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Auugh! Sometimes I can't deal with people getting to edit things. Like two years ago they decided certain instances of this one word really needed to be a different word. I fixed 'em all. I updated our style guide. I check for it in all our emails to them. And then one of those same people just changed it back in a document I'm working on now, and I know if I point it out they'll have some reason like "well I was in a hurry to get you my Very Important Edits and wait, we changed that?"
It's not even important, it's just, it makes my head spin...
Ohhh that's terrible.
I just had to rant.
I would have great trouble using one variant when I strongly feel that it should be the other.
I am trying to finish up this stupid thing and now I have to worry about all their stupid changes that maybe I shouldn't accept after all.
It's like making you have sex with the wrong category of people/animals.
@Cerberus I manage to do that just fine, as long as people stop changing their flipping minds about it.
I would probably be fired before even reaching that stage. You have my sympathy.
I use e-mail in my work life and email in my personal life, as a simple example.
I prefer e-mail.
But in Dutch there is a good reason to, so I use it everywhere.
In your situation, I would just go mad. Madder.
The hzphen is uncommon in tech circles here.
I don't like to look like a n00b.
Zero hyphen?
Oh, was that a simple typo?
I mean specifically in like, e-anything words, or techy names.
You just meant hyphen?
No, it was an obscure reference I probably got wrong.
Jan 28 '11 at 15:13, by RegDwight
ROFL, I keep correcting that, but I forget about the hzphen.
Too obscure for me.
I thought there was more than one but I guess it's just 'cause @Reg quotes hisself all the time ;)
So is it possible for you not to implement their precepts if you don't think they are useful?
I can argue, to a point. But once the decision is made, I have to follow it until it comes up again.
What if you don't?
Will people notice? Object?
Uhh it's my job?
So what is your job description exactly?
I'm only sort of kidding.
@MattЭллен Yes, very much. Thank you.
@aediaλ Argh! sympathy
Hmm OK, so you wouldn't dare ignore this e-mail thing if you thought it was nuts?
I write, create, and edit everything no one else can edit, whether it's plain language content for a website, or CSS, or requirements, or some Photoshop work, or suddenly needing to review a Spanish translation. I am the accessibility, usability, and plain language person for my team. I also advise on how we're going to make stuff work, although I don't currently program unless you count pair work with developers teaching them how to fix something in CSS or make something more accessible.
That's kind of what I do.
@Cerberus Nope. Consistent style trumps my preferences.
Let's hope it will be limited to a few silly words.
And a lot of the content I may touch is probably really ephemeral. Someone else'll have to review it if it does stick around.
It's not just the spelling. I mean, since I've been out of college, even, I've updated some stuff with technical information that's gone out of date multiple times, and that pace ain't slowing down.
Oh, yes, that is quite technical.
I was all ambitious, all, oh I'ma fix this stuff and get it all in shape and then bam! here we are and it's always like a flood of things that need updating.
Yeah, the tragedy of life.
But people reading that stuff in the meantime will be thankful.
How about a rhyme for "remembered"?
> Ram: Do you believe in the Users?
> Crom: Sure I do. If I don't have a User, then who wrote me?
> Ram: That's what you're doing down here.
Okay I give up on the quotey line.
Sorry for pinging you about a hundred times, @Cerberus. Shall I ping you one more time, @Cerberus?
We messed around with the quotey lines earlier.
@Kitḫ Blendered? Tendered?
Something sexier.
Rendered. Engendered.
On a bendered.
Return to sendered.
Ohh in September'd I never remembered how I dismembered that tremender'd contender'd splenderd thing in that blendered... And oh it was rendered as we intendered but returned to sendered as bad feelings were engendered...
^ worst song evar
But no.
Stirred could work.
depending how much of an "urd" is in your remembered
then stirred/remembered hmm.
Heard curd nerd gird?
How about a nice synonym for "make" instead?
Oh I splenda'd her and she stirred, but it ain't got rid of them curd, and that's when I remembered 'bout the nerd I overheard. He said: You got to gird yourself 'gainst them blurred ones, cause when you can't see you gotta watch out dum dum dum dum... <- second worst song ever
shake n bake?
fake lake?
Jonathan Frakes?
(I don't know how to say that anyway)
drake cake?
Synonym, not rhyme.
