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Chuck it.
I am not listening to it.
Chuck Berry was past it when I saw him in 1986 or '87. I can't imagine he suddenly recovered his form 27 years later.
@Robusto Did you ever know that you're my hero.
It's the little things we do that are appreciated most.
@Robusto you can imagine, it's easy if you try. It wouldn't be the truth, though.
@skillpatrol will know who John Gruden is.
Yes, chucky the traidor >8(
I only know Josh Groban.
You know skill patrol.
@RegDwigнt On the other hand, there's not a lot to do in Finland since MS snapped up Nokia and then just as suddenly dropped the Windows phone.
@Robusto what 'bout him?
Scroll up.
That can't be a surprise to you.
to see his ugly face here is a surprise
we've been burning his picture at raider games since 2002
@Robusto yes, if "suddenly" is your shorthand for "after years of planning obvious to every last Redditor".
My advice to Nokia would be to make gumboots again. That seemed to work out most very fine.
Nokian tires are good. They used to be cheap, too.
Is Finland in the Eurozone? I think they would have to be, right?
But then they added the texting feature.
@Robusto I could be holding some Finnish Euros right now. If I could be bothered holding some Finnish Euros.
Huckleberry Finn works for Nokia, IIRC.
@Robusto so does brady's suspension include all of the preseason?
@skillpatrol What do you think?
Them's quite nice, actually. With flowers and swans.
You'd like for that to be true. But it ain't.
@skillpatrol You'd like to hate the Patriots because your own team sucks gargantuan hippo weenie.
Haters gonna hate.
That last one was how I learned that Vikings were the result of the October Revolution.
You don't learn that at school, children.
@RegDwigнt I think you're mixing up effect and cause. Clearly they were the cause of the October Revolution.
Yes, of course.
Because Vikings.
"From Greeks to Varyags" is the saying.
They go where the narwhal bacons.
I am always getting the order confused.
The most famous Viking was the Vi Vi King.
He was also their king, part time.
@Robusto I don't hate the patriots, I just cheer for all the teams they play :D
Which interestingly enough was the proof linguists used to show that Vikings are Spanish.
3 mins ago, by Robusto
Haters gonna hate.
Who else would say things like "Vlues Voy".
And see, all of that we learn from that one single Finnish coin.
Now imagine a world in which Finnland wouldn't have entered the Euro. You'd have learned nothing today. Nothing.
I'm too sleepy to learn stuff today.
I only just learned that there's a Russian company called "Mega Presents" that has boring regular presents except FOR GIANTS.
I get the joke. I just don't get why it was made.
I must say I'd buy the headphones.
It's so ridiculous it's more ridiculous than Dubya.
You see, I've been wearing Dubya for a hat for years now, and I'm looking for a replacement.
@RegDwigнt That's a bold statement.
All my statements are bold.
That's an actual edible gummy bear.
Define "edible".
With greetings to intestines.
That's not a definition.
Never eat anything bigger than your head.
Here's a stool for Walter White:
300k dollars. For only 6k roubles.
reminds me of that Russian joke,
— Little girl, what do you need a head for?
— I eat into it.
@RegDwigнt That's way more than $300k.
@RegDwigнt In Soviet Russia the line punches you!
Well it says 300k what can I do.
OMG OMG false advertising. Never happened before.
Oh wait.
It said 300k on the link I followed. On the product page it says 3 million.
Ha-HA! And just like that I'm ten times as rich.
I'd believe 3 million.
I'd believe Donald Trump for 3 million, for 3 milliseconds.
@Robusto you sir seem to know an awful lot about sizes of millionea. We will have to make your future TSA screenings more thorough.
@Robusto: You are correct! It is a textbook written by Chinese authors to helpwith the purpose of teaching American spoken English. — Daisy Yang 2 mins ago
@RegDwigнt I just have good spatial skills, for someone who doesn't give a shit about Lego™.
@Robusto the last time I held a dollar in my hands was in 1995. You've probably held a LEGO in your hands since then. No fair.
A currency strap, also known as currency band or bill strap is a simple paper device designed to hold a specific denomination and number of banknotes. It can also refer to the bundle itself. In the United States, the American Bankers Association or ABA has a standard for both value and color, as shown below. Note that all bills greater than $1.00 only come in straps of 100 count. The colors allow for quick accounting, even when the bills are stacked, such as in a vault. Special striped bands are used for straps containing only star notes. == History == Bundling money together with a simple elastic...
And "strap" is used synecdochically to refer to the strapped collection of 100 bills.
Yeah so. You don't even read my writing. Since when exactly do you read my images?
For all I know the straps say "ten kopeks".
For all I care, too.
Ironic, because "I'm strapped for cash" means you don't have any.
