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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

@choster Thanks, I appreciate that.
@Cerberus i'm sure Trump doesn't care what anyone who signed that thinks.
1 hour later…
@tchrist I have trouble using deart and rump so closely juxtaposed.
ooh...pretty font colors on main
@Mitch Hello.
woo hoo I 'm here!!
The presenting problem was a wave of low-quality questions (LQQ), leading to a wave of discussions about the same.
There was a reaction of sorts, with calls for heavier 'fly-swatters'.
and you want a way to tell the OP more explicitly what to do to fix their question.
(still going...)
why not just ... I don't know... write a comment?
The reaction was basically to close hard and fast, but that led to the notion that ELU was becoming an unfriendly place.
However, the action of closing off-topic questions is actually part of the way SE was set up.
sure. keep going.
So we had something of a dilemma - alienate people who could become valuable contributors on this community,
or allow LQQs to turn away current valuable community members.
(... still going ...)
I suggested that for those who were a good fit for ELU, it would help to tell them that the on-hold process wasn't slamming a door in their face, as it were.
Instead, it is an invitation to improve their question.
That's the first part.
The second part is with reviewers.
i thought that first part was motivation for reviewers.
Some people (me included) feel reluctant to close salvageable questions if there could be a perception that this was the end of the road as far at that OP's question was concerned.
sure. that's (supposed to be) understood about the closing process.
Making the reopen process explicit helps with reducing that perception.
(Or perhaps the impression of that perception).
That's the second part.
The third part is with the review process itself.
I only came to this third part a little later ...
so how do you propose to make it explicit? (I didn't 'get' that from the meta posts)
... when reviewing the reopen queue. They are sometimes really hard to follow, in the sense that the original reasons for closing need to be weighed against what exactly improved.
Sometimes, it's a judgement call.
It helps if the OP explicitly says what they did.
Also, the reopen queue is populated on any edit.
So it also helps to know that a specific post is there intentionally.
Not just as a 'general improvement of grammar' type of edit.
Ok, let's go back to your questions.
@Mitch Writing a comment works. The problem is that with the LQQs we were having, the comments could take quite a bit of time to draft. An automatic note would have reduced the hassle.
OK. but an automatic note? Are you suggesting let's say 'reopen' vote reasons? (as duals to close vote reasons)
Or isn't an edit implicitly a request to vote to reopen as an opposite for the given close reason?
@Mitch wash your butt
@tchrist Mom! Not in front of my friends!
@Mitch A lot of visitors don't seem to visit the help pages. It doesn't help that it's not called "FAQ"; the layout overall is also somewhat haphazard for someone not familiar with it. There was a tendency for the general feel of comments to degenerate into 'go away'. Perhaps not intended, but certainly perceived.
@Lawrence I have a hard time finding things I have visited before. This is a classic problem with wikis, links, and doc navigation.
Why are we red?
@Lawrence OK but that just seems that all that is needed is encouragement for reviewers to not do that
@Mitch The proposal is to put something on the "on-hold" notice, possibly (but not necessarily) with a link to something more substantial. The 'trial' on meta is just a way to try out the concept before asking for the real notices to be changed.
@tchrist Are we? I only see font color changes on main/meta menus
Q: Dropdowns (site chooser, inbox, notifications, mod inbox) no longer use uniform styling

Monica CellioUntil very recently the "site chooser" dropdown looked the same everywhere for me, approximately like this: Just now I went to a meta site and saw weird meta-themed colors: Holy orange links, Batman! That's new. So I looked at some other sites, and even on main the chooser sometimes has v...

@Lawrence "The proposal is to put something on the "on-hold" notice" I feel like I'm in a star trek episode where I just don't understand words that I've used forever but are used differently from what I expect. What is 'on the "on-hold" notice'?
@Mitch Not 'reopen' vote reasons - that wasn't part of what was envisaged. I meant something that would automatically tell the OP to edit to improve their question.
@tchrist I think it's purty
@Mitch The notice that comes up when a question gets 5 close votes.
It has the words "on hold" on it.
@Lawrence something beyond the simple and simple to look up [on-hold] added to the question title?
Isn't all that in the FAQ already?
What do you think @Cerberus? How would phrase structure grammars deal with classic formal latin? not that Pompeii gutter talk.
