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Look in the stat box on the right.
@RegDwigнt English is my Wikipedia of choice.
@Robusto Yeah that's Wikipedia.
in Mathematics, 54 mins ago, by scummy
I'm 7th grade
Nobody, ever, called it that. Not even in their wildest dreams of being gang-raped by Freddie Kruegers.
I feel like a pedophile now :(
Now Бесик is something people will actually use. It doesn't hurt that it means "little devil".
Likewise the French flag is a сибек and the Dutch one is крабес, another good mnemonic because crabs.
I thought Бесик was a simple programming language.
@Robusto Yeah here's a thing you should know about Russia. Nobody at all remembers the 80s. Nobody still in the country was born before the nineties.
It is literally populated by people for whom "ancient" means "blu-ray".
Well, that is ancient. Who buys media when you can steal it online?
Precisely. Here is your Medal for Sounding Like A Hero of The USSR.
Is that from the Great Patriotic Download?
@skillpatrol this is somewhat young no?
4 mins ago, by skill patrol
I feel like a pedophile now :(
@Robusto all downloads are great and patriotic. Except those through iTunes. Luckily no one has ever heard of any such thing as iTunes.
@RegDwigнt I first thought the screw looked a little long until I realized it was probably intended to have to pierce eight layers of overcoat.
And your heart.
You are forgetting the heart.
Good luck trying to find that.
Never forget the heart.
The heart must be pierced purple.
@crl he was in here yesterday chatting
These are Russians we're talking about.
> a word for many different situations
I think, dear sir, you are looking for the word "vodka".
> What's the difference between whether and rather?
Okay seriously folks stop trolling me.
It was fun yesterday, but I can't handle two days in a row.
who me?
I don't know who it is. But seeing how it was Rob who is silent now, and how it was Rob who kept linking to such questions yesterday, I have a prime suspect: tchrist.
Your what hurts?
@RegDwigнt Someone is getting testy. I think I'll post a troll question of my own on ELU.
No wonder we've lost so many wanna be trolls in this room...you guys are awesome.
@Robusto You call that "a few" clicks! Besides, with the Home and Pro versions, you cannot turn it all off: you're stuck with "basic diagnostic and usage data". You need to edit a registry key(!) in order to set that to 0. 30 Ways Your Windows 10 Computer Phones Home to Microsoft
@Cerberus OK, OK. I'm not upgrading, so I guess I don't care.
Same here.
But I suspect Win 7 will start "acquiring" unusual computer rot in the coming months.
But still, it is good for people to be aware of this.
What the fuck. Comments are not allowed to contain kanji now?
This is what happens when you let the bots talk to each other.
@RegDwigнt Yes.
@Robusto Computer rot?
Is in log.
@RegDwigнt Whaaaaa?!
Against spam.
Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam and kanji.
Bit rot may refer to: Bit Rot, a story written by Charles Stross Data rot, the electric charge of a bit in RAM disperses, possibly altering program code or stored data; or the phenomenon of storage media gradually decaying over time Software rot, a deterioration of software performance over time or its diminishing responsiveness because of the changing environment in which it resides...
Fucking fuck you. I am not a spammer.
Take it up with Shog.
If I want to say fako yoo in Katakana, it is my constitutional right to do just that.
He turned it on last night, because the controls were already in place. He couldn’t hack the code and release to make it more discerning.
@tchrist so how the hell do they converse on JLU now? Or has that one been shut down?
@tchrist wtf why the comments? No spammer ever comments! They need rep for that!
What the actual what.
I know, I know. As I said.
10 hours ago, by tchrist
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Normal Human
Aha, Chinese is now blacklisted network-wide, presumably with exception for language sites.
10 hours ago, by tchrist
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Shog9
Exceptions are: SO, meta.SE, chinese.se, japanese.se, ja.so, and anime.se (and their associated meta sites)
@tchrist Except that wasn't Chinese. @Reg was trying to paste in some Japanese.
