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Darn it!
I can't possibly be interesting. I tell no interesting tales when there are minors present.
But yes, I left my dog in October because I wanted another dog
@Kitḫ Then pretend I'm not a minor.
@kit not a minor any more
@Mahnax Can't, sorry. Mom instincts.
@Kitḫ Interesting enough!
@Kitḫ Right, right. Forgot about those.
Animal stories.
@Mahnax No offense. When you are older.
@simchona A specific dog? Or just any other dog?
@Kitḫ Heh. I understand.
@Cerberus Must be a specific one, but it didn't work out.
Probably the dog was a dog-person!
So I gathered.
That would explain everything!
@Kitḫ Hmm, how likely is that?
@Cerberus In college? Very likely.
The other dog was a cat person who didn't want a cat.
Oh. Bummer.
Oh well.
@simchona Ahh I see.
There's plenty of time. No need to rush these things.
tries to remember what it was like to be 19
So what will you get at the pet shop next time? Dog? Cat? Rabbit?
I found a temporary dog.
Does it have three heads?
Did you keep his leash sufficiently tight?
Is he housetrained?
@Kitḫ If there is any other, I must have it first!
@Cerberus Uh, dude.
I'm talking about you.
No way.
He is house trained I believe. Cant really be my dog though
Too bad.
Does it realize this?
So I want another dog.
Well, so long as you are both clear on the matter.
@simchona Or cat?
Or fox?
Hmm not sure I'm a cat person
@Kitḫ Yay!
@kit crystal. We have an agreement.
@simchona But there was a cat you liked last time?
@simchona College is the perfect place to find out!
Was there?
I don't get hit on by dogs or cats.
Oh, did I miscontrue certain metaphors?
@simchona Huh? I'm sure you do.
@simchona That could change, if you are both willing, though.
@cerb not that I've noticed.
@simchona Do you mean at this very moment?
You probably look too young to be hit on by anyone who is not a pervert.
@cerb at any moment.
@Kitḫ Naaaaaaah.
I'm told I look 18. You've seen pics, no?
@simchona Then where did you get your dogs?
@simchona No, I haven't.
Huh? Sure you have.
@cerb I always pick out my own dogs.
Ah, OK.
I remember you were Asian heritage, so I was stereotyping.
Well, dogs are shy animals.
@kit if @cerb starts a chatzy I can share
@Cerberus No, I haven't.
Hmm. Do I need that kind of titillation?
Shall I invite Kit there?
@cerb sure
Okay, done.
I'm gathering evidence.
@Kitḫ Check both rooms: one for the link, the other for the password.
@Cerberus Hello? I'm there already.
@Kitḫ So I noticed!
You OK over here, @Mahnax?
Hu, what happened?
@Kitḫ Yep, fine. Just lonely, as usual.
@Cerberus "Hu"?
Hu, as in, I don't know, just a sound.
@Mahnax Aww, why?
I was reading an article on Less Wrong.
@Cerberus Heh. I don't interact with people in the real world much, so it's my fault.
Hmm, why not?
I don't know.
I think we talked about this before.
Maybe once, it sounds familiar.
He's probably smart.
Surely you talk to people at your job and at school?
And your parents?
Yeah, at work I have to. And at school I talk to all of about five different people, not including teachers.
Well, how is that not much?
@Cerberus He doesn't feel that many of his relationships are deep or meaningful. Come on, puppy. Keep up!
With some of my friends they are.
@Kitḫ See?
And that's perfectly normal and OK.
Hmm, I still don't like most people my age.
@Mahnax So what are you missing? More friends? More contact with friends outside school?
@Cerberus I've been trying to figure that out.
@TofeeqAhmad Why what?
@Kitḫ I agree.
I hardly ever hung out with friends after school until 16 or so.
@Mahnax: , I still don't like most people my age.? referring to your comment
@Mahnax I didn't much like people my own age either, when I was in school.
@TofeeqAhmad Ah. It really helps if you use the arrows. And they tend to be unintelligent, drugged up potty mouths.
Actually, I didn't much like people until graduate school.
Tofeeq: You can hover over Mahnax's line that you want to reply to, and click the grey arrow on the right.
Come to think of it, I don't really much like people now.
Poor Cerb.
@Mahnax: but you can enjoy only with them.
Cerb's not people.
You got me there.
@Mahnax:as they have same level of energy as they have
@TofeeqAhmad Please use the arrows, I have no idea what you're trying to respond to.