@Mitch No, edits are sometimes done for cosmetic reasons, or to correct an upvote or downvote. These are not necessarily sanctioned, but since the reason for the edit isn't stated, you'll have to read through the post to find out - a waste of time, sometimes.
Perhaps something a little more encouraging like: "this question is not yet ready to be answered" :-)
@Lawrence ?? sure edits are done all the time. why does that have anything to do with reopening?
@skillpatrol yeah
@Lawrence are you saying that some questions that have been closed then get edited (and auto-put onto the reopen queue) but the edit didn't address the close reason? OK, then comment to say that. I don't get this meta-question posting thing. I feel like all the pieces are already there in SE (this is a general SE phenomenon not just ELU) to deal with it with the same expected outcome as you want, no need for extra weird behavior to learn on the reviewer end.
@Mitch I've had someone so unhappy with my attempts at such comments that they deleted their question and presumably left ELU altogether. There are also protests on meta against 'unfriendliness'. This is just the effect on the OP. The effect on the commenter in such situations can also be unwelcome, especially if no unkindness was intended.
@Mitch Yes. It should be clearer that on-hold is actually a different thing from go-away. You may think it's obvious, but visitors say otherwise. From the existing notice, it's also not clear that there's a reopen process at all. So from the OP's perspective, what do they do now? Even if they edit, will it make any difference?
@Lawrence OK. That is an entirely sitewide problem with the whole close feature.
But I still have no idea what your suggestion is to do about it.
@Mitch The pieces are there, but not obviously so. At minimum, what I'm proposing is to simply tell the OP on the on-hold notice that there is a review process, and how to get onto it. Also, as a reviewer, I'd much prefer to see the OP justify their own review request and simply check if it addresses the close reasons.
But your meta post seemed to be suggesting to write answers to that metapost. That just seems weird.
why would anyone care there?
why would the OP look there?
are you suggesting SE feature request to modify the reopen queue feature?
@Mitch It was initially intended as a place for the OP to make an appeal to reopen. The first post there didn't get the picture and didn't edit at all. I've tried to address that with V2.1.
so the OP edits and comments somewhere (like maybe the edit comment line?) what the change was trying to do? what is this check? is it behavioral or is it some kind of popup box that asks 'did you address the close reason?'?
@Mitch The meta question would pop to the top of the queue with each new 'answer'.
@Mitch We link to it (I'm starting to do this again now that V2.1 is up).
@Lawrence an appeal to reopen is reasonable and people often do that on meta, often including what the OP did to make their qn better. why would you want a whole extra thing to learn, like only doing such a request on a special meta question?
@Mitch No, it's not something addressable at the reopen end, I think. It needs to be addressed when the question is closed / put on hold.
@Lawrence the meta question for the one nonmetaquestion-reopen request would already do that.
@Mitch Yes! The OP edits, then comments on their own question. That would be sufficient.
@Lawrence so work with me... who then (since it is not the OP) would do that? the first closer? the last? and how? by a change in behavior or a change in software?
@Mitch That was what I originally suggested - just tell the OP to edit and then post on meta. There was some objection that this would flood meta with reopen requests.
@Lawrence exactly. that's already done when one edits the question. why do we need extra stuff to learn to do what is already there.
@Lawrence we've told people to do that before. no flood.
@Mitch As I envisage it, no one. The on-hold notice would say something like "Edit your question to address the reasons for closure. This would bring your question up for review. Add a comment to say what you've done. Here is a link to some general resources and how to better structure questions."
OP comment: why was my qn closed?
commenter: it sucked
OP comment: how can I get it reopened?
commenter: try meta
@Lawrence I see people on all sorts of SE sites getting upset over votes to close, comments asking for more information, or things like that. Some people leave the site forever, call people Hitler, and so forth. I think to a certain extent that's unavoidable if we want to have moderation. Some people just don't react well to negative feedback.
@Lawrence that's not in the FAQ/help? Are you suggesting a SW feature that gives a popup worded like that? Where and when would that appear to the OP?
@Mitch It's for the OP's benefit and to help reviewers evaluate posts queued for reopening.
@Mitch :) . Happy to go with that also.
@Mitch (How do you make a single multi-line message?)
Hit shift-enter.
@Lawrence that motivation doesn't differentiate between your (still unexplained) solution and what's already there.
@Mitch There's a problem when the OP leaves before line 3. Then the commenter gets flagged for abuse.
@Lawrence Also? what is that an alternative to?
