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@Robusto yeah you know I bade you farewell then looked at it for one minute and came back. You will remember. Good times.
You bade me from Baden-Baden?
@Jasper It's pretty much propaganda all the way. History is really taught as 'History in relation to us, and we rock (or if not then we was persecuted!'
Or Baden-Powell, you Boy Scout, you.
@RegDwigнt I saw a picture. once.
@Robusto you know I bade, I bade, you know it.
@Mitch I thought you had to go.
@Robusto reminds me that I've been meaning to rewatch Moonrise Kingdom. It's been a sufficient amount of time since.
A wise decision.
@Jasper I haven't? Modern technology, man, modern technology.
Toutes mes décisions sont wisées.
@RegDwigнt I watch it for the scenery
I watch it for $3000.
@Jasper Except for sciences right?
Aucune ma décision est Tommy Wiseau.
@RegDwigнt Have you finally watched Summer Storm?
Do people still govern their watching according to the time a show airs? — Robusto 26 secs ago
And even then, nobody actually grows up and mixes vinegar and baking soda to make a volcano.
@Jasper No. I don't even remember what it is supposed to be. If it's good it will still be on my list. If not, good riddance.
@RegDwigнt I think it's very good, full of sex.
@Robusto the people rules, but he doesn't govern.
The king rolls, but he doesn't rock.
Hey, @Jasper, you complain that @Reg and I do all the talking in here, yet your main contribution seems to be to show up and say "This chat is dead." Then you criticize us when we talk.
@Robusto You still have to. You have to anticipate that you don't want to watch it when it airs. It's very disconcerting to be watching the tape of a show and realize it is exactly the time it is being aired.
@Jasper okay it's off all my lists now. Thanks for the headsup.
@Mitch That doesn't disconcert me in the least.
@Robusto It's good that you talk, I want more people to talk. I never criticised you.
I actually don't talk at all. What, you think my lips are moving right now?
I think I should watch Summer Storm again this year.
I think I'll watch Summer Glau instead.
It's been even more time since that.
@Jasper And when you say 'the cat is dead' or 'like two kilkenny cats, nothing left but the tails' you get upset because cats aren't so bad, and if you were a little smaller, they'd consider you food, but it's nothing personal.
Cats aren't so bad. They are much badder.
@Robusto It really bothers me. Because I still have to watch the ads.
@RegDwigнt Your lips move when you write?
You are not honor bound to watch ads if you record shows.
@Mitch congratulations on making less sense than Jasper.
@Mitch No, his lips write when he moves.
Have a heavy medal.
@Robusto well, they randomize the length of them so I have to open my eyes a litle bit to see if they're over.
@RegDwigнt and robusto accuses me of trying.
I never accused you of anything except plagiarism.
@Robusto See? I can't tell if you're done yet.
@Robusto Plagiarism is the most sincere form of stealing someone else's writing.
Robusto™ is not for sale.
Tin can at my feet, think I'll kick it down the street. That's the way to treat my very own poem I just wrote.
@RegDwigнt Also, Dude, Boy Scout is not the preferred nomenclature. Khaki Scout, please.
Khaki is childspeak for shit in like every language ever.
Except English, of course. What with the ananas fiasco and all.
@RegDwigнt So that is what you call someone from the Sun.
No. I call them helium.
@RegDwigнt Well, it makes sense, if you think about it. Everyone who is not a native speaker of English is an ananas, but when they come here they are pineapples. QED
I might call them hydrogen but they'll have to show proof of the rîtes de passage.
Q: Let's discuss this answer about "Etymology" seriously

RathonyI believe this site belongs to "Native Speakers, Etymologists, and Serious Language Enthusiasts". I belong to the third one. This question is a very interesting question which received 18 upvotes (including mine) and has this answer. I don't mind at all how many upvotes this answer receives. ...

@Robusto what means "if you think"? I not understand grammar.
Why are people so ... upset?
It's a... setup.
What a crazy world we live in, where you can get email but no ebacon. Who wouldn't rather have ebacon?
Ebacon causes ecancer.
And we have enough of that on the enternet, thanks very much.
Also, there's a natural bottleneck at absolutely all times of the day except midnight because that's the only second the enarwhal does his efrigging ejob.
> (It also included this Bushism, about a meeting with a financial executive in Iowa: “It was—get the—kind of the—anyway. We had—it—and I talked to a banker there.”)
Jeb Bush tries to outdo his brother at coining Bushisms.
That's the least he can do at this point to remain even the slightest bit relevant to nothing at all.
@Jasper Hi, @Jasper! Long time no see! Catch you later.
@Robusto and Jeb Bush is the smart one.
Long time no mute.
Which is it going to be today, commies or this chat?
I know. I know! We'll go with both.
