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Oh oh oh, question for @Rob incoming.
Q: Word that encompasses 'everything,' in the sense of both nature and 'super nature,' (i.e., the supernatural)

Dan WThe title says it all: I'm trying to come up with a word that includes 'everything' there is, including the supernatural. Any ideas?

I swear we're getting these once a day now.
Women in China sunbathing.
@Cerberus All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good ships to just lie there.
@Cerberus lol no that's no pussy riot.
They don't want to get farmer's face.
How about 'everything'? — Robusto 8 secs ago
I.e. a tan.
@RegDwigнt Close!
The masks are fucking racist. They have not only slit eyes, but also slit mouths and slit noses.
@Cerberus Farmer's face? Is that like a farmer tan? And who cares anyway, with a belly like that?
Farmer tan. ^
red neck
^ Dark Tan
@Cerberus I'm not saying she's fat, but she came back from the beach with a sunburn and three harpoon wounds.
@Robusto Yes, I was trying to make it sound like a disease.
@Robusto Shouldn't be smiling.
@Robusto Hah.
That's no smile. That's farmer sad face.
I've seen elephant seals with trimmer figures.
But attractiveness is not their goal: they just don't want too look lower class.
And I have to agree: tanning is bad.
Never mind elephant seals, I've even seen Americans with trimmer figures.
You make jokes about fat Americans, but you don't start seeing a lot of those until you head South. Texas, in particular.
cali too
There are like three people in my office who could be construed as fat. Three out of two hundred or so. I saw a higher ratio in Frankfurt, I can assure you.
No, you don't start seeing a lot of those until you head South. Most immigrants don't start seeing a lot of those until they head North.
Just because you live in Alaska, doesn't mean everyone does.
I don't live in Alaska. Nobody does, because that ain't living.
But the minimum wage is twenty thousand whales a day.
You're missing out.
And one bottle of beer only costs seven thousand whales.
You should try.
Alaska has two seasons: frozen and pestilence.
Season I:
Season II:
Pretty much.
Do note the communist change in color.
Noöne ever notices. Your country is doomed.
Every time I look at her I wonder how anybody ever thought such a vacancy could be president.
Luckily you then go to the Internet and realize that humans are fucking retarded scum.
Thank you, DARPA.
Season III:
Eww. Communist bikinis. See? See? There's no turning back.
How common.
@Cerberus That's what you get when you promote a common market into a European Union.
Oh comm on.
Our home and native land.
Tom Brady love in all thy sons command.
Intermezzo: seriously WTF, not even the Queen says "thy" anymore.
@RegDwigнt You don't know that. She might be doing that just to spite you.
You have a point. She often does that, especially following le quatorze juillet.
Still smarting over Bastille Day, I reckon.
The Hound of Bastille is still hounding her.
@Robusto That doesn't look very European.
NOUR a pean.
"Puppet turned out to be as fragile as Salt and as bulky as Chef" ... 'as' x 4. How do I make it nicer?
or is it okay as-is?
Fine as is. Don't get hung up on repetitions of small words like that.
bonus points for recognising the jargon :)
okay. Thanks
I was taught in Prof Comms that word repetition is bad. But thinking about it now, it's not really reasonable to minimise the use of short words.
Puppet turned out to be fragile like Salt and bulky like Chef
..."like" x 2
But she wants a comparator on each side.
I did consider a combination of both "as fragile as salt and bulky like chef" but that seemed messy.
as ADJ as NOUN is not really the same as ADJ like NOUN
@Stacey Sometimes repetition is a special form of emphasis. It's all how you use it, and what you use it for.
I have settled on "Puppet turned out to be both as fragile as Salt and as bulky as Chef"
I think the both hinders the flow a little, but it's your sentence.
Note that you could also say "Puppet turned out to be fragile as Salt and bulky as Chef" (that is, elide the first as on each side), but that is not an improvement.
I think I'm happy with 4x as
as long as you're happy :)
hi pal
pulls out skills for examination
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Hey, nice skills, babe.
wiggles skills
@Robusto why, thank you.
Is there some tchrist imposter?
Yes! It's horrible!
Everybody wants to be tchrist suddenly. And by everybody I mean one guy who came in here a couple of times. It was terrible.
There can be only one.
So if you star that request, maybe he'll have a change of heart.
I will let him know that you personally starred it, and that should tip the balance.
I will let him know.
@tchrist: ^
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I think your gravatar is a wonderful example, btw. Probably the best one in chat. Perhaps you could give him a few pointers.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I remain bothered.
@Robusto I think we all know how to use PowerPoint.
Maybe he could illustrate christ on the cross with a cuppa.
Also, thank you.
You're welcome.
I will also tell him that if he doesn't change it now it might make you cry.
He would have to have a heart of stone to persist in that case.
"Two things I know to be true: There is no difference between good flan and bad flan, and there is no war in Albania."
Flan is awful.
I must go retrieve my car soon.
is Flan holding it ransom?
Fuck, too hot to ride today. Hate that.
The difference between good flan: safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=346701 and Bad Flan: safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=28770 is the difference between life and deathn
@Robusto eh it's also >30°C here, but I prefer too hot than too cold
Is the way we feel cold or hot (compared to each other) at the same temperature only a matter of percent in body fat?
taking apart the last meal date (we feel oter after a meal)
@Robusto it was disgusting here yesterday. Heat index of 108 and I took the car to the shop after work to fix the a/c blower.
I pick it up today and its 82 and rainy.
42°C Oh that's serious
it's <35°C here , thanks to the sea
The actual temperature yesterday was ~95 or so, but humidity was high. Thus the heat index.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 living near that city
@Robusto I starred it too, in case tchrist cares about my opinion, or popular opinion at all. :p
The line about his changing his icon?
I, too, have starred it.
What? we agreed on something?
let's star it too, to annoy make tchrist think of one :)
Accept no substitutes. Make certain your tchrist is the one true tchrist.
Is using "hoards" when it should be "hordes" a homophone?
@FaheemMitha Do you mean "are horde and hoard homophones"? To which I'd answer yes.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, that's what I meant.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 have you accepted @tchrist as your personal saviour?
Is it correct to use "latter" as referring to the nth thing in a list of n things? Or not?
Maybe I should just say - last thing?
Latter is usually paired with former, but not always. If you use it with a list you would usually use it to refer to several items that occur late in the list.
"The latter items" in MyList would usually mean MyList.slice(-n).
@Robusto I see. So, not the last item of n, then.
Is it correct to say "a rock richochets off the water"?
*ricochets sorry
@crl That would be unusual. A ricochet is usually off of something hard. You would usually say a rock skips off the water.
Ah thanks
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected, offensive title detected: Is “muck” used as a minced version of “fuck” in Australian English? by Andrew Grimm on english.stackexchange.com
Is this room the English Language & Usage Meta chat room as well?
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