Apparently, he couldn't fine-tune it to exclude comments and high-reps: apparently it was all or nothing, site-wide.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 10 hours ago, by Normal Human
Is it feasible to waive the regex blocks for users with 10+ rep? I.e., make it a part of new user restrictions?
Well. That's it.
Sep 15 '13 at 0:44, by RegDwighт
I quit.
Today is not last night.
@RegDwigнt I'm sure they will fix it today or tomorrow...
@RegDwigнt Yeah, what the actual fuck? I guess Japanese.SE is going straight down the toilet now.
@Robusto yeah go try explain the difference to them. I'll wait.
@Robusto Japanese.se is excepted.
No, that's the whole point here, they wouldn't have to learn either. They'd just write that "конодоккидокиваназетомаранаи" is Chinese for "give me three vodkas" and be done. — RegDwigнt ♦ 58 secs ago
So Russian spam is allowed now or what.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 10 hours ago, by Shog9
This is what is blacklisted, FWIW:
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 10 hours ago, by Shog9
The Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) scripts share a common background. In the process called Han unification the common (shared) characters were identified, and named "CJK Unified Ideographs". Unicode defines a total of 80,388 CJK Unified Ideographs. The terms ideographs or ideograms may be misleading, since the Chinese script is not strictly a picture writing system. Historically, Vietnam used Chinese ideographs too, so sometimes the abbreviation "CJKV" is used. This system was replaced by the Latin-based Vietnamese alphabet in the 1920s. == CJK Unified Ideographs blocks == === CJK ...
BRB spamming Russian whores.
We've had nightly Chinese spam waves two nights in a row.
@RegDwigнt Is there any other kind?
Yeah there's ton of impostors produced in Czechia and Slovania and the Ukraynland.
Do not buy counterfeit products from Eastern Europe! CAVEAT EMPTOR!!!!
@FaheemMitha I don't want to "manage", I want to make full use of my computer. Dropping 90% of computer programmes is not an option for me. Autohotkey alone is irreplaceable. Etc. Alas.
Interestingly enough, hiragana goes through just fine.
Haha, there's Mr Shiny and New.
He is now permabanned on all of the network.
Yeah I was wondering about that
Hi all
OMG magic!
What you get for chatting above your station.
You are carrying a concealed hanzi. Get the fuck out the car.
And so does kanji in chat.
@Reg FYI you can get around it by using &xCODEPOINT; escapes in posts, just not in comments.
But not in comments.
can anyone check this Video Clip:
You mean we've been having waves of Chinese spam and all I got was a lousy two flags out of it? Gyp.
Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
and help me about what the other woman say in 1:12-1:14 time...
okay at least I can say my name in chat
Woman problems.
The chat that dare not speak its name.
@MRS1367 I don't have sound here. Perhaps someone else can help.
I don't open random links at work, sorry.
I can't get the mixed words that is said by two women simultaneously in that video clip
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: 物質の状態は、相の違いにより区別される物質の状態である。 [русские-идут]
Ah, better.
@RegDwigнt What did you get that from, a packing list?
Include the "http" bit then it will inline.
@Robusto yes. Commonly known as Wikipedia.
@Cerberus 90%? Good grief.
> and there are no annoying phonecalls
物質の状態は、相の違いにより区別される物質の状態である。 歴史的には、物質の状態は巨視的な性質により区別されていた。即ち、固体は定まった体積と形を持つ。液体は定まった体積を持つが、形は定まっていない。気体は体積も形も定まっていない。近年では、物質の状態は分子間相互作用によって区別されている。即ち、固体は分子間の相互配置が定まっており、液体では近接分子は接触しているが相互配置は定まっていないのに対し、気体では分子はかなり離れていて、分子間相互作用はそれぞれの運動にほとんど影響を及ぼしていない。また、プラズマは高度にイオン化した気体で、高温下で生じる。イオンの引力、斥力による分子間相互作用によりこのような状態を生じるため、プラズマはしばしば「第四の状態」と呼ばれる。 分子以外から構成される物質や別の力で組織される物質の状態も、ある種の「物質の状態」だと考えられる。フェルミ凝縮やクォークグルーオンプラズマ等が例として挙げられる。 また、物質の状態は相転移からも定義される。相転移は物質の性質の突然の変化から構造の変化を示すものである。この定義では、物質の状態とは他とは異なった熱力学的状態のことである。水はいくつかの異なった固体の状態を持つといえる。また、超伝導の出現は相転移と関連していて、「超伝導状態」という状態がある。液晶や強磁性が相転移により特別の性質を持つのと同様である。 ��2�...
