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There might be additional criteria, like those answers being from new users.
I don't remember well.
@ValentinTihomirov You seem to be frustrated that one of your questions got closed.
@IͶΔ Hello.
If I were you, I'd've taken a look back at myself and wonder how this system would've survived 6 frigging years if it contained obvious flaws.
@Rathony Hullo
@IͶΔ The problem for ELU is not whether 3 votes or more votes are deleted from VLQ. The real problem is one-off users leave crap on old questions randomly.
They just Google and come to ELU and leave crappy answer and go.
I was just explaining what might have been referred to as "auto-protect".
I know.
I don't think ELU questions need so many auto-protection as Overflow.
There's nothing wrong ELU except where there's something wrong with ELU.
@IͶΔ not to defend Val's position, but lots of systems survive that
We need auto-protection for one-rep users' abuse.
@Mitch Yeah sure, but what percent of people in those are happy?
of the right to post an answer to any question.
And hey, we're talking about internet, not real life.
6 internet years were 72 real life years sometimes.
@IͶΔ They've convinced themselves they're happy.
It depends on how you spend your life. 25 mile run sometimes feel like 10 years.
@Mitch That doesn't happen on a system where the more you participate the more you see.
@Rathony or forever if you don't make it.
@Mitch Yes. exactly.
@IͶΔ Val's point is this. Why the hell do you need to include research when you can also find those research on the internet?
Like Phidippides. died at the finish line.
@Mitch That's the dream for marathoners
@Rathony You should've showed some of the gifted "wat doz dis mean" questions.
Then he'd understand.
dying feeling runner's high
@IͶΔ Nope. He is really pissed off.
your heart exploding in your chest lends a feeling of warmth all over your body.
and then cold. so so cold
It's better dying suffering from all those horrible diseases
@Rathony sobs quietly
@IͶΔ I felt the same way when I joined ELU.
Meta's been fun today.
@Rathony To reply to a particular message, click on the arrow to the left of a message and choose 'reply to the message'
@Rathony It's 'cause honestly nowhere on internet is as governed as here.
@Mitch Now I understand how it works. I didn't know that
@Mitch . . . that is, if you're on a desktop SE UI. CC @Rath
@IͶΔ Yep, pretty much. Jeff had a really good new idea. Some other sites have moderators, but I don't think they come from the answering community.
@Rathony nice!
@IͶΔ the phone app allows it but slightly differently.
@IͶΔ Circlejerk is the best
@Mitch Yah
@Rathony what are these 100 sites?
@Mitch I feel bad after reading the "why you people are so rude..."
@Rathony oh...pfft.. the dude is ... problematic
@Mitch I meant there are many.
@Rathony It occasionally comes up on meta. Also how I learned to grow a bullet-proof skin.
it is difficult to communicate coherently with him
@Mitch There is no solution for Val. Take it or leave it.
@Rathony yahoo answers is the only one I can think of.
Nope. There are more.
Not very active.
actually dict.leo has a QA feature which is really great for translators. but that's all I know. some of the language learning sites have things, but those are not google searchable.
@IͶΔ My question is this. Why some users would not want to go to ELL where they belong?
@Rathony nobody wants to be in the 'slow' class.
5 mins ago, by Mitch
@Rathony To reply to a particular message, click on the arrow to the left of a message and choose 'reply to the message'
@Mitch Then, we allow them who leave this shitty answer to crap?english.stackexchange.com/questions/311721/…
@Mitch They can get faster if they start slow.
@Mitch The same rule applies to running. You can never run 25 miles unless you can run a few miles.
@Rathony I don't disagree, I'm just explaining why they might feel like doing ELU instead of ELL. Also, they probably googled and were brought to ELU first and don't know about ELL. The first one you find is the one you think is right.
@Rathony Which message are you referring to? I can't tell.
@Mitch This is the first hit I found with English Q&A site
@Mitch I am getting used to it...
@Rathony better!
You also don't have to type out a full name.
@Rathony 70 80 90 95 99% don't know it exists.
@Mitch My view is this. They stay here because they think they can stay here. Nope. They will be more welcome and upvoted on ELL. Why bother to stay here?
Because this site is called "English".
And it comes up higher in Google.
@IͶΔ @I I am talking about a user who has been advised to go to ELL repeatedly.
@IͶΔ I am not talking about a newbie. A user like this one who left an answer. english.stackexchange.com/questions/311721/…
@IͶΔ Look at this answer. You will have a heart attack. english.stackexchange.com/questions/311715/…
All answers to closed questions. english.stackexchange.com/questions/309933/…
All crap.
Oh. Weird.
You tell me.
@IͶΔ And I am the only one who says go to ELL where you belong.
I want to call it trolling.
They don't belong on ELL if they answer bad questions.
I know you don't agree. Don't say that
They belong on Yahoo Answers.
We're not your dumpster.
@IͶΔ Where else can we dump such a user?
Tenure and charge have nothing common
@Rathony Just downvote until they get the ban they deserve.
And f-ing generous ELU is not downvoting this crap. Nobody.
The answer is worse than Yahoo.
The question is not Yahoo question if it is better worded.
@IͶΔ Now you understand why I close-voted the OP's meta post? meta.english.stackexchange.com/questions/7761/…
@Rathony That won't work.
Just ignore the OP for now.
@IͶΔ That's what I will do.
@IͶΔ ELU has the same problem as ELL.
@Rathony M'yeah.
Most SE's share more or less of the same problem.
@IͶΔ I used your Meta post. Ha ha ha.
Actually, we should be thankful that we don't have eminent rep farmers on ELU.
@IͶΔ Look at the first commenthttp://english.stackexchange.com/questions/311715/is-editablility-an-inco‌​rrect-word
@IͶΔ You don't know much about ELU.
On ELL, well, it's so much of a hocus pocus to decide.
@Rathony Of course.
How can I know when I don't participate?
@IͶΔ Exactly. We do have some.
You do. At least you don't have a 90k-rep rep farmer.
@IͶΔ We do. No worry about it.
@IͶΔ I think 10K rep farmer looks more worrisome than 90K one.
10k will lose interest soon enough.
@IͶΔ It doesn't appear so.
And BTW though it's pretty weird to use kilos here, they don't get capitalized when you use 'em.
@IͶΔ Sorry I don't get it. You mean K?
I see
@Rathony They'll leave the site in the count of a few days.
Some people just can't be on the [less insulting] parts of the internet.
@IͶΔ That's what I told him a few hours ago. Take it or leave it.
1 hour later…
They have much more than ELU to worry about
2 hours later…
Q: Meaning of "We have worked too long for the priests to undermine us with more fairy-tales."

