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Beats dre*
If people differentiate things according to sex, and not in a discriminatory manner, it is not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe we are calling too many things sexist.
You can have yours all icky if you prefer it that way.
@KitZ.Fox I don't think I've ever seen it advertised like that.
@KitZ.Fox Like your hair, lol.
@Lawrence That's because most people don't love words.
@WillHunting differentiating driving ability by sex is a perfect example of sexism.
Is fox hair luscious?
@KitZ.Fox Well, sticky date pudding is delicious.
Sticky doesn't bother me. I actually rather like it. It's a funny word.
ugh, all these stars, you guys, you're going to attract Cerberus
Sticky and moist remind me of X and Y, ROFLMAO.
I have something I wanted to share with you @Mr.Shiny, about how fast my boys are growing up.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's a constellation.
My eldest, who is 8 now, was upset and crying over a friend of his bullying him last Friday. This friend wouldn't stop doing something after my son had told him "stop it, I don't like that." and the substitute teacher didn't do anything about it. So my son said he didn't want to go to this friend's house after school on Monday like he usually did.
Aha. Continue.
Well, I was at a loss with how to help. Violated boundaries, natural consequences, it all fit, but on the other hand, I hated that he felt disempowered and what do you do when you clearly communicate your boundaries and it doesn't matter? And also, these are 8 year olds, so maybe this kid needs another chance...
Maybe the substitute teacher sucks.
Anyway, I talked it over with my husband, and he decided he'd go have a chat with the eldest about it while they got ready for bed.
@Mitch Billy Dee Williams was in Dynasty. Joan Collins was in Dynasty. Joan Collins was in Space 1999, which is in Tommy Westphall's head. Therefore Star Wars is in his head, along with the Matrix. It's all one story
So he's talking it over with him and the eldest stops him in the middle and says "You know, Dad, I'd really just like to figure this out for myself."
@KitZ.Fox They grow up so quick.
@KitZ.Fox heh nice
@Lawrence Do you have kids?
@KitZ.Fox I know, so was I. This is a kid who is almost entirely devoid of sexism. Kinda fanatically so. And nevertheless, that slipped through. It was a few years ago now, so I hope he's grown out of it.
@KitZ.Fox But also: is this the moment where they stop asking you for things or telling you what's going on? Next time you see your son, he'll be running a crime empire out of your basement. You'll find out when the cops come and seize your house.
What I was hoping is that the next time this kid pulls some crap, he'll say "stop that, I don't like it" and if the kid keeps doing it, he'll drop him.
"I said stop."
The other thing was that I said I thought maybe I ought to send a note in to let his regular teacher know, and the eldest's response was "Owen gets in trouble a lot."
@MattE.Эллен Very nice... you overlooked one tiny detail. It is rather that Tommy Westphal's head is in Space 1999, breaking the chain of inclusion. Your reasoning falls apart, Pumbaa and Timon break up, the best lack all conviction. All hope is lost, why do I even bother.
Like he wasn't sure if it would make a difference.
And it probably wouldn't have.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 but at least it keeps him off the streets.
@KitZ.Fox Maybe he's right to re-evaluate the friendship.
@Mitch Kit's son is the one who knocks.
@Mitch The Mitch from EL&U's universe
Well, we told him that not going to that kid's house was a good choice and that he might consider telling the kid outright why he wasn't going to be friends with him anymore.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 My son's not going to be some narc.
@MattE.Эллен Good point. There's always Nutella.
@KitZ.Fox I agree. Give the kid some feedback, let him learn that his actions have consequences.
@KitZ.Fox it's a BB reference.
cheers up a little
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 BB?
Breaking Booty. a show about pirates
I'm guessing you haven't seen it
I watched it up to the part where they jumped the shark with the plane crash.
And I thought that was so spectacularly cheesy that I was done.
yeah... so, the plane crash thing was weak. But overall the series is pretty good.
Jump the shark is a metaphor?
wait, really?
@WillHunting yes
@WillHunting you have no idea!
@WillHunting Yes. Happy Days.
@MattE.Эллен I thought they jumped on the shark, lol.
And now in my memory of the show, it feels like some kind of jerkfest, like what happens to teenagers who loved reading the Punisher when they hit middle-age.
@WillHunting Jumping the shark warning TVTropes link
@WillHunting No, he jumped over the shark.
on a motor cycle
Which is too bad, because I liked the first several episodes, maybe the first season.
@KitZ.Fox Speaking of Punisher, have you watched season 2 of Daredevil yet?
Jerkfest sounds like a festival where you ...
@KitZ.Fox Weird move for The Fonze.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, just finished it two days ago.
@WillHunting It is.
@KitZ.Fox I'm on episode 5.
And I have to say, their presentation of The Punisher was the least crappy I've seen.
Pretty low bar though.
that's faint praise
I liked what I've seen so far
the guy who plays Punisher was on The Walking Dead. I liked him there too. Well, his performance. The character wasn't likable.
The Punisher reminds me of this question...
ooh trivia!
Q: Why does "The Punisher" get an article in his name and "Spiderman" doesn't?