@snailboat To a certain extent, having this come up automatically gets rid of that interpersonal battlezone.
@Lawrence magic. what snailboat said. good thoughts. and a little onion powder.
@Mitch I'm suggesting the notice is worded something like that, more thought out etc, but essentially those are the elements I propose.
Hey, this works :) .
@Lawrence Soln: don't be a jerk. (which is repeated constantly here (could be repeated more than that)) ALso, don't take it personally.
@Lawrence what 'automatically'?
@Mitch My proposed solution is the extra wording on the notice, wording that isn't already there.
if you have a feature request, you should think about how it would appear. Where exactly and by what trigger.
@Lawrence Which notice?
@Mitch That's an alternative to having a single meta question like V2.1.
@Lawrence the single meta question is crazy complicated.
@Mitch :)
it's hard enough for people to do simple things that already exist
@Mitch On the on-hold notice. You're not having me on, are you :) .
@Lawrence I'm not having you on.What on-hold notice? Is this a popup?
In my experience, a lot of people skip the "why was my question closed" and "how do I get this reopened" steps and go straight to "this site is bad, and you're all bad for using it". Actually, it seems like only a relatively small proportion of closed questions on the sites I'm active on ever get improved and reopened :-( What are the reopen stats like on EL&U?
@Mitch See previous message :) .
I can't seem to words today :-)
@Lawrence argh. -which- notice? is. it. a. popup?
@Mitch It's a workaround. If we get the on-hold notices changed, it can go away entirely.
@Mitch I'll try to find one for you. Hang on.
@Lawrence thanks.
@snailboat yes. even though the close and reopen queues are dual, it is very easy for reviewers to ignore the reopen queue. But that's no about the OP bothering to fix things.
Here you go - it's that thing with a yellow background. It starts with "put on hold as off-topic by ..."
Q: I only read a small portion of the book

Ricky Is this a correct sentence? Or is there any other word I can use in place of portion?

On Japanese.SE, in the last 90 days we've reopened 4% of closed questions, and on ELL, they've reopened almost 10%.
@snailboat Perhaps we're more aggressive with closing questions at ELU.
The percent of edited and reopened is smaller.
@Lawrence I'm sure that's true.
30 mins ago, by skill patrol
Perhaps something a little more encouraging like: "this question is not yet ready to be answered" :-)
@snailboat Same comment :) .
I think mainly because EL&U has more active users who can vote to close.
@Lawrence OK cool. Then why didn't you just say that in your meta post instead of the convoluted thing the math people are doing?
But I don't actually know what the EL&U close statistics look like.
@snailboat how did you get those for ELL and J?
@snailboat ELU and Programmers are apparently two of the highest traffic sites. The idea that close-voting is an invitation to edit sound ridiculous, but that's the mechanism here. Perhaps that cognitive dissonance is the problem.
Go to /tools/question-close-stats?daterange=last90days
is that data.se.com?
@Mitch It made sense to me :) . And I left it up as a draft on the main question so others could pick up things like that :) .
I'll have another look at the wording.
@Lawrence one person's inscrutable is another's ... scrutable.
I only have enough reputation to see that page on ELL and Japanese.SE.
I think.
Yeah, I need to get to 10k reputation.
I only have 5432 reputation!
@snailboat Ok, not Programmers, then.
Maths, certainly.
Japanese.SE is a little site :-)
Hey I'd love to debate all night but my eyes are about to explode from being open too long. Keep up the good fight!
Have a good night, Mitch!
@snailboat Shared rep between ELL and ELU would make sense.
Time for me to go, too - bye!
I think I'm kind of glad they're separate.
Talk to you later, Lawrence!
@snailboat I suppose it would only make sense when the questions and their answers are of a similar nature regardless of which site they're posted on. Otherwise, yes, separate community (ethos, interest, focus, etc), separate rep - particularly if you'd answer in a different manner on each site.
Any idea what's wrong with the following answer I posted?
A: Does "Reducing/ Minimizing your cost" make sense?

LawrenceAs I understand your question, you are asking whether the phrase "reduce your cost" is a contradiction in terms because you consider cost to not be yours until the time of payment. Let's look at the definition of cost: Cost noun 1 An amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain som...

6 hours later…
I have a new robot friend! His name is "Awesome Storm".
@KitZ.Fox Raises eyebrow
Awesomest or m?
