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> So because people are misinformed about a law, and thus act in a way that appears irrational in the face of the real law, is somehow the justice system's fault? I dunno. It seems you saw one vaguely worded tweet that mentions COPPA in a dubious way and jumped to conclusions. The much more likely scenario is that Lego was just trying to protect their brand image. It's a marketing issue, not a legal one.
I don't understand this!
@RegDwigнt It's your lucky day! I'm here to clarify!
A Mr Shiny recalls a line of Roman poetry in conjunction with a point learned about grammar.
B Mr Shiny argues that a Roman poem about gluttony is not morally offensive when it is understood in its historical context.
C Cerberus is easily able to express thoughts in Latin.
D Robusto has mastered large portions of the Roman classics.
E John Bon Jovi has a sophisticated knowledge of Roman poetry but little knowledge of Roman prose.
Which is right?
Please do clarify. I need very fast. The test tomorrow.
A.1. Tuesday is bath night
F: Matt posts something that vaguely mentions a US law. Cerb assumes the law caused the downfall of society. Mr. Shiny tried to clarify that it wasn't the law's fault.
I don't think I've ever recalled a line of Roman poetry in conjunction with anything so we can rule that out.
Cerb faught the law and the law said "I don't even go here"
@MattE.Эллен Bath selon à! It was the first time that we met. Bath selon à! How could I forget?
Cerb shot the sheriff, but he didn't shoot the deputy.
The moment that you stepped into the bath you took my breath away.
Was he holding your head under water with his foot?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 ain't the same ballpark, ain't the same game, ain't even the same fucking song.
@RegDwigнt uh, yeah, I'm familiar with the songs.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I will hold my head under water with my own foot for $3000.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 but not with Pulp Fiction, apparently. You lose!
ah, pulp fiction. So overrated.
No. Not overrated enough.
Those other things of his, now those are. Django of all things.
maybe if he'd only made one film.
He did. It was Pulp Fiction.
Also, the thing is, it doesn't even matter if it was any good on this level or that level or in this respect or that regard. All that matters is that it was, as the Russians say, "disassembled into quotes". It had just so many bits that are bits of our culture now. There are very few movies or books that ever accomplish that.
yeah. It was a'ight. But I still think it's overrated.
Well, depends on what rating you're looking at. It's easy to say "overrated" without anything specific in mind.
Who knows if the rating you're objecting to actually exists anymore.
I mean, things like Hunger Games, Mad Men, Game of Thrones, these are overrated. All the rage right now, way over the top. But who even mentions you should go see Pulp Fiction. Nobody even talks about it anymore. Except in unattributed quotes.
The Hunger Games is WAY overrated. It was an okay movie and an okay book. Barely worth noting.
Mad Men was really good, then it dragged on too long.
Game of Thrones is not without its flaws either.
But these things are not rated as highly as Pulp Fiction, which is rated so highly that everyone assumes you've seen it enough times to memorize all the quotes.
Well, I dunno. Again, I hear nothing at all about Pulp Fiction. But people won't stop telling me I should go watch Mad Men.
As I was saying, the ratings we're looking at are probably very different. Your situation is not mine.
I mean, I am never the last person to note that something is overrated. I'd easily call The Usual Suspects overrated, for example. No probs.
Well, let me be a counter-point to those people. It was good. Fine. Whatever. I liked the first two, three seasons. But then it dragged on and whatever point they were making was lost in the character drama for characters I stopped caring about.
I think the couple episodes I saw were from season four. Or five. Certainly not two.
struggles to recall if he watched season four
The production value was ginormous, of course. But I sort of didn't get the point.
It had a mood I liked a lot, contrary to what I had expected.
May 19 at 13:17, by RegDwigнt
@terdon the one episode I watched, they were showing slides of their Hawaii vacation. I said screw that and turned on Breaking Bad instead.
Then that happened.
And I've not looked back since.
yeah. So, like Breaking Bad, the show has its slow parts. You're supposed to be already invested when you get to those parts.
And now it's sorta too late, what with OVER 9000 episodes being all out there.
I'm not watching that! To think of all the time!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yeah you know if someone told me "go invest two full days of your life into watching Breaking Bad", I would have flipped them off.