It's like rain on your wedding day.
It's like a wedding day on your parade.
That is common in England, from what I understand.
isn't it ironic?
England ain't no country I've heard of. Do they speak English in England?
Feb 1 at 14:17, by Robusto
♪ don't bring around a cloud to rain on my charade ♫
@RegDwigнt Some people do. Others make a spirited attempt at it.
Others don't at all.
Sounds like Guinea-Bissau to me, frankly.
frankly my dear...
When exactly do the Brits "receive" their pronunciation? And does it come in the post, or by special courier?
It comes by lorries to their parliaments.
Do they have to sign for it?
To receive, you have to be a chap and stand right in the centre.
the queen gives it to them ;-)
Or is it broadcast over the radio?
It probably comes to Parliament in the Gold State Coach.
The queen doesn't give a flying fuck to anyone.
There is literally exactly zero people walking the earth who have been given a flying fuck by Her Majesty.
The two houses of Parliament are Parliament itself and Funkadelic.
25 mins ago, by skill patrol
@skillpatrol What does that even mean?
Something about tap dancing I think.
@Robusto I read interesting analysis the other day, that the whole vocoder-synthie shit like all the Usher and Rihanna and Justin Bieber crap in the US are basically only happening now because they missed out on Eurodance.
They are basically catching up, and not with the good stuff.
@skillpatrol I will stop when the NFL absolves Brady of all past and future crimes.
But who will absolve the NFL of theirs?
Who absolves the absolvers?
What is it with the Internet and rectangular cards.
You can have cards of any shape now.
People and imagination just don't mix.
traditions die hard
I dunno, even Die Hard only took three tries to die.
I'll stop when browsers are no longer rectangular.
My browser is dodecahedronal.
Which is not, I repeat: not, another word for gay.
> What's the best thing about living in Switzerland?
Even though my browser is, in point of fact, totally gay.
@skillpatrol You don't really love me. You just keep me hanging on.
> well the flag is a big plus
@crl I give up.
@crl not living in Austria.
It has the same flag that's on your utility knife?
hehe men that was a 2-step message
Yeah except for once the flag is not counterfeit.
@crl don't let tchrist hear that.
I must say I like their cheese better than their knives.
Because technically, he will tell you, it is not a plus at all.
@crl Wait! I get it! Hahahaha!
I found your line about cheese way funnier.
And I forever shall.
From my cold dead hands.
I like the Japanese flag more. Period.
Correct. Study that book if you want to learn how to talk like a foreigner. — Robusto 8 secs ago
@crl Well technically, he will tell you, it is not a period at all.
@crl Whoa.
I like the French flag more because you stole our red, white and blue.
:23228007 What's this about you learning the butt? And for masturbation?
@Robusto Ooops, sorry wrong room :-)
England stole our colors too.
@Robusto yeah like every other country ever.
In fact, everybody stole our colors.
Including those that have been around for a thousand years longer.
But only we have the Red, White and Blue™
You even have Freedom.
That's Freedom™, and don't you touch it until we force it down your throat.
Hold on to your FREEDOM
> each drop a petty tricolor
I actually think the Japanese and French flags are the best looking, for what that's worth.
Only with the right colors.
There are many variations of French one (Holland, Russia, ...)
Like, you wouldn't believe how many people get the colors wrong.
More people get the colors wrong than there are people. That's how many people get the colors wrong.
Like Russia. What's with the pastel blue?
Yeah it's not pastel blue.
Pastel is Russian for bed, you know.
Who the fuck puts that on a flag besides Greece and Sweeeeeeeden?
That doesn't even make sense.
@Robusto and look what happened to them.
Greece is so fucked up it's all over the news, and Sweden is so fucked up it's not been on the news for a century.
haha they even stoled the french word: Триколор
Yeah like you didn't.
We don't call ours a tricolor.
They didn't steal it btw, nobody uses it. It's a name. A label.
@Robusto because yours isn't.
They use it clandestinely. Sneaky bastards.
Триколор in Russian refers exclusively to the French flag. Just like in any other language I am aware of.
@RegDwigнt You just suggested we did.
Nobody says "tricolore" and means the Lithuanian flag.
@RegDwigнt Are you calling Wikipedia a liar?
The flag of Russia is a tricolor flag consisting of three equal horizontal fields; white on the top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom. The flag was first used as an ensign for Russian merchant ships and became official as the flag of the Tsardom of Russia in 1696. It remained in use until the establishment of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic in 1917. It was re-introduced as the flag of the Russian Federation in 1991. == Origin == There are two accounts of the flag's origin, both connecting it to the tricolour used by the Dutch Republic (the flag of the Netherlands). The...
@Robusto you just suggested you can't read.
@Robusto yeah that's English.

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