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@Jez Go Plaid Cymru!!
Boy I'm glad I wasn't here earlier for the chat where Jez got everything wrong about feminism that is possible to get wrong.
He always has.
order for mother's day here! order now!
we're sorry, we don't deliver on sundays
well what in the literal fuck
I'm gonna call and give them a piece of my mind.
calls amex instead and complains and asks them to fix it
Why is this crap still here?
A: Syllable Count for Apparent Monosyllabic Words

VioletHi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi

why would anyone post that
Hit it with another abusive flag. Maybe it will die.
daaisyy, daisyyy
give me your answer, do
I'm half craazyyy
all for the love of youuuu
gets really low pitched and slow
it won't be a stylish marriage; I can't afford a carriageee
but you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for twooooo
@tchrist Aaand it's gone.
I tried to bump it at a high speed with my snout
that usually works on lions and such but I suppose not on abusive posts.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's a weird psychology. Like liberals being called fascists.
@GeorgePompidou Call your mom instead. Hold back on the piece of mind thing. Do that on Monday.
but mother's day is sunday
why would I call my mom now
and I need to sort out this flowers thing asap
Mitch, you're not making any sense, Mitch.
@GeorgePompidou Argh. Call her on Sunday. Also, call her on your birthday. She made you.
what on earth?
what does this have to do with my birthday?!
and she will obviously call me on my birthday, that's how it works
you know, like out of a little ball of clay.
obviously I'll call her on sunday
@GeorgePompidou That's gotta turn around. and it starts with you. make a difference in the world man.
no, I just care about myself. and a little about my mom.
cause she's the best person ever.
@GeorgePompidou OK. I thought if the flowers thing doesn't work out, she'll be happy to hear from you.
also, you owe her everything.
like hundreds of thousands of dollars
But if you're feeling weird about it, I'll take care of that for you. just send me your bank info and get cracking on the bank transfer thing.
that time I failed my first year of school and she paid for it in whole. that's almost 100k in itself.
oh. I'm just messing around.
I'm not, I literally owe my mom in the order of hundreds of thousands.
yeah, also she didn't make you out of clay.
it was more like goop.
I think my dad helped. that's why my nose and hair are all jewish and shit.
it all goes to the same place.
one time I whined because I really wanted invisalign braces so that my bottom teeth would be straight so she paid like over 10k for that
(there's a good poop joke in there somewhere but I can't remember)
and I never wore them because I randomly gained self esteem and confidence sometime shortly thereafter
@GeorgePompidou science is magic.
the brain is funny
so there's more money I think I owe her
also teenagers
I've told her countless times that my travels actually cost more than they should because I like to travel luxuriously.
I feel really bad about all that.
Tell her she's better than nutella
She should swoon
Your dad, meh.
my mom made herself a bank executive from a poor political refugee from communist Romania and gave me the life she never had, and did the best job any parent could do, and is just the best in every way, and I, in turn, I'm basically a spoiled, entitled, ungrateful piece of shit who just knows how to spend and spend
and I'm full of myself and arrogant and rude.
at least I'm somewhat cultured.
When I came back home for a weekend visit during college, my mom used to make pretty much every food I ever said I liked. I felt so guilty because I couldn't eat it all.
I take so much for granted that that situation wouldn't even remotely hint at a shred of guilt in any universe
@GeorgePompidou like a good yogurt. a little sour.
all my life I got buried in every food, luxury, material good I ever wanted
and usually they just sit around my room on the floor
and I moan and groan in existential sorrow.
@GeorgePompidou life just doesn't match how great it was with nutella for breakfast everyday
sighs louder
I got one more food allegory left in me for today. I don't know what it'll be.
I wish I could go back with my adult mindset and appreciate everything my mom did for me.
I upset her so much during my life.
she must've never felt appreciated…
@GeorgePompidou You'll never ever ever be able to pay her back. But if it'll make you feel better, you can assuage any guilt about that by sending me ten cases of restaurant sized Nutella cartridges
they make nutella in cartridges?
or is that a use of the word I'm not familiar with
imagines a giant fountain pen cartridge but with nutella to put in my mouth and slowly suck on while I'm sitting in lectures
Did I say cartridges? Hm.. I suppose I did. If someone gave me the choice of how I would have to be executed, it would probably have to be by firing squad, all ammunition .... Nutella cartridges.