@RegDwigнt Just enteritis.
And usually only contracted as a result of entercourse.
@RegDwigнt do you drive/bike yourself or use public trans? If the latter, there's no stopping you from doing it on your phone.
@MετάEd ewww... I'm trying to block out imaginations of how that happened.
@MετάEd My keyboard gets enteritis if I hit the enter key too much.
You know why it hurts so much every time you touch it? It's your finger that's broken.
Bob Dole Endorses Jeb Bush. I guess that settles it, then.
@Robusto Mr Dole! I had no idea you were an English expert.
@Mitch No, no, you're thinking of exitcourse.
@MετάEd You flatter me by assuming that I actually bother to think.
@Mitch You only think I flatter you.
@MετάEd haha. well, actually no, as I explained.
We haven't played no no not for ages have we.
not no no not, not for a while.
No no not flattered. You're thinking of what happens when you jump off a high building.
no no not splattered. You're thinking of when you neither hot nor could you spit it out you did something grosser.
"We're working on repairing your Office programs." So not actually repairing them at this point.
@MετάEd No no not flattened. You're thinking of what happens to cattle being readied for slaughter.
No no not fattened. You're thinking of what cows are when they are full of methane gas.
@MετάEd No no not flatulent. You're thinking of what movie actresses portray when they are in a fit of pique.
No no not fatuous. You're thinking of that movie about how Americans eat too much at McDonalds.
@MετάEd Buzzzz! Wrong answer! I was thinking of petulant.
I win.
My pun on fatuous beats your buzz.
It was not a buzzer beater. Clock ran out on you.
@Robusto Have you stopped beating your buzz?
Have you stopped beating your buzzer?
Have you stopped beating your buzzard?
I take every buzz I can get.
gonna lay around the shanty mama / and put a good buzz on
They must take it in sense that feel it.
No, no, not shanty. You're thinking of that drink.
@MετάEd No no, not shandy. You're thinking of that Hall of Fame pitcher from the Dodgers.
@MετάEd I suspected you of being a buzzkill earlier. Now I'm sure.
@Robusto No, no, not Sandy. You're thinking of that monster from Dune.
Can I say " distortion of meaning" ?
@Robusto I have super power humor immunity.
@JustynaNogala What do you want it to mean to your reader or listener?
when a piece of text is translated by means of any of machine translation sources the sense and meaning of a sentence are being violated
and almost destroyed.
I've just wondered what name can I give to a chapter in my work.
@JustynaNogala It seems reasonable to me.
In my chapter I will be comparing two translations in terms of grammar, use of language, meaning and cultural code.
machine translation cannot compete with humans in each of these aspects.
@Mitch Two guys.
Q: Spelling mistake for singular bounty?

eykanalNot sure that "bountie" is an alternative spelling of "bounty": Even if it is, that doesn't seem too standard.

@JustynaNogala Machine translation cannot (yet) be poetic, but Google Translate is coming close to competing with humans for basic communication. The Universal Translator is becoming a reality.
@tchrist It's not even the quicker picker upper.
@JustynaNogala Why do you think so? cannot is kind of strong. A machine cannot compete with a human in terms of running or swimming or chess or multiplication.
I meant it cannot compete with a translator
*human translator
actually humans cannot compete with a machine in terms of chess
but we already discussed this subject long time ago.
@JustynaNogala It's not even close anymore.
But computers cheat.
Humans are not allowed endgame hash tables, or unlimited opening-book lookup, or unlimited database positional lookup, etc.
A computer playing a human at chess is like a Ferrari racing against a human runner.
It doesn't even make sense to have the contest.
@Robusto as will translation eventually.
@Robusto I can barely read a French newspaper title after years of schooling, but google can do it for me for 100 languages. Any example of a funny stupid error it gives, I can tell you I (and billions) couldn't even spell the poor word choice.
I had something important to say but I forgot.
@Mitch You may be right, but the jury's still out on that one. I don't think translation will get there until machines can listen to billions of instances of human speech and store those in a way that can be referenced in context, etc. Like a hashtable of human thought, so to speak.
Mar 27 '13 at 13:08, by Mitch
Also I came here to say something important and you're all distracting me with this nonsense.
We're all gonna die?
Nope. That's pretty important but it's not what I was thinking.
That is the least important thing ever. Because once you're dead, none of it matters anymore.
@Robusto I don't think a billion are necessary. but speech to text is getting better all the time (with only a few million (I'm guessing) instances for the algorithms to learn from)
@Robusto but up until that time it is kinda important.
@Mitch Yet it has such a long way to go.
That is a Handy quote.
That's what I thought but the link says something else.
You just linked to another plagiarist.
Is there anybody
@Robusto goddamn flatterers
@Markberg No one here.
he he he
Are u a robot?