@Cerberus -> nope
Idiots keep splitting atomic characters.
the other woman
My main language is Persian
and I can't get her words
@RegDwigнt Your tags are questionable.
I get these:
> … sir, Let's me can the HQ
@tchrist Thanks for the headsup! One of those things killed half the Netherlands over the Ukraine.
but I know that it's wrong
I can't hear it either.
I can't hear anything.
Maybe something like, sir, I'm happy to hold...
@MRS1367 @ what time interval?
Speaking of which, how's your ears @tchrist.
@skillpatrol ->
6 mins ago, by MRS1367
and help me about what the other woman say in 1:12-1:14 time...
It is too difficult to actually hear, and I can't think of any standard phrase that might fit the context and the sound.
@RegDwigнt Healed. Still can’t hear as well in the left as the right. It was the right whose eardrum was infected.
When did that happen?
A friend of mine had a drum burst a couple years ago. He said the pain was otherworldly.
@Cerberus -> Thank you mate for your efforts :)
But yeah it healed just fine.
@MRS1367 Good luck...
@RegDwigнt How did it happen?
@tchrist How did that happen?
@Cerberus The infection or the hearing loss?
@Cerberus -> So, what can I replace instead of it?
I don't remember and I don't know if he actually knew. Like, it wasn't a complete burst, just some stupid minor crack in it that just happened one day somehow.
@Cerberus I run Debian, and don't find it a burden, nor do I feel that I am running my computer with reduced functionality. But your needs may be different.
@tchrist The infection?
@Cerberus -> you said:
> sir, I'm happy to hold...
It's good for replacing with it?
Cerberus talks at fifty people at once
@RegDwigнt Hmm okay, no piercing object or loud bang?
Reg grabs popcorn
or I can replace it with better words?
@RegDwigнt :D
@MRS1367 I really don't know: I was just guessing, but it may something else.
@skillpatrol -> Can you help me about it?
@Cerberus -> I know
Why don't you just write <telephone mumbling>?
Why do you need to know this?
Why don't you just quit this rubbish job.
@Cerberus hey what, I didn't know you were the only one allowed to ask questions here.
@Cerberus Infection spread from sinus infection via eustachian tubes, but eardrum was impacted with solid wax from the other side, so no air circulating, and the normal lack of blood flow to the eardrum rendered oral antibiotics ineffective at treating it.
@MRS1367 I get "will that be all mumble, mumble..."
@Cerberus -> It's for creating a video clip from that
in the Persian Language
Redesigning it in Persian
@tchrist Ah, I see, that sounds bad. So it would be good to have the wax cleaned out regularly?
@MRS1367 OK then just leave it out or replace it with a random line from a standard telephone conversation.
Who dat?
@Cerberus -> It's not better that I replace it with a conversation about the subject of the Video Clip?
For example:
@Cerberus Probably.
Hello sir, How can I help you?
That would be fine.
@Cerberus -> Thank you :)
Or, even better, make it annoying.
Thank every body helped me
Because the video is talking about annoying phone calls.
@tchrist Hmm very annoying. At least it mostly healed.
@Cerberus -> So, can you gimme an example sentence?
4 mins ago, by skill patrol
@MRS1367 I get "will that be all mumble, mumble..."
will that be all for you?