Either that or old age.
I'd want to get shot in slow motion
Due to high production at MIT, theories are always shipped from there with more nodes than they actually need at the moment, so they can be used with new theories that become available in the next months. Pay no attention to empty nodes; they're soluble in oxygen, so they all disappear when the sentence is pronounced. — jlawler 12 hours ago
@snailboat Hilarious!!
I don't get it.
I negative get it.
@Mitch Lucky!
You're giving something back?
yes. the teller of the joke gets something funny out of me.
@GeorgePompidou Like New Yorker cartoons. humor vampires.
isn't sure what you're talking about but assumes someone with a big chin, monocle, and pipe
@GeorgePompidou well, that dude is supposed to be a representative of the readership of the New Yorker. Eustace is his name?
and he has latin numbers after his name.
like VII or something stupid like that
no I think that's a spoarts
or a bowl of dip
I'm not sure, you know what, roman numbers are idiotic.
Well, it's better than nothing.
Actually that's not true
with nothing you can still count on your fingers.
They're worse than nothing. I'd count on my fingers before trying to do multiplication with them
I win the internet!
downloading now
do I get to start punching you repeatedly until you touch a doorknob or something?
how does jinx work
@GeorgePompidou ?? that seems a bit complicated.
I think you just give someone a coke. _checks if the coca-cola company started that little bit of product placement)
But if you must, just punch the doorknob, that works just as well.
you're probably not too close to me and it's 4 in the morning
jesus, it's 4 in the morning
what am I doing with my life
Yeah, you should get ready to wake up soon.
here I'll make it easy for you.
nah, I got Fridays off because I'm a competent schedule-maker
what is text speak for 'bye' in German?
@Mitch Philistine.
or bis spöter if you're Swiss
or guete aabig if you're Swiss and it's between 6 and midnight.
Get a fricking Mac or Linux box and cut oucher belly-achin already.
can Windows users still not conveniently type non ascii characters?
jesus christ how long has it been?
Lawler was right about Windows.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.
@GeorgePompidou Locale stuff on Windows is still annoying
so is everything I've tried to do in my limited experience with Windows.
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: Language Exchange Learning in New Zealand by johnny on english.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector weird way to sell your services, spammy
1 hour later…
@tchrist interesting. I can, and often do.
It is not too polite, mind you.
But certainly possible, for me.
It's only possible for me in the sense that I can do so really inefficiently
It causes pretty serious interference
I do best without multitasking, and I'm very bad at shutting out people's voices
hi @snailboat
I want to install a new software on my machine in my workplace. But i need to request it by an email. I thought of putting the heading like this > "Please install a debugger software on my machine"
But It's more like, i'm just like begging from them to do this task. (using 'Please')
It there a better way to say this ?
Yes. There is no such thing like "a software".
Then, you said you want to install it, but now you're asking someone else to do that for you. Which one is it?
i'm sending this to a person in Network division.. I don't care about those guys
Then I don't understand why you're overthinking it.
Actually, I don't understand why you're overthinking it no matter what.
The wording is completely irrelevant. Write whatever you want. It's just an email.
The software would have been installed by now had you sent it off.
using the word 'Please' sounds like i'm begging from them; which i acutally don't
It doesn't matter if it makes you sound begging or whatever. It doesn't matter if it's proper English. It only matters if it brings the point across that you need the software installed.
They have to do it no matter how you sound.
They are being paid for it.
All that said, "please" does not make you sound begging. "Please" makes you sound polite.
okk.. boss.
That said, if you don't want to use "please", then do not use "please".
It's simple.
Oh, and is this the email subject?
Words like "please" do not belong in the subject at all. Never.
Subject: software such and such. Body: I need software such and such installed by date such and such. Thank you. Your name.
great. appreciate that much !
No problem. Also, in the future do keep in mind that it's just "software", never "a software", and you request things "by email", never "by an email".