I don't make very fun games.
Hahaha. I thought the same thing. Nerd.
Maybe I should just go sit and think about it myself.
Or watch my husband kill dragons.
It depends what kind of make. There's so many kinds of make, like stitch, or build, or accumulate, or earn.
to engender or cause to happen.
I feel like there's another cool em or en word on the tip of my tongue.
maybe I'm thinking of impel, I guess
Your lips to mine in sweet accord evokes
Your sins in my orisons remember'd.
Or too convoluted?
I had to look up orisons. I had forgotten it.
Nymph! In thy orisons be all my sins remembered.
I don't think it's too convoluted if it is going to work well in the overall context.
I'm having a conjugation brain issue with evokes because it seems like it's right but my brain wants it to go with lips instead, but that doesn't sound right either
Hi again!
Evokes is a terrible word to rhyme naturally. Oaks? Slowpokes?
Stokes? Blokes?
@aediaλ You're right. That is dicey.
So maybe the evoke/evokes issue is what's bugging you.
Yeah it is a false scent, as Fowler calls it.
Yeah that's the word for that thingie.
Let me think how to repair it.
But it is grammatically correct.
I didn't know orisons either.
And what was this crom/ram thingie about?
gasp you don't know Tron?
Ehhmmm no.
But but he fights for the users!
He is a paragon! A beacon of hope!
Tron is a 1982 American science fiction film written and directed by Steven Lisberger, and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It stars Jeff Bridges as the protagonist Kevin Flynn; Bruce Boxleitner in a dual role as security program Tron and Tron's "User", computer programmer Alan Bradley; Cindy Morgan in a dual role as program Yori and her "User", Dr. Lora Baines; Barnard Hughes in a dual role as the tower guardian Dumont and his "User", Dr. Walter Gibbs; Tony Stefano in a dual role as Ed Dillinger's secretary Peter and Sark's otherwise-nameless Lieutenant; and Dan Shor as Ram. David Warn...
@Kitḫ Folks?
Depending on dialect.
Hmm nice, no, never heard if it!
Kit and I were bringing order to the Gaming room.
@Cerberus I have just been assuming you're my braintwin and know everything I know.
@Cerberus O rly?
Awww but you know I know nothing!
@aediaλ Yeah but it wasn't really necessary.
You can't possibly know as little as I do.
giggles You're just forgetful. That's not the same as not knowing.
Oh, but that is in addition to my not knowing stuff.
So you forgot what you never knew?
I don't know anything about films or famous people.
Or sports.
In Trivial Pursuit, I never ever stand on the brown, orange, or purple squares.
I don't know those either, unless they are so famous that I can't avoid it, or (in the case of Tron, for example) they're famous among my nerdy friends.
I'll rather take a huge detour.
See, you think you don't know much, because you can't even imagine what it is like to know as little as I do.
I have only recently played 1990s Trivial Pursuit, in which there is a yellow category that I know everything in called Wired, I think, and some sports one I know nothing in, and some current events one I am pretty bad at, and some pop culture one I am also pretty bad at...
I think yellow is geography here, green science, blue history.
Trivial Pursuit is a board game in which progress is determined by a player's ability to answer general knowledge and popular culture questions. The game was created in 1979 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, by Canadian Chris Haney, a photo editor for Montreal's The Gazette and Scott Abbott, a sports editor for The Canadian Press. After finding pieces of their Scrabble game missing, they decided to create their own game. With the help of John Haney and Ed Werner, they completed development of the game, which was released in 1982. In North America, the game's popularity peaked in 1984, a yea...
Here are the classic ones
The other colours I never bother to learn, because I don't know them anyway.
> these are Geography (blue), Entertainment (pink), History (yellow), Arts & Literature (brown), Science & Nature (green), and Sports & Leisure (orange).
Ah, OH.
I swapped yellow and blue, then.
Hey, does everybody in America still download pirated stuff with torrents?
I guess there I would go for... green, brown, yellow, blue, pink, orange with green being the best and orange being trying to never step on it
Huh, brown!?
And no blue?
Now if we had someone who knew sports and entertainment, we could be a great team.
I haven't played recently so I'm not sure what's in it, but I know lots of arty things, I think. Just not what's probably in pink.
But I kind of suck at blue.
