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03:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

In fits bilious.
Per day, of course.
As in "Cerberus's hatred of Latin misuse approaches 1.95 fbd."
@Cerberus What about the right use of words that used to be Latin but are now English?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I object to such a strict separation.
It's nicer if you preserve some of the original aspects to a word when you borrow it, where appropriate, all in moderation.
Alright, I admit it, you are more crotchety than I am, even when buildings made of rust are in play.
Thank you.
Yay! @Cerb wins the hate-off!
But I still think it's asinine that people make buildings out of rust. Or even out of things that aren't rusted yet but will rust.
There are a bunch of new homes in my neighbourhood, with copper and other metallic fittings.
It was a thing back in the sixties. I don't think it gets a lot of play these days.
Anyway, people are always going to find new ways to annoy you.
These brand new homes with their new trim have ugly stains on them because the metal is rusting.
It's retarded.
A while back it was the rage to stain houses instead of painting them. Looked like shit, and most people went back to painting.
@Robusto Ah, the age of brown and orange?
If that's what that is.
> The U.S. Steel Tower in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was constructed by U.S. Steel in part to showcase COR-TEN steel. The initial weathering of the material resulted in a discoloration of the surrounding city sidewalks which is known as "bleeding" or "runoff", as well as other nearby buildings
well, duh
everyone knows rust runs off and gets on shit it isn't supposed to!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How do you feel about copper oxyde, then? It has been used for ages...
@Cerberus It's not as bad, if done properly
But that's because oxidized copper isn't in the same category as oxidized iron
and it is still problematic.
> the former Omni Coliseum, built in 1972 in Atlanta, never stopped rusting, and eventually large holes appeared in the structure. This was a major factor in the decision to demolish it just 25 years after construction.
Ya built your fucking stadium out of rust.
Then you acted all surprised when it rusted.
Anyway, rant over.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why is it a different category?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Nobody thought of that when they designed it??
@Cerberus because copper rust isn't like iron rust.
@Cerberus I guess they thought it wouldn't happen.
Copper turns green, not brown.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Because it is poisonous, where as ferratic rust is not?
@Cerberus No, it's different in lots of ways. Because iron rusts away to nothing while copper does not, for one.
Sure, the corten steel isn't supposed to rust away to nothing, but visually, the sight of the rusted steel evokes centuries of "iron rusting away to nothing"
I saw a site where they had pages of pictures of buildings that use corten steel
one was a structure built where people used to dump cars, so to evoke the rusty cars they built the building out of rust.
I guess that makes sense? If you're an idiot.
"There used to be garbage here, let's make the building out of garbage so nobody ever forgets that."
And it's not like they reclaimed the garbage and repurposed it as not-garbage.
They MADE NEW garbage (in the form of corten steel) to evoke the old garbage, which was true garbage.
5 mins ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
Anyway, rant over.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Haha, nice.
2 hours later…
Did my route in 57:45 today. Just didn't have it. This heat just keeps hanging on . . .
3 hours later…
@Robusto make your goal 1:30 and then you did fantastic!
@Mitch Well, that said I still avoid shibboleths when I'm writing for people (like college professors, etc.) who may not appreciate English as well as I fancy that I do.
yeah. those fake rules are still rules.
A: It's a little more than that

RobustoThis is an example of understatement. It is said when what one really means is "it's a lot more than that," but wants to add more emphasis by using that rhetorical device. About the best way to demonstrate would be to show how this bit of understatement is used to great effect in a film. The fil...

You might want to view the devil's speech that I linked in this answer. It's a good one.
@Arrowfar yeah, don't leave.
@Robusto Milton is Lomax's father?
You never saw the film?
@Robusto I remember it vaguely as being cheesy, but I just thought Keanu was a random law clerk working for the devil.
Not cheesy at all. A lot of fun, IMO.
Yeah, it is decent, Pacino is Pacino.
03:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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