> ...Sir, would you like to receive future offers? [because that would be an annoying kind of phone call you might get if service providers have your personal info]
close enough^
@Cerberus -> Thank you
it fits the context
it's very better
@skillpatrol -> Thank you too :)
@skillpatrol Is that what you hear?
@Cerberus I can only "guess"
its a tough one
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy.
Do you hear what I hear?
is what tchrist is prompting.
The new tag button for this room links to a URL with question-marks in it.
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: 物質の状態は、相の違いにより区別される物質の状態である。 (no tags)
I guess the tag system didn't like Reg's joke
33 mins ago, by tchrist
@RegDwigнt Your tags are questionable.
peaches are remarkably water-repellent
36 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: 物質の状態は、相の違いにより区別される物質の状態である。 [русские-идут]
Read the transcript. Nobody ever reads the transcript. The tag is a simple and effective test to tell if someone reads the transcript or not.
I have read the transcript. The Cyrillic turned into question-marks in the URL.
Magic, ladies and gentlemen.
it turned into question marks in the tag too.
What will it turn into next, and where?
Stay tuned.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 oh and how was that a joke. That was a warning.
You don't seem to have been following the news of late.
a global warning
In which case the warning was all the more imminent.
@RegDwigнt I read neither japanese nor anything Cyrillic so I assumed you were making a joke, as usual. I have no clue what the title or tag says.
Q: WHAT IS THE CORRECT SPELLING(S) of phone? I am reading from a bulleted list of rules

PAT• Please no cell phones. Keep your phone on silent volume. OR • Please no cell phones. Keep your phones on silent volume. OR • Please no cell phones. Keep your phones' on silent volume.

@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Google Translate to the rescue!
> State of the material is in the form of substances that are distinguished by the difference in phase.
Or, you know, just read the transcript.
43 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
物質の状態は、相の違いにより区別される物質の状態である。 歴史的には、物質の状態は巨視的な性質により区別されていた。即ち、固体は定まった体積と形を持つ。液体は定まった体積を持つが、形は定まっていない。気体は体積も形も定まっていない。近年では、物質の状態は分子間相互作用によって区別されている。即ち、固体は分子間の相互配置が定まっており、液体では近接分子は接触しているが相互配置は定まっていないのに対し、気体では分子はかなり離れていて、分子間相互作用はそれぞれの運動にほとんど影響を及ぼしていない。また、プラズマは高度にイオン化した気体で、高温下で生じる。イオンの引力、斥力による分子間相互作用によりこのような状態を生じるため、プラズマはしばしば「第四の状態」と呼ばれる。 分子以外から構成される物質や別の力で組織される物質の状態も、ある種の「物質の状態」だと考えられる。フェルミ凝縮やクォークグルーオンプラズマ等が例として挙げられる。 また、物質の状態は相転移からも定義される。相転移は物質の性質の突然の変化から構造の変化を示すものである。この定義では、物質の状態とは他とは異なった熱力学的状態のことである。水はいくつかの異なった固体の状態を持つといえる。また、超伝導の出現は相転移と関連していて、「超伝導状態」という状態がある。液晶や強磁性が相転移により特別の性質を持つのと同様である。 ��2�...
yeah, that message is indecipherable to me too.
Except the W.
That page has a Chinese version and an English version and a French version. For all your Canadian needs.
And hey, does not the picture tell you more than the thousand words?
Or I could just not care. And call putting that text in the room topic "a joke" and get on with my life.
Nonono. That is not how it works.
You have not paid enough for it to work that way.
In fact you have not paid enough for anything to work in any way.
That's good cuz it ain't working, not no way, not no how.
Y-a-t-il plus sinophones qu’hispanophones dans le Canada?
And why do they have so many hy-phen-s?
What is this grammar?
Also that's not dans le Canada. That's aux Canada.
@tchrist That's a good question. I'd say maybe oui.
Toi pomme de pine, toi.
Hm, is a city?
Or an islet?
I vote islet.
What's the meaning of Okee dokee?