@Mahnax: i do not know how to use arrow man
See the tiny grey arrow on the right?
@Cerberus Maybe you should circle them.
Or do that.
@TofeeqAhmad Click the image to see a bigger version.
@Mahnax @Mahnax:oh i got it
@TofeeqAhmad Good! But when you use the arrow, you don't need to type my name.
How old is 36 dog years in cat years ?
@simchona Good question.
36, innit?
Anyway, too old.
For a young cat.
Even if the dog and cat are just out for a romp in the park.
I agree it looks too old.
Well, I wouldn't know about the romp.
I don't think the dog and cat are going out much
Well, actually, maybe the romp is OK.
Just the romp
I had a good romp with that same difference, but I was older and more experienced.
I had a very bad relationship with a similar age difference at the same age.
Isn't it twice your age minus seven, max?
I forgot the formula.
No, half your age plus seven is the minimum.
So for a 36 year old dog, 25 should be the minimum.
So that's 25.
Soo too old.
Way too old.
Just a temporary romp. No real cat/dog relationship
By the way, I recommend semi-sleazy bars.
I mean, don't ever go there.
For temporary romps with nice doggies?
Anything, really.
@simchona That's all you could reasonably expect, and if it's hot, good for you.
You never know.
But he's probably got issues.
Because of his attachment to younger pets?
Really, yes.
Quite possibly.
I can't see which messages are replies to what. The temporary doggy doesn't make a habit of this
It doesn't seem it when you're younger, but now that I am 35, college students look like children to me.
Even if it's not a regular thing for him, I still think it's a bit disturbing.
Is he a grad student?
Disturbing is a bit too strong.
No relation to college
You don't know him.
@Kitḫ Hm, you're my mom's age.
@Mahnax Delete!
@Cerberus It's OK.
@Cerberus That's true.
Yeah, it's not that bad.
It seems suspicious though.
But it is funner to scream "delete".
Why someone so young who also looks young and vulnerable?
Did you pursue him?
Oh, sorry. If you don't mind me asking.
I look young and vulnerable?
I'll tell you in chatzy
@simchona If I were a predator, I would target you, my precious. <humor>
Well, I don't know.
I'm going to bed. Night all!
Good night!
It's me for bed as well. Good night!
5 hours later…
@matt Boo!
@cerb Are you awake?
hi @Jasper - was reading last night's / this morning's antics :D
@MattЭллен You mean the transcript?
Well, I think I should go get a physical examination done at least. I have some difficulty climbing stairs now, dizziness, headaches.
I finally got SSH setup on my webserver so I can get to it anywhere there's internet access!
@JasperLoy that's not a good sign
Probably anxiety related, but maybe I already have a brain tumour.
sounds like low blood pressure
It is probably caused by severe stress over the years.
or maybe high blood pressure?
I'm not sure
Well, I hope things improve this year. Although my plan did not start well, I hope I can be flexible about it.
something to do with the pressure of your blood
@JasperLoy flexibility is the key to success
My guess? Some kind of brain damage caused by you know what.
I think it's time to try medication.
not that I'm an expert, but it doesn't sound like symptoms of any kind of brain damage I've read about
There are studies to show that stress damages the brain.
I'm hopeful that your brain is fine
Damage can be interpreted very broadly.
Degenerating neurons.
but then you'd present symptoms of neural degeneration. Headaches are not in the brain, but the scalp
Yes I hope my brain is fine. I still want to solve the millenium problems with mahnax in future!
dizziness occurs due to problems in your ears
@JasperLoy good! that's a great thing to aim for
I actually have two doctor friends, and another two with psychologist wives.
They tell me to do this and that but you can say I am very stubborn.
But I do reconsider options from time to time.
that's all part of being flexible
So what is your favourite branch of psychology?
I'm most interested in the psychology of language, but I'm best read in cognitive visual psychology
@MattЭллен I lost much hair.
I read about neuropsychology as part of that
@JasperLoy that does sound stress related, although it can be indicative of many things
I have a few balding friends who are younger than me
it's odd to see them look older than me :D
Perhaps they will regenerate and look younger soon.
my boss is going grey and he is but 1 year older than I
Colour is fine. Quantity is more important!
Grey hair can look very nice.
Some people I have seen have grey hair when they are 15, genetic.
indeed it can
@JasperLoy wow, that's unusual.
My friend gave me a box of tea for Christmas present.
