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Can we utilize the full spectrum of the English language in asking/answering questions? Or are vulgar words forbidden and must be ** out?
@glenneroo We have established that vulgar words are fair game, when discussed in an academic fashion (meta.english.stackexchange.com/questions/253/…).
Hi Kos, you're one of the Language Log guys?
@JM No, I am just a Language Log reader.
Oh, I thought from your profile that you were one of the guys writing for 'em...
@JM Nope, just giving them free advertising :)
Dang, I thought I was about to talk to one of my idols... :D
@JM Ha :)
eh, no worries. but certainly that is a peculiar path you took to what you're now doing...
@JM Computer science to linguistics?
Then again, I haven't seen that many linguists coming from CS.
It's not as peculiar as you might think — computational linguistics is a nice combination of the two.
hmm, I suppose my surprise is more of ignorance than anything else... the linguists I know are "classical", if you catch my drift...
Sure, I know what you mean. In my department, there are pure theoretical linguists who don't do computational stuff. Although I think, these days, linguists need to branch out beyond the pure theoretical, be it computational, cognitive, or psychological.
It's much tougher to find a job as a pure theoretical linguist, or one that really looks at things philosophically.
I agree.
But that's a good thing, because it means we've come to understand the language faculty enough that we can't just wax philosophical, we need hard data. Linguistics is better off when it stays grounded in science.
Sure, but I suppose it's not as "romantic" as it once was... then again you do need to be systematic if you're supposed to be keeping track of how languages diverge from roots.
There's still room for both. You just don't get paid for the "romantic" flavor of linguistic study :)
I'm perfectly aware that you can't follow your heart on an empty stomach. ;)
Thanks Kosmo! IMO that question needs some more tags e.g. vulgarity, swearing, etc.
A cursing question, huh?
We're still working out how exactly to handle vulgar language, but the solution is unlikely to involve censorship.
It hasn't come up much, thus far.
@glenneroo I added more tags to that meta question.
Yes, please don't censor; that's like saying that they're not words worthy of discussion.
speaking of which... are there any swear words that are not at all connected to blasphemy, excretion, or copulation?
(in English, of course)
There are racial epithets and words that make fun of the mentally challenged.
Anti-gay words and things like that.
ah, yes... but somehow not as common as the big three I mentioned.
I guess swear words need to be connected to some kind of taboo in order to have any power, and these three things are more or less universal taboos.
Being racist, bigoted against the mentally challenged, etc. aren't things that people have always considered taboo, so that's probably why.
Yes; thus far I have yet to see "moron", "idiot", and "imbecile" be censored on television, for instance...
But "retard" is really teetering on the edge these days.
I always find it interesting that nobody bats an eye about phrases like "he was blind to the truth" or "his words fell on deaf ears". These seem insulting to the blind and the deaf.
I don't find it insulting, but since I'm neither blind nor deaf, it probably doesn't count... :)
What are you then? I'm sure a word exists to fit your "condition" ;)
"peculiar" :D
or if you must be vulgar, "weird" :D
"differently normal"
Hah, "vulgar" ... now that's an interesting word long detached from it's original meaning...
how about "normally challenged"?
I guess a - should go in there.
I think I'm with George Carlin on the subject of "differently" and "challenged"... I feel like bonking the guy who came up with those. :P
Totally agree, however in jest they are truly blissful.
Agreed. Changing the word every 10-15 years doesn't solve anything because it is not the word but the attitude that gives a word power.
It just means there are more ways to insult someone if you so desire
We came out with "special needs" and now you can call someone "special" as an insult.
I've lost count of the euphemisms that gradually became offensive in their own right...
Or you ride the special bus. And have a special club-house.
If you know that song "Creep", the lyrics take on a new vibe when seen this way... :)
(I guess "special agent" actually sounds bad now... XD )
Well, context is everything of course! :)
Anyway, where I'm located, it is bedtime — nice chatting with you folks.
Yes, it was lovely. Good night!
10 hours later…
Hi Kos, since 1. you're a mod; and 2. you're here, I'll throw you something I'd like to ask on the site, and you tell me if it's alright to ask...
4 hours later…
what's that "condition" where a person who knows the least thinks he knows enough about something to make a decision on it?
it's got a for-real name, and a wikipedia article
The chaps over on MSO thought I should come ask over here
@JM What is the question?
@drachenstern Sounds like a good question to post on the EL&U site.
2 hours later…
@Kosmonaut whoops, I forgot to come back with my finding: the answer was [Dunning Kruger Effect](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect) ~ bad URL format?
Thanks all

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