I also would have written "plus de sinophones_" but my French is more rust than iron.
They even put a mnemonic into their anthem just for you. "Aux Canada".
I was going to.
@MRS1367 okay.
@MRS1367 it means "okay" with a rhyming reduplication.
@RegDwigнt Combien?
Also it's spelled "okie dokie".
Since you're making a transcription.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 -> Aha. Thank you :)
You're welcome.
> Book Suggestions and Suggestions in General
@RegDwigнt -> Thank you
Suggestion in General: never be rude to an Arab.
Suggestion in General: let the Wookie win
@RegDwigнt -> Thank you too
@RegDwigнt -> I'm not Arab
I said my main language is Persian
Arabs' language is Arabic
@MRS1367 what are you trying to say? That we can be rude to you?
@RegDwigнt -> nope
I just said that I'm not Arab
because you said:
2 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
Suggestion in General: never be rude to an Arab.
Yeah so.
I wasn't talking about you.
As best demonstrated by the fact that you are not an Arab.
@RegDwigнt -> Aha. Sorry :D
I was talking about that question I quoted in the line before that.
Q: Book Suggestions and Suggestions in General

Charles Carmichael3 years ago I used to talk English on a daily basis, because I was in an international school and I used to speak with proper grammar, however, that has changed because now I am not in an environment that has people that I speak English with, and my grammar has gotten worse and worse. I am looki...

And "never be rude to an Arab" is a famous line from a famous Monty Python song.
Celui-là n’est pas un Arabe.
Hahaha. "HD". Hahahahahahahaha. Hahahaha. Ha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
So anyway. I must ping @Rob because he just loves specific question titles such as "Suggestions in General".
He collects them and pets them and feeds them and treats them well.
@RegDwigнt I'm not seeing it. Can you be a little more specific?
Maybe it should be Vague Book Suggestions In The Abstract.
Question Title
Question Body?
Stupid formatting is stupid.
So here's my controversial theory about Persians.
Persians are Arabs.
Because every single time you mention the word "Arab" anywhere at all, some Persian will materialize out of thin air to inform you that he is not an Arab.
Wait, Xerxes wasn't an Arab? I'm confused.
That is, every single time you talk about Arabs, Persians think you are talking about them.
You know who else does that? Arabs!
And do you know why they do that? Because they are Arabs.
Sounds Farsical to me.
In conclusion: Persians are Arabs.
You forgot the QED.
Feb 20 '11 at 14:10, by RegDwight
I did not.
Nobody reads the transcript!
I read it and then I forget it. I need to study harder.
Hardy Krüger (* 12. April 1928 als Eberhard August Franz Ewald Krüger in Berlin-Wedding; eigentlich Franz Eberhard August Krüger) ist ein deutscher Filmschauspieler und Schriftsteller. == Leben == Krüger wurde als Sohn des Ingenieurs Max Krüger geboren und verbrachte seine Kindheit in Berlin-Biesdorf. 1941 kam er als Dreizehnjähriger auf die Adolf-Hitler-Schule (AHS). Mangels vorhandener Schulgebäude erfolgte die Ausbildung auf der Ordensburg Sonthofen. Zu seinen Schulkameraden gehörten u. a. Jakob Muth und Theo Sommer. Bis 1944 wurde Krüger an der AHS für eine künftige Führungsposition im NS-Staat…
@RegDwigнt The transcript is 9% you telling people what's not allowed in this chat, and 90% you quoting yourself, so why would we read it?
Here, start by studying him.
I wonder what our longest string of closed questions is. Yesterday we had about ten in a row at one point.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 so you would be best informed about those exact numbers. How else would you know it's not 9.1% and 89.9% respectively? How? HOW?
@RegDwigнt Yeah, the show Kraut for '60s movies. I know who he is.
Note he was born in wedding.
May 4 '12 at 9:46, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
@MattЭллен You know, it's only 34km from Petting to Fucking, but a whopping 656km from Fucking to Wedding.
