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@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 OMG that sucks!
Tea is of primary importance.
Prince of Wales is widely available here.
But I actually switched away from Twinings.
I grew up with it, and my parents still drink it every day.
But I find some local brands better.
In my street, there is a tea company that has been in continuous operation since 1770 or so.
But I actually prefer the other tea company, from 1817, which has shops all over the country.
In short, I'm sure you'll be able to find a good replacement. Try a few shops.
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Why isn't “muscle” pronounced “muskle”? by Daniel on english.stackexchange.com
3 hours later…
How would you call a very short expression for describing a term? like "plane": "flying transport mean"
I don't think we can say synonym? as it's for one word expressions I think
'describing term' seems fine
I'm designing a software and cannot find correct names for the things I'm defining (sigh). I'm having a unit that is responsible of translating "addresses" from one domain into another, this is (conventionally) called "address translation unit". How would I call such a unit which is capable of translating in both ways, that is from domain A to B as well as from domain B to A? Symmetric? Bidirectional? Duplex? Bijective? Reversible? Invertible?
2 hours later…
@DanielJour any of those seem fine, yes
@MattE.Эллен Thank you! I've currently settled with "bijective" due to its common use (and similar) use in mathematics.
2 hours later…
I cannot understand a sentence from (this article)[http://thenextweb.com/gadgets/2016/01/12/now-someone-can-steal-your-wi-fi-password-from-your-doorbell/]:
"That button put the lock into wireless AP mode for which allows you to paid it with your own network on your phone."
What is this sentence supposed to mean?

Can I ask this as a question on this SE? Or is it more suited for a quick discussion here in chat?
@Federico You should feel confused, that sentence is nonsense
@tchrist Where are you?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I can send some to you.
Wow, some of those blends sound really tasty.
@KitZ.Fox Pittsburgh
Is it icy there?
Blizzard yesterday.
Yeah, the weather was not good here, so I stayed in a hotel near work.
I watched telenovellas until I fell asleep.
1 hour later…
@KitZ.Fox Thanks for the offer. I'm exploring other avenues at the moment.
@Federico I think paid is a typo. They probably meant to say pair.
@Federico Yes it's definitely pair
@snailboat good catch, but there's lots else wrong with that sentence.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 huh...it used to be in stores here (US) but lately (past ten years) I've noticed that PoW doesn't appear very often (among the other Twinings offerings).
So instead of drinking tea, I just scowl.
Hello. Are there any instances in which, it is acceptable to write nouns and the first letter of a sentences in lower case forms?
@samayo Nouns, yes, first letter of sentences, no.
@Mitch If you get rid of for and fix the typo, it should at least make sense.
In context, anyway.
iPhone (/ˈaɪfoʊn/ EYE-fohn) is a line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. They run Apple's iOS mobile operating system. The first generation iPhone was released on June 29, 2007; the most recent iPhone models are the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, which were unveiled at a special event on September 9, 2015. The user interface is built around the device's multi-touch screen, including a virtual keyboard. The iPhone has Wi-Fi and can connect to cellular networks. An iPhone can shoot video (though this was not a standard feature until the iPhone 3GS), take photos, play music, send and...
The first sentence of this article begins with a lowercase letter.
Sometimes proper nouns have unusual case associated with them, and iPhone is an example of that.
Besides proper nouns, sometimes we talk about things that are case sensitive, for example printf in a case sensitive programming language. If you began a sentence with printf, you wouldn't capitalize it.
But you'll probably find some people who'd be more comfortable rewriting any sentence beginning with either of those to avoid the initial lowercase letter.
That is, they'd figure out a way to put iPhone or printf later in the sentence instead of at the beginning.
@samayo But usually the answer is no.
@snailboat ooooh, now it makes some sense. I didn't catch that typo, thanks!
@samayo Did you mean proper nouns? Because common nouns are almost always lower-case, except in titles and as the start of a sentence.
Proper nouns, spelled properly, must be cased accordingly. There is disagreement about cases like iPhone, e. e. cummings, etc, which intentionally violate the conventions.
@snailboat Exactly.
And hello.
Of course a spelling like iPhone is considered "wrong" in any position by many people. They would consider it a violation of common capitalization rules and simply write Iphone.
Of course a spelling like Cerberus is considered "wrong" in any position by many people. They would consider it a violation of common spelling rules and simply write Kerberos.
So how've you been @Cerberus ?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I disagree.