I'm the opposite.
as you can see from my identification of all our maps as "green and blue thing"
Whoops, I've got to get going.
OK lator!
See ya!
poofs for you
by throwing a handful of stardust on you
I hope you're not allergic
And the categories depend on which version you play.
@Cerb you poof too?
@Kitḫ No I just poofed our equine friend.
Or what is she?
Is a donkey equine?
Donkeys are equines.
Presumably unicorns are as well.
Equus is a genus of animals in the family Equidae that includes horses, donkeys, and zebras. Within Equidae, Equus is the only extant genus. Like Equidae more broadly, Equus has numerous extinct species known only from fossils. This article deals primarily with the extant species. The term equine refers to any member of this genus, including any horse. The word comes from Latin equus, "horse", cognate with Greek "ἴκκος" (ikkos), "horse" (the earliest form of the word is the Mycenaean Greek i-qo, written in Linear B syllabic script). Characteristics Equines are medium to large mam...
Equus arcanum
Or however you would conjugate that.
That skill looks friendly.
Like an uppety dinosaur.
Didn't you learn your declensions, by the way!?
hands on hips.
Oh, and nouns/adjectives are declined, while verbs are conjugated.
waves hands feebly
It's "uppity," she squeaks.
Then we're quits.
If you want to guess or provide a map, don't be shy.
What? Huh? We're not friends anymore?
@Kitḫ You silly fox.
That too.
Sooo do you know of any wonderful freeware program that you can recommend?
Uh. To do what?
I just like trying new programs.
I like the title of the .txt file. But I want to delete those folders! Grrr...
I am writing a sonnet. It is making me twitch.
Maybe I should put it aside for a moment.
Oh I know!
Gran Granada.
Um, yeah, I think so.
That's what the town there was called in the 17th century, at least, when I used to plunder it.
Guatemala, I think.
Good one.
We call it Lake Nicaragua, but apparently it has a billion names.
Ever Played Pirates?
Ah OK.
@Cerberus No.
It's great fun.
Another one! claps hands
Or do you want one?
Sorry, baby called.
Wow can he even press the buttons yet?
A tall mountain?
A ridge?
A river?
The Mississippi?
Would you like one, or shall I?
Give me one!
Sure. And don't hesitate to try Zizorz if you want a really handy, quick, small program.
The Alps!
I see Venice.
Hmm, too easy.
Your turn!
I can never tell how easy a map in America will be for you.
Me neither.
That's not America.
Indeed not.
That's the northern edge of a desert meeting the ocean.
Two island nations.
Northern Africa or Australia.
Wait. Two island nations?
Oh, oh. I forgot about the Arabian peninsula.
They're pretty small, especially the left one.
It must be there then.
Why can't I think of the name of that place?
Qatar, Kuwait, Oman. Shit.
Right! The UAE and Bahrain.
Dubai was the one I was trying to think of.
Yemen is the southernmost country.
Yeah Dubai is the most populous emirate, I think.
What's the one on the tip?
Belongs to Oman.
Uh. Isn't that Iraq?
The land between the Tigris and the Euphrates?
Bangladesh. You've given me that one before.
I have to go hold the baby now though.
Good night!
Ah OK.
But it's pretty, no?
oh, we're actually here
it seems there was a change in how the flags are calculated
instead of points, the number of helpful flags matters
Purity bear says "keep it in your pants"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh, God! Surely that is a spoof of something?
Oh, even better, then!
Perhaps they had it made by come advertising agency where irreligious people thought it would be fun to mock their client, without them even knowing it?
no, I think it was an amateur thing? Not sure
The bear and the hand shots are weird.
And the "I'm cuddly too" can't possibly be serious. I refuse to believe that.
So, it was a "student-made" video in support of the "day of purity"
I always wonder how bad it is for teenagers to have sex early.
I find it extremely ironic, and frustrating, and annoying, that the religious conservatives are so anti-teen-sex and always whining about teen sex, teen pregnancy, and teen abortion.
And yet
there is one thing that has been shown to reduce teen pregnancy AND teen abortion
and that is sexual education about contraceptives.
Of course.
However: these groups are opposed to that as well.
They insist on abstinence-only education.
They will eventually peter out.
Since abstinence CLEARLY ISN'T WORKING AND NEVER HAS, one might conclude that they actually LIKE teen pregnancy and abortions.