@Mitch can u speak?
@Mitch @Mitch are u okay
Sorry, u is a letter in the alphabet. It cannot speak.
@Robusto you are a good robot calm down
Rob's not the robot, but I am.
@Mitch I love u
Also, the point of chat is that it is asynchronous (less so than texting) so I many not respond for a while
.... or I may respond before you ask
Oh...here's the very important thing I had to say:
I'm all ears
@Mitch I should reprogram you because you mixed up
@Gigili "Maybe I should have asked Does "Mafia" come from Sicilian meaning "death to the Italians first, but I want an answer, not a long-winded lecture French"?" sounds better than either the original or the edit.
Was fur ein Edit ist es...
@Gigili don't want your time, you are talking with a robot.
He he
You're talking with someone who can mute-kick you.
What does mean mute-kick
I think it means shot me out of here
A wink is as good as a nod to a blind man.
It means if you are going to converse in here, welcome. If you mean to troll, you will get the bum's rush.
@Robusto no I just come here to talk and improve my English plz don't bums rush me. Tonight I falled in love :D
@Robusto This is just one reason why I prefer Go to Chess. Go hasn't been solved. Go is less like a mechanical process and more like a conversation about who ought to win.
Go is definitely a subtler game.
I used to be decent in chess, A-class, but memorizing openings to 25 moves just wasn't interesting for me.
And in chess at that level it's all about surviving the openings.
And I do mean surviving.
how does one create a new group
@ex_fiance I think the first step is to have a internet line
Then make sure you are connected to internet
The meta site eludes to this mysterious "create new group" button
You need more credit
@Gigili a horse too
@MετάEd I prefer Come From Chess. It's more relaxed.
@ex_fiance You need more rep to create chat rooms. I'm not sure how much, but it's unlikely you'll earn it today (also alludes).
@MετάEd for years there was little progress, but I've heard lately that there are some that can be successful at the elementary level (like beat me for example)
@DanBron You can see why I'm here. I've been in mathland for too long.
@MετάEd Knight to Queen Seven. Checkmate. Your move.
@DanBron knocks over game board
@ex_fiance What is it you did for his ungrateful lady, anyway? Moved cities?
Somebody tell me, How to find an English partner?????
@Markberg Step one: move to London
@Markberg livemocha?
pours water on the stairs to make @Mitch slip
@Gigili takes fire escape and briefcase with money
not in same hand
@DanBron can you buy me a air plane ticket
It must be ridiculously hard to learn as fond language without the opportunity for immersion. I'm cons talk shocked how manny and how well people around the world speak English. I can barely order lunch in Spanish.
@Mitch Why not?
@Gigili handles too big
@Markberg What, you can't swim?
@DanBron point at the menu.
@Mitch Aw!
and just eat and smile whatever they give you
@Mitch That's pretty much been my strategy to date.
@DanBron yes but the shark are not human friendly?
@DanBron There have got to be conversation sites for language learners.
livemocha does have some of this.
I once lived in a very Hispanic neighborhood uptown. Most of the local restaurants were run by native Spanish speakers. I found it hard to order food in English. Once, I was ordering pizza, and the guy didn't understand me at all. So I tried switching to Spanish (NB: I failed Spanish like 4 years running). The guy starts laughing so hard. SO HARD.
Then he interrupts me and asks me to stop. I can hear him call into the back for his buddies to come up. He puts me on speaker and says "Sir, could you repeat what you just said?". I do. The roar of laughter from the audience let me know, very briefly, what it must be like to be Jerry Seinfeld.
@DanBron Take off the Groucho marx nose and glasses.
@DanBron Moved countries, gave up a job working at Google
@DanBron best way to learn profanity.
@DanBron So are you going to repeat what you said, or aren't you?
Robusto: I thought I ordered a pizza with half sausage and peppers, half plain. But I have no idea what I said.
@DanBron maybe you said malison
Halfo sausogo ~e peppero, amigo
oh. Oh! ha ha. that's a good one.
@ex_fiance Sucks dude. I know a guy who abandoned his mortgage (like actually defaulted) and chased his woman to Panama, where she told him she was no longer interested in marrying him.
hola und adios
how dare you!
I wish someone would come up with a great answer for the "a word which means a dimensionless number in [0,1]" question. Using "percent" so often feels like a superfluous rescaling for the sake of having some word to fill in for a dimension.
@DanBron Atari.
@MετάEd I don't get it.
@DanBron It's a Go term.
argh, switching between a PC / Mac is driving me nuts. I'm gonna have to modify one keyboard or the other.
1 hour later…
I am entering the bizarre world of VoIP.
Good luck pal :-)
1 hour later…
@MετάEd I know...too much.
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