We got our new Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit yesterday.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 OMG IT IS SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!
@KitZ.Fox Soon you'll fall down the rabbithole of buying more motors, sensors, and eventually a whole nother kit so you can build a twice-as-powerful Awesome Storm
@Lawrence I think the problem likes in you chosen definition for "cost" and its usage.
This morning, my son held me down and said "you are not allowed to spend all your money on Mindstorms stuff."
It's perfectly acceptable to refer to "your costs" meaning the expenses you routinely incur or pay. "Price" is not a synonym for "cost" here.
@KitZ.Fox lol
My son is saving up for the Fortrex. He got some birthday gifts he wants to exchange, and we've agreed to buy out the store credit he'll receive.
I'm excited that he might actually be patient enough to pull it off.
The Nexo Knights theme has really struck a chord with him.
It's pretty cool.
For my eldest, we offered to match funds that he raised on his own outside of his allowance.
He sold some toys at a yard sale and collected our bottles and cans.
And got Gramma and Grandpa to match funds as well.
That's how he got a 3DS for his birthday.
It's pretty cool, although we really don't need more devices.
It's hard for me to say no to things that I like and wanted and couldn't have when I was a kid.
Although I was a lot older when GameBoy was a thing.
I think.
yeah, so much older
Oh 1989. Hmm.
does maths
I'm older than you, @Matty.
I know :D
you're gen X.
you're practically pension age
Milestone birthday this year.
It's on my mind a lot lately for some reason.
being 35 means I'm a millennix, not quite one, not quite the other
@KitZ.Fox what's it doing up there?
Bothering me.
it's not so much a milestone as it used to be. It's impressive to survive so long, but you're still in your prime
Well. I did have sexual relations recently.
I'm pretty good at coding too.
I seem to be doing this parenting thing sufficiently well.
I learned recently that manipulating objects in 3D space is really good for engineering skill development.
Also playing 3D video games.
@KitZ.Fox excellent news!
So robots are going to help my sons hone their brilliant brains.
throws things around room
Singularity, here we come!
@MattE.Эллен hahaha
I've been manipulating things in 2D space recently. I just bought Hyper Light Drifter
I recently learned that you can get two sand-green unikitty horns for $10.
it reminbds me of zelda
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 cheap at twice the price!
@MattE.Эллен yeah.... well. They're only available in an out-of-production $hundreds kit (the Sea Cow) or an unavailable Toys-R-Us giveaway from Christmas or this discounted Ninjago flyer set. whee!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ah, point taken. Thanks!
1 hour later…
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 without looking it up, is that a thing you put on your cat to put a unicorn horn on their head?
why don't you give the cat a bath too while you're at it.
@MattE.Эллен old people suck
what with their labels and generalizations and essentialism and ... oh why yes I do have a few tissues on me just in case.
I'm going to put my turn signal on and just leave it there. In your face, millenials!
That's unikitty
That's the breakdown of Unikitty horn availability.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 This looks delicious
Mmmm ice cream
Well, it's made of ABS plastic and voiced by Alison Brie
@Mitch I'm not entirely up to date on phrase-structure grammar, but I suspect it would fail miserably?
How did this come up?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But some voters might.
Over a million people have signed the petition already.
@Cerberus I dunno. Trump voters are not swayed by facts or logic or appeals to humanity or anything foreigners say/think/care
Potential Trump voters.
People who may or may not vote for him.
Those are the people any political campaign aims at anyway.
Trump is so polarizing, there's basically no middle ground
and the probability of voting for trump goes up as the caring what others think goes down.
Again, it's swing voters that you would target.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Abbreviation for orientation.
Yes. I was quoting myself suggesting that.
@Cerberus again. I'm saying there are no swing voters for Trump.
> Nunberg asked women in Connecticut who opposed marijuana legalization who they respected more: a politician who is also charitable and a world-renowned businessman, father and grandfather or an “Elderly woman who not only openly allows her husband to have affairs but tries to silence the women.”
well both are against smoking no?
I'd vote for anyone who could ban/eradicate smoking in all possible ways
@crl The Islamic State is against drugs. They will probably decapitate anyone who dares to smoke. Would you vote for them?
