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@RegDwigнt Is it my ears, or are they omitting all the umlauts?:
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I like Thursday's the best. Because the next day is Friday.
@EllieKesselman Nooooooo!!!!!
Why don't you come to chat anymore? We miss you.
Wait...you not working now are you? I'm right outside in the waiting game room
waiting room (not serious, for family)
@Mitch I'm pretty fond of Thursdays, too.
9 hours later…
How's the ear feeling pal @tchrist?
2 hours later…
Q: "We are familiar" improvement

CovjekI have this,"We are familiar with the sport activities", sentence but to me it's a bit awkward and I need to improve it a little bit. I need to improve "We are familiar" part, and I am kind of stuck with that, so any idea how to do so? Thanks for your help in advance.

Looks like we're getting trolled by Lazlo Toth again.
Already closevoted.
“Any idea” is a fishing expedition.
Perhaps even for writing advice.
It’s also unclear what his reason for doubting what he has might be.
what do we call a place where metal parts manufacturing takes place?
metal works?
@tchrist I like the optimism expressed in "I need to improve 'We are familiar' part." Yep, once you crack that you're home free.
@JustynaNogala Could be.
Q: Which one is correct: "wait 1 hour for her" or "wait for 1 hour for her"?

user105551I managed to google "to wait 1 hour for" & "to wait for 1 hour for". Both search came out some results. Ex: I had to wait 1 hour for room service & I had to wait for 1 hour for room service But I also see the search result: I had to wait for 1 hour So, do we have to use 2 for in this case or ...

Another "Which one is correct?" question.
Lots of those.
@tchrist: ^^
For ever. And ever.
I'm going to just refer to those as WOICs from now on.
I wish they would write “Which one sounds weird to a native speaker?” instead.
3 hours ago, by skull patrol
How's the ear feeling pal @tchrist?
Ear is better. It turns out that I had a comparatively uncommon infection of the ear drum proper, probably because my ears were 100% plugged with wax and the sinus infection got stuck there where neither blood nor air nor antibiotics could reach.
good to "hear" :-)
After it cleared, they did an audio test, and that ear still has “normal hearing”, at least for my age, so loss of frequencies above 4000 Hz.
4000 Hz? I'm older than you and I can still hear up to around 12 KHz.
I used to be able to hear over 16 KHz, but sadly that has gone away.
I can hear them, but only at 4x the volume that I can hear below that.
So 30 dB not 10 dB.
Oh. I can sometimes convince myself I can hear 15 KHz if I crank the volume up. But I wouldn't want to make bets on that.
At a level volume, sliding frequency going down from 20 KHz, the point where I click the "I can hear this" button is always right around 12 KHz. That's with Sennheiser HD 380 Pro headphones.
Is that symmetric?
Also, you will respond differently to different sound levels. You’re measuring only the pitch not the volume I imagine.
It's a balanced line, if that's what you mean.
@tchrist did you go to a rhinolaryngologist?
Yes, I did.
And yes, that’s essentially what I meant.
Also, I do respond differently to different sound levels, but at volumes that are comfortable to listen to in the < 2 KHz range I can still hear the high range. It will be quieter, of course, but not inaudible.
Unfortunately my left ear is still bad, although perhaps no worse.
Left hear has about 35 dB sensitivity for normal speaking volumes compared with 10–15 dB in the right.
That’s enough to kill off the timing cues needed for laterality.
Detecting where something is coming from.
Does tintinitus accompany these sorts of issues?
At least at low volumes.
It does.
Asymmetric hearing loss with tinnitus is usually idiopathic.
Oh, that's what you mean by symmetric.
I think my left ear may be a little better, but I do hear better when both are engaged.
Sometimes it is not, but I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have the tinnitus. The hearing loss is “new” in that I remember when I stopped being able to tell the direction of faint sounds about ten years ago.
Just as everyone sees better with two visual input signals even when one isn’t as high in quality as the other, so too with auditory input. I think it’s a brain function.
The left ear reaches normal hearing sensitivity in through-the-bone tests at 1000 Hz, which means at least that part is hardware.
I'm very sensitive to aural distractions. So much so that I wake up at night when there is any extraneous noise. Often I wear earplugs when I need a good night's sleep.
Of course.
Every night.
That may be why I got the ear-wax impaction.
But I can’t not wear earplugs.
I actually take them with me to places like Target.
Noisy restaurants are very, very difficult for me, but that may be due to loss of laterality.
My tinnitus gets worse with earplugs :-/
I've tried sound-masking devices (white-noise machines, etc.), but they annoy me.
@skillpatrol Of course it does!
You’re blocking out other input.
It's strange how little is known about its cause...
It’s usually connected with hearing loss, however. That may be why it is only in my left ear.
However, that probably rules out “you were listening to music too loud” in my case, since that would have been symmetric.
Q: Essay on "Human resource should explore not exploit the nation"