But it was still running when I finally tuned in, and then I got sucked in, and then I caught up, and by now I've invested more like two full months of my life into watching it, and I've not even noticed.
You could just start from the beginning, knowing that this is the kind of story that doesn't really have a beginning or end. If you enjoy it, which you might at first, keep watching, and just quit when it gets dull. It's not like BB where there's an overall plot and an ending.
Like BB, Mad Men and most shows are designed for weekly doses.
You start out small, get hooked, can't wait for the next week, etc.
Compared to, say, Daredevil, which is Netflix, so it's released all at once.
Like, I still have all of Sopranos to catch up on. All of Oz. And a million others. And now they're even making a second season of True Detective, and I've not even seen a single episode of the first.
Oh and The Wire, of course.
I have way too much shit to watch.
@RegDwigнt yeah, so, True Detective: very slow. But pretty good. good for binge watching.
Also, short. Only like 8 episodes, or 10.
Exactly. That's what I was hoping. Wait for it to end, then binge watch.
And it's a self-contained series.
But now they're working out season three and I'm like yeah whatever.
So season 1 has nothing to do with season 2.
And yes, I know they are all entirely unrelated to one another.
So just watch Season 1. I suspect you'll like it.
Still, the point here is, if I like season 1, am I not expected to also watch the other fifty seasons they come up with?
The Sopranos was good too... I want to re-watch it. But it's long, like 120 hours or something.
@RegDwigнt no.
why would you be expected to?
It's self-contained.
Well you know what I mean.
You don't need to be a completionist.
Expected as in I say to myself, hey that was neat, why not have a look at season 2.
well, maybe you do.
Yeah maybe I do.
I mean I knew Dexter was going to hell midway Season III. But I still endured season IV and V.
Okay then I did tell VI to go screw itself. But you get the idea.
The Sopranos, I can tell you right now, is a good show but you don't need to watch it to the end, because it doesn't have an overarching plot. There are minor cliff-hangers, etc, and long-term stories, but you can just quit any time. Unless you can't.
@RegDwigнt lol yeah I saw it through to the end. I'd say Seasons 1-4 were good, Season 5 was okay, and 6, 7, 8 got progressively worse.
Oh right, there were more than six! I knew my counting was off...
Four was actually quite good, what with John Lithgow. Though with many writing slips. Some things just made no sense if you think about it.
Right. Then there was V with that awful thing that likes to call herself an actress for reasons unknown.
Then I did watch VI, with those religious dudes.
Mkay, so that would mean I dropped out only at VII.
Same difference.
I know he's a lumberjack, and it's okay.
6 was, I think, the one where he meets that girl that poisons people. 7 was the religious one, wasn't it? With Tom Hanks's son. Or was that the same season?
Anyway, there got to be too many times when the police should have caught him.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think about Sopranos a lot these days because I occasionally play MAFIA II, which is basically GTA but in the 40s. Very stylish, I like the look and feel much more than that of GTA.
And that's another thing, games. I have like a million games in my catalogue that I have downloaded or bought, but not even tried.
and when do you find time to Lego?!
Or I tried them and I liked them a lot, like Tomb Raider, but I just don't have the time to even play the ones I like.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 the last thing I built was the Parisian Restaurant, that was like three months ago.
I have a backlog of probably two hundred sets.
I've not even bought some of the things I need. Like, the second wave of the Simpsons minifigs.
I am hopelessly behind.
The last I built was the Ninjago City one. It's a good build, for what it is. I got it at a large discount at Walmart.
Yeah that one I BLed.
I was missing like 46 parts or something.
I also got Benny's Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship, which represents the majority of my backlog.
Then along came Disney Princess, and half the parts I had BLed I got anyway.
Like, those carriage wheels.
Well, I was probably missing 40% of the parts, not to mention that it's nice to have more of a part even if I already have it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I will be skipping on that one, but I've reconsidered my decision not to get the Sea Cow. I think I'll be getting one now.
@RegDwigнt Yeah but it was like 40% off. Who can resist.
I seriously considered buying several.
My wife would have probably murdered me, though.
The only reason we were even at Walmart was to save $3 on sunscreen.
