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@Robusto "I have a signed a contract with Ace for the e-pub of the early Vlad books. Presumably, they’re in production, but I don’t know how long the process takes."
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Evening.
@tchrist i thought you didn't like e-readers.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 How d'ye do?
Don’t. Plus I own the real version, and in several editions. But I know you like them.
And had been having trouble (with good reason) locating copies.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You been hot and smokey today?
@tchrist I thank the lord for the nighttime. To forget the day.
Another comment only I understand.
@Robusto I do. Writing an article about robots w/r/t them taking all of our jobs.
@Robusto oh, come now. People know that song.
@tchrist I would say neither.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Who in here knows neil diamond?
@Robusto I've never met the man personally.
Hmm, maybe him.
@tchrist but why? Are the Flint Hills on fire?
Was very very hazy yesterday, and it reached down to Los Alamos.
This is from the fires from distant Cascadia.
From the Pacific Northwet.
Health warnings out.
Yodel-a-i-i ooh-eedle-e-ay.
I bought an amp today.
What kind?
I had a 10W Crate that I'd had forever and the cat had shredded. I bought a Fender Champion 20.
New or used?
Champ was a good amp in the day. Don't know how they are now.
Coulda looked for one of these:
But you probably want more power than that.
You know, I've wanted a Pignose for 20 years.
But I didn't get one.
They're great for going places.
I'm not going places.
Now now, let's not be a downer. You could go places.
I'm at a coffeehouse right now.
So ronery.
I just don't know what to do with myself
Coffee? On Friday night? Get out and party harder than that, woman!
I haven't heard this particular version.
An EF1 touched down in Lake Geneva on Tuesday night. jsonline.com/weather/…
Old paste. Jhereg et alios by Steve(n) Brust.
@tchrist are yours okay?
@tchrist ah.
Yes, it was a few blocks NNW of home.
No sirens sounded. The folks went outside when they heard sounds like a train hitting and dragging a dump truck along the tracks.
One loaded with scrap metal and timber.
I heard a tornado and it sounded a lot like a train
I had an image of a flatbed train carrying empty dumpsters
Funny thing is that the winds were "only" 100 or 110 mph. We get those here and they aren’t tornadoes. But somehow it does more damage there with +25% our air pressure.
haha yeah. back when he had some pretensions to cool.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Select the "Fire" checkbox here and zoom out. You can see that the smoke plume is about to get you.
Wait, that's actually Geraldo?
Well, that was a load of bus footage.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Oh, I thought you were saying that it was. I don't think he ever tried to be that cool.
@Robusto I think it might be!
They go to Venture/A&P in the next one.
Dude has a whole playlist of it.
@tchrist that's pretty damn frightening.
Hard to breath in the thick of it.
I already put my earbuds away. :(
It's very different from EC's cover.
I'll watch it later.
> In 2014, "Love Come Down" has been placed on Bruce Pollock's list of The 7,500 Most Important Songs of 1944-2000.[
What a strange set of numbers.
Why 7500 songs? Why 1944?
Sounds like the list was created to squeeze in that song.
Time to go back home.
Hell, I think I've written one of the 7,500 most important songs of that period, and I don't even write songs.
I wonder how many Weird Al songs made the list.
Full disclosure: I have actually written songs. It put me strongly in touch with how not a songwriter I am.
@Robusto oh, come on.
7 hours later…
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Oh come on what? It's true.
Q: badonkadonk - botox or natural ass

Alex LeeThis is not existentially important for me now but I'd like to figure it out. Does a badonkadonk have to be filled with botox to be considered such? Or it just doesn't matter as long as they have an enormous ass? Any badonkadonk experts here?

This is just trolling. It should be obliterated.
a girl should answer this?
or a lady.
I think calling someone troll is being naive. If troll was something which wasn't welcomed then these cults underground movements like "4chan" never had existed
We ain't 4chan.
We go to great lengths to keep it from that.
I know @Robusto :)
I like you guys.
How are you? @Robusto
anyone got tickets to "bilderberg 2015" event in Swiss alps?
2 hours later…
@Robusto did you not resolve to the tonic or something?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Nah. The songs just sound labored and pedestrian. There's a difference between my gifts and those given to Elvis Costello or Paul Simon. It's just not fair!
My cat is on the floor, belly up, whimpering, waiting for a belly rub. She is a dogcat.
Were the subjects grand?
I've linked that before.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Not particularly.
YouTube is the first thing to come along that matches my memory for songs.
And just now I tried to think of a song so obscure that YouTube wouldn't have it, and I failed:
@CandiedOrange A word for somehow who wants bad things to happen to other people is surely close enough to a duplicate for a word for someone who doesn’t want good things to happen to others. In any event, is a terrible question: it is too broad, primarily opinion-based, and shows no research effort. It is nothing but another open-ended fishing expedition for awful things to use about people whose behavior we disapprove of. If left open, it would draw dozens of answers and surely earn the guessers gold badges for their non-efforts. — tchrist 2 mins ago
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Cool.
Q: badonkadonk - botox or natural ass

Alex LeeThis is not existentially important for me now but I'd like to figure it out. Does a badonkadonk have to be filled with botox to be considered such? Or it just doesn't matter as long as they have an enormous ass? Any badonkadonk experts here?

