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@Jasper Happy ELUnniversary! (this message is two days old - just believe)
7 hours later…
It's Monday! And you know what that means? The weekend is over! It's time to get back to W**K! WOOHOO!
Oh, it is so overwhelming.
The joy.
so much joy
hi @Cerberus :)
bites you so you will wake up to enjoy the morning
It was a pleasure.
You seem to be up earlier than normal. Have you had a sleeping break though?
I slept 10pm–2am and 7am–9am.
I don't know whether that is better or worse.
I tried forwarding my sleep cycle.
hmmm. interesting. I hope it's better :)
So I ended up at a bed time of 10 pm yesterday, but, as usual, I woke up after a few hours and couldn't sleep any more.
Then I guess the trick is to stay awake from 2am to 10pm, and go to sleep then. I've only had to do that to stave off jet lag, so I don't know about correcting normal sleeping patterns
or, you could find a place that's doing sleep experiments and be paid to sleep odd hours
MoD often do them here, and other psychology places
@MattЭллен I have been trying something like that, by staying awake for longer than a normal day and trying to sleep for more than 5 hours after that. Hasn't worked during the past few days.
@MattЭллен MoD?
Masters of Dungeons?
@Cerberus Them, and Ministry of Defence :D
I see.
Why they, specifically?
I'm going to take a sleeping pill tonight, I think.
Though it could be that it was the sleeping pills that disturbed my sleep cycle like this (it was bad to begin with, but differently bad).
@Cerberus I guess they want to find ways of allowing troops to work in weird sleeping patterns
I see.
I've not tried sleeping pills. I'm not sure how they work.
Did Eminem get addicted to sleeping pills? Or was that pain killers?
maybe you should try meditation. Just relax yourself before bed time
I read the paper for an hour before going to sleep yesterday. I was completely relaxed, tired, and I fell asleep quickly.
do you know what woke you up?
It's just that I wake up after 3–5 hours. I used to have that only when I went to bed earlier than normal.
@MattЭллен Nothing in particular that I remembered. At the moment I became awake, I was like, oh, I'm awake, and there is no particular reason.
@MattЭллен I tried them, and they are pretty great. When I took half a pill, I slept better, and it was easier to get back to sleep when I woke up at night. It's not as if you would fall asleep immediately after taking a pill; it just helps. Depends on how many you take, of course. But your body gets used to them and gets less sensitive...
So then you want to take more. I didn't want that, so I only took halves, and not every day.
@Cerberus good plan
Yeah...but I'm thinking I should get a normal cycle first, aided by pills, perhaps, and then stop taking any.
Oh, well.
Millions of people are insomniacs.
This room is often chock full of them.
You could run Insomniacs Pseudanonymous
"Hi, my name's Cerberus, I'm an insomniac. I've been getting a regular 4 hours of sleep a night for the past week or so"
Group meeting would be a blast.
maybe a support group will send you to sleep
Everybody dozing off every ten seconds.
I'm going to try going to bed early this week, with or without pills, see how that goes. If it doesn't work, I'm going back to the doctor.
Hopefully the doctor will know what to do
Yeah we'll see...
Maybe I should also stop eating a few hours before bed time.
Oh, well.
These stupid bodies we're cast in.
Is that even English?
I imagine it as God casting our souls into moulds.
I have to not drink anything probably an hour+ before bed, otherwise my bladder wakes me up
Hmm, I understand.
@Cerberus Yes, it's good English
Have you tried just ignoring the feeling and staying put? I usually get over it if I do that, even though it feel like I won't. Of course not drinking is even better.
@Cerberus Yeah, I try and ignore it, but I can't get back to sleep. I always wake up with a dream where I'm urinating!
Rings a bell.
Then no drinkies.
What next will they take away from us?
Our computers?
we'll be forced to sleep on bricks
Well I can do without a pillow.
Hmm bricks, you're sure of that?
That would be uncomfortable.
unless you can rest your head with out it being at an angle
then it'd just be a bed of broken wood
I can sleep on my arm?
Can I fold up a sweater?
I think they will hold all your clothes until you awake
they might even replace the duvet with ants
@MattЭллен Oooh, soothing.
or if you use sheets, then they'll replace those with sands
@MattЭллен Can I use people to sleep on?
@Cerberus only in brothels
I believe the ministry of sex has regulations about that
Then I'll pay the fee.
I'm not too sure what they are though
And do I need to serve there too, to help the others?
It all depends on what your "declared fetishes" are and what you're licensed to practice
Oh shit. I forgot to renew my licenses.
And to declare my fetishes.
I just assumed it would be OK as long as I smiled a lot.
And such.
All this bureaucracy makes things more complicated
I know.
Including flirting.
@Cerberus Aye, there was that loophole for a while
So they closed it up, huh.
Yeah, there was a case of people walking around with smiles permanently on their faces, it was creepy
Were the smiles in fact scars from cuts rubbed in with chemicals?
then there was the problems with defining what a smile actually was
@Cerberus Well, that was how some pimps were getting around the regulations
I see.
Ahhhh! Yes :D
Is that Borat, by the way?
Certainly the guy who plays him. Probably Borat
I haven't seen enough Borat to be sure
Looks like Borat to me.
Not sissy wussy Sacha.
I mean, he is a Jew.
He is a Jew.
I believe his brother is a noted psychologist
And he read history! Very good.
(Reading Wiki, obviously.)
I see! Well, there you go. I don't know a lot about him :)
I less.
migrate to writers?
Q: What are the rules for splitting words at the end of a line?