I spent $175 on Lego.
You mean you saved $120 on Lego.
Try saving that much on sunscreens.
yeah that's what I told her.
This is called woman logic, because men are not allowed to apply it.
It's okay though, she's very supportive of my hobby, so I can't really complain.
I can always complain on your behalf.
I think I'd face some serious criticism if I had 200 sets backlogged.
As it is I have about 40 unopened sets, most of which are either slated for gifting, or are really old and potentially collectible, or are new but still collectible.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Solution: buy 200 sets and immediately build them all. Rinse, repeat.
One time, though, I went to a store and bought tons of Lego on sale. My wife then complained when I bought yet more Lego the next week, saying I had just bought a whole stack, wasn't that enough? But she also insisted that the sets from the first batch were to be given away as gifts.
I was like, well, did I buy myself lego or not?
@RegDwigнt I'll try that and let you know how it turns out.
As I mentioned, my problem is that I can't build 200 sets immediately because I'm too busy not watching 200 series because I'm too busy not playing 200 games because I'm too busy not learning 200 languages because I'm too busy not reading 200 books.
@RegDwigнt Just do one of each of those every day. One set, one book, one TV show, one language, one game.
In 200 days your backlog will be clear!
One language every day, eh. You, dear sir, are crazy insane.
Not to mention that you can't play World of Tanks through in a day.
I've been playing like six hours a day for six months now, and I'm still not halfway through.
well, you can't watch a TV series in a day either.
hell, some Lego sets can't be built in a day, unless that's all you do that day.
Technically, if you have enough TV sets, you can.
But you can only connect two LEGO pieces at a time.
You cannot even unpack more than one bag of parts simultaneously.
nah, I often do the 2x build steps both at the same time
Yes, so do I, and yet it's not the same time.
if I can push the pieces together by sandwiching them against the table
It's different time.
two hands, two builds at a time
But that's still not the same as turning on 65 TV sets, each with a different episode of Breaking Bad, and then calling it a day after an hour.
It will still take you OVER 9000 hours to build that stupid Sydney Opera. It just will.
Also, I suck at building following the instructions. Whenever I see a differently colored part inside a model, I rush off to my Billy cases to get that part in the same color as the surrounding parts.
And then there's the usual stuff like lining up 1x1 parts.
And then I always pay attention that the sprue marks are on the inside.
And that all the LEGO logos on the studs are pointing in the same direction whenever possible.
yeah so I never do that
except I do line up the rotatable parts so they are even
the wrong-colour-structural parts, I ignore, because they are always hidden. And they make the model easier to assemble.
One thing I noticed about the Ninjago city: some bags had 1x2 red bricks, some bags only have 1x2 with technic hole red bricks.
So there were places in the model where you used a 1x2-with-hole brick for no reason
except that that bag had none of the other kind in it.
The hole is completely hidden and serves no purpose.
Nah, I only care about the logos on majestic models where it is actually noticeable. Like the Sydney Opera, where the entire plaza is plastered with plates, and when every plate shows in a different direction that's actually immediately noticeable, to any untrained visitor.
I don't think I've ever noticed that.
now you're going to give me a complex
I'm going to have to tear apart my castle WIP and re-align the floors
And since the plates are large, it's easy to line up all the logos. Like, you line up just two, and you get the other 126 for free because them's plates, right.
And of course the studs only matter on the outside. 90% of the logos are hidden. I don't care about these.
but sometimes you don't know if studs will be visible or not until you're done.
Now, the hidden wrong-colored parts, these for some reason do matter. They are just as hidden, but not just as unimportant.
I have no explanation.
You don't need to explain, I get ya.
They bug me too, but not enough to want to change them.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 that's where a new advanced technique comes in I like calling tearing apart.
@RegDwigнt gah, too much work
I build a model once, and then when it's time to tear it apart it gets torn apart once, and parted out, and is never seen again.
Though I do miss my sopwith camel, that was just awesome.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 nah, if a stud is on the outside, chances are the whole part is not too tucked away to be re-accessed.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 i no rite.
I should have bought more of those. Only got one.
I wonder why AngularJS decided to name things "isolate scopes" rather than "isolated scopes". Technically, "isolate" can be used adjectivally, but it's rare.