One more delete vote.
How do these commenters take that question seriously?
I was the first deleter.
Although it’s a shame for him to get back the rep.
I flagged for mod attention but mod attention seems to be the absent factor here.
@Robusto I much prefer that to the Onion AV cover of Chumbawumba.
Rather, don't reopen it.
@Robusto They’ve taken the weekend off.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Well, I've always known TMBG were more evolved beings, and this is one more piece of evidence supporting that.
They haven’t even deleted the post libelling Edwin.
I know.
Flagged that one too.
Please run the reopen queue and Just Say No. :)
As have I.
Nice for having a big screen and sitting back a good ways from it.
Hm. I have two monitors that are both like 25". I still might want two.
Or maybe these are 27".
We did this a couple weeks ago. I suggested you use a TV.
That's not really what it means. "To think that . . ." really means "It is strange/bizarre/astounding to think that . . ." — Robusto 15 secs ago
I actually have them slightly bent so that they bit better.
And wondered if the question marks are standing in for the stars.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Sorry for the repeat. I'm still on the fence.
@Robusto No way.
32" LED TVs cost half as much.
On the one hand we have the fact that I don't really need it. On the other, I really do want it. Guess which one will win.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 But no DVI dual-link ports, etc.
Yes. I am more than familiar with the dynamic.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 DVI-dual link. Because I can link both DVI channels of my graphics card to the single monitor for superior performance.
> The moment when you discover that something awful makes for good television is always the beginning of the end. Remember how many of us watched the Trump debate?
@Robusto this is better than HDMI?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Yes.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 No. I wrote an app similar to that about 15 years ago. Shareware.
@Robusto That's an interesting thing to name it.
Main page shows this is a dupe, but question itself is not closed as such.
Q: Word for someone who acts like an expert but has very little knowledge?

sheaWhat is a word to describe an individual who acts like an expert in a subject area, constantly stating facts and correcting people, but actually has very little knowledge on the subject?

@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Yes.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Mine was not named so interestingly.
Well sure, since you called Shareware.
@Robusto I misfired. I keep reading titles that match instead of bodies.
Yesterday all it did was blow hot wind here. About 30 small fires were started around the state, although nothing big that I can see (there's one existing larger one on the Western Slope). The thickest smoke for the WA/OR fires is just missing me for now.
Go to any map on wunderground.com and select Fire, then zoom out. The West is ablaze, and it’s dumping all its smoke across the top of the country in the middle. Very nasty.
> So for example /t/ may also be voiced when it occurs after /r, l, m, n, ŋ/ and before a weak vowel. So we will probably hear a tap in the following words: [...] sphincter
Rhymes with pinked her.
@tchrist Fumble went ahead with it.
1 hour later…
@Robusto So I saw.
A: Word for someone who acts like an expert but has very little knowledge?

tchristCryptonescient Morosophs and Ultracrepidarians The cryptonescient are best described as morosophs and ultacrepidarians, as any philodox or sumpsimus drawn into this epeolatrous logomachy like a santurnid to a pharol will deliciate in apprising you with all due impigrity. Those epithets you may ...

Reads like Jabberwocky, I know. :)
@tchrist Haha, I had to upvote that one. I am a bad person.
It at least shows more deviousness than yet offered in this fishing expedition. 😈
I am in a big trueBLE
Those are of course all real words used correctly. It will take most folks some time to find all of them, though.
Ceci n’est pas un dictionnaire.
am I being ignored ? :|
Last place I was going to expect you @rlemon is this chat room, wasn't JS room enough for you ? :P
2 hours later…
here are some things that make us think we would be a good tour guide:

• It's been a long time we live in Tehran and we know it pretty well (we know its secret places, its traffic peak hours, its crowded/isolated places, …? Is there an idiom for this?)
• It doesn't matter if you've made a list of different places you'd like to visit, the fact that what time is appropriate for visiting which place, considering different factors, is what matters most
• Other than Tehran, we've visited many cities and we'd like to accompany you through your trip to these cities, such as Isfahan, Tabriz, Kerma
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: HELP TITLE MUST BE AT LEAST 15 CHARACTERS by brandon on english.stackexchange.com
@Mitch Then I have won.
Can you imagine the pilot survived this?
1 hour later…
L'obnubilation est un obscurcissement de l'état de conscience, une baisse de la vigilance, liée à une atteinte du système nerveux central. == Définition et sémiologie == L'obnubilation est un état de conscience altéré, susceptible d'évoluer vers un coma. C'est la vigilance du patient (c'est-à-dire sa capacité de fixer son attention sur son environnement, de le surveiller activement) qui est touchée. Cliniquement, la personne semble s'endormir, ne réagit pas aux stimuli (bruits, appels, lumière soudaine) ou alors seulement lorsque ceux-ci sont importants. Il se montre apathique, répondant ...
@SmokeDetector Just tried to watch the last hobbit film. Made it half an hour in before bailing. What a piece of garbage.
@tchrist ^^
Smokey is read-only everywhere cept the Tavern.
Such a shame.
Stupid tablet got the wrong reference in chat.
Then wouldn't let me edit.
The first half-hour was Smaug, right?
I’ve tried to put most of it from my mind.
No. The first 15 minutes was.
Then it went completely off book.
What was the other 15? No idea.
It was a desperate attempt at foreshadowing of LotR.
@Robusto what kind of tablet?
Galleries, Elrond, Legolas
Galadriel, not galleries.
Recusing Goodwife.
Stupid tablet.
(That's my imitation of spelling correction for Rescuing Gandalf.)
We hates it.
Turn if off?
Menhir are stones.
Man her is something else.
I realized Mitch was taking my hair when he protested his ignorance of obnubilation.
Pues quedan unas nubes en medio de ella.
I finally watched a Tom Scott rant I disapproved of. He was cursing gender marking. I find it rather convenient that I can use a feminine pronoun for de ella so you knew I wasn’t talking about Mitch.
@tchrist Oh, and Sauron and the Nazgul too.
Like Old Home Week.
@Robusto Old Home Week?
I don't get it. But never mind.
@tchrist Who is that?
@FaheemMitha A reunion.
@Robusto A reunion of Sauron and the Nazgul?
They should sing their college drinking song.

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