^_^ ok!
@Cerberus: here, have a look: much better than your penises.
That's Chicago for you.
One more reason for @Rob to be toffee-nosed about the city.
I kind of miss Chicago
Tell you what, I kind of miss Chicago without having ever been.
If you ever go, go for the food! :-)
Hey, why aren't you made of Lego anymore?
I even kind of miss Chicago despite Obama. Inconceivable.
@snailboat because the project has run out.
I've always been an owl. The hippo was cross-promotion, limited in time.
I guess I should be wary of you now.
Owls no eats snails. Owls eats mouses.
Oh, I love rodents!
I remember dissecting owl pellets and finding mouse remains as a child
And this is an arctic owl. So basically it only eats snow and perhaps an occasional seal.
Oh! Okay, then.
Dissecting things is gross.
Understanding the workings of things is always gross.
That's very true!
I know a great many gross things about snails. :-)
Rodents, too.
Rhododendrons, too?
Not so much!
What about the workings of the Colossus of Rhodes?
Are you expecting me to know about things other than rodents and mollusks?
My grandfather was a lepidopterist, and I did my best to absorb all of his knowledge without any direct contact or any kind of studying, so I know a little bit about moths, too!
No, I'm just asking. No expectations attached.
I bet you would know all about the Colossus of Rodents.
That much I do expect.
Oh, my, yes!
Rat kings involve a number of rats intertwined at their tails, which become stuck together with, for instance, blood, dirt, ice, horse-hair, or feces—or simply knotted. The animals reputedly grow together while joined at the tails. The numbers of rats joined together can vary, but rat kings formed naturally from a large number of rats occur more rarely. The phenomenon is particularly associated with Germany, which may have produced the majority of reported instances. Historically, various superstitions surround rat kings, and they were often seen as a bad omen, particularly associated with plagues...
That's quite a bit different from a snail king.
I'm not familiar with snaily royalty.
Snailtonian? Snailonian?
What is the adjective to go with snails?
I bet it's some Latin nonsense.
Well, you see, snails are typically dextral. A few species are sinistral instead.
But almost every member of a species has the same chirality.
But once in a blue moon, a snail lays a clutch which hatch into snails whose shells spiral the other way!
And these are snail kings
Whoa. A whole hatch of kings. Now that's what I call democracy.
Yeah, it's an attribute of the parent rather than the hatchlings
But it's very rare, so they're still a tiny fraction of a percent
Yeah yeah, dominant-recessive, blah.
They have trouble mating with snails that spiral the other way
Now why would that be?
Well, they try to spiral around each other and get sort of confused.
I've never observed it myself
Do they also get a little bi curious?
I haven't seen a snail king before
But it's not impossible for them to mate, just confusing:
Oh noews! This is a family-friendly chat!
There should be research on this. Why is snail porn okay, dog porn sort of acceptable, but porn of our own species is not.
BRB writing a PhD.
Animacy hierarchy?
Horse or elephant porn are not quite as acceptable as dog porn.
All mammals.
Not sure how we got from Chicago to elephant porn in just ten minutes. This room is incomprehensible.
I also know some gross things about elephants.
Which reminds me of hamsters.
@RegDwigнt A friend of mine's apartment complex caught fire, so she came over here for a couple days, and she brought with her hamsters! So I recently got to pet a very cute little boy hamster :-)
(No one was hurt, and she got to go back home after a couple of days.)
He was a nice hamster. Very tame, not bitey at all. Mouse-like ears.
I thought hamsters and elephants aren't related, after all. Someone screwed up royally.
Well, they have certain things in common.
@RegDwigнt I don't know if there are elephant kings or not.
But if so, I hope they're not like rat kings.
@snailboat yes, but you have 99% of things in common with a cauliflower.
So that's not saying much.
Those are different sorts of things!
All things are things.
There is literally nothing that's no thing.
All things are things, but other things are other things.
Two things good, four things better.
> 23 Insanely Clever Ways To Eat Cauliflower Instead of Carbs
What the
I can think of one. "With your mouth".