IAdapterWhy not Punisher vs. The Spider-man ? Is the word "the" used however we feel like? Could I call them "Punisher" and "The Spider-man"?

"Because". Next!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's actually quite good. The actor is perfect for jarhead too. Just the right kind of pugnacious look.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I thought we summon @Cerberus by rousing the Hoi Polloi.
There is less focus on gratuitous carnage, which for me is one of the main detractors of The Punisher generally.
Now I have a new question. Why Superman and Spider-man? Why not Super-man and Spiderman?
@KitZ.Fox All casting is prejudicial.
And the "man rage" is toned down.
In real life anybody can be a jerk.
@WillHunting Because DC vs. Marvel.
@Cerberus should come to chat as there are two starred messages mentioning him on the wall right now.
Why are all these story lines coming out where two good guys battle each other? Is that supposed to be depth?
Because men fight.
It's a man thing.
I did not bother to watch Superman vs Batman. Stupid story.
Wonder Woman joined in.
Me neither.
You know, all these superhero movies are betting boring for me.
@KitZ.Fox What do women do then?
Superman v. Batman is the build up for the metahuman war. Kingdom Come is about the only DC series that I really liked.
@PhMgBr Me too. Permanent Head Damage.
@Mitch Roll their eyes.
@WillHunting They are kinda stupid. They're patterned after comic books after all.
@WillHunting Some of them are entertaining for me, but none have been intriguing so far.
@KitZ.Fox "ugh. boys"
Capt USA: Winter soldier was nice to watch.
My favourite movies are slasher movies where you see some boobs, lol.
And Iron Man v. Captain America is about the Mutant Registration Act. It is a similar storyline, different universe.
OK, time for the activities to start. bbl.
@KitZ.Fox Have fun!
@KitZ.Fox and then there is Avengers: civii war
or is that the same thing?
@Mitch Same thing.
@KitZ.Fox tell us the score afterwards
ABC sounds like Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars sounds like Ba Ba Black Sheep. Interesting.
There is only one song.
Beethoven's Fifth? Same melody
Typography typology topography topology. Interesting.
Astronomy Domine
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...
@WillHunting I was watching one of those pseudoscience youtube videos where the guy was trying o explain something about superman vs batman and he kept saying "supermun" and "batmun". It was so annoying I had to stop watching
Hello @VitaminC. You look very healthy.
@MattE.Эллен like Mondee, Tuesdee?
@MattE.Эллен Is it Australian accent or Scottish accent?
@Mitch as if "superman" were a surname
@WillHunting American
@WillHunting Thanks, and you look like someone who is hunting for will?
oh nvm.
@VitaminC Yes, that too.
@MattE.Эллен No true American
I think Brenton Thwaites looks like Orlando Bloom.
I think that biscuits look like the moon
@MattE.Эллен That is messed up. Totally normal American accent..but that one (or two) weird pronunciation.
Diagnosis: dropped on his head as a child.
I'll send a bill.
Superman --> Soupman, Batman --> Badman
Spiderman --> Spitman
soupman was bitten by some radioactive soup and now has all the powers of soup
Ironman --> Ironedman
also Sweeperman.
@MattE.Эллен I ordered from Amazon Germany but they delivered from Amazon UK, weird, lol.
@MattE.Эллен Ow, my tongue is burned!
I have the flu but now I feel ever so lightly less terrible!
It's so hot that I get hot water in the shower without the heater.
I would like to share what I got to study French, German, Italian, and Spanish. I got Assimil F/G/I/S with Ease, BBC Talk F/G/I/S Grammar, and Compact Oxford F/G/I/S Dictionary. Brilliant!
@Lawrence 13 asks for the user to input their choice of 'rock', 'paper', or 'scissors'
14 flushes
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Actually, I think in.next() grabs the next 'word' (string of characters up to the next whitespace), whereas in.nextLine() grabs the rest of the characters up to and including the newline. If you're relying on line 14 to flush, your program will be waiting for you to enter a newline while you would be waiting for the program to display something. That sounds like the symptoms you described.
@Lawrence Ah, thanks
My teacher taught me that practice, so...
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver You're welcome.
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Which practice?
Computer programming online class
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver That doesn't say which practice your teacher taught you in that class.
@Lawrence To use in.nextline(); to flush
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Ah, I see. Let me check the Javadoc. I'm not sure why a read buffer would need to be flushed in that context. Flushing is normally related to a write operation.
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Here's the Javadoc for Scanner:
Search for next() and nextLine() to see what they do.
Have a look at this also:
Q: How can I clear the Scanner buffer in Java?