Mehper C. PalavuzlarWhat are the rules in English language to split words at the end of a line? Where exactly must the hyphen split the word?

@Cerberus what do you think of this call for winter cleaning?
@MattЭллен Hmm I dunno.
@MattЭллен I am against it.
@Cerberus I thought you might be. You prefer thing the way they were?
before gen ref and TPTB's call to close "easy" questions
For the same reason I always stir my tail in this very room: the rules and criteria are quite arbitrary. They change too. If an old question was deemed interesting enough at the time let it be—don't try to apply this week's rules to last year's questions.
@MattЭллен I think we have some great list questions on the site, for example. Like the one about words that are commonly mispronounced by educated speakers.
The most-upvoted answer was hai-PUH-buh-lee, but there was a long list of other good examples too.
Pops out to meeting
here's a good resource for people to learn pronunciation: Pronunciation Manual
I love working here - a place where "reverse the polarity" is sometimes the solution
1 hour later…
Of what? Magnets? The earth?
in this context
"Reverse the polarity" is a Star Trek meme
Ah...of the shields?
Yeah, or other sc-fi sounding stuff :)
The Deflector Array, the Port Ncell, the Phaser
The chronoton particle beam
Hehe, that does sound familiar.
@MattЭллен Don't forget about tachyon particle dispersal.
@Danielδ Thanks for the presents!
@MattЭллен How was lunch?
@JasperLoy good ta. How was dinner?
@MattЭллен Good. I had the usual rice, chicken, egg and veg.
Xmas is just next Sun.
@Kitḫ Hahaha :D
I wonder why so many calendars start with Sun in the row when Mon is the first day of the week by ISO standards.
@JasperLoy That's the problem with using next. I immediatly thought of the next Sunday, which is the 18th. But I wonder if next Sunday really means the Sunday after that?
Because Americans start their week with God.
@Kitḫ And the world follows Big Brother.
Q: Which day does "next Tuesday" refer to?

Chris DwyerAt what point does next Tuesday mean the next Tuesday that will come to pass and no longer the Tuesday after the Tuesday that will come to pass`? And, when does the meaning switch back?