BhaveshCan anybody explain me the meaning of this topic for essay "Human resource should explore not exploit the nation"? And can you also give me some ideas/hint points for writing this essay? Thank You! Regards, Bhavesh

@Robusto Eeeeuuw?
"Human resource should . . ." Said Nobody Ever.
@FaheemMitha Sound of disgust.
@Robusto Yes, I got that. Not sure why.
I found this to be heart warming.
August has arrived, and with it my seasonal allergies.
Q: Teaching tips for dyslexic learners

Joanne GiffI am looking for tips to teach the sound 'er' at the end of words ending in 'ar', 'or' and to dyslexic learners?

C'mon, closers. Close.
"ABC. A, always; B, be; C, closing. Always Be Closing. Always Be Closing."
Remember, "Coffee is for closers."
goes for coffee
@Robusto Perhaps dyspepsia too.
Any mods around?
@RegDwigнt, @waiwai933, @nohat, @AndrewLeach, @simchona, @KitZ.Fox, @MattE.Эллен, @YoichiOishi: Are the inmates running the asylum with this edit review? Like, "This edit does not make the post even a little bit easier to read?"
@feetwet I agree: that edit is certainly an improvement.
I might have an idea about why it was rejected: on many SE sites, "superficial edits", such as spelling corrections, are discouraged.
That is absolutely not the case on EL&U; on the contrary, correcting the spelling of even a single word is encouraged. However, perhaps the rejecters didn't know this.
Yeah, I was thinking the mods might want to notify them of that.
Thanks for confirming I'm not losing my mind ;)
Haha certainly not.
What is your reason behind changing into ? A simpler word?
Q: Merge tags "rhotic" and "rhoticity"

feetwetNot sure why rhotic and rhoticity are separate tags. One should at least be a synonym of the other.