> The Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria has long imposed a strict ban on alcohol, cursing, smoking and other acts deemed haram, or sinful. But it seems smoking may be the vice that's most offensive to ISIS, considering the severed head of an ISIS official that was reportedly found last month in eastern Syria with a cigarette in its mouth. “This is not permissible, Sheikh,” a note attached to the nearby corpse read in Arabic, the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.
> some ultraconservative variations of Sharia law condemn the practice as a slow form of suicide, and therefore haram -- forbidden.
> Islamic State: Smoking will kill you, one way or another
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It depends on the locale.
There are swing voters for any candidate.
i.imgur.com/Hv085x8.png can someone explain?
@Cerberus They are right for this part, that doesn't prove anything if you just take this precept
also I wouldn't stand near this fire..
@crl Haha, Mr Shiny would agree with this character.
@crl It does mean that you would vote for IS?
Too bad they can't be voted for...
@crl I was thinking the same thing!
But actually all fires are health hazards. Wood smoke is said to be far more carcinogenic than tobacco smoke.
I think Islam is against smoking which is for once a good precept, but those isis radicalisations are a bit extreme of course
@crl I am a Muslim, I despise smoking but I don't decapitate smokers. :)
I don't have anything against them personally, but the problem is we share the same air, which isn't air anymore after they pass
@crl You said you'd vote for anyone!
@IͶΔ Same here, except for the Muslim part.
I mean, come on! How many Iranians do you think would go and play jihad against Americans if they see them?
It's funny that people don't realize ISIS being a Muslim is irrelevant. Shows how many don't sit and think for five minutes.
At least, think freely and without some media effect.
@IͶΔ All Muslims are terrorists, and all Westerners torture people in Guantanamo. And all Hindus kill Muslims. And all Chinese kill dissidents.
@IͶΔ I think the overwhelming majority of people realise that very well!
@Cerberus Eh?
@Cerberus All tables are flipped! (/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻
The overwhelming majority of people worldwide realise that IS is just a radical gang.
That they are very far apart from almost all Muslims.
my best friends at the end of studies were Moroccans, so great guys
Just as I think most people know the American torturers do not represents the others.
@Cerberus I'm not so sure, considering how people seem to express their idea here and there.
Blame a person for his actions, not for what group you think he belongs to.
On the internet, when I'm not browsing in Persian, I expect to see the words "Muslim" and "terrorist" together, for whatever reason that might be.
@IͶΔ Why so pessimistic?
@IͶΔ That's odd.
Eh, maybe I'm masochistingly delusional.
The West and Iran have just closed a huge deal about lifting sanctions.
We should be optimistic.
And all the major powers in the world are mostly peaceful.
Even secondary powers like Russia are mostly peaceful.
True that
Even the Americans seem to have learned their lesson.
They seem to be reverting to their pre-war, fairly peaceful foreign politics, at least temporarily.
@Cerberus I was trying to change the conversation to something more on-topic and interesting
And Europe's colonialism mostly ended after the War.
in France there are still persons who associate muslims with insecurity and terrorism.. sad
@Mitch Ohh...so what was it about before that?
@crl Still, almost all Frenchmen will agree that most Muslims aren't violent.
I'd hope so
@Cerberus And Antarcticans are cold at heart
@Mitch And they all live in igloos.
@crl I associate Muslin with great fashion sense.
In any case, just because two words have keyness in some certain contexts doesn't mean that they're bound to happen together in general. Not to mention that we should be careful with our data interpretations.
@Cerberus nope. that's Arcticans. The Antarcticans live in outgloos. It's all very logical.
@Cerberus enh. it's not that funny nor is it sexist.
@Mitch I appreciate your nonsensicality, but we must not forget to continue to spread misinformed stereotypes.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why is "which" not sexist? It sounds like witch, which means "mean in a way that only women can be".
And the word is used a lot.
@Cerberus wha?? stops smoking trees
I'm sure which could offend women. They have to listen to it all day and every day.
@Cerberus Yeah, I didn't understand the comic either.
@Mitch Vitaly posted some research papers. A wood fire is very carcinogenic. Just like barbecuing.
@Cerberus I'm doing my part. I've forgotten already
@Cerberus only strawman-feminists get upset at things like that.
@Cerberus I've heard the similar about marijuana.
Why should he be sexist but not which?
@Mitch Oh, interesting.
@Cerberus Are you being serious? you're not being serious. I refuse to bite.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think it's because he was worried about having a woman do work for him. I don't think the word "sandwich" was the issue.
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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