Berlin-Wedding. Or, as Billy Idol would say, "White Wedding" . . .
Billy Idol is coming to my general vicinity soon.
Along with Bob Dylan.
@RegDwigнt It's easy. I've been here for years, and every time you do it again my confirmation bias moves those numbers closer to 100%.
Actually Bob Dylan will be "singing" like a mile away from my house.
You'll probably have to get closer to hear him.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 see. Not everyone has been here for years. Be nice to noobs. They deserve the same level of informativitability as you.
They can read the transcript.
@Robusto have you heard him as of late? He really thinks he is a singer now.
Like, he takes Sinatra songs and then sings them.
Must be the old age.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 exactly. Thank you. QED.
Must be nice to be that rich that you can put out a bunch of Sintatra songs with a voice that sounds like broken glass on sandpaper.
As the Germans say, "he must have eaten chalk".
Like the wolf from the fairy tale.
hey there little red riding hood / you sure are looking good
Who ate chalk to sound like the goatlings' mom.
That's a different wolf.
Or maybe the same, who knows such things.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者: ^^
Funny that's the first hit on YouTube for Sam the Sham. Wooly Bully comes in second.
Ummm, Japanese? — Robusto 9 secs ago
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: この説明は中国語で書かれていないのですが、大丈夫です。 [not-chinese-so-is-ok]
Google Translate says it's not a "so" but a "but".
That is true. I had kara at first but changed it to ga.
But I forgot to change the tag.
Oh well.
In conclusion: Persians are Arabs.
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: この説明は中国語で書かれていないのですが、大丈夫です。 [not-chinese-but-is-ok]
Sung by Whitney Houston.
Was she in The Mikado?
She is in the Mortuado
@RegDwigнt that should start a few fistfights]
@MattE.Эллен Once you get down, you gotta get back up again.
@Mitch Tanatorio, from θάνατος.
@RegDwigнt I just did the NYT one, and it had the soda/pop/coke question. Must be a random choice of 25 out of your 153.
Latin America sometimes uses casa funeraria.
@tchrist I tried
@Robusto ground glass on sandpaper on a blackboard...with a sore throat. and hangnail
Now you're talking about Tom Waits, not Dylan.
Stevie Nicks
You're right. Tom Dooley
Those lyrics are pretty rough
I see what you did there.
spoiler alert, he kills some woman. It starts ou sounding like a love triangle but ends up Tom just happens to knife the poor girl, and the other dude turns him in.
wait... classic turning the tables. poor poor tom dooley got framed.
@Robusto when I read old chat transcripts, it all looks like people rewrite things, and they don't make sense.
Just like when you read them as they happen, except it's later.
software management is like wildlife management. sometimes you have to let the poachers in.
Also, Cecil. poor poor Cecil.
@Robusto That's a meaningless but true statement
It has no meaning? Are you sure?
Q: Are "Hitler" brand ice cream cones sold in India?

March HoA number of recent articles (Daily Mail, Fox News, Hindustan Times) describe ice cream cones being sold in India which are labelled as "Hitler" distinctly on their boxes. If you think the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler has nothing to do with ice-creams, you’re wrong. Photographs of an ice-crea...

Are you kidding me?
@Robusto Something wrong?
I guess I just don't associate Hitler with fun in the sun is all.
@Robusto Well, he did own a holiday villa once.
The Berghof was Adolf Hitler's home in the Obersalzberg of the Bavarian Alps near Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, Germany. Other than the Wolfsschanze ("Wolf's Lair"), his headquarters in East Prussia for the invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler spent more time at the Berghof than anywhere else during World War II. It was also one of the most widely known of his headquarters, which were located throughout Europe. Rebuilt, much expanded and renamed in 1935, the Berghof was Hitler's vacation residence for ten years. In late April 1945 the house was damaged by British aerial bombs, set on fire by retreating...
Interesting. Apparently "Mein Kampf" sells well in India. I wonder why.
I wouldn't know.

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