It is faulty reasoning: in their argumentation, they confuse what is with what ought to be.
Because if they really cared, wouldn't it be best to do the one thing that WORKS?
There ought to be no teen sex, and therefore there is no need to use contraception.
Sure, abstinence-only education is a good idea, when you're brainstorming for solutions to the teen-pregnancy problem. Let's try it, then, shall we? Only, they HAVE tried it and it DIDN'T work. This has been PROVEN. Their stubborn insistence on continuing it is a sign of insanity.
In addition, they don't have all the facts. They think contraception leads to more sex, while in fact this effect is quite small.
Oh, they have lots of facts. This is a widely studied topic. They just refuse to acknowledge any discoveries that disprove their preconceived notions.
The problem is not that abstinence doesn't work at all; the problem is clinging to it with the exclusion of anything else.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 They don't have the facts, because they refuse to read or believe them.
Well, the problem is that telling kids not to have sex is not a reliable way of preventing sex-related problems.
I think that if someone is wilfully ignoring facts then they HAVE those facts but are insane.
or, they're not insane, but their true motivations must not be their stated motivations.
Maybe, they really WANT more teen pregnancies, because teen pregnancy leads to babies, and those babies can be indoctrinated.
Otherwise, if their motivation really IS to prevent teen pregnancy, STDs, and abortion, then they really are dumber than rocks.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Do you really believe that?
@Cerberus No, but the only other conclusion I can draw is that they're insane, or really, really stupid.
That seems more plausible.
Cognitive dissonance.
I mean, obviously not everyone in the "abstinence-only" movement is fully-informed; some of them probably rely on trusted others to give them information. But the brains of that movement are either lying or broken.
But honestly I don't think those people really believe the statistics.
Well, that's true. They do tend to be highly correlated with lots of other science-hating and reality-denying.
They think the research is unreliable, or they have read other (bad) research that says otherwise, or they think it can't possibly be true because it would contradict the Bible.
Hello I have an English question again :)
As in, Auschwitz can't possibly have happened, because God would never have allowed such a crime.
English? do we do that here? Mostly we just blab about other topics, of struggle to form coherent sentences :)
If someone ask me "Does your family watch T.V. everyday?" Can I answer "Yes, they do"?
@Anonymous Yes, you can
But it might be wiser to hide the fact.
(see what I did there?)
Even they ask me with "does"?
Oh, hmm.
does and do are the same verb
I think it is natural to switch from singular to plural in the case of "family".
In the question "your family" is a single unit
in the answer it is plural, i.e. composed of the people
But I agree that it is irregular.
Still, the plural is clearly the most natural option in your answer.
@MrShinyandNew i'll take it you're not aware of this: theatlantic.com/business/archive/2008/09/…
I think I would find it odd for someone to refer to their family as "it"
Thank you. I thought that if question is "does" I should answer with "does". :)
@JSBᾶngs Because of the redesign of the Mathematica website, the page you requested may have been moved.
Sorry, that doesn't qualify as a source.
No data.
@Cerberus i think the link originally pointed to this:
@JSBᾶngs Hm, that is news to me.
@Anonymous Normally that is true; but, if the noun used in the first sentence has a strong connotation of plurality, it is best to switch to plural in a new sentence.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 i was a little surprised by it myself when i found out
@JSBᾶngs Can't access it.
@Cerberus I think it's just a matter of pronoun-use. I find nothing at all unnatural about saying "my family does blah blah blah", except that if I have the option to use a pronoun, it will always be "they"
@Cerberus yeah i'm having the same problem
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Well, how is that different? Pronoun use is often determined by notional sex and number.
@JSBᾶngs I'm booting my laptop to try and access it through my uni's VPN.
@Cerberus Well, what I mean is, the only pronoun I'd use is "they/them", so if I use a pronoun then it has to be plural, even if the question was singular (because no pronoun was possible in that context)
this one works:
> Youth in the [abstinence] program group were no more likely than those in the control group to have abstained from sex and, among those who reported having had sex, they had similar numbers of sexual partners.
> Contrary to concerns raised by critics of abstinence education, youth in the program group were no more likely to have unprotected sex than youth in the control group.
Okay, so it just doesn't have any effect at all.

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