I'm using a lot of its parts in my WIP so I can't rebuild it.
Well, BL the pars for your WIP.
Leave the camel alone.
@RegDwigнt too late, it's parted out months ago
I have never BL'ed
@RegDwigнt IV was a comeback season, a pause before the precipitous decline.
@Jez Do they isolate, or are they isolated?
Though the camel easily has the worst space-needed-assembled:space-needed-disassembled ratio ever.
So, a low SN/D ratio?
@Robusto yeah you see it's been so long I don't even remember. Julia Styles ate up my brain.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 they're isolated.
The zombie Julia Styles.
The white Whoopie Goldberg.
@Jez hm. just seems odd to me.
@RegDwigнt yeah but the camel is one of those models that even hard-core non-lego fans can instantly appreciate.
yeah, it is an odd term
I try to explain to my dad what's so great about the Parisian restaurant and he goes into a coma.
But the camel, it's just a great display piece.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 My in-laws hated Paris because they couldn't find anything good to eat. My wife and I just laughed and laughed and laughed.
I mean, how do you not find anything good to eat in Paris, ferchrissakes?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's a very good point. But even so, there are other sets that accomplish similar things, like the Mini, or some of the Architecture stuff. And those have a much better ratio. For all intents and purposes, they are basically solid blocks of LEGO. The camel is all air.
@Robusto Yeah my dad would have laughed too. But show him a Lego Parisian restaurant, and he's like "meh"
@Robusto well, you go out at 1 AM, to find everything closed, even the fucking Le McDonalds.
@RegDwigнt yeah, the mini is a good one, I have it on my desk. I liked building it way more than I like looking at it though.
@RegDwigнt You know what they call a quarter-pounder in Paris?
Le fucking closed, retournez tomorrau.
@RegDwigнt Also, nobody goes out at 1:00 a.m. in Paris. They're all already out.
Not in Paris they're not.
hey you guys, how noisy is it where you work?
I remember being out quite late there.
how distracting is your work environment?
We have an open office, so it's terrible.
how often do the people near you talk in loudish voices?
I'm sick to FD of having to listen to all the chit-chat that is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than any work that needs to be done.
@Jez All the time.
have you ever been so distracted you've been tempted to resign?
Usually I just leave and work from home if it gets me upset. That or put on the headphones and crank up the music.
@Jez I work from home. Right now the loudest thing is my computer fan, my own keyboard typing this message, and the birds outside singing.
@Robusto you have the opportunity to just work from home? why not do it all the time?
Because you do need to be in the office sometimes.
really? i find i almost never do.
except for the odd meeting... once a fortnight
Besides . . . free snacks.
@Robusto I remember spending an entire night on the streets of Paris, with my then-bride, all restaurants were closed, the métro was closed, no buses were anywhere to be seen. So we basically spent most of the night in a Hausdurchfahrt, oh and it was winter, and a bitter cold one.
I just turned off a computer I'm not using and now it's even quieter here.
yeah... i'd rate being able to work over a few snacks
@RegDwigнt Was it a holiday?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you're in the US right?
@Jez Gods no! Canada
He lives in America's hat.
@Robusto no, her plane arrived in Paris late at night, and our train went early in the morning, so we figured we'd just have a nice six-hour walk. Worst idea ever.
mmm. homeworking seems to be more common in north america. do employers just offer it by default or do you have to ask?
My boss is cheap and decided to stop paying for an office.
so we all work from home all the time.
damn. i wish my boss could be simialrly cheap
@Robusto Sarah Palin wants a word with you.
but he just splashed out a huge amount of money on a new crappy openplan office
but... it's going to have COLOURED WALLS and WHITEBOARDS
@RegDwigнt Better watch it, she has her eyes on you Russkies. She can see you from her porch.
She's a maverick.
for people who have... what's the opposite of ADHD? narcolepsy?
look at a wall. wake yourself up.
@Jez The opposite of ADHD is low IQ.
Though technically, she can only see some aborigines no Russian even has a name for.
i wonder what the decorators he hired were called. "form over function" probably.
i have a shopping list of things i hate about this office
@Jez I do miss having a whiteboard.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 when you were working in an office, was it open plan? noisy?
