psychology. But not developmental brain.
but i think thats assumed in this context
No it isn't. It's just bad grammar.
Developmental biology studies the developing organism, the period of development.
if i am talking about 5-21 year olds
i don't want to be using adolescent
thats why i used developmental..maybe another word?
the period where the bran changes the most
something like that
UNL | Developmental Brain Laboratory
@M.Haster Ugh, that's awful. Just goes to say that biologists suck at basic language comprehension. Wow.
That said, I am a biologist, so I should know.
so what should i do? use it or not
To me, developmental brain makes absolutely no sense. I would call that the developing brain, or at least, the brain during development.
@terdon dude, so harsh! He's not a native speaker.
@Mitch Dude, he's a professor at an American university called either Dr. Dennis Molfese or Mildred Francis Thompson. Pretty sure that's a native.
but thats a generalized term for 'developing brain' throughout all of our lives
I'm talking about a specific period
where its most malleable, etc
@M.Haster If you don't know these terms well enough to use them clearly and aren't applying for a scientific position, why are you trying to throw jargon into your letter?
And no, the developing brain would be understood to mean the brain of an organism that is still developing. Of course, developing in this context tends to mean unborn, not just young.
Hmm. Maybe there's a specialized usage of developmental to mean "during infancy and young adulthood* as opposed to the classic biological meaning of the term. That would make more sense than plain old ignorance. You might want to ask the folks at Cognitive Sciences about that.
yeah a "developmental brain" is a brain which is developmental, which doesn't make sense. people go through developmental stages, for example, people are not themselves developmental
hmm i see
I suppose a "developmental officer" is a person who guides development. So you might say a developmental brain is a brain that guides development, but that still doesn't make sense
why does crucial, malleable not make sense?
suggestions for improvement?
@M.Haster Not sure what you mean. There's nothing wrong with it, I may just be lacking context. But why would you chose to link crucial and malleable?
Hi! Is minty an adverb in minty fresh?
> He whispered, his breath minty fresh.
For some reason, it seems clearer to me like this: I believe it is essential for our continued understanding of how the developing brain is both crucial and malleable.
@Færd I'd see it as two adjectives. "He said with his big ugly mouth"
oh, I see the word order is different to what I was expecting
I guess it is an adverb then
I tried to see it that way; it resisted.
@MattE.Эллен Yeah, probably.
@MattE.Эллен Even though it modifies the adjective? Isn't it an adjectival phrase or something?
@M.Haster I agree with terdon. There's not enough context to know what you mean. Why is it crucial? Why is malleability related to how crucial it is?
@terdon exactly because it modifies the adjective
Is it a fixed phrase? Have you heard minty fresh before?
it's well used in toothpaste adverts, and maybe in chewing gum adverts
Well then that explains the oddity. Thanks.
Is this correct? "Why cannot genymotion download an ova file?"
It would be better as "Why can genymotion not download an ova file" or "Why can't genymotion download an ova file?" Don't ask me why, though :)
ah ok :-))
Is this correct? "to test my written applications I need to run them by an emulator."
in not by.
"run them by" would imply the emulator is sentient
for example "I'll run my calculations by my professor, to make sure they make sense"
So this? "to test my written applications I need to run them in an emulator.""
hey guys. can we write a sentence and expect to get feedback about the faults while asking the question?
@ucha Not really. Proof reading questions are off topic here.
And if you're wondering if something is "correct" in English, you will probably get a better reception in English Language Learners.
@terdon thanks. i will ask there probably.
Is this correct? "each of them is almost 200MB that should be download"
Each of them is almost 200 MB and should be downloaded.
Although there probably is a better way to arrange the information, depending on the context.
At the very least download → downloaded.
@Cerberus Depends. You could also say "The file is a 100MB download". You can use download as a noun these days.
@terdon Yes, OK.
What I meant was the smallest change that would make it acceptable.
You can do that with many verbs, can't you?
She's a good flirt
You can often noun a verb in English.
Or verb a noun. Heh.
But it will usually be (very) informal.
@MετάEd Sorry, I just saw your message. Please ping me if you continue to discuss the issue at chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/40642/…
1 hour later…
@terdon ?? He was maybe sending an application to them. But M. Haster is not them.
@Mitch oh, I wasn't describing @M.Haster! That would have been way beyond harsh and we'll into assholery. I was describing the people who chose to name their lab "developmental brain".
@terdon Oh. Oh! I thought we were critiquing M. Haster's application, and had no idea how you found that link anyway.
Standing alone, yes 'the developmental brain' make my head go sideways. An object (like the brain) can't be developmental.
But a 'developmental (brain laboratory)' isn't all bad.
wouldn't that mean the lab is at some stage of development?
or, what would that mean?
a lab about developmental things.
brain as an attributive noun.
@Mitch no, no, no, I'd never berate a pineapple for their grasp of English. I've been the pineapple way to often for that.
@terdon I don't know, pineapple grasp berating is the next olympic sport.
come to my brain lab. There's some ... tests I'd like to run
Am I a bad person, feeling sympathetic with the army committing a coup d'état?
Erdogan is bad.
But this...I'm not sure what to think.
@MattE.Эллен @KitZ.Fox used to work in a brain lab. a mouse brain lab. or so I'm led to believe. maybe I'm a brain in a vat in a brain lab, thinking about kit putting rats in a vat in a brain lab
@Cerberus What? is the real world falling apart?
er, falling apart more?
Depends on how you look at it.
Turkey is a cycle of coups d'état by the army.
I thought it had ended, but no.

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