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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@Cerberus I'd like a handful of those peanuts, please.
@Cerberus That's the low estimate just for the installation and doesn't include manpower for watching the wall nor does it include upkeep. Compounded by the fact that republicans and democrats along the border already agree that the current system is adequate and that further wall-building is pointless.
@KitZ.Fox There's a net unimmigration of Mexicans to the US (more are repatriating than coming to the US) in the past couple years. in the hundreds of thousands/about a million.
hmm...I'm having trouble finding numbers for the past few years so maybe that's bullshit, I don't know.
@Mitch Oh, I imagine there are more coming in than going out. But illegal immigration at least it hard to quantify.
@FaheemMitha That's what I would imagine but the news story I half payed attention to in a crowded room with the game on was saying that there's been a reversal, more are leaving than coming in. Something something economy something US intolerance somethety mexico better now something.
@Mitch Huh. Well, it's hard to get firm numbers about this sort of thing.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Power plants require maintenance, too.
@Cerberus Power plants do something useful.
So the direct financial cost of the wall would not be prohibitive.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Indeed.
@Cerberus You don't think billions of dollars is prohibitive?!
The country can afford it.
Do it from the defence budget.
Even in the defense budget they sometimes balk at wasting tens of billions of dollars.
Sometimes, but usually not!
It'd be like building planes that can't fly. Or, they can technically fly, but they don't have enough range to do anything useful.
Yeah, they can do that, can't they?
Anyway I think I've said all that needs saying. Nobody but Trump thinks a wall is a reasonable thing to do.
It makes. no. sense.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, supposedly that is not uncommon.
Building planes that can't fly, that is.
Reasonable and affordable are unrelated!
Giving every American a free gun is also affordable.
@FaheemMitha Sometimes projects fail. But nobody sets out to build a plane that can't fly when they know from the start that it won't be able to fly.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 One hopes that is true. But with the Pentagon, it's hard to be sure.
@FaheemMitha So the nicest thing to say about this wall idea is that the US already wastes tons of money on stupid stuff that can't possibly work, so why not keep doing it?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I wasn't talking about a wall, at all. Just commenting on the plane thing.
I don't know anything about the wall. Is this some idiot idea some politician came up with?
@FaheemMitha Oh my goodness... you haven't heard about Donald Trump?! You're better off. Run away!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh, it's Trump's idea, is it? Why am I not surprised?
To keep out immigrants, I suppose.
anyway I think this topic is exhausted.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think Cerb is proposing a reapportionment of wasted dollars. Instead of wasting X+Y=Z dollars on school lunch dietary ketchup and planes that can't land, we should waste U+V=Z dollars on continuous Trump hotels along the Rio Grande and a gun in every pocket.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It probably already was at the beginning of our discussion!
@Mitch Especially the guns.
@Cerberus Which is why I'm confused about why you kept arguing that it was possible considering from the start I argued it was pointless
@Cerberus I'll miss the ketchup sandwiches
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Because I was at first unaware of the fact that that was what you were arguing.
Besides, I didn't think we were really arguing.
Yay! argument! You're wrong!
No You're wrong
@Mitch ugh. Trump already argued ("just saying," he said) that if, say, everyone in Paris were armed, things would be better there.
We haven't really disagreed about a single thing yet. Except about the previous sentence.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 just saying = QED
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hilarious.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Holy crap, the police in Paris have always been armed, more than you average school teacher in Israel.
Anyway I must be off for an appointment. Try not to burn the place down while I'm gone.
They had terrorist problems way longer than the US.
slowly puts away matches
soaks the rug in kerosene for when you get back
You know what I always wonder about?
No. I don't. What do you always wonder about?
Why isn't the Brevik act done more often in the West, dressing up as a policeman.
I know it is often done in e.g. Afghanistan.
It would seem to be quite effective.
What's the Brevik act? Those guys that paint themselves in silver and stay motionelss until some kid gives them money?
Very scary.
The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential lone wolf terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers' Youth League (AUF)-run summer camp in Norway on 22 July 2011. The attacks claimed a total of 77 lives. The first attack was a car bomb explosion in Oslo within Regjeringskvartalet, the executive government quarter of Norway, at 15:25:22 (CEST). The bomb was made from a mixture of fertiliser and fuel oil and placed in the back of a van. The van was placed in front of the office block housing the office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg...