LinkskuI have something like this: Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in); int rounds = 0; while (rounds < 1 || rounds > 3) { System.out.print("How many rounds? "); if (in.hasNextInt()) { rounds = in.nextInt(); } else { System.out.println("Invalid ...

Seems like it would work
.next gets the first token
.nextline gets the rest and goes to the next line
... also this in relation to flushing and outputs:
Q: What is the purpose of flush() in Java streams?

VenkatIn Java, flush() method is used in streams. But I don't understand what are all the purpose of using this method? fin.flush(); tell me some suggestions.

So just pressing enter again should work?
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver If you typed something + space, that would be read by line 13. Pressing enter on its own (or alternatively, text + enter) would then satisfy line 14.
It's up to you whether you want this behaviour. You can delete line 14 altogether if you wished.
So my instructor might be compensating for the flushing by spacing?
And it's backfiring that way?
What spacing?
Spacing after writing 'rock/paper/scissors'
The space character between the question mark and the quote mark on line 12?
Writing his input
Making a space
Pressing enter
He is the only one who can use the code
I have a program that tells me if I have any syntax errors
But I can't run it
Hmm, I wonder whether (input + enter) would have the enter counted as a whitespace.
Let me check.
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver I've just checked. With String s=in.next(); followed by String t=in.nextLine();, and input string abc<space>def<enter>, the system doesn't return from (the first) in.next() until <enter> is pressed. At that point, abc is assigned to s, and <space>def is assigned to t.
@Lawrence So I should just use nextLine?
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver That sounds reasonable.
I thought it was necessary to use both and they worked together
Have a look at this. I just did a web search for an online Java compiler - no idea what's behind this, but it seems to give you at least some access to a working compiler that you don't have to download. I haven't checked it for viruses etc, but Hello World compiles :) .
And executes.
Wish you could donate rep here
I swear, when I was learning Python, that chatroom was mean
Impatience for people just learning. Ironic considering what StackExchange is...
@Lawrence Great idea! :-)
@snailboat What is?
The online compiler.
@snailboat Thought you were going to say rep donation
which should still be a thing
@snailboat Ah, yes. A very useful tool for students who don't have access to their own compilers.
@Lawrence glares at incompetent school board
I just changed my user name, but I don't see the new one in chat just yet.
It takes about 15 minutes
@Mitch Ugh.
Oh, good to know :-)
Now my name is even more annoyingly long!
@snailboat And usually it will ping you differently first.
Hmm, but not yet.
oh damn. another meeting already
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Yeah, I encountered it when answering questions on programmers. It's probably due to wanting expert answers and having quite a database of it already. We discussed a similar issue on ELU as well, trying to balance that with a welcoming attitude to newcomers.
@snailboat What's your new name?
snail plane
@snailboat Is there a biological analogue for this one?
Yes, the ultraviolet snail makes a turboprop out of its own mucus.
See, we all say things every day that have never been said before in the history of the species :-)
@snailboat Sounds like it could do with a tissue! :)
@snailboat To try otherwise on the main site, we'd need to brace against close-votes :) .
Unless what was said before wasn't said on ELU.
Nice chatting, see you all later.
I thought EL&U had a tag for deictic verbs of motion, something like , but I don't see it.
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver you can donate rep by creating bounties and awarding them to answers. That's all we got.
I guess if EL&U ever had a tag, it's gone now. Maybe I imagined it :-)
@snailplane It came and went.
@PhMgBr :-)
Puzzling looks like a bathroom to me with the new design.
I don't see tags for deixis or verbs of motion, either.
@PhMgBr If it was from a country rest stop
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver It's actually annoyingly short.
@MετάEd ahaaaaaaaaa
@PhMgBr Hmm, it looks nice overall, but SE hired some designers that like very low contrast designs, which seems unfortunate.
Newest update I need: formatting text in the middle of a word
The footer is almost unreadable.
@snailplane Yeah Stephane's like that.
w_or_d. Just trying.
Any site that got Kurtis for the design is lucky though.