Russia merely went there, exactly once, exclaimed "hey here be Russia", and nobody objected because nobody was there. True story. Then Russia went away and some inuktitut two hundred miles away woke up and was like, the hell was that noise.
@Jez open plan, yes. noisy, no, not until we consolidated the two sides of the office into one half; when we did that we were suddenly next to the customer support people who are on the phone all day.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 guess you were lucky you weren't next to a team of developers who talked in loud voices all. the. damn. time.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 so seriously one day the boss just randomly decided to sell the premesis?
@Jez well, sorta. yeah.
the lease was expiring.
did you get consulted about it, or just an email
well, an in-person meeting, but mostly he wanted to know if we foresaw any problems; at that point the decision had already been made.
@Robusto what about you, did you have to ask for work from home? did they just offer it?
It's available if I want it. And increasingly I want it.
yes but available why?
company policy for all employees?
I don't know why. But it's there for devs.
for all devs
and you can work from home as much as you want? or is there a limit?
The devs lie in detail.
I'm only here for the past 2.5 months, so I've been coming into work a lot while I get up to speed. But more and more I like it less and less.
@Robusto because of the noise and distraction?
Yeah. And the commute.
It's not an egregious commute, but longer than the one from my kitchen to my home office.
i think for my next job i am going to push very hard to work from home and be damn selective
it's just too problematic to have noisy coworkers and the boss not giving a damn
@Robusto how long a commute?
@Robusto solution: buy a bigger house.
@RegDwigнt Well, but yours is like 50 kilometers on a side. How could I compete with that?
4 hours ago, by RegDwigнt
He's also telling me to name a place that's less than 1000meters in diameter, while I'm from a place that's like fifty times as large.
people are like, "but you'll miss out on the office social stuff!"
yeah, but i'll get work done
which i thought was the point
@Jez Half an hour if I leave very early, which I do.
@Robusto not too bad.
No, but it's 30 times longer than the one at home.
when you work from home, do you remote desktop or have a laptop?
(and work locally)
Used to RD in other jobs.
yeah, that's one of the problems. here i'm allocated a desktop. i can remote in but they'd probably expect me to use a laptop for regular homeworking
@Robusto solution: buy a place that's 51 kilometers on a side. Or just switch to Imperial, and all the numbers look half as scary.
Maybe I'll buy Liechtenstein. I hear it's coming on the market soon.
You do realize all your buddies died face down in the mud so you could care about the royal measurements, right?
i don't think that was the main reason
All the reasons were main reasons
Main or unmain, apparently it was the most important.
I'm currently working from an isolation chamber, with prism glasses so I can lie on my back look straight up but have my screen on my chest.
@Robusto so just to be clear; you joined a place that, from the get-go, had a policy that you (and all other devs) are allowed to 1) work from home as much as you want and 2) if you come in, leave when you want?
For nourishment I have an IV. For snacks, the IV periodically is injected with hallucinogens to make me imagine I'm having a snack..
@Jez Pretty much.
damn, i'm in the wrong job.
although that's pretty rare for the uk
But we have to get a lot of work done.
Which I don't mind.
depends how you define "a lot"
I think I'll 'go' 'get' 'a snack'.
The only time I mind is when other people's inefficiency and poor planning make me work on a weekend.
i mean sure, people here dont get much done, but that's because they talk all the time
if all you have to do is work properly through a regular workday that's fine
If I work from home I can usually do the work of about two or three people of the same job description.
so are cubicles better than open office?
anything's better than openplan
obviously office offices would be best.
the ideal is working from home or personal offices
I find home problematic because the kitchen is right there
@Mitch yeah that is a problem
I eat a lot more now that I'm at home.
I .. can ... almost... reach.. the fridge.
right right... compared to "i literally can't learn about stuff i need to or code because of other people"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 exactly
not too much of a problem
and I used to make a point of daily lunch walks with one of my coworkers but now he's somewhere else, so I don't walk at lunch because walking alone is boring as hell.
@Robusto what if the job description is "formula 1 driver"?
but also it's easier to take off a half hour to exercise.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you just said you worked from home
@Jez yes, exactly. But I wasn't born this way.