I know that you know.
I've been good, and you?
Cereal, cerebral, certain... cerberus. One of these things is not like the others.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that many people consider everything about the iPhone wrong, of course.
@Cerberus Not bad. had a quite xmas holiday.
Cerebral is very much like Cerberus.
@Cerberus heh true, true
Did you go anywhere?
@Cerberus except the initial consonant
Depends on your pronunciation.
In my mind I pronounce it k.
@Cerberus we stayed home for Christmas and went to my parents' house for new years'
@Cerberus you pronounce cerberus with s?
That's nice. I presume.
Ugh, I meant k.
Why do I always say the opposite of what I want to say?
You pronounce cerebral with k?
I know of course that the normal pronunciation of Cerberus is s.
I forgot what we were arguing about.
@Cerberus I thought the normal pronunciation was k, and that the s pronunciation was a spelling-sound (because it violates our normal spelling rules)
In classical Latin, c is always k.
well crap, oed has s for cerberus.
In later Latin, c came to be pronounced as s or some other softer palatal consonant, but only before e and i.
English adopted this later pronunciation fairly consistently, until recently.
Which is why ce is almost always se in English.
So where did I get the idea that "cerberus" should have an initial K sound...
A couple of decades ago, a new way of pronunciation became popular in high schools, where Latin is pronounced the classical way.
So in school we always pronounced Kerberoos.
That pronunciation is almost universally taught in high schools now here, and it has probably gained some traction elsewhere too.
We always pronounced Caesar as kaisar.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Authentication systems.
@KitZ.Fox but they spell it "kerberos"...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Right, which is probably why you associated it with k.
Is what I'm saying.
lol I just searched the transcript for "cerebus" and found this:
Aug 9 '11 at 14:34, by KitΘδς
I love everybody. Right now.
Aug 9 '11 at 14:35, by Matt Ellen Д
@KitΘδς woohoo! form an orderly queue
Flashback Wednesday.
Line up and count off by threes. rofl
I miss having Martha in chat.
Mistress of Corrections indeed.
Aug 9 '11 at 14:55, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
This room brings tears to my eyes.
We were so young then.
Aug 9 '11 at 14:41, by JSBᾶngs
tee hee. snooker
I barely knew her!
That was right after the EL&U birthday celebration where we all got Greek letter "tattoos".
Hard to believe we've known each other for five years.
I still have my tattoo
So twinings replied to my customer support email asking if there was any way to get the product they still sell in another country and they directed me to the UK website where they don't sell the product.
"Ask corporate."
it would be a trivial problem if their website's ecommerce were global. Honestly I have no idea why companies structure themselves these ways. fragment their operations into tiny pieces that perform poorly.
I would imagine legal constraints have something to do with it.
Manufacturing infrastructure makes more sense when it is contained in geographic units as well.
I think.
I get that there might be legal constraints to certain things. But it's stupid to make legal mumbo-jumbo constraints artificially limit your business. Here we have a case of a vendor who sells a product, but it's only in stores in one country. This vendor has ecommerce, but only in certain countries and the product selection is limited to what they also sell in stores in that country.
It makes no sense. There is literally no reason not to offer the entire company's product line via ecommerce in every country.
Especially when they used to sell the products in stores in those countries.
Maybe shipping constraints, because it is consummable.
I could see that for entire product categories, perhaps. But single products?
So, fine, the Canadian twinings branch has no ecom at all. That's really, really dumb in this day and age. But why don't the twinings branches that DO have ecom not offer the entire product range? It's so. lame.
They go to the trouble of making the thing and then don't bother selling it.
Let me start over. nods sympathetically Dude, that's so messed up.
There's a very reasonable explanation. Selling PoW tea is like condoning drinking the actual Prince of Wales. You're either suborning cannibalism or blaspheming. It also explains why Irish Breakfast tea is their most popular variety.
I'm listening to 'What is love?'
Not David Bowie?
It's sucking all my ability to empathize.
@Mitch True that I love David Bowie.
Empathy is overrated.
Why do I have to feel what you're feeling when you're already doing it? That's just redundant.
@KitZ.Fox Great music. I wish they'd stop the nonstop radio memorials.
I don't listen to the radio.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Can't you get it through a third party in Canada?
There are hundreds of shops here that sell Twinings.
Black market tea trade
Plus a hundred web shops.
Not black, it's all legal!