> When Breivik arrived on the island, he presented himself as a police officer who had come over for a routine check following the bombing in Oslo. He was met by Monica Bøsei, the camp leader and island hostess. Bøsei probably became suspicious and contacted Trond Berntsen, the security officer on the island, before Breivik killed them both.[80]
He then signalled and asked people to gather around him[81] before pulling weapons and ammunition from a bag and indiscriminately firing his weapons,[82][83][84] killing and wounding numerous people.
Oh. That Brevik. yeah it's surprising that all of it doesn't happen more often.
Maybe because it requires getting a convincing uniform, when really all you need is an AR-15, which is easier to obtain.
Where do the police get their uniforms? Surely there isn't the same background checking there?
You could probably find convincing clothing, but you'd need the gear and the badge and stuff. Who needs all that?
When you can just pop in to KMart and buy a gun.
Bavarian Fire Drill.
@KitZ.Fox The last time this big gun stuff was in the news (Newtown, Connecticut?) I was in a gun store (big, like a grocery store) a couple weeks afterwards (it's a long story), and it was crowded, and all the aisles for ammunition were almost empty of ammunition with hand drawn signs saying there'd be more shipments soon.
The explanation was that people were buying up ammo because they were afraid Obama was going to pass a lot of gun restriction laws.
I read about how each new shooting incident in America increases gun sales.
So the big gun companies actually profit from all the shootings.
Most terrorists spend a lot of time and energy preparing for their attacks.
And even lots of money.
So I'm sure making a convincing police uniform would fit that approach.
It doesn't have to be perfect.
And I wouldn't even know what a police ID looks like.
google for it?
But so can a terrorist.
And we're standing at some random square in the city as a random policeman approaches an unsuspecting crowd.
Who would check his ID properly, and in time?
plans to check every cops ID
plans not to carry out such plans in reality
Well, but why take the time to look like a cop?
He's writing a screen play. Makes it more ominous, the trusted authority figure turning out to be the evil mastermind.
You can mow down 30 or 40 people in about 60 seconds. There's no need to try to convince them you're some kind of authority first.
shrugs It's not how I would do it. Just sayin'.
initiates brain scan
Hm... your statements match your internal state. You are correct, you would not do it that way.
Can anybody explain what OnePlus is/does?
they're a phone company
That's not obvious from their website, is it?
dunno never visited it
Or maybe it is. Looked like they were selling electronics?
I couldn't figure it out.
well, they are selling electronics. But only their own brand.
OK. Thanks.
someone you know looking for a phone?
No, I keep getting invites.
@terdon darn you to heck
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hey hey hey, watch your language.
It's totes justified, he said something and I ended up on tvtropes.
Not cool.
goes to check out what that might be on tvtropes
@KitZ.Fox You don't want to do that.
Too late. She's gone. That's a couple hours at least
what is it about tvtropes
Hi @KitZ.Fox.
@JasperLoy SHe's no longer conscious. She's been lost to tvtropes quicksand
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't think it's all that.... accurate?
@Mitch She left the chat.
@JasperLoy that's how tvtropes does it. close all other tabs. stop eating. click link to link in tvtropes until two weeks later the police bust down the door (because a neighbor said there was a 'smell' coming from her place) and find her cats surviving on her rotting corpse.
I wonder if that's on tvtropes?
god I almost searched. I had the tab open and everything.
protocol removed for safety.
I am now Superman.
gods below, there are tvtropes pages about tvtropes tropes
closes tabs
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, that's how they get you. Fiendish, isn't it?
I have no interest in tropes. Tropes are silly.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's actually a fairly accurate description of what happens. At least at first, before your immune system kicks in.
@JasperLoy Good for you.
@FaheemMitha What language is your name in? Is it Hindi?
@JasperLoy So...do you miss your home planet? And how is your cousin doing?
@JasperLoy Which one, first or second?
@FaheemMitha Oh, I did not know it was so complicated. Never mind.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 "17 worst haircuts in the Ottoman Empire"
2 hours later…
Hello @MattE.Эллен.
hi @JasperLoy
if you wear glasses, do people call you Clarke Kent?
You should be sleeping now.
Yes, they do. Yes, you should.
Well, bad news. I'm still awake
I think I will stick to Ubuntu MATE.
I think I will keep my SE account.
3 more weeks to 2016, I am excited.
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