After FumbleFingers agreed I figured I wasn't missing anything
Ah OK, that figures.
I can't synonymise the tags either.
@feetwet People are strange.
I wonder how the "-ity" tag got created in the first place given that "rhotic" was already there
@Cerberus It’s usually impossible; our requirements are too high for our volume.
@tchrist Well, the requirements couldn't be any lower, save for zero reps in the tag.
Tag syn requirements are not solely reputation related.
@feetwet Perhaps someone thought a noun was better, or he didn't look at the auto-fill.
So yes, they could be lower.
@tchrist It told me I lacked the 5 reps I needed.
@FaheemMitha Nope. My stomach is fine.
Rhoticity is probably better than rhotic.
Rhoticity and rotisserie are the same thing under the hood. Only one makes good chicken, though.
> Users with more than 2500 reputation and a total answer score of 5 or more on the tag, can suggest tag synonyms. Users with a total answer score (total upvotes minus total downvotes) of 5 or more on the tag, can vote for tag synonyms. Suggestions will be automatically approved when they reach a score of 4, and automatically deleted when they reach a score of -2.
@Cerberus You haven’t managed a +5 vote score on that tag.
Nobody can: there were only 4 questions.
Yep, and now there are one.
@feetwet Approved.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because if there is an answer it's not about English, either in general or in particular; if there are many answers it's too broad or else opinion-based; and if there is no answer it's just an invitation for people to misinterpret the question (which, by the way is not altogether clear as to what you are asking). — Robusto 55 secs ago
@tchrist At least now we can pick the single rhotic* form to apply to all of them.
@tchrist Not better than erhotic, however.
Arrhotics tweak Americans.
@tchrist That's what I'm saying.
The rhotisserie makes an rrrr sound when it turns the food.
I can keep going with this.
And I will until someone acknowledges my slow-cooked and gently browned pun.
rhotisserie rhotisserie rhotisserie . . .
@mmyers: Creating a discussion on Meta for a little-used tag that is obviously a synonym may be a bit too much work for the less industrious among us. Cf. rhotic and rhoticity on English. It would at least be nice if there were a flag button on the synonym-suggestion page itself. — Cerberus 30 secs ago
@Robusto You serve words from different regions.
One Greek, the other Indian, I believe?
Both Indo-European?
I care not where they come from. All are food for my punny table.
Such voracity.
my punny ballantine / sweet comic ballantine
@Cerberus Rôtisserie.
I always forget the etymologies of those words.
> Étymol. et Hist. 1. Ca 1465 « pièce voisine de la cuisine, spécialement affectéee à la préparation des viandes rôties » (Jean Le Fèvre de Saint-Rémy, Chronique, éd. Fr. Morand, t. 2, p. 160); 2. ca 1500 « boutique de rôtisseur » (Repues franches, I ds Gdf. Compl.); 3. 1935 « restaurant où l'on prépare et sert des viandes rôties » (Ac.). Dér. de rôtir*; suff. -erie*. Fréq. abs. littér.: 19.
> A. − Boutique du rôtisseur où l'on vend et déguste des viandes rôties à la broche ou au gril. La rôtisserie de la Reine Pédauque. Quenu ne quitta plus la rôtisserie. (...) il s'installait au fond de la boutique, ravi des quatre broches gigantesques qui tournaient avec un bruit doux, devant les hautes flammes claires (Zola, Ventre Paris, 1873, p. 643).
> B. − Restaurant spécialisé où l'on prépare les viandes rôties dans la salle de restauration. Cette rôtisserie des Cordeliers recèle quelques petits trésors dignes d'un intérêt; (...) vous aurez le plaisir d'assister aux préparatifs minutieux près du Grill visible au fond de la salle de restaurant derrière son pare-étincelles de verre (« Le Petit futé » à Nancy, Guide 1979, Nancy, 1978, p. 87).
@Cerberus Surely you’re acquainted with French grills?
We should call them roasteries in English.
Rotten fare.
Quenu <- first time I see this name
@crl That’s a name?
probably "Quenu ne quitta plus la rôtisserie"
Oh that.
But of course. :)
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I don't think Wednesday's are so bad. But they're not optimal.
I think there was a study that placed Tuesday as the day of the week with the most suicides.
But I bet it's really not that much more than the other days of the week.
I feel bad for Monday because people give it a bad rap. Kinda of deserved but still.
@Cerberus sounds better than 'spit'
@crl No one wants to win that race
@Mitch Wow! I didn't know that!
Yeah Tuesdays can be depressing, a whole lot (of days) in front.
Thankfully we don't have 10 day weeks.
Or no weeks at all! Sigh!
Haha I typed 'augh' but autocorrected to 'sigh'
It probably was a better choice
@Mitch So you are on phone?
I think I've never chatted from phone here.
I’ve chatted on the phone forever.
@Robusto is that the guy from Real Genius?
@Robusto That sounds pretty interesting.
Very funny stuff.
@tchrist Of course, but is rôti from roster, and roti from some Indian word? Or what was it?
@Cerberus Wikipedia says roti is derived from a Sanskrit word रोटिका (roṭikā), meaning "bread".
I don't know if roti and rôti are related, though.
@Cerberus We use the word roti here all the time (in Urdu).
okay, that is one tasty photo.
What's the difference between roti and nan?
Yes there is a difference.
Do you know what it is?
Yes I know. I am thinking what to write.
@Mitch Roti is soft and lean and naan is a bit tough/hard.
Is roti ever ... flavored? Like extra garlic or butter like nan?
What is the fried bread (that puffs up) called?
@Mitch Yes you can make it that way. But usually we keep it simple.
@Mitch Puris.
@Mitch Some people eat puris here in breakfast. I don't because it contains lots of oil.
It is very tasty though.
Well sometimes I eat it. But like twice or thrice a year.
Yea those are yummy but very rich.
You mean rich like expensive? Not at all. Here it is kinda cheap.
My mum even makes that at home sometimes.
I don't eat it though. Others at home do.
Hm... I wonder how different they are from the 'fried dough' that the sell in the U.S. at amusement parks and ski resorts and other leisure places
Yeah, that I don't know.
Rich as in filling, like cheesecake or potato salad or thick stew. The opposite of lettuce.
I see.
Like fudge, not like tea
Yeah sometimes they fill it with stuff like minced meat, potato etc.
It's not about money
Mmm... very rich
Is it snack time yet?
Here? No. It is 11:18 PM here. Approaching midnight.
I ate my dinner though.
What time usually for dinner?
Here it varies. Some people eat very early like at 7 PM. For me it is around 9 PM.
Oh. 11pm is snack time for me, not too long before bed. Dinner 6:30-7
I see :)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, it just picked my curiosity since you do say "double standards" and such; and it's figuratively since you can't tangibly have literal standards... also because in the dictionary one of the definitions of "double-faced" is deceitful, but I guess it's just not common, then.
@NicholasJ. picked -> piqued. Since this is ELL.
@FaheemMitha Ooops. Thank you.
2 hours later…
@skillpatrol True! -- Nice to see you again!
@DamkerngT. nice to see you to pal :D
Thanks! -- I just dropped in before going to bed. So, hello! and goodbye!
Hope to see you again.
later pal

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