@Cerberus No shop that I've found can order it. I guess they all only order their Twinings from Twinings Canada, who refuse to sell it, on the grounds that it doesn't sell well.
@Mitch I'm not opposed to cannibalism or blasphemy.
@KitZ.Fox Trance music is pretty good too. Armin van buuren etc.
I listen to ambient with some frequency, but this is good for attitude adjustment.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 We've been through this before. One or the other is OK, but both? That is revolting.
@KitZ.Fox I listen to white noise. It's soothing and blocks out the lyrics, which are either inane or thought-provoking.
@Mitch I don't even hear this song anymore.
@Mitch blasphemous cannibalism would be a good name for a music album.
All good universal popular music was made between 1960 and 1980. What the kids listen to today just isn't that good.
Except for maybe hip-hop.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Just enough to upset your parents, but not too much so it'll still pass the censors.
this sentence is correct?
Is there any guarantee to use variables in the ORDER BY?
@KitZ.Fox I tried to convince myself that tinnitus was just a white noise song. But it's missing melody and harmony and lyrics and pretty much any pattern at all.
So it's not a very good song.
@Shafizadeh What are you trying to say?
are you familiar with programming? (MySQL)
"are you allowed to use variables in the ORDER BY' clause?"
'guarantee to use' is not right.
@Shafizadeh I don't know what you're trying to ask here so it must not be correct.
@Mitch ah
But "allow" isn't a good word, because we allow :-), I need to use "guarantee" word
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 ok tnx
What are you asking about?
I want to ask, If I use variables in the ORDER BY clause, then is there any guarantee to the result be sort as well?
@Shafizadeh Why do you say that? why is allow not a good word? why do you need guarantee?
@Shafizadeh Is there any guarantee when using variables in the ORDER BY?
@Mitch I don't know, maybe allow could be fine
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 seems good, tnx
are not the values in an order by clause column names?
@Shafizadeh "If I use varaibles in the 'order by' clause, is there any guarantee the result will be sorted?"
@Shafizadeh Can I use variables in the ORDER BY clause to sort the result set?
what Kit said is probably what you mean.
The subject and object of guarantee are not the right targets for what you want.
@KitZ.Fox I will use this, seems the best to me, tnx
@Mitch and thank you for your attention
I can't figure how you would use variables there, unless you were constructing a sql statement.
MySQL allows "expressions" in its order by but I have no idea what kind of values they evaluate to.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm weird!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What you said is somehow my question
And neither Amazon nor Ebay can ship it too you at a reasonable price?
@Shafizadeh Then you might want to ask "What kinds of expressions are allowed in MySQL ORDER BY clauses and what effect do they have?" or something like that.
emm yes could be fine
Or, you might want to reformulate your question as a problem statement: "I want to dynamically change the order of a query, can this be done using variables or SQL expressions" or something.
> User variables are intended to provide data values. They cannot be used directly in an SQL statement as an identifier or as part of an identifier, such as in contexts where a table or database name is expected, or as a reserved word such as SELECT. This is true even if the variable is quoted
From the MySQL docs
Hey, talking about SQL.
SQL is a dialect of English, so it's on topic.
On Android, if you let Tasker send two commands to edit the same SQL database, would that be dangerous?
Is it possible that the database would receive one command while the other is still being executed, causing corruption?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Thanks
I ask because I want Tasker to edit the database of Xprivacy, and it might have to do a few edits in rapid succession in different threads...
@Cerberus Try it and see.
But databases usually don't allow modifying of a record by two separate processes at the same time.
but they may allow processing of two separate records, or two separate tables at the same time.
The data you are thinking of in the software you are using may be in one record or may be in separate records/tables. it depends on the design.
@Mitch I'd rather not take the risk!
@Mitch There is a chance that they are in the same record.
you could make up a dummy instance and try on that. But trying may break the internet, and that would suck.
If, for example, Tasker sends the command to allow a certain permission, then immediately sends the command to disallow it.
and maybe you sent the second one first?
@Mitch I wouldn't know how to, and I would be unable to diagnose any problems.
Then it's magic
Did you try jQuery?
Try wishing real hard
@Mitch That is possible, or they even fire at the same time: I don't know exactly how or when Tasker issues its commands.
I only realized the other day that wishing real hard doesn't (usually) affect anything.
I wish I had know that before
@DeltaEscher I'm afraid I barely know what that is. And I need to use Tasker to edit a SQLite database on Android, so I think my options are very limited?