@MattЭллен immediately
@Kitḫ I'm with Albert Herring
@MattЭллен I read up on this some time ago and decided to stick to this convention for myself at least. I use next to mean of the next week where Mon is the first day of the week.
but then, I'm a programmer
@MattЭллен I'm a lunatic.
> This assumes that I know what day it is, which cannot always be relied on.
@Kitḫ :D Quite
This I agree with.
Of course if I were talking to another person I would just use the date to avoid ambiguity.
Though I would still use next as well.
Speaking of programming, anybody remember what I was doing?
@Kitḫ Some user database.
More specifically than that, I mean.
But then, because Christmas is only a week and 6 days away, I think next Christmas would refer to Christmas 2012
@Kitḫ Nope.
It's not 2012?
Shit. Gotta return those calendars.
@Kitḫ were you removing all test users from the production DB?
No, no. I'm looking at my notes...
@MattЭллен Well, I would not use next Christmas in conversation, but it seems I prefer for it to be 2012 even if it were New Year's day.
@Kitḫ Your notebook now is only filled with chat material since you are always making notes.
I remember you said your notebook is quite large.
@Cerberus Boo!
Sunday used to be the first day of the week until recent times.
It had been for centuries, probably millennia.
Aye, the Sabbath (Jewish holy day, and thus last day of the week) was always a Saturday
Right. And Muslims have Friday.
And Startrek has Reverse-Polarity Day.
I have sundaes.
I wonder what day pastafarians use...
another meeting!
Good luck!
@Kit: Hey, at what age would you let your kids have a Facebook profile?
@Cerberus They have one now.
Why do you ask?
How old are they again?
Almost 4 and 1-1/2.
The oldest will be 4 in February.
So you made those pages for them?
Because I don't want to be FB friends with the majority of my relatives, and because I don't want my FB page to be all about what my children are doing. This way, my children's news is announced to the people who are interested, and I can focus on them and only them on their own page.
Ah, I see.
Why do you need to announce news about them?
Because they are my children, and I am very proud of them.
And there are actually some people who care.
Or who want to see cute pictures.
So it's like those people who keep some sort of weblog when they're travelling.
But at what age would you let them manage their own page, with their own friends etc.?
With supervision, whenever he's old enough to want to.
Without supervision, after the age of majority.
Which will hopefully correspond with moving out of the house.
So supervision means you will be sitting next to them at the PC?
The degree of supervision depends on the age.
How about when they are 8?
When they are small, yes.
Eight? I don't know. My kids aren't that old yet.
Probably regular checks, but not sitting next to them.
I was asking because of this:
I posted a critical comment, but I had no idea children would even consider Facebook at 8.
My nephew is 9, and has a FB account.
And uses it.
I don't know, it seems silly.
That software sounds silly to me though.
It does to me.
But why do kids need Facebook so young?
It was designed for adults.
"Here's a way to monitor your child's FB account, which is exactly the same as if you were looking at their account, which you can do if you have their email and password, which is required for this program."
That was what I thought too.
Perhaps the idea is that it sends you a nice digest.
@Cerberus I agree that a social site geared toward kids would be a great idea.
@Kitḫ I believe they exist.
@Cerberus Maybe. I would trust myself more.
I suppose the internet is so new that parents have no idea how to handle it.
My first intuition would be to just let them do what they want.
You just tell them not to talk to strangers and such.
Well, you are naive.
And your comment marks you as obviously not an American parent.
Cyber-bullying has been a really big issue here recently.
And also, minors being lured by strangers online.
Lured? How often does that happen?
I don't intend to cyberstalk my children, but I do plan to be as aware as possible about the decisions they are facing and how they are being treated.
Yes, I understand; but how far will you go?
@Cerberus shrugs Two teenage girls in the last few months went off with older men that they had met online.
@Cerberus It depends on how my children are, and what they are faced with.
Would I read my kid's diary? I might, if I knew something was really wrong and he wasn't talking to me about it.
@Kitḫ Well, that's teenagers. They have the freedom to go places: very hard to control that. And is that's two girls out of ten million?
@Kitḫ I agree.
FB is much more public than that, and if my kids think they are hiding something from me by posting it to all their friends, then they need to learn a good lesson about it.
Sure, it's always OK to check their public pages.
@Cerberus Maybe a hundred thousand.
@Kitḫ What? In what population?
My home state.
Even so, I think it is extremely rare, especially with well-behaved children.
If you child displays other wildly irresponsible behaviour, that should be a red flag. But otherwise, is it really something you should be watching out for?
It's possible, @Cerb, but I was a very well-behaved child and I was in several situations that were difficult.
It's not about my kids being irresponsible or not; it is that they are not experienced.
But how is it different to telling children not to talk to strangers on the street?
If anything, I should think it was less dangerous.
(Bullying is a whole different story.)
What if the stranger says they are your guidance counselor?
Q: What is the plural form of "SMS"?

GigiliWhat's the plural form of "SMS" (if X), like: I'm concerned, I sent him over a million X but got no response. I usually use text message to get rid of that situation.

Is your friend's uncle a stranger?
It is much, much harder for kids to tell these days.
@Kitḫ Mommy explained to you how you should deal with such things.
43 secs ago, by Kitḫ
Is your friend's uncle a stranger?
Your friend's uncle could take you for a walk in the garden at a party too.
@Kitḫ No, dear child, your friend's uncle is not a stranger; but with non-strangers there are guidelines too.
I am on the verge of telling my eldest that it is actually OK to talk to strangers.
It is a stupid rule.
Oh, right.

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