Looks at how badass chem looks.
@PhMgBr Needs fixing.
Time for a Low Contrast Considered Harmful meta post? :-)
There are standards for this sort of thing.
@snailplane Ugh.
@snailplane They know no one reads that stuff.
508 compliance?
I can never remember the number.
Are there word pairs that clash(?) like some colour pairs do?
@Keepthesemind Are you referring to something like tongue twisters?
@snailplane What's that?
My school caches images
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver The footer on Puzzling.SE.
@PhMgBr No pairs that are very ugly together.
@snailplane Yeah, it's just almost blending in
@Keepthesemind Define 'ugly'.
@PhMgBr Opposite on the 'word wheel'?
@PhMgBr unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance.
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Thank you my dictionary
@Keepthesemind OK you have something in mind right now, but instead of quotation marks a bunch of words rammed together, you should explain what you mean.
Come on! Start typing.
Don't be /me lazy
@PhMgBr you are allowed or invited to do a specified thing
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Can I chat?
@PhMgBr used to give an affirmative response
@PhMgBr I don't have an example. That's what the internet is for. That's you, not me.
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver And then you saw my messages, or you saw others' messages?
@Keepthesemind Actually, yes you are supposed to.
You gave the question
@Keepthesemind Well, I think "ostrich" and "shark" are ugly together.
dic·tion·ar·y ˈdikSHəˌnerē
noun dictionary plural noun dictionaries
a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage.
That's why they appear in facial cream labels.
@PhMgBr That's your opinion
I don't see how they are super different
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Thank you captain obvious for confirming. :P
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Me neither. It's just that they're ugly together.
If we were using the opposite letter, then 'ostrich's pair would be a letter starting with 'l'
I don't think words sound bad together as words
It's their meanings together that can be dubious
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver They are both skins used for... I don't know.
@Keepthesemind Seriously, I could just make up a word right now
It means horrible murder
Now it sounds bad
Now it means chocolate cake
So it's good
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver I tried neglecting practical afterlife symbiosis.
^ This might be an ugly sentence.
unless you don't like chocolate, but that's irrelevant to the metaphor
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Yes, well I meant words that are usually used.
@Keepthesemind I'm just making a point that words themselves sounding ugly is subjective
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver you embolden random messages, right? I dunno how to emphasize a whole sentence. I dunno how to read that
Meaning gives them true ugliness
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver But colours aren't?
@PhMgBr Tried to italicize it
@Keepthesemind Exactly
I like contrasting colors
They add definition to the individual colors themselves
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver No, you don't.
@Keepthesemind Really, I do.
My favorite flag is Seychelles, and it's a rainbow.
They make you... dizzy, fuzzy, confused?
Maybe you
It's all opinion when it comes to that kind of thing
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver You, the internet, too.
@Keepthesemind Not me at all
@Mitch Would also like to disagree
Which brings me to the next question. What is the average opinion of the internet? E.g., does it have political leanings that are different from the general population?
Of course
General demographics use the internet
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Yet another reason you should use asterisks not underscores.
@PhMgBr Unless it's in computer code
That would be weird
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Those two answers seem contradictory.
@Keepthesemind General
Meaning that other demographics populate it too
Just significantly less
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver You mean you use something other than `` for computer code?
@PhMgBr Yah, underscores
I mean when I'm actually coding
Not spelling it out
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver Do people still 'code' in 2016?
@Keepthesemind Do websites exist in 2016?
@Demisemihemidemisemiquaver No.
@PhMgBr Oh wait right
My entire life is just my imagination
Forgot that for a second
I posted on meta.puzzling.

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