Vv VvI want to know the real meaning of this sentence: We have worked too long for the priests to undermine us with more fairy-tales. Have we worked too long for the priests? Or have we worked too long to be undermined by the priests? The context is that this is a sentence of a story. The pers...

please vote to reopen
2 hours later…
If this was the SFF chat room, it'd been frozen and had all sorts of shenanigans happened. We've all been there I think, when we first try some new SE site and it seems like it's being hostile to us in particular. I don't think (hope) he's actually a troll, just behaving like one, and having a hard time abiding the seemingly arbitrary rules. Rathony took the brunt of it, but I wasn't miffed one way or the other.
We're supposed to disengage right? but IMO that's only for lost causes (which this is borderline) but even Rathony admitted I feel you. Next time just point them to the be nice and be done with it?
1 hour later…
@Mazura Or put JB and VT in their own chat room and walk away.
What fun would that be? ;p
Wait, who's JB? You mean Rath?
You mean Mr. Soapbox? ;)
Man I hate idiots who make a function named aboutToLooseFocus.
What about Control-H?
It offends me to have to call a function with a mispeled name.
I thought it was a universal clavic combination.
But since we're naming names here, what would you call a function that converts SquishticatedMarketingCASEStuffIHate into squishticated_marketing_case_stuff_i_hate?
^H is backspace.
performKeyExchangeExecuteGetStatToGetNotEncryptedData > perform_key_exchange_execute_get_stat_to_get_not_encrypted_data
JPOS_STAT_FailedCardAuthenticationDataCount > jpos_stat_failed_card_authentication_data_count
getCapVariableBatteryCriticallyLowThreshold > get_cap_variable_battery_critically_low_threshold
getElementDeclSubstitutionGroupAffFullName > get_element_decl_substitution_group_aff_full_name
USBHIDDeviceEntityStatusChanged > usbhid_device_entity_status_changed
What about unhump? :)
How the hell people can read that crap I have no idea. I mean really.
Odd names indeed.
Even with the underscores.
Java sucks.
@ValentinTihomirov Hi! You can always ask such questions here in chat and I will look up the etymologies for you. They can only be found in Latin and Greek etymological dictionaries.
I am not aware of an English etymological dictionary available online that traces etymology farther back than the moment a word was borrowed from Latin or Greek.
checkAndCreateTempDtd > check_and_create_temp_dtd
checkForAttributeNameWithPEReference > check_for_attribute_name_with_pe_reference
CheckScannerService19 > check_scanner_service_19
checkSocketError > check_socket_error
ChecksScannedCount > checks_scanned_count
checkUniqueParticleAttribution > check_unique_particle_attribution
compareGetStatsFromPlainTextAndFromCipher > compare_get_stats_from_plain_text_and_from_cipher
CoreDOMImplementationImpl > core_dom_implementation_impl
DeferredCDATASectionImpl > deferred_cdata_section_impl
I mean, my god look at the last one. which is a one and which an ell? Sheesh!
Yeah that sucks.
Although I presume you use a font in your code editor that clearly distinguished between them?
Unless it's late and I'm tired. :)
Admittedly, using l and 1 right next to each other is bad.
Look at that!
What about it?
What the hell is a chararacter set?
I didn't see it at first.
Idiots, pure idiots.
And is onevent supposed to be on_event or one_vent ?
Also, what are pubid things? fgAsciiPubidChar
I think a deli-meter is a unit of measurement in the Hindias.
Notice anything here: IsImplementKeyEchange ?
Hint, it goes with things like isKeyExchangeConnectEmpty and startKeyExchange and of course also performKeyExchangeExecuteGetStatToGetNotEncryptedData.
They misspelled "Exchange" on IsImplementKeyEchange! How can you work with this?!
The last one says "availables" with a final -s, while all the many others do not.
And do you know why this junk exists? Because spell checkers donotknowhowtoparsethese.

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