@RegDwigнt That's so lame. You're sitting down all day, or just shooting the shit with the mechanics.
All you're doing is turning left all day
@RegDwigнt Then I can't do that from my home office.
@Mitch No, that's NASCAR, you bozo.
@Mitch only if the course is counter-clockwise
@Mitch That is pretty funny, ha ha.
@Robusto wow that's like no skillz at all.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 haha. exactly. and if you're going somewhere you think, "this is stupid I should have taken a car it would be much faster"
Hi @Jez
Speaking of skillz, I shall homeoffice myself in my homeoffice bus to my homeoffice home.
Lators gators.
"hang on, i'll just leave work to have this conversation". "ok, where were we?"
@Jez Are you in the mood to continue the IS discussion? I have written a page or two while I was rambling in the MS Word.
MOM, @RegDwigнt is being a bozoist again!
Your choice though. We usually talk in circles anyway.
@Arrowfar this isn't a good place to discuss controversial topics. you usually get flagged and banned.
@Jez well, you can go the other way. That'll make for a shorter race.
@Jez Yeah that's what I thought too, okay.
@Mitch driving into the stands?
@Jez hmm... writes suggestion to NASCAR
@Jez no, clockwise.
My boss just saw me eating my veggies with Frank's RedHot Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce and he told me "Don't you know hot sauce is addictive?" and I replied "Why do you think I buy the big bottle?"
@Robusto you're not working from home today?
@Robusto Tell him "Food is addictive, you goddam junkie"
@Jez Nope.
Air is the most addictive substance known to man.
@Mitch That reminds me, I haven't yet watched Fast and the Furious 7.
I hear it is pretty good.
@Robusto so it's noisy where you're working?
We've been through this already. Scroll up.
@Arrowfar Know what's actually a pretty good movie? The new Mad Max film.
@Robusto I see, I'd definitely watch it.
I did not expect to like it. But it was awesome.
Well, in real life I have an old volkswagon car.
But to drive a sports car I would have to move to Dubai at the nearest.
But meh, for hire sports cars are never fun. You always feel like wanting more.
Some Arabs there are super rich.
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: Can/should I put a comma before a phrase's time specifier? by NeNe on english.stackexchange.com
o o o
o o o
o o o
line up those 9 points with 4 straight lines, without raising your pencil, and not passing more than once by the same point
That's easy.
I found it too, but not so easy..
@crl The trick is you don't stay within the grid.
I learned that one before you were born.
you can do in 3 with enough space too
@Robusto ehe
@crl Cómo?
dije "jaja"
@Robusto bike tan lines
@crl Yeah, mine are kinda like that except my fingertips get tanned as well.
but on a race bike it's different I think, (also if you wear gloves)
Ah I see
Fingerless gloves.
yep I had some for sailing, without them my hands would be bleeding :)
others had developed callus on their hands and didn't need gloves
I don't really need them on my new bike, but I wear them anyway. Force of habit.
Plus they have day-glo patches on the backs, which make signaling more obvious.
> My husband took a new exiting position in San Francisco Bay Area and we will be moving to the sunny California for a few years!
@RegDwigнt: Russian lady ^
@Arrowfar me neither. but I have seen Mad Max
@crl I can do it in 3.
Oh. didn't read ahead.
@Robusto How exiting!
@Arrowfar mad max was pretty good. it just looks amazing.
@Mitch also in 1, if you fold the paper :)
even in 0
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I find that unlikely, if only because we know for a fact that their legal system is in fact terrible, with all the lawsuits.
That stands even without the Lego affair.
@crl Nice!
Or in 0 if you pay the building custodian to drop the barometer and time its fall.
@Cerberus You read like 5 tweets that explained that Lego didn't want lego dicks in their online game which is targetted to children. You concluded based on that that the US justice system is horrible... or else you blurted that out for no reason. Either way it's a total non-sequitur.
And non-sequitur to that, did you hear that LG isn't releasing the Lollipop update in Canada for the G2?
I'm here to bitch about NS who insert spaces between the last word in the sentence and exclamation points.
That is all.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 did you notice I'm a ninja now?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Stupid NS! Do people actually do that?

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