I'm not a programmer, alas.
StackEschange joke @Cerberus
@Mitch Then your faith is deficient.
What is 'Tasker'?
@DeltaEscher Oh haha.
Recommend jQuery for menial tasks
jQuery solves everything
Is that what people always do, recommend Jquery for any unrelated problem?
Ah OK.
@Cerberus Better than being an apostate.
@Mitch An Android application that can basically automate anything.
I never understood why people get so angry at apostates. I'd say good riddance.
@Cerberus Oh, like Apple Automater?
What I want is to e.g. give Google Maps permission to access my location only when the application is active in the foreground.
@Mitch Arg no fruit!
You apostate!
Fedora OS master race.,
Isn't anything on a phone already automated?
On one of the kids TV shows where the kids are using laptps and smartphones, they all use 'Pear' products, with pear logos and stuff.
@Mitch Victorious?
@Mitch omg you watched Pretty Little Liars too?
Oh, the early 2000s
Better than all the Applostasy.
When Nickelodeon wasn't garbage.
@Cerberus See that's the thing, what if you never believed in the first place? Then that's not as bad but an apostate should be stoned?
Now it's all this animoo crap.
@DeltaEscher looks sideways
Wait... iCarly?
@Mitch looks upside down
@Mitch Yes. That is how monotheist religions work: heretics and apostates are far worse than heathens.
@Mitch All old Nickelodeon shows used pearPhones.
Including the minuscle?
@DeltaEscher I know! The golden age of kid's TV (well the second one after the Bugs Bunny and Mr. Peabody of the 50's
@Cerberus so polytheism is more tolerant?
When CN and Nick and Disney weren't driving themselves into the ground.
Are there ay monothesitic ones that are not Abrahamic?
@Mitch Usually...at least with respect to apostasy.
@Mitch Few.
@Mitch Some minor cultural ones
@DeltaEscher And by old you mean like two years ago.
Mithraïsm is a kind of monotheist religion.
Like ten
And probably Zoroastrism?
Until about two years ago.
They're probably related.
And fairly tolerant.
And not 100% monotheist, most probably.
@DeltaEscher Yes, but Scientology is better because it is based on science.
@Cerberus like you can say "I'm not believing in that stupid Shiva anymore, the Jains have better music and food" without being punched in the face?
So it is true.
@Cerberus You know, like aliens.
so much proved science
@Mitch Mm I don't know who the Jains are, but I'd expect there to be less punishment on average (although there can of course still be savage punishment in polytheist religions!).
@Cerberus Zoroastrianism seems to have a number of gods, but people seem to only -worship- the good one Ahura Datsun
@DeltaEscher Yes, they're all scientific.
tbh the Pillars of Society in Fallout 4 are a more believable religion than Scientology.
@Mitch Right, something like that.
But, as you say, Hindu fanatics in India can be quite violent.
As can Aztec fanatics.
And those Mayan cultists.
Those rascals.
@Cerberus I'm making fun. They don't eat onions or garlic, so their food sucks.
So polytheism is far from "tolerant". But at least they seem to be less preoccupied with apostasy and heresy. For one thing, they don't normally base themselves on following precepts from a holy book to the letter.
@Cerberus exactly. and the Buddhists in Sri Lanka and ... that other place I can't remember.
@Cerberus It's the moderates you have to watch out for there. So reasonable seeming.
@DeltaEscher At least we dealt with them. So less competition for Scientology, praised be its name.
Err, I mean, scientifically proven be its name.
fun not food. I'm making fun not I'm making food.
I am making food but that's not the point.
What are you making, and for whom? Garlic is essential!
@Cerberus We dealt with the Pillars of Society? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Argh. what a tangled web we weave when we practice to type.
@Cerberus It depends on the database and it depends on how it's being accessed. But if you're using tasker to edit some other app's db, isn't there always the risk that the other app might also modify its db, even if you have only one task running?
@Cerberus moderates. argh again
@DeltaEscher Hmm what's that?
@Cerberus Exactly. no garlic at home, then you visit a friends house for dinner and blam garlic goodness. The lesson to learn here is to not let your kids go to other houses for dinner.
@Cerberus it's a group from Fallout 4 making fun of some 'give up all of your earthly possessions to us' religions.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 In the case of Xprivacy, that chance seems neglibible, because it only changes its permissions database when you tell it to, through its app.