So any interesting presents you got?
the robot in my avatar is a USB hub I got as a gift from a friend
Oh yes @matt, which email should I use from now?
use the not public one
it should have space now
Have you cleared it?
lots of old useless emails are gone!
@MattЭллен If you ever need I can send you a gmail invite!
With gmail you will never need another account!
@JasperLoy oh, I have a googlemail account!
but I use that far less than the other two
@MattЭллен Then why not use that?
because I like using the email address from my own domain
@MattЭллен I see. OK.
it's less generic
I have to go and buy food. BBL!
3 hours later…
@Jasper: When you feel dizzy and short of breath, could that be hyperventilation?
Many people have that in combination with anxiety. You don't even notice you're breathing slightly too fast.
Hi @Cerberus!
ummm, I take it your clock is still wrong ;)
Hehe yes.
@cerb how's my cuddle dog?
I thought you had another cuddle dog!
Scared away apparently.
I have a temp dog but he doesn't have three heads. There's always a place in my heart for you @cerb.
how was your play last night, @Cerberus?
Cats who like dogs who like dogs.
@simchona Twisted!
@MattЭллен It was a bit static, but all right.
The best thing about it, however, is that its performance resumes a tradition kept up between 1638 and 1969, when the play was suddenly no longer performed every year at the start of the year.
But it's not a great play: nearly all action is not acted out, but recounted by people sitting in a castle!
huh, that seems to somewhat defeat the point of action!
Indeed it does.
And that while the city is plundered, warriors killed, nuns raped!
and all they did was sit and chat?!
Sounds fun.
Well, they fought, but it wasn't displayed!
It is the playwright's fault.
flipping playwrights
How dare they
I don't know who I'm supposed to be angry at.
all of them
All of who--dogs?
Oh. Ok. Grr.
dogs are great :D
What about cats?
Finished the test!!
Cats are lovely, but they make me sneeze
congrats @SonicTheHedgehog!
Now I'm gonna play for a whole day!!!
Ack. My eyelid always decides to itch when I put time into doing makeup
Got a night out on the town planned, @simchona?
or an afternoon, as it probably is there
@matt I just like looking pretty during the day. No plans tonight.
@Cerberus — Hence Schopenhauer's chiastic pun upon the death of an old woman to whom he owed money: Obit anus abit onus.
@SonicTheHedgehog How did it go??
@Robusto Haha, very nice.
@Cerberus — "Nice" isn't a word I would use to describe Schopenhauer. Clever? Of course.
The vowels are chiastic, while the rest of the words are parallel.
He was a complex mo-fo, that one.
@Robusto I'm trying to kick the habit of using "nice" all the time, but it is hard.
Complex indeed.
Stare into his eyes. It will cure you of using the word "nice" — if anything will.
Every time I understand his philosophy about will, I know I will forget again in a matter of weeks.
> Unter Wille versteht Schopenhauer, von der östlichen Philosophie inspiriert, ein kosmisches Prinzip der Existenz, das für das individuelle Dasein in der Welt verantwortlich ist und lässt sich u.a. als "einen blinden ziellosen Drang zu Leben" beschreiben. Für Schopenhauer sind Menschen, Tiere, Pflanzen, so wie auch Steine bzw. alle Form von Materie, Teil dieses Prinzips.
> Schopenhauer sieht in dem Prinzip des Willens das Ding an sich. Nach Schopenhauer existiert nur in der Welt der Objekte eine Individualität, eine Vielfalt. Der Wille bildet die Einheit, die im Menschen so wie im Stein in gleichem Maße vorhanden ist.
> Schopenhauer believed that humans were motivated by only their own basic desires, or Wille zum Leben (Will to Live), which directed all of mankind.
@Cerberus What's so hard to understand? See, if you simply read the English Wikipedia it gets a lot simpler.
But it is not entirely correct, or at least not complete.
It is Wikipedia, so ... what's your point, exactly?
That it is only hard to understand if extended to lifeless things.
Otherwise it is trivial.
Well, as I understand it he believed Wille to mean something like what we mean when we say spirit or animating force. Drive.
In a way, perhaps; but I think it is more subtle.
I don't think he considered a rock animated or spirited.
The term has acquired overtones of domination, which I think are not warranted in his usage.
Absolutely not warranted.
Where has it acquired these overtones?
Well, your own quote says "For Schopenhauer, people, animals and plants, just like stones, are all forms of matter, part of this principle."

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