How else can you eat anything?
Also, since when are there no carbs in vegs?
@RegDwigнt You know there are answers to that question.
Yes, I watch South Park.
23 Insanely Clever Ways to Start a Porsche Instead of an Engine
I don't know much about South Park
So their 23 insanely clever ways of not eating carbs are all by eating cheese.
I can't really have lactose, so those images are a little scary for me :-)
Not that there's anything wrong with it.
I mean, I hope the second and third ones are scary for everyone.
@snailboat oh, okay, there is anything wrong with it for select people.
@snailboat is what I'm saying, yes.
The first one isn't quite as scary
I eat carbs
I lost weight by eating less of them, and also less of everything else at the same time
Yeah imagine being carb-intolerant.
I think those anti-lactose-intolerance pills are humanity's greatest invention since the lottery.
Here, have a ticket. It might or might not work to one extent or none or all.
Ahh, last time I had a milkshake I took two lact-aids and it wasn't enough
But those are definitely helpful
@snailboat yeah and then that other time you took none, and had two milkshakes, and it was fine.
Them's the ways of them lotteries.
The lact-aid things seem to work well enough for me to eat an ice cream bar :-)
Holy smokes, an entire bar?
That is a lot of ice cream.
@RegDwigнt I don't live outside Chicago anymore
Now I live kind of near Gilroy, California
I wish there were alc-aid things that would let me drink an entire bar.
And in Gilroy, every year (I think?) they have the Gilroy Garlic Festival
And you can go there and get every kind of food imaginable, but with garlic
Like garlic ice cream.
Garlic is literally the healthiest thing that will ever be invented in the entire future of the universe.
Garlic and onion are two of my favorite things after hot peppers
All good choices.
UK general election 2015...
@RegDwigнt I'm not at all pretentious about Chicago. It's a great city, with great architecture and a terrific lakefront. But it's too cold in winter and too hot in summer.
@RegDwigнt Ooh, that's nice.
@Jez Wow, that is even worse than predicted!
@Cerberus yep. it's goddamn depressing.
i don't feel like i live in a democracy now. our electoral system means parliament doesn't represent huge numbers of people.
whatever we live in, it's not democratic.
WTF, the Tories may have won an absolute majority after all??
That is...unexpected.
And I have to agree, that's pretty undemocratic.
they did well. but UKIP and the greens together got 5 million votes, and 2 MPs.
it's beyond a joke.
as i've said elsewhere, I voted for UKIP this time to add to that UKIP vote numbers statistic.
I do wonder how the polls could have been so wrong, even up to the last day before the elections.
the point has now been proven. i shan't bother voting in future unless we get electoral reform.
That Irish party got 100,000 votes and 3 seats.
So that's 33,000 votes per seat.
@Cerberus well, in terms of vote share they weren't that far off. the Tories and Labour weren't as neck-and-neck as the polls suggested, but the other numbers were about right. Lib Dems on 7-8%, UKIP on about 13%, greens on about 4%
UKIP got 1 seat and 3,800,000 votes, so that's 3,800,000 votes per seat.
@Jez Right, I suppose that is true.
what isn't so predictable is where the votes will be. that shouldn't matter in a fair system, but the UK system isn't fair.
But still!
115 UKIP voters are worth the same as 1 Northern Irish voter.
every election, you get a bunch of people coming out and saying that it's important to vote, and explaining why
up until now, i've basically agreed with them
It is still important to add to the stats!
but until we get electoral reform, i shall now disagree with them. don't vote. your vote doesn't matter in UK politics.
no - we've done that now, with this election.
it's the most absurd travesty of democracy i've ever seen in anything that calls itself a democracy
the Tories just beating UKIP in virtually every contested seat
zero recognition of UKIP's votes across the UK
or nearly zero
actually, i was close to not voting this time around because we knew this was going to happen to some extent. but it has been even more terrible than i had feared.
so yeah. fuck voting from now on.
2 party system in multi-party politics = travesty
@Cerberus um, it's the same system they have in Germany and your very own Dutchland.
In fact it's specifically called something something majority democracy. Or something.
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