@DeltaEscher There is something to be said for the simple life.
Hmm although I'm not sure where the data are stored for "allow this permission for 1 minute". I suspect those are in the "usage data" database, though.
Mostly just 'Blegh, don't you use salt?'
@Mitch But the leader has like five mini-nukes
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm having Tasker send a shell command to edit the database, then flush the cache of the dabatase.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Xprivacy's developer does provide some documentation for editing the database. So don't you think that presupposes that it won't be too dangerous to do so myself?
@Cerberus I'm not sure how to turn that description into technical terms that allow answering the question.
@DeltaEscher Ah, like so many religions...
@Cerberus ... probably.
@Cerberus Ever hear of Darkmatter2525?
I have not.
Look it up on Youtube
Watch his "Double Standard" video
unless you're a hardcore Christian
then for the love of god don't
No need for that kind of depiction.
Being offensive is my only sub-par trait
If I don't have that, then I might become a decent person and grow.
Offensive? Where?
> sqlite3 /data/system/xprivacy/xprivacy.db "UPDATE restriction SET restricted='2' WHERE uid IN (10106) and method='connect';"

am startservice -a biz.bokhorst.xprivacy.action.FLUSH
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 This is what I execute as a shell command in Tasker ^.
It works.
@DeltaEscher I might!
@Cerberus Prepare to be offended. His entire channel's purpose is debunking Christianity.
just a warning
pls no kill me
@Cerberus ah, it's an SQLite db, it should be fine. I'm pretty sure SQLite is designed for multiple concurrent accesses, even if it's not particularly fast about it.
@DeltaEscher Why would anyone be offended by debunking?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ah OK, that is good to know!
@Cerberus Read his comments section
That's the kind of answer I was hoping for.
People literally go his channel to whine about their freedom of religion being broken
@DeltaEscher Youtube comments, reading? Uhh...
People who go to a channel just to complain about it .-.
best use of time
@Cerberus Have you ever read any of my 'Tanya (in Space!)' short stories?
I sometimes post them here
Umm nope.
Literally insanity
Curse my inability to use text
The brackets are the other way around.
I'll keep it in mind when I have time!
is thank
Is it?
Or is morality subjective
inception sound
This is why I can't use MS Paint without supervision
Is that a Poké ball?
That is Poland
Search Polandball
People make countries into visual representations of them using horrible grammar.
I think I have heard of that...
Best way of learning about current events
Singapore gives South Korea a fan for his birthday.
A fan?
Ah.. finally done.
Because South Korea has no fans?
I just finished reading all of twitter.
Now the rest of the Internet.
Have you downloaded it yet?
Oh... wait. somebody posted some more.
@Cerberus myth in south korea
Sleeping near a fan kills you
At Lunch
It's really making books ... difficult. I am really impatient when reading a book, fact or fiction. Get to the effing point!
@DeltaEscher Ah, I see. Weird.
@Cerberus you haven't heard of fan death?
it's a terrible affliction that affects south koreans only.
All books should just be coffee table books with big majestic panoramic pictures or diagrams, with small captions that you'll never read any way.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Mm no, where should I have heard this?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Don't forget about the draft.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps answer: Is there a name for someone who owes a debt? by SARAH DIAZ on english.stackexchange.com
Apr 18 '12 at 13:33, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
Be careful that none of them are South Korean. Or else you might get fan-death.
It seems you were ahead of me...
Where did you learn this?
years ago
> Hookah Smokers May Be Exposed To More Toxicants Than Cigarette Smokers
headline from IFLS
wtf is a toxicant
ugh, it's jargon for "man-made toxin"
okay, so wikipedia says "toxins are naturally-occurring toxicants"
we do not need this word
"Toxicant" is something I'd say when bragging and trying to persuade people than global warming is a thing.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's in wiktionary so...
@Mitch Lol! So when I was very young I seriously believed that it was possible to download all of the internet.
I mean talking about nonsense. No limit, lol.
@Arrowfar when you were very young it may have been possible. how long ago was it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 if you leave out images and sound files, really there's not that much out there. You could probably fit it all within 30K. Uncompressed.
Useful information that is.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 When people were still using Windows 3.1x (where I live). I’m around 28-29 now so erm maybe 20 years ago :-)
Wait there was no internet back then right? Maybe much later than that. I don't remember correctly.
Don't worry
I'm not dead

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